Diane Sawyer of ABC World News is a royalist & traitor to the USA

Peter Dow

Freedom lover & fighter
Mar 3, 2010
How did I know?


Diane Sawyer of ABC World News - royalist & traitor to the republic

Today of all days, on the day of the US presidential inauguration ceremony, how did I manage to guess that Diane Sawyer of ABC World News would be tempted to run a story in support of the UK royals?

Here are the tweets I sent while watching ABC World News re-broadcast on BBC News.

  • Special edition of ABC World News for the presidential inauguration ceremony! Does this mean Diane WON'T mention the UK royals? #BBCnews
  • Go on Diane we know where your true loyalties lie you royalist bitch! #BBCnews
  • What's the matter Diane - dontcha just love that royal pregnancy you half-wit ****. #BBCnews

Then Diane Sawyer read a story about Prince Harry coming back from Afghanistan. Diane did not even mention never mind give equal prominence to all those brave American soldiers who risked more and gave more in Afghanistan than Prince Harry ever did.

Then I tweeted

  • As I predicted EVIL ROYALIST Diane Sawyer did not get through #ABCWorldNews without mentioning a UK royal - Prince Harry. #BBCnews #SKYnews
  • Diane Sawyer of #ABCWorldNews - you don't KNOW what it is to be an American - your nose is so far up UK royals' ASSES. Traitor! #BBCnews


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Jr. Miss beauty queen and "weather girl" who could read a script. Presto ...left wing anchor.
Jr. Miss beauty queen and "weather girl" who could read a script. Presto ...left wing anchor.
Sawyer is not left wing. The royals are ultra-right wing, way out on the right just before you get to the fascists.

The royalists and ultra-right wing use fascists like Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and Pinochet to exterminate their democratic and republican opponents. They always use secret agents to do their dirty work - to preserve their clean hands reputation so that they can step back in and rule after their opponents have been exterminated.

Know your royal history


Left: Prince Christoph von Hesse, in Nazi SS uniform, was a high ranking Nazi. He was chief of Hermann Goring's secret intelligence service, an aide to Heinrich Himmler and a colonel (SS-Oberfuhrer) of the Schutzstaffel (SS).
Suits you, your Royal Highness.

Centre: Prince Christoph von Hesse married Princess Sophie, the sister of Prince Philip ("of Greece and Demark", as THEY say).

Right: Philip "Mountbatten" ('cos he is now a Briton) married Princess Elizabeth and they proclaim themselves Duke and Duchess ("of Edinburgh", so THEY say).

Wikipedia: Prince Christoph of Hesse

Wikipedia: Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Marriage

American Almanac: The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

Aftermath News: The Nazi relative that the Royals disowned


The Royals and the Reich. The Princes von Hessen in Nazi Germany by Jonathan Petropoulos


Jonathan Petropoulos, in his book "Royals and the Reich" reviews the case that the Duke of Windsor was a traitor and an agent for Nazi Germany which was made by Martin Allen in his book "Hidden Agenda. How the Duke of Windsor Betrayed the Allies".

Author Martin Allen goes much further than this, arguing in his controversial book, Hidden Agenda, that the duke spied for Hitler, especially in the critical phase in late-1939 and early-1940 prior to the Battle of France.

According to Allen, the duke made inspection tours of the French army's front line positions, including the Maginot line, and provided reports of troop deployments not only to the British (French-British co-operation not being what it should have been), but also to the Germans.

The link between the duke and the Nazis, according to Allen, was wealthy American industrialist Charles Bedaux (sometimes spelled Bedault), who was a close friend of the Windsors. Bedaux had loaned them his home, chateau Cande in France, for their wedding in June 1937, and he was almost certainly a Nazi intelligence asset; he knew Goring personally and had many German business contacts.

Martin Allen goes so far as to argue that the Duke of Windsor provided Bedaux with the crucial information about the French deployment, that this information, when passed on, induced Hitler to take the bold move and invade France through the poorly defended Ardennes forest, and that this is the primary explanation for the stunning Nazi victory in May-June 1940.

It is a devastating indictment: the Duke of Windsor was not only a traitor but the main reason for the German victory in the West and all that came with it (occupation, the Battle of Britain, and the persecution of Jews in these regions, among other developments).

