Dick Cheney

So benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work, can't not be used by the rich?

Really, if you want to use that line of argument
Cheney has probably paid more in taxes then he has used

No doubt the gov't has a "tax" surplus with him

Unlike like someone like you who probably gets an EIC from the gov't

Umm His income for most of his working life was was from tax dollars....

Good point. I remember the stupidity of Lieberman getting hammered on the issue of where Cheney tot his money. Gore would have run better if he picked the helicopter moose shooter.
Except it is false

His wealth comes from his holdings and pensions from his corporate position in Halliburton
Their major profits comes from the energy sector.

The good news
that includes oil

so the left can still hate for that

After all the millions he and his wife have given to charity
one can only hope for a quick recovery for such a good man
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I'd withhold Cheney's heart transplant until every Iraqi amputee had a prosthesis.
If you had your way, the invasion would not have happened, Saddam would not have been deposed, and many thousands of Iraqis would have been tortured and killed by the Saddam regime, and ALL of them would have remained oppressed.

But, hey, as long as Bush didn't get his way, that would have been cool with you. They're just brown people, right?

Do us all a favor and stop pretending you give a damn about the Iraqis.
Willow, still waiting for that proof that Cheney paid for this himself.

Take your time. Obviously you need it.

poor old nimrod.. you asked me if I cared. I clearly stated "I don't care." damn how retarded are ewe anyway?

You don't know and you don't care, but you will attack anyone who suggests that the taxpayers paid for this.

heh heh

Careful. You're hate is showing.
This is hate.

Have you negged him for it?
He certainly profited enough on the deaths of thousands of Americans so he should be able to pay for several.

Is there anyone worse than a war profiteer?
I see you blindly swallowed the leftist bullshit about Cheney's Halliburton stock.


Hey it was good enough for Papa Obama

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

At least we get something for the money
Unlike the failed crony capitalist crap Papa Obama pushes
like Solyndra
It's different -- somehow -- when Obama does it. You racist!

There, did I say that right, USMB leftists?
I know Cheney has been waiting for some time and has not looked like himself lately. With a transplant, you don't get much notice, it's just....we have a match, let's go

Hope it returns his quality of life and he can return to his old irritable self

I agree, he was Vice President of our country; I hope he recovers quickly, without complications.
You have the invoice from the hospital as who paid, asswipe?

Post it up.

Short of that -

Shut The Fuck Up.

Why don't you provide a link that shows how he dug in his deep pockets and paid his medical costs out of his pocket. That would really shut us up, asswipe.
No, it wouldn't.

Yes it would. I've little doubt that he received practice medicine. Good. I've also no doubt that he received it on our dime. I agree, that a longer life is a good thing.
Why don't you provide a link that shows how he dug in his deep pockets and paid his medical costs out of his pocket. That would really shut us up, asswipe.
No, it wouldn't.

Yes it would. I've little doubt that he received practice medicine. Good. I've also no doubt that he received it on our dime. I agree, that a longer life is a good thing.
He's a wealthy man. He doesn't need taxpayer-funded healthcare.

I've little doubt you're a moron.
Its true that Cheney didn't DIRECTLY order troops to their deaths. That was the job of Bush's Brain. But, he sure as hell profited from his behind the scenes controls. All you holier than thou rw's, can stop pretending Cheney is a human being. There is no lower life form than a war profiteer.

This may be the first time a transplanted heart rejects the recipient.
When Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain tumor there wasnt one conservative on this board who wished him ill. We wished he'd leave teh senate but healthy.
But here we see the animus for a former vice president out of office for 3 years in the petty vindictiveness that only the left prides itself on.
I knew the only way that man would ever have one is if some surgeon didn't cut open his chest and put one in there.....Personally, I hope his body rejects it. The man is a war criminal.

What war crimes has he been convicted of?
When Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain tumor there wasnt one conservative on this board who wished him ill. We wished he'd leave teh senate but healthy.
But here we see the animus for a former vice president out of office for 3 years in the petty vindictiveness that only the left prides itself on.

You're wrong. Every time the Kennedy name comes up, idiot rw's say really stupid things about him and most of you have wished death on a decent, though flawed man.

There is no comparison between the two.

Kennedy spent his life trying to serve his country.

