Dick Durban lied thanks Tom Cotton

How would you know? All you have is Dick Durbins word for it. Like, all of a sudden, you inherently trust life long DC politicians?

Think about it. If Dick Durbin made it up, he would be 1 democrat against 7 republicans. Even before Durbin made a statement Lindsey Graham objected to Trumps language.
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

How cute. A thread about nothing, featuring no link at all to anything.
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.

Trump has been caught in over 2,000 lies, what's one more to such a pathological liar. Trumps problem is he didn't think Lindsey Graham would answer with integrity instead of partisanship.
It is pretty obvious that Durbin said something stupid in the meeting and is trying to cover his ass. Otherwise, he would provide the transcripts.
Actually, it's pretty obvious that the GOP Administration said something pretty offensive at the meeting and everyone there knows it.
Can’t make this up. Two of six senators said the comment wasn’t made and no one said anything. WoW. How do you get through life?

And they both said so on broadcast TV Sunday
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes. The Pres made the WH wait until the media had it's teeth sunk in deep the next day before saying that "wasn't the language used," which is a tricky way to say he basically said it but maybe not using the exact words being quoted. They couldn't deny it because Trump wouldn't let them because I'm positive he was saying to them, "What's wrong with what I said?" "Why should I deny it?" By the next morning when he realized countries all over the world were going ape shit over it, he had to try to squirm out of it. But he didn't do much to deny it except hint maybe he used different words to express the same point.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.

The latest spin is that Trump called Africa a shithouse, and not a shithole.
So how would this shithole story interferes with mueller? Explain
All I was saying was that this furor has completely pushed the investigation off the front page and also off the news desks. I never said it actually interfered with the investigation in any way--just stopped people talking about it for now.
So the investigation is through the media? I thought mueller was investigating. Hmmm?

Who gave them that responsibility to do that?
I don't believe that that is what was said....just because the media is talking about something else, doesn't mean an investigation has stopped. Do you disagree with that?
It’s not my investigation. Ask mueller. Old lady claims it. Perhaps tell her
Old lady claims it. Perhaps tell her
No I didn't, you horse's ass. Knock it off.
Here old woman, “Nice distraction--not a word about Mueller “. You sweetie opened that door.
But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.

The latest spin is that Trump called Africa a shithouse, and not a shithole.
No. Tom Cotton and David Perdue stated he didn’t say anything on this. Therefore Durbin lied. He lied either way if you want. Basically Durbin lied. But Cotton and Perdue said he said no such anything
It is pretty obvious that Durbin said something stupid in the meeting and is trying to cover his ass. Otherwise, he would provide the transcripts.
Actually, it's pretty obvious that the GOP Administration said something pretty offensive at the meeting and everyone there knows it.
Can’t make this up. Two of six senators said the comment wasn’t made and no one said anything. WoW. How do you get through life?

And they both said so on broadcast TV Sunday
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes. The Pres made the WH wait until the media had it's teeth sunk in deep the next day before saying that "wasn't the language used," which is a tricky way to say he basically said it but maybe not using the exact words being quoted. They couldn't deny it because Trump wouldn't let them because I'm positive he was saying to them, "What's wrong with what I said?" "Why should I deny it?" By the next morning when he realized countries all over the world were going ape shit over it, he had to try to squirm out of it. But he didn't do much to deny it except hint maybe he used different words to express the same point.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
All I was saying was that this furor has completely pushed the investigation off the front page and also off the news desks. I never said it actually interfered with the investigation in any way--just stopped people talking about it for now.
So the investigation is through the media? I thought mueller was investigating. Hmmm?

Who gave them that responsibility to do that?
I don't believe that that is what was said....just because the media is talking about something else, doesn't mean an investigation has stopped. Do you disagree with that?
It’s not my investigation. Ask mueller. Old lady claims it. Perhaps tell her
Old lady claims it. Perhaps tell her
No I didn't, you horse's ass. Knock it off.
Old Lady is alright. I think I’m still on her “shit list.” But I like her much. Her political identity is a little left for me...but if she says she did not say it...she most likely did not say it.
But she did and I posted again for her and you.
Actually, it's pretty obvious that the GOP Administration said something pretty offensive at the meeting and everyone there knows it.
Can’t make this up. Two of six senators said the comment wasn’t made and no one said anything. WoW. How do you get through life?

