Dick Cheney

I thought libturds denied the "death panel" mentality,, and here it is in all it's glory.. glory be. shades of Sarah Palin.

The death panels have never gone away they exist only for those who don't have the resources to stay alive. Palin used her death panel talking points as a political football railing against Obamacare.

Don't think she has any empathy for her fellow man. I do, see the difference?

so you mocked Sarah Palin and denied death panels and all the while you knew she was right and that they existed.. We see how you are now.

I don't think you do. I have always known about death panels, insurance companies have been deciding who gets what for years. You don't have money, you don't get to stay alive. Dick happens to have money where some other poor schmuck didn't.

Cheney has a chance to stay alive for 5 years. His chances go down for every year past 65. I'm not saying they should just count him out, it should have been a fair chance for anyone getting that heart and I know it wasn't.
Had a heart transplant today.


I wish him a good recovery.
Yeah....he's long-overdue for one, serious

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbDfYzq_HaQ&feature=related]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]

I suggest we have a Lottery....to see who GETS the opportunity to kick the shit outta him....a Lottery limited to family-men.....in their 20s-or-30s....who need heart-transplants.

If they've got combat-related PTSD, they get an auto-pass to the front-of-the-line.​

Dumb ass partisan hack obama is still using tax payers dollars to pay for DOD contractors in Iraq.
Overseas Contractor Count – 1st quarter FY 2012 :
I am hoping you die a painful horrifying death.

Break my fuking heart, will ya?

Hey, if you hope in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first.

How does Dick's dick taste in your mouth full auto?

Level the playing field? Yea right.
Mr. Cheney was at or near the top. I don't believe who he is had anything to do with it,

Proof once again that some people will believe anything.

Doctors should have let him die on the table. Would have done the world a favor. IMO.
But there is still hope he could die soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.

I am hoping you die a painful horrifying death.

It is quite easy to level the playing.

Once PapaObama care fully kicks
the odds of your wish coming true go up

Sadly, however, this will also be for all of us, as well
If the bill to eliminate the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), the real death panels,
does not pass the Senate and/or the SCOTUS does not "defang" Papa ObamaCare, we may soon get a taste of the brave new world.

The effects of the IPAB's proposals, however, may not be to “ration health care,” raise costs to beneficiaries, restrict benefits, or modify eligibility criteria. Proposals may not, before 2020, target the rates of particular providers — primarily hospitals and hospices — that are already singled out by the ACA for extraordinary cuts.

To the point that the doctor is not using non relevant factors or personal non-relevant opinions
sure it is "equality before the eyes" of the doctor


as I said in the prior post, it seems pretty clear
I did augment this after posting, so perhaps you missed the example

eg Even if a doctor was from one political party and the patient from another

The oath would not allow him to approach treatment on them differently​

Look to me it is a" definition issue",
we are talking about
I am hoping you die a painful horrifying death.

Break my fuking heart, will ya?

Hey, if you hope in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first.

How does Dick's dick taste in your mouth full auto?

Level the playing field? Yea right.

I dont care about your heart, you are nothing but a key board cowboy. A blowhard an internet tough guy.

I laugh at clowns like you, especially when I confront clowns in person. The utter shock at staring down a barrel renders punks like you so polite.

You are no different.
(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another who needed a transplant die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?
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To the point that the doctor is not using non relevant factors or personal non-relevant opinions
sure it is "equality before the eyes" of the doctor


as I said in the prior post, it seems pretty clear
I did augment this after posting, so perhaps you missed the example

eg Even if a doctor was from one political party and the patient from another

The oath would not allow him to approach treatment on them differently​

Look to me it is a" definition issue",
we are talking about

A rather odd example, but you're right. Ethically we can't discriminate against a person because we disagree with their politics.
If the bill to eliminate the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), the real death panels,
does not pass the Senate and/or the SCOTUS does not "defang" Papa ObamaCare, we may soon get a taste of the brave new world.

The effects of the IPAB's proposals, however, may not be to “ration health care,” raise costs to beneficiaries, restrict benefits, or modify eligibility criteria. Proposals may not, before 2020, target the rates of particular providers — primarily hospitals and hospices — that are already singled out by the ACA for extraordinary cuts.


Yes, Timothy Stoltzfus, a pro Papa Obama Care advocate
would be expected to say that .....

However, since as Pelosi said "we have to pass it to see what is in it"
is now coming to fruition

We are beginning to see just how many of the claims made
are not true
(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?