Darth spent his life profiting from thousands and thousands of deaths.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you rw's will try to say that one horrendous accidental death is equal to more than 4THOUSAND American deaths and COUNTLESS murders in an innocent country we invaded but that's just more of the desperate rw crap we're so used to.
When Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain tumor there wasnt one conservative on this board who wished him ill. We wished he'd leave teh senate but healthy.
But here we see the animus for a former vice president out of office for 3 years in the petty vindictiveness that only the left prides itself on.

You're wrong. Every time the Kennedy name comes up, idiot rw's say really stupid things about him and most of you have wished death on a decent, though flawed man.

There is no comparison between the two.

Kennedy spent his life trying to serve his country.

Darth spent his life profiting from thousands and thousands of deaths.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you rw's will try to say that one horrendous accidental death is equal to more than 4THOUSAND American deaths and COUNTLESS murders in an innocent country we invaded but that's just more of the desperate rw crap we're so used to.

Kennedy killed an innocent woman and got off scot free. He was hardly a decent man.
You're right there is no comparison: Cheney has served his country honorably as congressman, cabinet member and VP?. He was an excellent businessman as well.
Kennedy was the self-centered member of one of the most vicious political dynasties ever and would have been in jail if his name had been anything else. He supported slavery for blacks and never met a government program he couldn't vote for or someone else's money he couldn't spend.
Did I mention you're an idiot and I see your rep points prove it?
Cheney has a wife, children, and grandchildren...

And, please stop with the phony concern for his family. When you start in on Kennedy or Obama or any other Dem/Lib, you can't be bothered caring about the families. Just like you can't be bothered caring about a 17 year old murder victim or his family.

All this phony "conservative compassion" is making me sick at my stomach.

Why don't all of you go back to being your nasty honest selves.
Cheney has a wife, children, and grandchildren...

And, please stop with the phony concern for his family. When you start in on Kennedy or Obama or any other Dem/Lib, you can't be bothered caring about the families. Just like you can't be bothered caring about a 17 year old murder victim or his family.

All this phony "conservative compassion" is making me sick at my stomach.

Why don't all of you go back to being your nasty honest selves.

Oh, another shining example of liberal compassion. Of course, that is a myth because liberals spew the most hateful rhetoric known to man.

Indeed I am compassionate. I'm thinking of the 40,000 troops with serious wounds and PTSD and 4000 dead..... all for the glory of Halliburton.

You are thinking about a war criminal.

Cheney has a wife, children, and grandchildren...but you continue to cherry pick those you deem worthy of your compassion.

Hey ass fucker, don't edit my posts that you quote...because you changed the context. The OP is the one who is being phoney and selective about showing compassion. Idiot.
Yes it would. I've little doubt that he received practice medicine. Good. I've also no doubt that he received it on our dime. I agree, that a longer life is a good thing.
He's a wealthy man. He doesn't need taxpayer-funded healthcare.

I've little doubt you're a moron.

And yet..........he has it

Has it?

Oh you mean benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work

Thank god the gov't has a revenue surplus with him from all the money he has had
to pay them over the years
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Cheney is a war criminal, a lying, treasonous chicken-hawk coward. But I truly hope he recovers. Unlike him, I don't wish death on people.

He is not a war criminal. He never was. He is not a liar. He was never treasonous. He got the rap for being a chicken-hawk only because he did not serve in his youth. And there is no evidence of any kind that he is or ever was a coward.

He was a hugely important figure for America in the time after 9/11/2001. A very great American.

God's speed to him.

I absolutely agree on this; sad that there are people who see policy differences as reasons to criminalize people who give up a completely satisfying private life to serve their country with minimal reward. Cheney gave all the value gained in his KBR stock options to charity and declined to take tax deductions for doing it. KBR was given a cost plus contract in the ME because no other American company could handle it; only a company in France.

For those who don't know, cost plus contracts with the USGov limit any "profit" to a nominal rate (somewhere in the range of 6-7%) of return and require the complete audit of a company's books to justify their collections. Kbr's average income was actually reduced by their business in Afgh. and Iraq. They took it on, like Cheney did the vice presidency, out of patriotic duty knowing they'd be hassled endlessly about it.

Cheney, while waiting, has been tied to an artificial heart pump, so his haters have been right about him, at least temporarily, being without a heart.

I recommend his book "In My Time"
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