Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin Was A ‘Mistake’

i've always marveled at the ignorance that would make someone support a politician simply for based on the amusement value of the level that politician repels normal people.

Based on WHAT evidence? That SNL did parodies of her?

You do know that she never said she could see Russia from her front porch, right?

And its her fault that Romney people set her up for an ambush in the Couric interview, too, right?

And if you think that her fans support her because she repels the anti-normal left then you really dont have the analytical skills to understand the explanation I would give you, so I wont bother.

Now that I have disagreed with you, go ahead and neg me. Thats how libs do it right? lol

The libtard repulsion is far from the only reason that Palins fans like her.
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Here is the New York Times covering a recent Palin speech:


CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — Let us begin by confessing that, if Sarah Palin surfaced to say something intelligent and wise and fresh about the present American condition, many of us would fail to hear it.

That is not how we’re primed to see Ms. Palin. A pugnacious Tea Partyer? Sure. A woman of the people? Yup. A Mama Grizzly? You betcha.

But something curious happened when Ms. Palin strode onto the stage last weekend at a Tea Party event in Indianola, Iowa. Along with her familiar and predictable swipes at President Barack Obama and the “far left,” she delivered a devastating indictment of the entire U.S. political establishment — left, right and center — and pointed toward a way of transcending the presently unbridgeable political divide.

The next day, the “lamestream” media, as she calls it, played into her fantasy of it by ignoring the ideas she unfurled and dwelling almost entirely on the will-she-won’t-she question of her presidential ambitions.

So here is something I never thought I would write: a column about Sarah Palin’s ideas.

There was plenty of the usual Palin schtick — words that make clear that she is not speaking to everyone but to a particular strain of American: “The working men and women of this country, you got up off your couch, you came down from the deer stand, you came out of the duck blind, you got off the John Deere, and we took to the streets, and we took to the town halls, and we ended up at the ballot box.”

But when her throat was cleared at last, Ms. Palin had something considerably more substantive to say.

She made three interlocking points. First, that the United States is now governed by a “permanent political class,” drawn from both parties, that is increasingly cut off from the concerns of regular people. Second, that these Republicans and Democrats have allied with big business to mutual advantage to create what she called “corporate crony capitalism.” Third, that the real political divide in the United States may no longer be between friends and foes of Big Government, but between friends and foes of vast, remote, unaccountable institutions (both public and private).

In supporting her first point, about the permanent political class, she attacked both parties’ tendency to talk of spending cuts while spending more and more; to stoke public anxiety about a credit downgrade, but take a vacation anyway; to arrive in Washington of modest means and then somehow ride the gravy train to fabulous wealth. She observed that 7 of the 10 wealthiest counties in the United States happen to be suburbs of the nation’s capital.

Her second point, about money in politics, helped to explain the first. The permanent class stays in power because it positions itself between two deep troughs: the money spent by the government and the money spent by big companies to secure decisions from government that help them make more money.

“Do you want to know why nothing ever really gets done?” she said, referring to politicians. “It’s because there’s nothing in it for them. They’ve got a lot of mouths to feed — a lot of corporate lobbyists and a lot of special interests that are counting on them to keep the good times and the money rolling along.”

Because her party has agitated for the wholesale deregulation of money in politics and the unshackling of lobbyists, these will be heard in some quarters as sacrilegious words.

Ms. Palin’s third point was more striking still: in contrast to the sweeping paeans to capitalism and the free market delivered by the Republican presidential candidates whose ranks she has yet to join, she sought to make a distinction between good capitalists and bad ones. The good ones, in her telling, are those small businesses that take risks and sink and swim in the churning market; the bad ones are well-connected megacorporations that live off bailouts, dodge taxes and profit terrifically while creating no jobs.

Strangely, she was saying things that liberals might like, if not for Ms. Palin’s having said them.

“This is not the capitalism of free men and free markets, of innovation and hard work and ethics, of sacrifice and of risk,” she said of the crony variety. She added: “It’s the collusion of big government and big business and big finance to the detriment of all the rest — to the little guys. It’s a slap in the face to our small business owners — the true entrepreneurs, the job creators accounting for 70 percent of the jobs in America.”

Is there a hint of a political breakthrough hiding in there?

No, there will never be a breakthrough between the populist left and the populist right because so many on both sides are so conditioned to see the other as complete lunatics and embiciles that they can only understand the other in the context of that stupidity and wackoism.

