Dick Durban lied thanks Tom Cotton

The GOP barely tolerates Trump. Yet we are to believe that those who don't like him, in his own party, would lie for him?

Really? Dems are terribly stupid creatures.
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

Then they are lying. There is no doubt that Trump said it. If Cotton and Perdue wish to dishonor themselves then they are more Trump trash just like you.
Again, what do they gain?
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

So, has anyone leaked a transcript or audio of this meeting?

Why not? It has to exist.
You heard him. Lindsey Graham, the republican, when he heard Trump call Africa a shithole, called him on his vulgar, racist use of language. And that's pretty bold for a deep south republican.
Except he didn't hear shit because he wasn't in the room.

Just more proof that you asshats don't deal in reality and are the purveyors of FAKE NEWS.

DO YOU FEEL STUPID NOW? You should but that would require humility...
Graham was at the meeting.

Bigtime ooops for you.

"At the meeting" doesn't mean he was in the presence of Trump when he supposedly said those words. meetings often break up into smaller sub groups, and Graham wasn't in the one Durbin is lying about.
The only people lying are you, Tramp, Cotton and Perdue.
Too funny! You would believe Durbin no matter what he says. Blind alliances. SAD
It's not so much a belief in what Durbin says it's just a known fact that republicans are all liars with an exception of 1 or 2
Except he didn't hear shit because he wasn't in the room.

Just more proof that you asshats don't deal in reality and are the purveyors of FAKE NEWS.

DO YOU FEEL STUPID NOW? You should but that would require humility...
Graham was at the meeting.

Bigtime ooops for you.

"At the meeting" doesn't mean he was in the presence of Trump when he supposedly said those words. meetings often break up into smaller sub groups, and Graham wasn't in the one Durbin is lying about.
The only people lying are you, Tramp, Cotton and Perdue.
Too funny! You would believe Durbin no matter what he says. Blind alliances. SAD
It's not so much a belief in what Durbin says it's just a known fact that republicans are all liars with an exception of 1 or 2
How simply insane is that comment? Extremely
It's you predfan and all other republican &^%^&*&^'s here

Fucking dumb post.:9:
It is YOU bushy you and all your traitorous racist friends here
30 year old talking points, how creative
Our constitution is older
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Too bad. Durban, Flake and Graham never changed their stories.

I don't remember to no he didn't is an evolving position. Or what we call a lie.
Neither Flake nor Graham were in the presence of Trump when the words Durbin lied about were supposedly spoken.

You are the liar little boy. Trump is probably at your mental level. A 5 year old child.
They call you pigpen?
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

So, has anyone leaked a transcript or audio of this meeting?

Why not? It has to exist.
Ask Durbin

He will not return my calls. Obviously, he is aware that I am suspicious that something does not add up.
His office will
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Now for some reason they are saying the word the President used was "shithouse." Big deal. It doesn't change the meaning of his comment at all. I don't really care about the cuss word. I care about the fact that the President judged PEOPLE from impoverished countries as unwelcome and unworthy. That had nothing to do with merit-based immigration--it was the antithesis to it, actually. It sucked.
Now we've spent days arguing about it and even senators are calling each other essentially liars over it.
Nice distraction--not a word about Mueller or actually anything informative about the budget. What's getting slipped under the door while we squabble over yet another "disaster" from the President's mouth?
Durbin was the only Democrat. Lindsay Graham also heard the comment, and spoke up.

Originally Cotton and Perdue were wishy washy with "didn't recall" the President making the comment. Suddenly now - they seem to "recall" that he certainly did not make it. Who's lying? The one who's claim is consistent or the one who'd claim changes?

Circling the wagons?
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
The only fucking morons around these parts are you and your racist pals who call themselves republicans. I call you traitors And yes it's not Drumph the major problem we have ,,,we know he's a fn racist ,,,it's you
Democratic Party is America’s leading racist organization.
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Now for some reason they are saying the word the President used was "shithouse." Big deal. It doesn't change the meaning of his comment at all. I don't really care about the cuss word. I care about the fact that the President judged PEOPLE from impoverished countries as unwelcome and unworthy. That had nothing to do with merit-based immigration--it was the antithesis to it, actually. It sucked.
Now we've spent days arguing about it and even senators are calling each other essentially liars over it.
Nice distraction--not a word about Mueller or actually anything informative about the budget. What's getting slipped under the door while we squabble over yet another "disaster" from the President's mouth?