Sawyer - ignorant, stupid and evil

The royals are absolutely evil - most of their supporters like Sawyer are probably not aware of the evil that the royals do, but being so stupid as to support evil, is to a degree evil, so that's why I say Sawyer is evil too.

So Sawyer as a royalist is an ultra-right wing person, not left wing in the least.


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Jr. Miss beauty queen and "weather girl" who could read a script. Presto ...left wing anchor.
Sawyer is not left wing. The royals are ultra-right wing, way out on the right just before you get to the fascists.

The royalists and ultra-right wing use fascists like Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and Pinochet to exterminate their democratic and republican opponents. They always use secret agents to do their dirty work - to preserve their clean hands reputation so that they can step back in and rule after their opponents have been exterminated.

Know your royal history


Left: Prince Christoph von Hesse, in Nazi SS uniform, was a high ranking Nazi. He was chief of Hermann Goring's secret intelligence service, an aide to Heinrich Himmler and a colonel (SS-Oberfuhrer) of the Schutzstaffel (SS).
Suits you, your Royal Highness.

Centre: Prince Christoph von Hesse married Princess Sophie, the sister of Prince Philip ("of Greece and Demark", as THEY say).

Right: Philip "Mountbatten" ('cos he is now a Briton) married Princess Elizabeth and they proclaim themselves Duke and Duchess ("of Edinburgh", so THEY say).

Wikipedia: Prince Christoph of Hesse

Wikipedia: Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Marriage

American Almanac: The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

Aftermath News: The Nazi relative that the Royals disowned


The Royals and the Reich. The Princes von Hessen in Nazi Germany by Jonathan Petropoulos


Jonathan Petropoulos, in his book "Royals and the Reich" reviews the case that the Duke of Windsor was a traitor and an agent for Nazi Germany which was made by Martin Allen in his book "Hidden Agenda. How the Duke of Windsor Betrayed the Allies".

Author Martin Allen goes much further than this, arguing in his controversial book, Hidden Agenda, that the duke spied for Hitler, especially in the critical phase in late-1939 and early-1940 prior to the Battle of France.

According to Allen, the duke made inspection tours of the French army's front line positions, including the Maginot line, and provided reports of troop deployments not only to the British (French-British co-operation not being what it should have been), but also to the Germans.

The link between the duke and the Nazis, according to Allen, was wealthy American industrialist Charles Bedaux (sometimes spelled Bedault), who was a close friend of the Windsors. Bedaux had loaned them his home, chateau Cande in France, for their wedding in June 1937, and he was almost certainly a Nazi intelligence asset; he knew Goring personally and had many German business contacts.

Martin Allen goes so far as to argue that the Duke of Windsor provided Bedaux with the crucial information about the French deployment, that this information, when passed on, induced Hitler to take the bold move and invade France through the poorly defended Ardennes forest, and that this is the primary explanation for the stunning Nazi victory in May-June 1940.

It is a devastating indictment: the Duke of Windsor was not only a traitor but the main reason for the German victory in the West and all that came with it (occupation, the Battle of Britain, and the persecution of Jews in these regions, among other developments).

Sawyer - ignorant, stupid and evil

The royals are absolutely evil - most of their supporters like Sawyer are probably not aware of the evil that the royals do, but being so stupid as to support evil, is to a degree evil, so that's why I say Sawyer is evil too.

So Sawyer as a royalist is an ultra-right wing person, not left wing in the least.

I don't know where this royalist thread is headed but the dirty little secret is that Fascism is left wing. Government control of the production and distribution of goods and services is decidedly left wing.
I don't know where this royalist thread
It's supposed to be a republican, anti-royalist thread.

is headed
Enlightenment, hopefully.

but the dirty little secret is that Fascism is left wing.
Oh give over. Fascism is the ultimate far-right wing idea.

Left means for the ordinary disadvantaged people.
Right means for the privileged elite.

Fascism smashes all organisations whereby ordinary people can organise themselves, rival political parties, free trade unions, etc are all banned. Only the head of state, state and the state party is allowed.

Therefore we can see that fascism and communism, Stalinism, Castroism, etc, are all right wing, elitist positions on the political spectrum of left to right.

Government control of the production and distribution of goods and services is decidedly left wing.
Only if the government is democratic government by all the people.