And so the people stay divided and impotent as the corporate lobbyists run DC and rape the American people.

Palin was a threat to that system and so Tweedle Dee from the left savaged her in ridiculous attacks and snide humor, giving the leftwing rank and file 'reasons' to dislike her, dismiss her, but most importantly to ignore anything she had to say.

And it worked beautifully, for them.

Dick Cheney is part of the crony capitalism that runs DC and this country through the power that comes from DC.

Of course he thinks Palin a bad pick as she was a threat to the system that feeds Cheney and his entourage.
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All the right wing whackos right here should start a movement to make Sarah the VP choice for Mittens.

Please please PLEASE make Sarah the VP choice.

If you thought Obama's margin of victory was ok in 08, you really wouldn't have seen anything yet.


President Obama thanks you for your efforts on his behalf.

And he would approve of this message.
I personally think that McCain gets too much grief over picking Palin, and a lot of the judgments about Palin aren't based on what we knew in 2008, but what she's done since in her "reality TV" mode. Yes, let's concede the point, we really dodged a bullet putting someone that petty and dumb a heartbeat away from the presidency.

However, the People saying "I told you so" really said no such things in 2008. At the time, Palin looked like a pretty good pick. She got the conservative base excited, she had a good record as a reformer, she was attractive and likable.

McCain's real problems were that his own party really didn't want him, but the alternatives were worse, and the economic and military situations had drained any popularity the GOP had.
admit it Cheney...picking John McPain was the real pain-in-the-ass 'mistake'....:mad:

He was probably the best the GOP had available, compared to the alternatives.

This year, we took the guy who wasn't any damned good four years ago and said, "Yeah. Creepy Undertaker look with a weird religion. Let's go with that!"

The best candidates did not want to run in 08 because they knew that the American people were sick of the GOP label after 8 years of GOP neocon liars running the show.

If Romney wins we will get 4 more such years.
I personally think that McCain gets too much grief over picking Palin, and a lot of the judgments about Palin aren't based on what we knew in 2008, but what she's done since in her "reality TV" mode. Yes, let's concede the point, we really dodged a bullet putting someone that petty and dumb a heartbeat away from the presidency.

No, no one dodged a bullet. Did you read ANY of the NYT article I just posted? Are these the thoughts of an idiot? Can a moron really go from small town politics to winning the govenorship without the support of any of the party establishments and win?

That so many think Palin a moron is a testimony to the power of the Big Lie; repeat enough and it becomes fact in most peoples minds no matter how ridiculous or irrational.

However, the People saying "I told you so" really said no such things in 2008. At the time, Palin looked like a pretty good pick. She got the conservative base excited, she had a good record as a reformer, she was attractive and likable.

McCain's real problems were that his own party really didn't want him, but the alternatives were worse, and the economic and military situations had drained any popularity the GOP had.

The neocons control the GOP from their DC deep pockets.

Till that is broke in BOTH parties, things in the country will only go from bad to catastrophic as these theives loot every dime they can from the public Treasury.

They remind me of the scene in the Sopranos where they are systematically looting this sporting goods store owner who got caught up in a crooked poker game. As the store owner is reduced to a drunken crying mess, Tony explains, "Yeah, we are looting you out. That is what we know, that is how we do things. It's nothing personal."

That was a profoundly illuminating series of shows about how these theives in our government view the public at large.

To clarify; the vast majority of people who work for and in the government, especially the federal government are not dishonest people at all. They could have made a lot more money in the private sector but chose government so that they could serve the American people. I know this because I have worked as a contractor in the federal government from one agency project to another and by and large these are a very impressive group of people.

But there is a vein of greed that runs through almost every agency and it is thicker the higher you go up in government management.

The guys at the top are Satanic and do rituals with child sacrifices and group orgies deep in the woods in the moonlight. Well, just kidding about that last sentence. Mostly.
Well, sounds like ole Dick ain't totally senile...yet...

Fascinating how that works in la la land. Dick Cheney is a lying republican war monger unless he says something you like and then all of a sudden he's right on.

but of course..
like Obama picking Biden has been a huge win for him...
how scary to think he could step in as President...
It seems the liberals aren't as for women as they like to crow.

First they dumped Hillary who could of been the FIRST WOMAN President, and they dump all over Sarah Palin as Vice President and a Governor..

my my...
It seems the liberals aren't as for women as they like to crow.

