Dick Durban lied thanks Tom Cotton

So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
This only points out how stupid Trump is. As president under EO he has original classification authority. If Trump wanted to keep what happened at the meeting private, he only had to say that everything he told them would be considered to be classified.

Trump could have done the same with his conversation with Comey. But again, Trump has no clue what he's doing.
I am not, nor have I, liar.

It's also a lie that he has an obvious preference. Norway, as you idiots keep reminding us, is a successful and happy country. Why wouldn't we want immigrants from a successful country over those from a country rife with poverty and corruption?

You people as usual, are making shit up.
Why?? because they're all white ever enter your mind???

No, unlike you racists, my mind doesn't automatically go to race and color.
lol so you say but you find the time to support one whose mind does, Mr Drumph?

No, he doesn't. As has been proven to you over and over, that only exists in your head.
"There's MY AFRICAN American over there""

Don Trump is far too global
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
I thought the leak was anonymous, to WaPo? Durbin just confirmed it.
I googled "Who leaked shithole comment" and every single article referenced anonymous leaks to WaPo. Where did you learn Durbin leaked it?
Six senators in a room one said he said it. Who else could leak?
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

How cute. A thread about nothing, featuring no link at all to anything.
So you can’t go on on google and look up face the nation and George stephanopolis? You’re a waste of space!

I'm not sitting here making the CLAIM --- am I, Dumbass?

I have giant Finger-People from planet Zorg in my back yard right now. I think they're trying to steal my car. What, you can't go on google [sic] and look it up?

Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos

How cute. A thread about nothing, featuring no link at all to anything.
So you can’t go on on google and look up face the nation and George stephanopolis? You’re a waste of space!

I'm not sitting here making the CLAIM --- am I, Dumbass?

I have giant Finger-People from planet Zorg in my back yard right now. I think they're trying to steal my car. What, you can't go on google [sic] and look it up?

I gave you the two programs, I watched both. I don’t need to watch them again.
Nope, only one says he’s said it. You should reread that second one you think said something. He never said trump said shithole. Post the quote!

Lindsey Graham confirmed Durbins statement.
Nope. Post his statement

Ironic request from a dipshit who can;t link his own OP doncha think?
I gave you the two shows you can watch them. You’re choosing not to. Not too bright are you
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Two who attended — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, and Rep. Robert Goodlatte, a Republican from Virginia

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
The Republican from Florida

Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue
Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, and David Purdue, a Republican from Georgia

Sen. Lindsey Graham
The Republican from South Carolina

Sen. Dick Durbin
The Democrat from Illinois

If you don't even know who was there, why are you claiming everybody denied what Durbin said?
Dude, there was only six senators in the room so how do you get seven Republicans? Fk, you guys and your misrepresentations never stops. Fking amazing

These lawmakers were in the Trump immigration meeting. Here’s what they had to say

There were 4 senators. Stop being stupid and ignorant.
Your article says 7.

Only 4 were senators.
Yes you are correct. Perdue claimed six.
Apparently you have some type of extra sensory abilities if you can remote view the Oval Office. Trump never backed off and should never back down from stating the obvious.
I'm not a gambler, but I'd wager a quarter on it that Trump refused to back down on his statement once it was leaked and that's why it took so long for the denial. You actually seem to agree with me on that. But what do you call it when he said "Those were not the words used." When he has Republican senators going on the Sunday shows denying Trump said it? You don't call that "backing off?" If other countries hadn't started fuming and calling our ambassadors in to give them a reaming, I doubt if Trump would have even gone that far.
Except two Sr. Senators said he didn’t. Accept it old woman
And two Sr. Senators said he did.
It's a waste of time.
So why did Durbin leak something from a private meeting if it’s a waste of time. Fk him. BTW, he is my senator and I hate him.
I thought the leak was anonymous, to WaPo? Durbin just confirmed it.
Anonymous? Durbin was the leak, and his claims appear to be false. He is a short, pudgy, piece of garbage, Chicago Democratic Machine, Mafia plant. Absolutely the worst Senator serving today.

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