Dick Face Brown spits upon the Constitution again and again

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I think gay conversion therapy is one of the most stupid, misguided quack medical treatments out there.

But at the same time I can't help noticing that California's Medicaid plan covers homeopathy and acupuncture.

So it seems to me that Brown is motivated more by political bias than scientific evidence.

I think gay conversion therapy is one of the most stupid, misguided quack medical treatments out there.

But at the same time I can't help noticing that California's Medicaid plan covers homeopathy and acupuncture.

So it seems to me that Brown is motivated more by political bias than scientific evidence.


He's not trying to outlaw any sort of mandated coverage. He's trying to outlaw it period; in regards to "licensed" practicioners. That's bull shit. He's trying to legislate morality and it's totally fucked up. This is why I'll never be for gay marriage btw. It allows the government to tell us what is moral and what's immoral. Sorry government; but you are far from being my moral compass.

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