Fascist government on the other hand is government by the elite only, by the head of state, by officialdom - and that's right wing.

Happy to have enlightened you! :cool:
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I didn't know that old gas bag was still gettin' air time.
Oh yes, here in Britain too. ABC World News gets re-broadcasted on BBC News around 1.30am, most nights.

There was a while when they stopped showing ABC World News on the BBC but I think they brought it back for the US Presidential election coverage.

Generally, I welcome American TV news on British TV but we get more than enough of the royals on the BBC and other British channels so when American TV starts broadcasting the royals we all groan and switch over to Russia Today and Al Jazeera.

All we want is for America to be true to itself - be a proud republic and we will love you because that's what we want too!

(I am speaking for Scottish & other British republicans there, not for UK royalists.)
I don't know where this royalist thread
It's supposed to be a republican, anti-royalist thread.

is headed
Enlightenment, hopefully.

but the dirty little secret is that Fascism is left wing.
Oh give over. Fascism is the ultimate far-right wing idea.

Left means for the ordinary disadvantaged people.
Right means for the privileged elite.

Fascism smashes all organisations whereby ordinary people can organise themselves, rival political parties, free trade unions, etc are all banned. Only the head of state, state and the state party is allowed.

Therefore we can see that fascism and communism, Stalinism, Castroism, etc, are all right wing, elitist positions on the political spectrum of left to right.

Government control of the production and distribution of goods and services is decidedly left wing.
Only if the government is democratic government by all the people.

Fascist government on the other hand is government by the elite only, by the head of state, by officialdom - and that's right wing.

Happy to have enlightened you! :cool:

Why is it assumed that "government by the elite or head of state or officialdom" is ...right wing? Stalin and Hitler were two of a kind monsters who signed a treaty and then tried to outfox each other. They both used the word "socialist" in their crazy agenda and they both persecuted Jews but historic revisionist try to tell us that Stalin was left wing but Hitler was right wing.
Jr. Miss beauty queen and "weather girl" who could read a script. Presto ...left wing anchor.
Sawyer is not left wing. The royals are ultra-right wing, way out on the right just before you get to the fascists.

The royalists and ultra-right wing use fascists like Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and Pinochet to exterminate their democratic and republican opponents. They always use secret agents to do their dirty work - to preserve their clean hands reputation so that they can step back in and rule after their opponents have been exterminated.

Know your royal history


Wikipedia: Prince Christoph of Hesse

Wikipedia: Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Marriage

American Almanac: The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

Aftermath News: The Nazi relative that the Royals disowned


The Royals and the Reich. The Princes von Hessen in Nazi Germany by Jonathan Petropoulos


Jonathan Petropoulos, in his book "Royals and the Reich" reviews the case that the Duke of Windsor was a traitor and an agent for Nazi Germany which was made by Martin Allen in his book "Hidden Agenda. How the Duke of Windsor Betrayed the Allies".

Author Martin Allen goes much further than this, arguing in his controversial book, Hidden Agenda, that the duke spied for Hitler, especially in the critical phase in late-1939 and early-1940 prior to the Battle of France.

According to Allen, the duke made inspection tours of the French army's front line positions, including the Maginot line, and provided reports of troop deployments not only to the British (French-British co-operation not being what it should have been), but also to the Germans.

The link between the duke and the Nazis, according to Allen, was wealthy American industrialist Charles Bedaux (sometimes spelled Bedault), who was a close friend of the Windsors. Bedaux had loaned them his home, chateau Cande in France, for their wedding in June 1937, and he was almost certainly a Nazi intelligence asset; he knew Goring personally and had many German business contacts.

Martin Allen goes so far as to argue that the Duke of Windsor provided Bedaux with the crucial information about the French deployment, that this information, when passed on, induced Hitler to take the bold move and invade France through the poorly defended Ardennes forest, and that this is the primary explanation for the stunning Nazi victory in May-June 1940.

It is a devastating indictment: the Duke of Windsor was not only a traitor but the main reason for the German victory in the West and all that came with it (occupation, the Battle of Britain, and the persecution of Jews in these regions, among other developments).

