Dick Cheney has heart transplant

Someome else died because Cheney at 72 was allowed on a trransplant list.

most are cut off at 60.

Huh? How could that be? Some third party determines who can and cannot receive medical treatment based on their age? Seems like a life or death decision to me, something one would expect from a...Death Panel!
Do you on the right know who paid for this new heart for Cheney?

We did you fucking racist.

What of it?

You sad he lived? Sad that the fantasy of him dying a horrible painful death while his family watched in horror isn't going to come true for you?

And you seriously wonder why I call you vile.
Im far more concerned about the person who didnt get this heart because Cheney did.

Cheney would have died a natural death if he didnt get a heart.

That is what happened to the person who should have gotten this heart.

Now why is it OK to buy Cheney a new heart when he has millions of his own dollars?
Obviously, the decision on who gets medical treatment should be made on the politics of the reciipient.
Im far more concerned about the person who didnt get this heart because Cheney did.

Cheney would have died a natural death if he didnt get a heart.

That is what happened to the person who should have gotten this heart.

Now why is it OK to buy Cheney a new heart when he has millions of his own dollars?

Google how the system picks who gets a heart hate monger.

His name was never brought up, and it doesn't matter how much money you have, you can't buy any organ out there.
Illegal aliens get organ transplants - FREE.

Illegal Immigrants Get Free Organ Transplants | Judicial Watch

Death Row inmates, no problem

Death-Row Inmate Seeks Organ Transplant - ABC News

Alcoholics like Mickey Mantle, Larry Hagman, David Crosby, all got organ transplants.

It's republicans who shouldn't get transplants. The whole selection procedure should be politicized. Like the way the decision to close car dealerships was made a few years ago.


dick cheney had a heart????????:d

This is obviously what Republicans think, despite his lies and atrocious policies that led to the death of thousands of Americans.

These sick bastards somehow are grateful for the death and destruction laid in Cheney's wake. They are some of the most disturbing people who ever graced this Earth.

Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, ET. AL. fit where are the list?
Im far more concerned about the person who didnt get this heart because Cheney did.

Cheney would have died a natural death if he didnt get a heart.

That is what happened to the person who should have gotten this heart.

Now why is it OK to buy Cheney a new heart when he has millions of his own dollars?

Trust me it's tough trying to decide which of your posts are the most idiotic, but this one is right up there with some of your worst.

You obviously know nothing about the criteria used to first determine who even qualifies to make the list of potential recipients. But once a person is on the list several other criteria kick in when matching a donor organ to a lucky person, including, for example, the geographic locations of the organ and those for whom it would be a suitable match.

I haven't followed the story much so please enlighten the class as to where you found out Cheney's heart was paid for by anyone other than himself and his insurance company.

Here, educate yourself for a change...UNOS | Donation & Transplantation | Organ Allocation
Got negged by another Retughlican for claiming that the Iraq war was started over fabrications. Gosh, you people are beyond retarded. It really burns you to question authority, except when it is not your own guy. Republicans march lock step to foreign policy commands and call anyone unAmerican or unPatriotic when they don't agree with them.

Sorry Cons, but Powell lied out his teeth. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 nor had WMD's, yet you are still throw a hissy fit when this is pointed out to you.

Not only do you act like children, but you are dangerous. Your views get people killed, but you will hide behind this false charade of patriotism while rationalizing the unnecessary killings of others. You are beyond fucking sick.
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dick cheney had a heart????????:d

This is obviously what Republicans think, despite his lies and atrocious policies that led to the death of thousands of Americans.

These sick bastards somehow are grateful for the death and destruction laid in Cheney's wake. They are some of the most disturbing people who ever graced this Earth.

Clearly if he is living and had a heart transpant that he had a heart.

You are aware the Vice President doesnt create any policies, right?

dick cheney had a heart????????:d

This is obviously what Republicans think, despite his lies and atrocious policies that led to the death of thousands of Americans.

These sick bastards somehow are grateful for the death and destruction laid in Cheney's wake. They are some of the most disturbing people who ever graced this Earth.

Clearly if he is living and had a heart transpant that he had a heart.

You are aware the Vice President doesnt create any policies, right?

I bet you think PNAC was like a fortune cookie to the Bush Camp.
Got negged by another Retughlican for claiming that the Iraq war was started over fabrications. Gosh, you people are beyond retarded. It really burns you to question authority, except when it is not your own guy. Republicans march lock step to foreign policy commands and call anyone unAmerican or unPatriotic when they don't agree with them.

Sorry Cons, but Powell lied out his teeth. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 nor had WMD's, yet you are still throw a hissy fit when this is pointed out to you.

Not only do you act like children, but you are dangerous. Your views get people killed, but you will hide behind this false charade of patriotism while rationalizing the unnecessary killings of others. You are beyond fucking sick.

It is a base level trait of right wingers. They just cannot be wrong, it is impossible someone else has to be wrong.
This is obviously what Republicans think, despite his lies and atrocious policies that led to the death of thousands of Americans.

These sick bastards somehow are grateful for the death and destruction laid in Cheney's wake. They are some of the most disturbing people who ever graced this Earth.

Clearly if he is living and had a heart transpant that he had a heart.

You are aware the Vice President doesnt create any policies, right?

I bet you think PNAC was like a fortune cookie to the Bush Camp.

In other words, you don't really have a response to what I said.
Clearly if he is living and had a heart transpant that he had a heart.

You are aware the Vice President doesnt create any policies, right?

I bet you think PNAC was like a fortune cookie to the Bush Camp.

In other words, you don't really have a response to what I said.

Stop being a literal douche. Of course the VP does not have actual policy sway. Heck, even the President doesn't, but stop being naive. Claiming the VP has no influence is just bizarre, especially in the regards of the Bush administration.

Seriously, why am I even listening to fucking idiots claim that Cheney had no influence in FP during the Bush administration over a technicality regarding the VP? This is beyond fucking absurd.
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