Dick Cheney

My hatred of Dick (The Big Cocksucker) Cheney is not "mindless hatred".

Why don't one of you Cheney lovers list ONE thing that Dick Cheney has done or supported that was good for the country. Dick Cheney has not looked out for anyone other than Dick (multilple Deferment) Cheney since he got in politics. Or his buddies at Haliburton.

And if you call my hatred of Cheney mindless, what do you say about your alls mindless hatred of Obama.

It's like you rethugs think you have a lock on hatred and when you see it coming back at you, you all get all butt hurt and shit.


I just sent you a nice, personal note.

Suck on it and ponder, assbrain.

And speaking of deferments, you served when/where, asswipe?
What does his federal taxes have to do with his health insurance?

Since Medicare Part A is mandated
at his age, he must have it

As such, it must be primary

You pay into Medicare your whole working life. No way Cheneys Medicare payments came close to what a heart transplant costs

Perhaps, but one does pay the tax on all income as opposed to SS which is
cutoff a little over $100,000

Again, with total payments to the gov't
it is highly doubtful if he has a negative cash flow with the gov't

Just one year as VP he paid over half million in Federal Taxes, alone

So you believe that the gov't has a negative cash flow in terms of tax receipts with Cheney
over the whole course of his life ?
My hatred of Dick (The Big Cocksucker) Cheney is not "mindless hatred".

Why don't one of you Cheney lovers list ONE thing that Dick Cheney has done or supported that was good for the country. Dick Cheney has not looked out for anyone other than Dick (multilple Deferment) Cheney since he got in politics. Or his buddies at Haliburton.

And if you call my hatred of Cheney mindless, what do you say about your alls mindless hatred of Obama.

It's like you rethugs think you have a lock on hatred and when you see it coming back at you, you all get all butt hurt and shit.


So much hate

really it is time to stop the hate

And what have you done for society? Posted mindless hate on the internet?

Yeah, we're all better off for that, aren't we?


You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
And what have you done for society? Posted mindless hate on the internet?

Yeah, we're all better off for that, aren't we?


You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Plus this guy only has around 167 posts
He would have us believe that he reviewed all your posts
that he could have such an opinion

You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.

I have a feeling that you should look in that mirror

You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.

Where has Dave ever shown hypocrisy and hate, assbreath?

You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Plus this guy only has around 167 posts
He would have us believe that he reviewed all your posts
that he could have such an opinion

It's Lakhota.
I wish him a speedy recovery.

As do I.

What a great American.

I own Halliburton stock as well. What a fantastic investment.

I don't wish anyone bad...

But he is not a great american.

the question here isn't whether he was a "great american" or not, though. it's whether if this were a normal person, he would have gotten a heart that would have kept someone younger and healthier alive longer.

answer: he wouldn't have gotten the heart.

but neither would steve jobs have gotten his liver.

just how it is.
I wish him a speedy recovery.

As do I.

What a great American.

I own Halliburton stock as well. What a fantastic investment.

I don't wish anyone bad...

But he is not a great american.

the question here isn't whether he was a "great american" or not, though. it's whether if this were a normal person, he would have gotten a heart that would have kept someone younger and healthier alive longer.

answer: he wouldn't have gotten the heart.

but neither would steve jobs have gotten his liver.

just how it is.

71's young.
My Dad made it to 90.
I wish him a speedy recovery.

As do I.

What a great American.

I own Halliburton stock as well. What a fantastic investment.

I don't wish anyone bad...

But he is not a great american.

the question here isn't whether he was a "great american" or not, though. it's whether if this were a normal person, he would have gotten a heart that would have kept someone younger and healthier alive longer.

answer: he wouldn't have gotten the heart.

but neither would steve jobs have gotten his liver.

just how it is.

You are wrong.

Just this morning it was reported Cheney waited longer then the normal time.

At least get the hate straight.
I wish him a speedy recovery.

As do I.

What a great American.

I own Halliburton stock as well. What a fantastic investment.

I don't wish anyone bad...

