Dick Cheney

well Joe Biden could use one !

Why do you say that? Joe Biden has always been good, he's happy and healthy. He leads a full life and it shows.

Cheney hasn't been well for years and years. If he was any other Joe Schmoe, he would not be pieced together like this every year.

You have one more IQ point than TM.

Anyone with insurance would get this kind of treatment.
(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?

I'd answer no to the first two questions; as far as the last, there is no way to know the answer to that one. It could be that another person was higher on the list but for whatever reason, couldn't undergo the surgery.

I'm pretty damned cynical, and you probably won't find anyone more radical about healthcare than I am, but I truly don't believe that what happened here is any different than any other procurement and transplant scenario.

Maybe I'm more cynical than you; it appears you are correct since I've subsequently read that Mr. Cheney spent 20 months on the waiting list.

From what I have read about transplant lists is you are just a number and there are numerous factors that determine compatiblity at any given moment. All the factors just lined up and Cheney got his heart

Hope he lives a long life
Haliburton stock didn't soar in value because of Iraq?
Didn't matter.

FactCheck.org: Kerry Ad Falsely Accuses Cheney on Halliburton

To any fair observor it is clear that Cheney actually lost assets by taking the office of VP. It's what the left does so well (sadly because they have their MSM echo chamber); they defamed an honest and dedicated public servant for political gain; and poisoned the minds of their minions, creating hatred against him (just look at the comments of the minions here) to an unparalled degree; DISGRACEFUL!

(from the link)
Stock Options

That still would leave the possibility that Cheney could profit from his Halliburton stock options if the company's stock rises in value. However, Cheney and his wife Lynne have assigned any future profits from their stock options in Halliburton and several other companies to charity. And we're not just taking the Cheney's word for this -- we asked for a copy of the legal agreement they signed, which we post here publicly for the first time.

The "Gift Trust Agreement" the Cheney's signed two days before he took office turns over power of attorney to a trust administrator to sell the options at some future time and to give the after-tax profits to three charities. The agreement specifies that 40% will go to the University of Wyoming (Cheney's home state), 40% will go to George Washington University's medical faculty to be used for tax-exempt charitable purposes, and 20% will go to Capital Partners for Education, a charity that provides financial aid for low-income students in Washington, DC to attend private and religious schools.

The agreement states that it is "irrevocable and may not be terminated, waived or amended," so the Cheney's can't take back their options later.

The options owned by the Cheney's have been valued at nearly $8 million, his attorney says. Such valuations are rough estimates only -- the actual value will depend on what happens to stock prices in the future, which of course can't be known beforehand. But it is clear that giving up rights to the future profits constitutes a significant financial sacrifice, and a sizable donation to the chosen charities.
The left doesn't give a shit about the truth. They have their "Cheney is evilllll!!!" programming firmly in place, and nothing -- NOTHING -- will shake it.

With Cheney having five heart attacks, trust me, there was no surplus from his medical care.

Cheney has government healthcare just like millions of federal employees. It is not free, he has to pay into it. The point is that Cheney is fortunate that he has a health insurance policy that can cover a million dollar procedure for a 71 year old man. Many Americans do not.


Just one year as VP he paid over half million in Federal Taxes, alone

So you believe that the gov't has a negative cash flow in terms of tax receipts with Cheney
over the whole course of his life ?

What does his federal taxes have to do with his health insurance?

Since Medicare Part A is mandated
at his age, he must have it

As such, it must be primary
Why on earth would they waste a new heart on that man? He's old and very sick, they should have given one to someone who is young and has a life to look forward to.


Why?.... Perhaps it is the Hippocratic Oath

Don't worry, but do be careful what you wish for....

If the bill to eliminate the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), the real death panels, does not pass the Senate and/or the SCOTUS does not "defang" Papa ObamaCare,
your wish will come true, soon enough. A future where the Hippocratic Oath is "obsolete" in the eyes of the state.

No doubt with the help of the power of the state, our future will be bright for seniors
and others

Indeed, the recent mammogram decision by a gov't panel to throw long-time guidelines for breast cancer screening,
is a small taste of future cost control under PapaObama Care and the IPAB.

For your health and all of ours, let us hope that the SCOTUS rules to reign in PapaObama Care.
Otherwise, stay healthy or you might find yourself the next 71 year old being denied treatment as
an unnecessary cost to the State or for being "obsolete" as of use to the State.

A Rousseauian future we should all hope to avoid.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQCJtfENAc]Obsolete - YouTube[/ame]
well Joe Biden could use one !

Why do you say that? Joe Biden has always been good, he's happy and healthy. He leads a full life and it shows.

Cheney hasn't been well for years and years. If he was any other Joe Schmoe, he would not be pieced together like this every year.

