Dick Cheney

Oh, then it must be true... :doubt:

no, it's a conspiracy to get cheney in the news. on this board he's still in politics. it's a forgery heart surgery. cnn and nbc are sitting on the story.

someone (joe) sarcastically said "oh then it must be true" like fox would make up the story.

i said "no, it's a conspiracy" like they had him undergo heart transplant surgery just to be in the news to piss off liberals, an elaborate plot of sorts. i too was being sarcastic/sardonic.

my other comment was, cheney is still in the politics section of the forum. even though he's been retired for years and out of sight (and it's a health issue). sorry, it was a bit cryptic.

i'll bet that fat blowhard from nbc wishes he hadn't said all that shit about ripping cheny's heart out, funny how that works. what comes around goes around, what if cheney dies now ??
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no, it's a conspiracy to get cheney in the news. on this board he's still in politics. it's a forgery heart surgery. cnn and nbc are sitting on the story.

someone (joe) sarcastically said "oh then it must be true" like fox would make up the story.

i said "no, it's a conspiracy" like they had him undergo heart transplant surgery just to be in the news to piss off liberals, an elaborate plot of sorts. i too was being sarcastic/sardonic.
ah ok
Mr. Cheney was at or near the top. I don't believe who he is had anything to do with it,

Proof once again that some people will believe anything.

Doctors should have let him die on the table. Would have done the world a favor. IMO.
But there is still hope he could die soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.
And what have you done for society? Posted mindless hate on the internet?

Yeah, we're all better off for that, aren't we?


You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Curses! Foiled again!

Yes! FOILed again!


(I give that a point 07 out of 10 on the subtlety scale!)
I always enjoy you working hard to prove my point about you correct. :clap2:

BTW....thank you again for that substantial retirement check I get monthly from your tax payments. It primarily is icing on the cake, but still appreciated.

Yeah, my carpet-munching self says thanks too! No sea too rough, no muff too tough!

As for Cheney, best tweet I saw was:

Dick Cheney got a new heart and the old heart became 3 Horcruxes.

followed by:

I congratulate Dick Cheney's doctors for finding a heart donor whose blood type was also Sith.

I personally wish the former VP the speediest recovery.


Another mindless lib bleating the same trite lib lines.

Seabiscuit may be unoriginal, but at least she's dull.

Awwww...You're just pissed 'cause you laughed. It's okay...he's not dead, you can joke.
Yeah, my carpet-munching self says thanks too! No sea too rough, no muff too tough!

As for Cheney, best tweet I saw was:

Dick Cheney got a new heart and the old heart became 3 Horcruxes.

followed by:

I congratulate Dick Cheney's doctors for finding a heart donor whose blood type was also Sith.

I personally wish the former VP the speediest recovery.


Another mindless lib bleating the same trite lib lines.

Seabiscuit may be unoriginal, but at least she's dull.

Awwww...You're just pissed 'cause you laughed. It's okay...he's not dead, you can joke.

Nah. Nobody but simple minded & easily amused libs laugh at such dull trite crap.

You cackled, of course.
Proof once again that some people will believe anything.

Doctors should have let him die on the table. Would have done the world a favor. IMO.
But there is still hope he could die soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.
And what have you done for society? Posted mindless hate on the internet?

Yeah, we're all better off for that, aren't we?


You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.
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would you ask that about ted kennedy, or clinton ?

you're so angry and full of hate... i'd say it would depend. but you sure would

it wouldn't be the first thing i think of, if he cut the line.

anger and hate ?? for whom ?

you still haven't addressed the issue of bill maher saying that sarah palin's down son looked liked john edwards, before maher could even pronounce sarah palin's name.

what if willow's last name was obama jill ?

you want to keep talking about anger and hate ?
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My hatred of Dick (The Big Cocksucker) Cheney is not "mindless hatred".

Why don't one of you Cheney lovers list ONE thing that Dick Cheney has done or supported that was good for the country. Dick Cheney has not looked out for anyone other than Dick (multilple Deferment) Cheney since he got in politics. Or his buddies at Haliburton.

And if you call my hatred of Cheney mindless, what do you say about your alls mindless hatred of Obama.

It's like you rethugs think you have a lock on hatred and when you see it coming back at you, you all get all butt hurt and shit.


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