Dick Durban lied thanks Tom Cotton

Then Durbin was in the wrong room. Flake wasn’t in the room with the president

How do we know? He could have been wearing his Nancy Pelosi drag queen costume and no one would have noticed.
No one wasn’t there

So everyone was there...but no transcripts?
The silence from most repubs in that room is deafening

Transcripts are read, not heard.

Where are they? Where is the beef?

They exist. The audio exists.
Ask Durbin again. I want him to back up his accusation
The only people lying are you, Tramp, Cotton and Perdue.
Too funny! You would believe Durbin no matter what he says. Blind alliances. SAD
50 year old talking point. SO SAD!
Trying to stay with you. It’s easy. Same shit different day, SSDD!
Still waiting for your link to your imagined story that Graham was not at the meeting even though he sat right next to Tramp at the meeting.
Me too. No one has verified that word
So, still no link.
Then Durbin was in the wrong room. Flake wasn’t in the room with the president

How do we know? He could have been wearing his Nancy Pelosi drag queen costume and no one would have noticed.
No one wasn’t there

So everyone was there...but no transcripts?
The silence from most repubs in that room is deafening
There were but six senators in the room. You’ve now heard from two, Cotton and Perdue. What about the other two democrats? Got them?
Thought Durbin was only dem in the room
Durbin was the only Democrat. Lindsay Graham also heard the comment, and spoke up.

Originally Cotton and Perdue were wishy washy with "didn't recall" the President making the comment. Suddenly now - they seem to "recall" that he certainly did not make it. Who's lying? The one who's claim is consistent or the one who'd claim changes?

Circling the wagons?
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.

I am not, nor have I, liar.

It's also a lie that he has an obvious preference. Norway, as you idiots keep reminding us, is a successful and happy country. Why wouldn't we want immigrants from a successful country over those from a country rife with poverty and corruption?

You people as usual, are making shit up.
Why?? because they're all white ever enter your mind???

No, unlike you racists, my mind doesn't automatically go to race and color.
Too funny! You would believe Durbin no matter what he says. Blind alliances. SAD
50 year old talking point. SO SAD!
Trying to stay with you. It’s easy. Same shit different day, SSDD!
Still waiting for your link to your imagined story that Graham was not at the meeting even though he sat right next to Tramp at the meeting.
Me too. No one has verified that word
So, still no link.
Sorry you can’t find one. I’m waiting
How do we know? He could have been wearing his Nancy Pelosi drag queen costume and no one would have noticed.
No one wasn’t there

So everyone was there...but no transcripts?
The silence from most repubs in that room is deafening
There were but six senators in the room. You’ve now heard from two, Cotton and Perdue. What about the other two democrats? Got them?
Thought Durbin was only dem in the room
The only people lying are you, Tramp, Cotton and Perdue.
Too funny! You would believe Durbin no matter what he says. Blind alliances. SAD
50 year old talking point. SO SAD!
Trying to stay with you. It’s easy. Same shit different day, SSDD!
Still waiting for your link to your imagined story that Graham was not at the meeting even though he sat right next to Tramp at the meeting.
Here’s a link for you. Can you say hypocrite? Thanks

FLASHBACK: Lindsey Graham Called Mexico, Other Countries ‘Hellholes’ [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller
Thank you for admitting you never READ that Graham was not at the meeting with Tramp.
50 year old talking point. SO SAD!
Trying to stay with you. It’s easy. Same shit different day, SSDD!
Still waiting for your link to your imagined story that Graham was not at the meeting even though he sat right next to Tramp at the meeting.
Me too. No one has verified that word
So, still no link.
Sorry you can’t find one. I’m waiting
it's just that I'd believe durbin before trump and also believe that those repubs in the room are afraid to tell what they heard
Only because of political bias you feel that way.

I cannot find anywhere other Dems in the room confirmed he said it.

Durbin was the only Democrat. Lindsay Graham also heard the comment, and spoke up.

Originally Cotton and Perdue were wishy washy with "didn't recall" the President making the comment. Suddenly now - they seem to "recall" that he certainly did not make it. Who's lying? The one who's claim is consistent or the one who'd claim changes?

Circling the wagons?
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
And then the SOB had the nerve to brag about it

You are proof positive that you can't fix stupid.
Too funny! You would believe Durbin no matter what he says. Blind alliances. SAD
50 year old talking point. SO SAD!
Trying to stay with you. It’s easy. Same shit different day, SSDD!
Still waiting for your link to your imagined story that Graham was not at the meeting even though he sat right next to Tramp at the meeting.
Here’s a link for you. Can you say hypocrite? Thanks

FLASHBACK: Lindsey Graham Called Mexico, Other Countries ‘Hellholes’ [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller
Thank you for admitting you never READ that Graham was not at the meeting with Tramp.
I did? If you want to talk for me, why ask?
Trying to stay with you. It’s easy. Same shit different day, SSDD!
Still waiting for your link to your imagined story that Graham was not at the meeting even though he sat right next to Tramp at the meeting.
Me too. No one has verified that word
So, still no link.
Sorry you can’t find one. I’m waiting
I have one
Durbin was the only Democrat. Lindsay Graham also heard the comment, and spoke up.