You have one more IQ point than TM.

Anyone with insurance would get this kind of treatment.

And you have many less points than that. Anyone with good enough insurance to pay for a procedure like that would get that kind of treatment. Or someone who had enough money to pay cash.
From what I have read about transplant lists is you are just a number and there are numerous factors that determine compatiblity at any given moment. All the factors just lined up and Cheney got his heart

Hope he lives a long life
It's a crapshoot of sorts. It could just have easily happened that he was on the losing end.

but it's not likely that someone else couldn't have used the heart he got.
Mr. Cheney was at or near the top. I don't believe who he is had anything to do with it,

Proof once again that some people will believe anything.

Doctors should have let him die on the table. Would have done the world a favor. IMO.
But there is still hope he could die soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.
And what have you done for society? Posted mindless hate on the internet?

Yeah, we're all better off for that, aren't we?

Just one year as VP he paid over half million in Federal Taxes, alone

So you believe that the gov't has a negative cash flow in terms of tax receipts with Cheney
over the whole course of his life ?

What does his federal taxes have to do with his health insurance?

Since Medicare Part A is mandated
at his age, he must have it

As such, it must be primary

My father was a federal employee, and never paid into social security or Medicare and thus doesn't have either benefit. Dad receives federal retirement and has federal employee health insurance (administered through Blue Cross---it's a helluva policy, btw).

He's only a few years older than Mr. Cheney, so perhaps the same applies here.
Why do you say that? Joe Biden has always been good, he's happy and healthy. He leads a full life and it shows.

Cheney hasn't been well for years and years. If he was any other Joe Schmoe, he would not be pieced together like this every year.

You have one more IQ point than TM.

Anyone with insurance would get this kind of treatment.

And you have many less points than that. Anyone with good enough insurance to pay for a procedure like that would get that kind of treatment. Or someone who had enough money to pay cash.

Are you aware that there are no names or dollars signs on the list for transplants?

and that money plays no factor, not even insurance?

do you know how hard hospitals would get sued if they let someone die b/c of no insurance?

damn, dimmest bulb in the box.

you have no information other than what tv tells you.

Just one year as VP he paid over half million in Federal Taxes, alone

So you believe that the gov't has a negative cash flow in terms of tax receipts with Cheney
over the whole course of his life ?

What does his federal taxes have to do with his health insurance?

Since Medicare Part A is mandated
at his age, he must have it

As such, it must be primary

You pay into Medicare your whole working life. No way Cheneys Medicare payments came close to what a heart transplant costs
Why on earth would they waste a new heart on that man? He's old and very sick, they should have given one to someone who is young and has a life to look forward to.


I thought libturds denied the "death panel" mentality,, and here it is in all it's glory.. glory be. shades of Sarah Palin.

The death panels have never gone away they exist only for those who don't have the resources to stay alive. Palin used her death panel talking points as a political football railing against Obamacare.

Don't think she has any empathy for her fellow man. I do, see the difference?
...unless your fellow man is an old conservative.

Then you want to shove him off a cliff.

Your "empathy" sucks.
You have one more IQ point than TM.

Anyone with insurance would get this kind of treatment.

And you have many less points than that. Anyone with good enough insurance to pay for a procedure like that would get that kind of treatment. Or someone who had enough money to pay cash.

Are you aware that there are no names or dollars signs on the list for transplants?

and that money plays no factor, not even insurance?

do you know how hard hospitals would get sued if they let someone die b/c of no insurance?

damn, dimmest bulb in the box.

you have no information other than what tv tells you.

You know you're losing an argument when you start with the personal attacks.
(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another who needed a transplant die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?
You've already answered those questions in your little mind.
From what I have read about transplant lists is you are just a number and there are numerous factors that determine compatiblity at any given moment. All the factors just lined up and Cheney got his heart

Hope he lives a long life
It's a crapshoot of sorts. It could just have easily happened that he was on the losing end.

but it's not likely that someone else couldn't have used the heart he got.

Maybe, maybe not. Given the time and distance limitations, it could well be that there wasn't another person higher on the list who could have the surgery.
What does his federal taxes have to do with his health insurance?

Since Medicare Part A is mandated
at his age, he must have it

As such, it must be primary

My father was a federal employee, and never paid into social security or Medicare and thus doesn't have either benefit. Dad receives federal retirement and has federal employee health insurance (administered through Blue Cross---it's a helluva policy, btw).

He's only a few years older than Mr. Cheney, so perhaps the same applies here.

Perhaps, it does depend on when your dad retired and
how long in the service of the gov't

but after 1983
CSRS gov't federal employees had to contribute
and later on under the new retirement system- FERS federal gov't employees

Part B is still optional

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