Dick Cheney

I knew the only way that man would ever have one is if some surgeon didn't cut open his chest and put one in there.....Personally, I hope his body rejects it. The man is a war criminal.

C'mon!!!!! Really?
Dick? The guy who was asked to set up a study committee to come up w/ a list of possible VP candidates and then submitted his own name? That Dick? :lol:
Dick Cheney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In early 2000, while serving as the CEO of Halliburton, Cheney headed then-Governor of Texas George W. Bush's vice-presidential search committee. On July 25, after reviewing Cheney's findings, Bush surprised some pundits by asking Cheney himself to join the Republican ticket.[14][59] Halliburton reportedly reached agreement on July 20 to allow Cheney to retire, with a package estimated at $20 million.

Worked out great.

As Neotrotsky noted, the alternative is to risk getting some dumb piece of crap like Biden.
I wish him a good recovery. Was it paid for with our tax dollars?
Of course we paid for it.

Dick Cheney receives heart transplant - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work, can't not be used by the rich?

Really, if you want to use that line of argument
Cheney has probably paid more in taxes then he has used

No doubt the gov't has a "tax" surplus with him

Unlike like someone like you who probably gets an EIC from the gov't

Umm His income for most of his working life was was from tax dollars....
Got to love Cheney He's a patriot

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJvXUcvl-ok]Former VP Cheney On Waterboarding & The Outrage Of Investigating CIA Officers - YouTube[/ame]

So benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work, can't not be used by the rich?

Really, if you want to use that line of argument
Cheney has probably paid more in taxes then he has used

No doubt the gov't has a "tax" surplus with him

Unlike like someone like you who probably gets an EIC from the gov't

Umm His income for most of his working life was was from tax dollars....

His wealth comes from his holdings and pensions from his corporate position in Halliburton
Their major profits comes from the energy sector.

The good news
that includes oil

so the left can still hate for that
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Look at the hate speech from the left. I guess it's OK to call the former V.P. "darth vader" even if it makes no sense but wishing his body will reject his new heart is a sign of deranged thinking. Say what you want about the right wing, the wish list pretty much deals with elections and maybe indictments for crimes. Look at the left wing, they are infatuated with death. They hoped Clarence Thomas would have a bad diet and die of a heart attack, they chand "kill Rush Limbaugh and now they wish the former vice president rejects his heart transplant. Think about what Rush is accused of doing and you have a double standard times ten.

I wish people would pay me millions like they do Rush.

Perhaps if you did not push the Leftist crap
they would
I take it that means that medicare payed for it? Such irony.

You take it any way you wish, regardless of the facts.

But the point was (and remains) that you have a ready steady supply of trite one-liners. The shit you had just posted had already been said by several others. You are predictable and boring, but totally unoriginal; and you had no idea whether or not he used medicare when you "asked" that alleged "question."

You STILL have no idea.

More to the point though, there is nothing about the use of medicare (if it was utilized) that in ANY way impacts on anything Vice President Cheney ever argued.

So, bottom line: you are full of it. There is nothing "ironic" in any of this.
I'm sorry that you are disappointed.

I will try to muster up a tear.

So, did medicare pay for it or not?

I don't care if you muster up a tear or not, Ravi. And I'm not disappointed. I fully expected you to offer nothing but trite liberal orthodoxy boring unoriginal piffle.
Also, like you, I don't know if medicare paid dime one or not. And I don't care.

But even if medicare did pay, that point remains entirely irrelevant.
Another informed and honest person.


No. Just another dork with a rancid stupid ignorant opinion which you, of course, being a tool, share.

And you fall under the, "Projection" category. The most common of the GOP reactionary tools...an easily manipulated one at that. In case you didn't know, there are countries around the globe that would arrest the war criminal in a heart beat. Did you seek and recieve 5 deferments as well?
Inspiring impotent leftist butthurt is not a war crime.

Did you know that as Vice President, Cheney had no authority to order our troops to do anything, and therefore could not possibly have committed war crimes?

I'm curious how you will explain the dichotomy between reality and your fevered dreams.
I'm happy that Cheney had the operation and can spend more time with his family. I'm also that we taxpayers and our Government were able to take care of this for him.

You have the invoice from the hospital as who paid, asswipe?

Post it up.

Short of that -

Shut The Fuck Up.

Why don't you provide a link that shows how he dug in his deep pockets and paid his medical costs out of his pocket. That would really shut us up, asswipe.
No, it wouldn't.
Seriously, is there any republican that the left doesn't hate enough to wish Him (or her) dead? Republicans joke about elections and birth certificates and indictments and sodomy in the Oval Office but the left wants people dead.
I did not want anyone dead in Iraq.
They had done nothing to harm me.
Cheney and virtually all of the right wanted people dead in Iraq.
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