Originally Cotton and Perdue were wishy washy with "didn't recall" the President making the comment. Suddenly now - they seem to "recall" that he certainly did not make it. Who's lying? The one who's claim is consistent or the one who'd claim changes?

Circling the wagons?
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
The only fucking morons around these parts are you and your racist pals who call themselves republicans. I call you traitors And yes it's not Drumph the major problem we have ,,,we know he's a fn racist ,,,it's you

Wow! You called someone racist? That hasn't happened 5,678,352,837,565 times already, it must be true then.
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.

I am not, nor have I, liar.

It's also a lie that he has an obvious preference. Norway, as you idiots keep reminding us, is a successful and happy country. Why wouldn't we want immigrants from a successful country over those from a country rife with poverty and corruption?

You people as usual, are making shit up.
Why?? because they're all white ever enter your mind???

No, unlike you racists, my mind doesn't automatically go to race and color.
lol so you say but you find the time to support one whose mind does, Mr Drumph?
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
The only fucking morons around these parts are you and your racist pals who call themselves republicans. I call you traitors And yes it's not Drumph the major problem we have ,,,we know he's a fn racist ,,,it's you

Wow! You called someone racist? That hasn't happened 5,678,352,837,565 times already, it must be true then.
But but Racistes,white supremists KKKers are good people too
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
The only fucking morons around these parts are you and your racist pals who call themselves republicans. I call you traitors And yes it's not Drumph the major problem we have ,,,we know he's a fn racist ,,,it's you

Wow! You called someone racist? That hasn't happened 5,678,352,837,565 times already, it must be true then.
Pred, that number goes on to infamy. That’s a daily number
"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.

I am not, nor have I, liar.

It's also a lie that he has an obvious preference. Norway, as you idiots keep reminding us, is a successful and happy country. Why wouldn't we want immigrants from a successful country over those from a country rife with poverty and corruption?

You people as usual, are making shit up.
Why?? because they're all white ever enter your mind???

No, unlike you racists, my mind doesn't automatically go to race and color.
lol so you say but you find the time to support one whose mind does, Mr Drumph?

No, he doesn't. As has been proven to you over and over, that only exists in your head.
"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
The only fucking morons around these parts are you and your racist pals who call themselves republicans. I call you traitors And yes it's not Drumph the major problem we have ,,,we know he's a fn racist ,,,it's you

Wow! You called someone racist? That hasn't happened 5,678,352,837,565 times already, it must be true then.
But but Racistes,white supremists KKKers are good people too
"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
The only fucking morons around these parts are you and your racist pals who call themselves republicans. I call you traitors And yes it's not Drumph the major problem we have ,,,we know he's a fn racist ,,,it's you

Wow! You called someone racist? That hasn't happened 5,678,352,837,565 times already, it must be true then.
But but Racistes,white supremists KKKers are good people too

No they aren't and that is totally irrelevant.
It is pretty obvious that Durbin said something stupid in the meeting and is trying to cover his ass. Otherwise, he would provide the transcripts.
Now for some reason they are saying the word the President used was "shithouse." Big deal. It doesn't change the meaning of his comment at all. I don't really care about the cuss word. I care about the fact that the President judged PEOPLE from impoverished countries as unwelcome and unworthy. That had nothing to do with merit-based immigration--it was the antithesis to it, actually. It sucked.
Now we've spent days arguing about it and even senators are calling each other essentially liars over it.
Nice distraction--not a word about Mueller or actually anything informative about the budget. What's getting slipped under the door while we squabble over yet another "disaster" from the President's mouth?
So you can’t walk and chew gum? What does Mueller have to do with this subject? I know he wasn’t there, or had he been in congress. What stopped him?

I get it, you’re a limited individual. No wonder you aren’t working. Working people can multitask. Even though Mueller had no piece in this you don’t think he’s doing his job. I agree he isn’t. But, not on subjects he isn’t involved in. WoW
What is wrong with your reading ability, JC? I've been concerned about it for some time now.
I do work, just so you know.
So how would this shithole story interferes with mueller? Explain
All I was saying was that this furor has completely pushed the investigation off the front page and also off the news desks. I never said it actually interfered with the investigation in any way--just stopped people talking about it for now.
So the investigation is through the media? I thought mueller was investigating. Hmmm?

Who gave them that responsibility to do that?
I don't believe that that is what was said....just because the media is talking about something else, doesn't mean an investigation has stopped. Do you disagree with that?

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