But he is not a great american.

the question here isn't whether he was a "great american" or not, though. it's whether if this were a normal person, he would have gotten a heart that would have kept someone younger and healthier alive longer.

answer: he wouldn't have gotten the heart.

but neither would steve jobs have gotten his liver.

just how it is.

Technically you can not really prove your theory that his position and wealth
were only reasons he got a transplant
however one can offer evidence to show the hypothesis to be false


31-year-old Prisoner Gets $1M Heart Transplant

No need to thank me
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As do I.

What a great American.

I own Halliburton stock as well. What a fantastic investment.

I don't wish anyone bad...

But he is not a great american.

the question here isn't whether he was a "great american" or not, though. it's whether if this were a normal person, he would have gotten a heart that would have kept someone younger and healthier alive longer.

answer: he wouldn't have gotten the heart.

but neither would steve jobs have gotten his liver.

just how it is.

Technically you can not really prove your theory that due to his position and wealth
was only reason he got a transplant
however one can offer evidence to show the hypothesis to be false


31-year-old Prisoner Gets $1M Heart Transplant

No need to thank me

how is 31 not younger?

thanks for proving nothing. :thup:

You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Plus this guy only has around 167 posts
He would have us believe that he reviewed all your posts
that he could have such an opinion

Of course I have not reviewed all of Daveman's posts. That would be a waste of an inordinate amount of time. I have sampled enough. Perhaps i missed the 1 or 2 constructive posts although I have my doubts.

Wow, with only 168 posts I must be doing other things with my life - like working, taking care of my family and reading....books. You know, those things with pages, that if well written, actually make you think.

I am trying to guide Daveman towards self improvement. I request you cease being an enabler and move out of the way.
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I don't wish anyone bad...

But he is not a great american.

the question here isn't whether he was a "great american" or not, though. it's whether if this were a normal person, he would have gotten a heart that would have kept someone younger and healthier alive longer.

answer: he wouldn't have gotten the heart.

but neither would steve jobs have gotten his liver.

just how it is.

Technically you can not really prove your theory that due to his position and wealth
were the only reasons he got a transplant
however one can offer evidence to show the hypothesis to be false


31-year-old Prisoner Gets $1M Heart Transplant

No need to thank me

how is 31 not younger?

thanks for proving nothing. :thup:

Sorry I was augmenting my post while you responded

Technically you can not really prove your theory that his position and wealth
were only reasons he got a transplant
however one can offer evidence to show the hypothesis to be false


31-year-old Prisoner Gets $1M Heart Transplant

Surely, wealth and position could not have played a role here

Unless of course, you are claiming those are not the reasons Cheney got
the transplant. If so what are the reasons then...?
Perhaps, you are arguing that it is only Cheney's wealth and position
that made a difference and somebody else with the same type of wealth
and position would not have been given the heart?

Of course, that would be an even weaker statement
Stick with first, it has been proven invalid but at least
you won't sound as foolish


no need to thank me
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Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Plus this guy only has around 167 posts
He would have us believe that he reviewed all your posts
that he could have such an opinion

Of course I have not reviewed all of Daveman's posts. That would be a waste of an inordinate amount of time. I have sampled enough. Perhaps i missed the 1 or 2 constructive posts although I have my doubts.

Wow, with only 168 posts I must be doing other things with my life - like working, taking care of my family and reading....books. You know, those things with pages, that if well written, actually make you think.

I am trying to guide Daveman towards self improvement. I request you cease being an enabler and move out of the way.

Was your sample random ?
Plus this guy only has around 167 posts
He would have us believe that he reviewed all your posts
that he could have such an opinion

Of course I have not reviewed all of Daveman's posts. That would be a waste of an inordinate amount of time. I have sampled enough. Perhaps i missed the 1 or 2 constructive posts although I have my doubts.

Wow, with only 168 posts I must be doing other things with my life - like working, taking care of my family and reading....books. You know, those things with pages, that if well written, actually make you think.

I am trying to guide Daveman towards self improvement. I request you cease being an enabler and move out of the way.

Was your sample random ?

No, just an observation of recent posts. It would not meet a definitition of random sampling. Is this a requirement of yours? I can't decide if you are trying to be funny or obnoxious.

Enabler -

one that enables another to achieve an end; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior .

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