Diane Feinstein vs. Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Trump, Feinstein spar over reports of Chinese spy on her staff

Recently, it had been discovered that Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy watching her for the last 20 years, who was her driver. The FBI let her know they were investigating the person after which she promptly fired them.

Now compare that to Donald Trump and Carter Paige. Here you had a suspected Russian spy and the FBI did not tell Trump. Instead, they created a FSI warrant to investigate him and everyone around him in secret.

That about sums is all up right there. And where is the investigation surrounding everyone in Diane Feinstein's life, including her lawyers? That's right, there is none.
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Trump, Feinstein spar over reports of Chinese spy on her staff

Recently, it had been discovered that Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy watching her for the last 20 years, who was her driver. The FBI let her know they were investigating the person after which she promptly fired them.

Now compare that to Donald Trump and Carter Paige. Here you had a suspected Russian spy and the FBI did not tell Trump. Instead, they created a FSI warrant to investigate him and everyone around him in secret.

That about sums is all up right there. And where is the investigation surrounding everyone in Diane Feinstein's life, including her lawyers? That's right, there is none.

Maybe the FBI figured that Feinstein was just too dim witted to possibly collude with the Chinese to win elections

But really, how hard is it for a Dim to win in her voting district? Any idiot with a "D" beside their name could win, unless they were running against a socialist, that is.
Maybe the FBI figured that Feinstein was just too dim witted to possibly collude with the Chinese to win elections

But really, how hard is it for a Dim to win in her voting district? Any idiot with a "D" beside their name could win, unless they were running against a socialist, that is.

The FBI was turned into a dimocrap Gestapo under Bill The Rapist.

The totally gutless Bush did nothing to fix it and The Lying Cocksucker turned it into the DNC's personal SS.

The FBI is broken and needs to be torn down. They're worse than the criminals they investigate
The FBI let her know they were investigating the person after which she promptly fired them.
According to the original story Feinstein "forced the driver in question to retire" 5 years ago after being informed by the FBI after the investigation had concluded that the FBI had determined that nothing of substance (i.e. nothing classified) had been revealed (according to the story the person was reporting back to his handlers regarding "local political matters"), which isn't a surprise because "nothing of substance" describes Diane Feinstein to a tee.

So it does not appear to be an apples to apples comparison of the Carter Page-Donald Trump "incident".
dimocraps are scum

Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy

A Short History of Dianne Feinstein’s Love for China
For the last 40 years, no politician in America has arguably maintained a deeper, more longstanding and friendlier relationship with China, at the highest levels of its ruling Communist Party, than Feinstein. It dates back to the opening of U.S.-Chinese diplomatic relations in 1979.

Shortly thereafter, Feinstein, then mayor of San Francisco, established a “sister city” relationship with Shanghai, one of the earliest and most robust such relationships in U.S.-China history. Soon after, Feinstein led a mayoral delegation to China joined by her husband, investor Richard Blum, a trip they took together many times over the ensuing years as the relationship between both Feinsteins and China grew.

During the 1980s, as mayor of San Francisco, Feinstein developed a close friendship with Shanghai Mayor Jiang Zemin. This substantially enhanced Feinstein’s foreign policy profile, and created an important linkage to the U.S. government for China’s Communist Party (CCP).

Just as Feinstein rose to a prominent position in foreign affairs and national security in the U.S. Senate, first on the Foreign Relations Committee and later as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jiang rose to the top of Chinese leadership, serving as chairman of the Central Military Commission, general secretary of the CCP, and president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Under Jiang’s leadership, the PRC initiated a brutal crackdown against practitioners of Falun Gong, including mass imprisonments, beatings, torture, rape, organ harvesting, and murder, and engaging in alleged human rights atrocities against Tibetans. Feinstein never renounced her friendship with Jiang, in spite of these acts.

Feinstein and Jiang reportedly visited each other regularly in the 1980s, with Jiang once spending Thanksgiving in San Francisco with Feinstein and her husband. Jiang supposedly danced with Feinstein during one such visit, which surely must have been a propaganda coup for the CCP a la Ted Kennedy and the Soviets.

It Turned Out to Be a Lucrative Relationship......

The FBI let her know they were investigating the person after which she promptly fired them.
According to the original story Feinstein "forced the driver in question to retire" 5 years ago after being informed by the FBI after the investigation had concluded that the FBI had determined that nothing of substance (i.e. nothing classified) had been revealed (according to the story the person was reporting back to his handlers regarding "local political matters"), which isn't a surprise because "nothing of substance" describes Diane Feinstein to a tee.

So it does not appear to be an apples to apples comparison of the Carter Page-Donald Trump "incident".

The man did not spend 20 years of his life obtaining information that was without substance.

Feinstein was apart of high ranking government intelligence which was why she was targeted. There are all kinds of ways to obtain information, such as phone tapping and secretly placed microphones here and there, etc.

The question is, did she allow it to happen in return for various favors from the Chinese. But alas, no one is interested in that cuz she is not Trump.
The FBI let her know they were investigating the person after which she promptly fired them.
According to the original story Feinstein "forced the driver in question to retire" 5 years ago after being informed by the FBI after the investigation had concluded that the FBI had determined that nothing of substance (i.e. nothing classified) had been revealed (according to the story the person was reporting back to his handlers regarding "local political matters"), which isn't a surprise because "nothing of substance" describes Diane Feinstein to a tee.

So it does not appear to be an apples to apples comparison of the Carter Page-Donald Trump "incident".

The man did not spend 20 years of his life obtaining information that was without substance.
….and you know this how? According to the FBI he did but lets be clear on what they meant by "without substance", what they meant by that was "not classified". Specifically the original story indicated that the interest was obtaining information regarding "local political matters", which sounds suspiciously like an effort to dig up dirt on politicians in California.

The question is, did she allow it to happen in return for various favors from the Chinese. .
Has any evidence been presented to indicate that she did? I haven't seen anything presented, have you?

But alas, no one is interested in that cuz she is not Trump
There are plenty of people "interested", the vast majority of which have an "R" behind their names, unfortunately it appears that their interest is motivated by nothing more than partisan game playing.

I have nothing but disdain for Feinstein and it would please me to no end to see her brought low but this doesn't strike me as anything worthy of note and any time and/or money spent "investigating" it would be a complete waste of resources.
Trump, Feinstein spar over reports of Chinese spy on her staff

Recently, it had been discovered that Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy watching her for the last 20 years, who was her driver. The FBI let her know they were investigating the person after which she promptly fired them.

Now compare that to Donald Trump and Carter Paige. Here you had a suspected Russian spy and the FBI did not tell Trump. Instead, they created a FSI warrant to investigate him and everyone around him in secret.

That about sums is all up right there. And where is the investigation surrounding everyone in Diane Feinstein's life, including her lawyers? That's right, there is none.
Feinstein Vs Trump?
Evidence Vs LACK of Evidence...

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