Sawyer - ignorant, stupid and evil

The royals are absolutely evil - most of their supporters like Sawyer are probably not aware of the evil that the royals do, but being so stupid as to support evil, is to a degree evil, so that's why I say Sawyer is evil too.

So Sawyer as a royalist is an ultra-right wing person, not left wing in the least.

I don't know where this royalist thread is headed but the dirty little secret is that Fascism is left wing. Government control of the production and distribution of goods and services is decidedly left wing.

It takes the cooperation of major corporations to cement this......for example as in 'corporate fascism'. The right wing is also suspect, but I can agree the left wing is more expedient towards achieving this kind of state.
Brit history is a fascinating study. They had their chance in the 1600's to establish a government by the people after Cromwell's revolution and the execution of King Chuck but they couldn't do it. Chuck duce came back to the throne and the Brits once again turned into sheep.
Why is it assumed that "government by the elite or head of state or officialdom" is ...right wing? Stalin and Hitler were two of a kind monsters who signed a treaty and then tried to outfox each other. They both used the word "socialist" in their crazy agenda and they both persecuted Jews but historic revisionist try to tell us that Stalin was left wing but Hitler was right wing.
Oh Stalin was right-wing OK and he was all "me, me, me" and I suppose in that sense he had the same old agenda of any monarch or dictator through the ages.

What Stalin didn't have was his own political right-wing crazy ideology - he simply give lip service to the "Marxist-Leninism" politics of the Soviets and disregarded anything inconvenient in the communist ideas, anything which might have suggested he should not rule like a ruthless dictator rather than on behalf of a dictating class, "the proletariat". I know, I know, it's crazy, I'm just saying Stalin was not the author of the particular craziness.

Hitler on the other hand was far more original in his right-wing crazy ideology, Nazism he called "National Socialism". He even wrote his own book "Mein Kampf"!

But neither of them were true socialists, of for society, both were highly anti-social and did very severe damage to the German, Russian and European society generally.

Hitler and Stalin simply used the word "socialist" and hoped nobody would notice that they weren't socialists at all. Both were elitist, right-wing dictator-kings running their own personal kingdoms and destroying everything in society which got in their way.

Not left wing at all!
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Brit history is a fascinating study. They had their chance in the 1600's to establish a government by the people after Cromwell's revolution and the execution of King Chuck but they couldn't do it. Chuck duce came back to the throne and the Brits once again turned into sheep.
Listen bud, the only sheep I am is the "white sheep" in Condi's family, OK?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9CeyMM6KaQ]Condi is my Mammy - YouTube[/ame]
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Nobody cares.
Russian television cares that British people are being killed by the Queen's police.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUbKzP6xI6A]Police are the murderers! DEMO Downing St, London. - YouTube[/ame]

I would hope that some Americans care too.
How did I know?


Diane Sawyer of ABC World News - royalist & traitor to the republic

Today of all days, on the day of the US presidential inauguration ceremony, how did I manage to guess that Diane Sawyer of ABC World News would be tempted to run a story in support of the UK royals?

Here are the tweets I sent while watching ABC World News re-broadcast on BBC News.

  • Special edition of ABC World News for the presidential inauguration ceremony! Does this mean Diane WON'T mention the UK royals? #BBCnews
  • Go on Diane we know where your true loyalties lie you royalist bitch! #BBCnews
  • What's the matter Diane - dontcha just love that royal pregnancy you half-wit ****. #BBCnews

Then Diane Sawyer read a story about Prince Harry coming back from Afghanistan. Diane did not even mention never mind give equal prominence to all those brave American soldiers who risked more and gave more in Afghanistan than Prince Harry ever did.

Then I tweeted

  • As I predicted EVIL ROYALIST Diane Sawyer did not get through #ABCWorldNews without mentioning a UK royal - Prince Harry. #BBCnews #SKYnews
  • Diane Sawyer of #ABCWorldNews - you don't KNOW what it is to be an American - your nose is so far up UK royals' ASSES. Traitor! #BBCnews

Wow - imagine how many Englishmen would have been spared drawing and quartering if only they had to write a factually true article about the King's grandson to be considered a "royalist".

"You're a traitor to the crown!!!!!!!!"
"Not so, I once published an article stating factual things about the King's grandson"
"Oh - well in that case, you're a royalist! My bad, you may go now!"

BTW - you're a moron.

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