First they dumped Hillary who could of been the FIRST WOMAN President, and they dump all over Sarah Palin as Vice President and a Governor..

my my...

Actually, I would say that both are the halmarks of equality. Decisions were made on the merits, not gender.

Hillary wasn't rejected because she was a woman. She was rejected because Democrats wondered if they wanted 4-8 more years of the Clinton Circus, and decided against it.

Palin wasn't rejected because she was a woman; she was rejected because it became painfully honest that if McCain had a grabber, she wasn't up for the job. .
Now why did liberals stay home? Ass kicking is coming this year too, but go ahead and tell me why libs stayed home in 2010?
For one, because Obama didn't fight for a public option, and never included single payer even in early negotiations.

For another, he let Republicans kill the closing of GTMO.

For another, he compromised on his stimulus, then didn't call out Republicans who criticized it, then posed with giant stimulus checks in their districts, taking credit for it.

Need more?

okay, has he improved since then? How?

Yes. He has finally learned, the hard way, that Republicans care more about winning elections than helping the American people, and has stopped exclusively appealing to them to work with him. Now he is just going around them whenever possible.
It seems the liberals aren't as for women as they like to crow.

First they dumped Hillary who could of been the FIRST WOMAN President, and they dump all over Sarah Palin as Vice President and a Governor..

my my...

Actually, I would say that both are the halmarks of equality. Decisions were made on the merits, not gender.

Hillary wasn't rejected because she was a woman. She was rejected because Democrats wondered if they wanted 4-8 more years of the Clinton Circus, and decided against it.

Palin wasn't rejected because she was a woman; she was rejected because it became painfully honest that if McCain had a grabber, she wasn't up for the job. .

ummm hummm, Palin had more qualification than OBAMA...at least she was a Governor of a state, Obama was a damn JUNIOR SENATOR of less then TWO YEARS and a lowly state senator before that..
and Biden, dear gawd we all hoped nothing would happen where that dunce would step in President
No, Liberals stayed home.

Now why did liberals stay home? Ass kicking is coming this year too, but go ahead and tell me why libs stayed home in 2010?
For one, because Obama didn't fight for a public option, and never included single payer even in early negotiations.

For another, he let Republicans kill the closing of GTMO.

For another, he compromised on his stimulus, then didn't call out Republicans who criticized it, then posed with giant stimulus checks in their districts, taking credit for it.

Need more?

So democrats put up zero opposition with a majority.

By Zach Carter

Former Vice President Dick Cheney criticized Sen. John McCain's 2008 decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate, saying Palin was not prepared to take over the presidency.

"That one I don't think was well handled," Cheney said. "The test to get on that small list has to be, ‘Is this person capable of being president of the United States?’"

Cheney's comments came in an interview with ABC, a segment of which aired Sunday morning. The full interview will run Sunday evening.

Cheney said that while considerations like a person's background, gender or ethnicity are "important," they should never "override" the question of whether a vice president would be capable of running the country.

More: Dick Cheney: Sarah Palin Pick 'A Mistake' (VIDEO)

Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin for VP Was ‘A Mistake’ - ABC News

Coming from one of the most disasterous administrations in terms of civil rights in our nations history, Cheney should shut the fuck up and be glad he isnt in fucking prison, the baldheaded ass-wipe.

Palin brought far more votes to McSame than Cheney ever brought to George Bush the Lesser. Cheney is a neocon moron who is jealous of Palins record for not shooting her hunting partners, lol.
This is one of those posts I don't know whether to thank or laugh at.

OK, I'll laugh. :lol:
Isn't Dick Cheney just another lying republican war monger? How can we believe him?
Is that your position? That Cheney is just a liar?

Why not? Cheney will lie when it suits him and engage in the most extraordinary hypocrisy when it suits him.

Anyone remember this one?

"Reagan proved that deficits dont matter."

With one statement that senile old fool wiped out forty years of GOP PR on keeping the deficit down.

Cheney should get his ugly mug away from the damned camera before he gives the GOP another blast below the water line.
I'll definitely thank this one!
Cheney is the archetype curmudgeon, bad-tempered, cantankerous and so very predictable. Why does anyone care about his opinions?

The exception. I'd like to know who attended his energy task force and what they did to fuck things up and why (well, we know why - M O N E Y for the few, misery for the rest).

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