I'd answer no to the first two questions; as far as the last, there is no way to know the answer to that one. It could be that another person was higher on the list but for whatever reason, couldn't undergo the surgery.

I'm pretty damned cynical, and you probably won't find anyone more radical about healthcare than I am, but I truly don't believe that what happened here is any different than any other procurement and transplant scenario.
He's a wealthy man. He doesn't need taxpayer-funded healthcare.

I've little doubt you're a moron.

And yet..........he has it

Has it?

Oh you mean benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work

Thank god the gov't has a revenue surplus with him from all the money he has had
to pay them over the years

With Cheney having five heart attacks, trust me, there was no surplus from his medical care.

Cheney has government healthcare just like millions of federal employees. It is not free, he has to pay into it. The point is that Cheney is fortunate that he has a health insurance policy that can cover a million dollar procedure for a 71 year old man. Many Americans do not.
Yes, Timothy Stoltzfus, a pro Papa Obama Care advocate
would be expected to say that .....

However, since as Pelosi said "we have to pass it to see what is in it"
is now coming to fruition

We are beginning to see just how many of the claims made
are not true

Well, it is what it is, and it's clearly spelled out by the law what they can and cannot do. I'm not that big of a conspiracy theorist, so we'll have to agree to disagree here.
And yet..........he has it

Has it?

Oh you mean benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work

Thank god the gov't has a revenue surplus with him from all the money he has had
to pay them over the years

With Cheney having five heart attacks, trust me, there was no surplus from his medical care.

Cheney has government healthcare just like millions of federal employees. It is not free, he has to pay into it. The point is that Cheney is fortunate that he has a health insurance policy that can cover a million dollar procedure for a 71 year old man. Many Americans do not.


Just one year as VP he paid over half million in Federal Taxes, alone

So you believe that the gov't has a negative cash flow in terms of tax receipts with Cheney
over the whole course of his life ?
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And yet..........he has it

Has it?

Oh you mean benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work

Thank god the gov't has a revenue surplus with him from all the money he has had
to pay them over the years

With Cheney having five heart attacks, trust me, there was no surplus from his medical care.

Cheney has government healthcare just like millions of federal employees. It is not free, he has to pay into it. The point is that Cheney is fortunate that he has a health insurance policy that can cover a million dollar procedure for a 71 year old man. Many Americans do not.

That's another thing, if Cheney were any ordinary joe schmoe, he would have been kicked off of his insurance coverage after the second heart attack or so. Does he still have insurance?
Has it?

Oh you mean benefits that are pushed and forced on the individual by the gov't as "earned" benefits from work

Thank god the gov't has a revenue surplus with him from all the money he has had
to pay them over the years

With Cheney having five heart attacks, trust me, there was no surplus from his medical care.

Cheney has government healthcare just like millions of federal employees. It is not free, he has to pay into it. The point is that Cheney is fortunate that he has a health insurance policy that can cover a million dollar procedure for a 71 year old man. Many Americans do not.


Just one year as VP he paid over half million in Federal Taxes, alone

So you believe that the gov't has a negative cash flow in terms of tax receipts with Cheney
over the whole course of his life ?

What does his federal taxes have to do with his health insurance?
(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?

I'd answer no to the first two questions; as far as the last, there is no way to know the answer to that one. It could be that another person was higher on the list but for whatever reason, couldn't undergo the surgery.

I'm pretty damned cynical, and you probably won't find anyone more radical about healthcare than I am, but I truly don't believe that what happened here is any different than any other procurement and transplant scenario.

Maybe I'm more cynical than you; it appears you are correct since I've subsequently read that Mr. Cheney spent 20 months on the waiting list.
Had a heart transplant today.


A 71 y/o man getting a transplant is nothing to cheer about.

He's at the end of his life, the heart should have gone to someone with decades to go.

Why on earth would they waste a new heart on that man? He's old and very sick, they should have given one to someone who is young and has a life to look forward to.

Why don't we just shoot old people in the head when they reach 70?
So a heart that could have kept a younger person going for decades, has about 4 more years to go in an old man.

Are you under the impression that all American men who happen to be alive that long automatically drop dead the moment they hit 75.2, doctor?

Are you in Jr. High?

What part of a 40 y/o still getting ABOUT 30 more years vs Dick getting ABOUT 4 more is over your head?

The odds are against Dick

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