And they both said so on broadcast TV Sunday
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes. The Pres made the WH wait until the media had it's teeth sunk in deep the next day before saying that "wasn't the language used," which is a tricky way to say he basically said it but maybe not using the exact words being quoted. They couldn't deny it because Trump wouldn't let them because I'm positive he was saying to them, "What's wrong with what I said?" "Why should I deny it?" By the next morning when he realized countries all over the world were going ape shit over it, he had to try to squirm out of it. But he didn't do much to deny it except hint maybe he used different words to express the same point.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
Can’t make this up. Two of six senators said the comment wasn’t made and no one said anything. WoW. How do you get through life?

And they both said so on broadcast TV Sunday
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes. The Pres made the WH wait until the media had it's teeth sunk in deep the next day before saying that "wasn't the language used," which is a tricky way to say he basically said it but maybe not using the exact words being quoted. They couldn't deny it because Trump wouldn't let them because I'm positive he was saying to them, "What's wrong with what I said?" "Why should I deny it?" By the next morning when he realized countries all over the world were going ape shit over it, he had to try to squirm out of it. But he didn't do much to deny it except hint maybe he used different words to express the same point.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
Nope. Wrong again. Reread Graham’s statement, let’s ask the other two.
Can’t make this up. Two of six senators said the comment wasn’t made and no one said anything. WoW. How do you get through life?

And they both said so on broadcast TV Sunday
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes. The Pres made the WH wait until the media had it's teeth sunk in deep the next day before saying that "wasn't the language used," which is a tricky way to say he basically said it but maybe not using the exact words being quoted. They couldn't deny it because Trump wouldn't let them because I'm positive he was saying to them, "What's wrong with what I said?" "Why should I deny it?" By the next morning when he realized countries all over the world were going ape shit over it, he had to try to squirm out of it. But he didn't do much to deny it except hint maybe he used different words to express the same point.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
Can’t make this up. Two of six senators said the comment wasn’t made and no one said anything. WoW. How do you get through life?

And they both said so on broadcast TV Sunday

Those two senators originally said they didn't recall hearing it specifically. Then suddenly they can clearly remember not hearing Trump saying it.

Of the other 5 senators, two absolutely confirm it with public statements, and the other two told colleagues their confirmation in private.
Nope, only one says he’s said it. You should reread that second one you think said something. He never said trump said shithole. Post the quote!
How would you know? All you have is Dick Durbins word for it. Like, all of a sudden, you inherently trust life long DC politicians?

Think about it. If Dick Durbin made it up, he would be 1 democrat against 7 republicans. Even before Durbin made a statement Lindsey Graham objected to Trumps language.
Dude, there was only six senators in the room so how do you get seven Republicans? Fk, you guys and your misrepresentations never stops. Fking amazing
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

How cute. A thread about nothing, featuring no link at all to anything.
So you can’t go on on google and look up face the nation and George stephanopolis? You’re a waste of space!
They said they didn't remember that WORD being used. They were very careful to phrase it that way. I watched those interviews. No one denied the President's meaning by whatever words he used. If it had been false, JC, the WH and the President would have been flat out denying it within minutes. The Pres made the WH wait until the media had it's teeth sunk in deep the next day before saying that "wasn't the language used," which is a tricky way to say he basically said it but maybe not using the exact words being quoted. They couldn't deny it because Trump wouldn't let them because I'm positive he was saying to them, "What's wrong with what I said?" "Why should I deny it?" By the next morning when he realized countries all over the world were going ape shit over it, he had to try to squirm out of it. But he didn't do much to deny it except hint maybe he used different words to express the same point.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
I thought the leak was anonymous, to WaPo? Durbin just confirmed it.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
I thought the leak was anonymous, to WaPo? Durbin just confirmed it.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
I thought the leak was anonymous, to WaPo? Durbin just confirmed it.
I googled "Who leaked shithole comment" and every single article referenced anonymous leaks to WaPo. Where did you learn Durbin leaked it?
Yea, the same people who claim Trump never said shithole are also saying those countries are shitholes.
But what isnt in dispute is the obvious preference towards white immigrants from european countries, namely Norway.

I am not, nor have I, liar.

It's also a lie that he has an obvious preference. Norway, as you idiots keep reminding us, is a successful and happy country. Why wouldn't we want immigrants from a successful country over those from a country rife with poverty and corruption?

You people as usual, are making shit up.
Why?? because they're all white ever enter your mind???

No, unlike you racists, my mind doesn't automatically go to race and color.
lol so you say but you find the time to support one whose mind does, Mr Drumph?

No, he doesn't. As has been proven to you over and over, that only exists in your head.
"There's MY AFRICAN American over there""

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