Dick Cheney

Willow, still waiting for that proof that Cheney paid for this himself.

Take your time. Obviously you need it.

poor old nimrod.. you asked me if I cared. I clearly stated "I don't care." damn how retarded are ewe anyway?

You don't know and you don't care, but you will attack anyone who suggests that the taxpayers paid for this.

heh heh

Careful. You're hate is showing.

heeee heee heee hardy har har..
did he skip ahead of anyone else in line & who paid for it?
The article I read said he had been on the waiting list for 20 months that is almost two years so I would guess no he didn't.

besides which stupid old dot pig don't know you can't just skip ahead,, you have to be a precise tissue match.. he's in nirvana with stupid old TM.. two happy peas in a pig pod.
who paid for it Willow? :eusa_eh: I suspect that he used socialized medicine. :eusa_whistle:
While I wouldn't say I have much respect for the man, I wish him a speedy recovery... as I would most individuals.

I actually met him. Shook his hand.
Radiated Americanism.

I really like listening to his daughter Liz.

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Hell will still be there when he finally kicks off, in the meantime I wonder if he had them remove the human kindness from it so that it would match the last one.
Look at the hate speech from the left. I guess it's OK to call the former V.P. "darth vader" even if it makes no sense but wishing his body will reject his new heart is a sign of deranged thinking. Say what you want about the right wing, the wish list pretty much deals with elections and maybe indictments for crimes. Look at the left wing, they are infatuated with death. They hoped Clarence Thomas would have a bad diet and die of a heart attack, they chand "kill Rush Limbaugh and now they wish the former vice president rejects his heart transplant. Think about what Rush is accused of doing and you have a double standard times ten.

I wish people would pay me millions like they do Rush.
Had a heart transplant today.


I know he'll be ok. Hr's been there, done that.

You know liberals hate the man? because he's the real deal, that's why!

I'll be saying a prayer for hom tonight.c

They hate him because he speaks the truth about Papa Obama

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

I wish I could thank you and willow, but since they changed this site, I don't know how.

Stay strong Liz!!!!
Who said the government paid for it? He could afford his own.

He certainly profited enough on the deaths of thousands of Americans so he should be able to pay for several.

Is there anyone worse than a war profiteer?
I see you blindly swallowed the leftist bullshit about Cheney's Halliburton stock.


Hey it was good enough for Papa Obama

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

At least we get something for the money
Unlike the failed crony capitalist crap Papa Obama pushes
like Solyndra
Damn, shouldn't that read Cheney was given a heart, finally?

Is medicare paying for it?

So trite. So unoriginal. So boring.

So typical of Ravi.

I take it that means that medicare payed for it? Such irony.

You take it any way you wish, regardless of the facts.

But the point was (and remains) that you have a ready steady supply of trite one-liners. The shit you had just posted had already been said by several others. You are predictable and boring, but totally unoriginal; and you had no idea whether or not he used medicare when you "asked" that alleged "question."

You STILL have no idea.

More to the point though, there is nothing about the use of medicare (if it was utilized) that in ANY way impacts on anything Vice President Cheney ever argued.

So, bottom line: you are full of it. There is nothing "ironic" in any of this.
Cheney is a patriot, and one of the best VPs in American history. Let’s all wish him a speedy recovery.
So trite. So unoriginal. So boring.

So typical of Ravi.

I take it that means that medicare payed for it? Such irony.

You take it any way you wish, regardless of the facts.

But the point was (and remains) that you have a ready steady supply of trite one-liners. The shit you had just posted had already been said by several others. You are predictable and boring, but totally unoriginal; and you had no idea whether or not he used medicare when you "asked" that alleged "question."

You STILL have no idea.

More to the point though, there is nothing about the use of medicare (if it was utilized) that in ANY way impacts on anything Vice President Cheney ever argued.

So, bottom line: you are full of it. There is nothing "ironic" in any of this.
I'm sorry that you are disappointed.

I will try to muster up a tear.

So, did medicare pay for it or not?
Dick? The guy who was asked to set up a study committee to come up w/ a list of possible VP candidates and then submitted his own name? That Dick? :lol:
In early 2000, while serving as the CEO of Halliburton, Cheney headed then-Governor of Texas George W. Bush's vice-presidential search committee. On July 25, after reviewing Cheney's findings, Bush surprised some pundits by asking Cheney himself to join the Republican ticket.[14][59] Halliburton reportedly reached agreement on July 20 to allow Cheney to retire, with a package estimated at $20 million.
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Everyone be careful you don't trip over the talking points in here.

40,000 wounded and 4000 dead are not talking points...unless you are a Fox Noise fan.
Since the Vice President could not have ordered the invasion of Iraq or send troops anywhere that makes them talking points and in case it slipped your mind a fair number of Democrats also supported the action in Iraq including the current Vice President and Secretary of State. Both did try and back track later but only after public support of the war dropped and it became a political liability in 2008.
Dick? The guy who was asked to set up a study committee to come up w/ a list of possible VP candidates and then submitted his own name? That Dick? :lol:
Dick Cheney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In early 2000, while serving as the CEO of Halliburton, Cheney headed then-Governor of Texas George W. Bush's vice-presidential search committee. On July 25, after reviewing Cheney's findings, Bush surprised some pundits by asking Cheney himself to join the Republican ticket.[14][59] Halliburton reportedly reached agreement on July 20 to allow Cheney to retire, with a package estimated at $20 million.
Yes, that Dick.

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