Big deal, I don't really care, a distraction....but it's yet another "disaster". Christ sake, make up your mind.
The pattern is set in cement, Trump lies! Here is the proof:

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

We*** can conclude after one year of the Trump era:
  • Trump is an unabashed liar
  • The Executive is in Chaos
  • The Tax Reform is in reality, The Tax Scam
  • Ryan is complicit in The Tax Scam
  • Trump's tweets and speeches exacerbate nearly every issue
  • Trump is divisive, intentionally
  • Trump is a bully
***We, meaning citizens who are not in denial, deplorable, or biddable fools.
Durbin was the only Democrat. Lindsay Graham also heard the comment, and spoke up.

Originally Cotton and Perdue were wishy washy with "didn't recall" the President making the comment. Suddenly now - they seem to "recall" that he certainly did not make it. Who's lying? The one who's claim is consistent or the one who'd claim changes?

Circling the wagons?
Perhaps the best proof is that Trump called his friends to brag about saying it.
Fire and Fury book says that some of the leaks from whitehouse is Trump calling his friends.

"Unnamed sources" from the AP? The AP quoted by a Never-Trumper? Yeah that is as bogus as Durbin's lie.
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.
The actual best part is how you fucking hypocritcal windbags deny they are shit holes. That is the best part.

Let us know the last time any high and mighty piece of liberal shit took a vacation to a shit hole like Haiti. Oh, never? You dumb fuck.

Meanwhile, what the fuck do you care how and what the clinton foundation fucked over the Haitian people.

Lol in your fucking face and if I could spit in your fat pathetic double talking face, I would.

Now, go to your little friends and pretend those countries that you would never go are not shit holes.

Fucking moron
Great, I can take this as a confirmation that Trump did actually say they are shitholes.
I will take this statement as you admitting they are also.

You pathetic double talking loser.
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

So, has anyone leaked a transcript or audio of this meeting?

Why not? It has to exist.
Ask Durbin

He will not return my calls. Obviously, he is aware that I am suspicious that something does not add up.
His office will

His office?

So, an administrative assitant to the deputy office manager for the office manager working for the deputy staff manager to the staff manager of Durbin's local DC office is going to verbatim confirm, with audio recordings, what the President said in a meeting where Durbin was asleep half the time?

Ok...I can deal with that.... I am calling now...
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Now for some reason they are saying the word the President used was "shithouse." Big deal. It doesn't change the meaning of his comment at all. I don't really care about the cuss word. I care about the fact that the President judged PEOPLE from impoverished countries as unwelcome and unworthy. That had nothing to do with merit-based immigration--it was the antithesis to it, actually. It sucked.
Now we've spent days arguing about it and even senators are calling each other essentially liars over it.
Nice distraction--not a word about Mueller or actually anything informative about the budget. What's getting slipped under the door while we squabble over yet another "disaster" from the President's mouth?
So you can’t walk and chew gum? What does Mueller have to do with this subject? I know he wasn’t there, or had he been in congress. What stopped him?

I get it, you’re a limited individual. No wonder you aren’t working. Working people can multitask. Even though Mueller had no piece in this you don’t think he’s doing his job. I agree he isn’t. But, not on subjects he isn’t involved in. WoW
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Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

So, has anyone leaked a transcript or audio of this meeting?

Why not? It has to exist.
Ask Durbin

He will not return my calls. Obviously, he is aware that I am suspicious that something does not add up.
His office will

His office?

So, an administrative assitant to the deputy office manager for the office manager working for the deputy staff manager to the staff manager of Durbin's local DC office is going to verbatim confirm, with audio recordings, what the President said in a meeting where Durbin was asleep half the time?

Ok...I can deal with that.... I am calling now...
They can tell you if there’s any. Are you lazy?

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