Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

LOL it's all coming to an end for the nra and their rank and file loons

Dick's Sporting Goods, the nation's largest sporting goods retailer, will stop selling assault-style weapons like the one used in the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting.
The company said it will also raise the minimum age for all gun sales to 21. Dick's (DKS) will not sell high-capacity magazines that allow shooters to fire far more rounds than traditional weapons without reloading, as well as other accessories used with weapons similar to the AR-15.

Dick's Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles
You might want to merge this with Witchit's thread on exactly the same thing.
Why doesn't anyone check active topics before starting a new thread?
It's great news, I agree. But we don't need dueling threads on it.
Someone should inform them that they didn't sell 'assault type' rifles before.

So, they would say they are operating as 'business as usual'.
That bit is explained in the article, which apparently you didn’t read.
You understand that there is no such thing as "assault style' rifles, right?
You understand that you are a lying son of a bitch? Any rifle that can be fired 30 times in under ten seconds is an assault rifle. And should not be sold to the general public. As has been proven in Vegas, Texas, and now Florida, lethal when a crazy gets their hands on it. And in the meantime, the NRA defends arming people with mental problems.
You're a lying ****.

An assault weapon is a fully automatic weapon.

Fucking moron.
Playing the "That Isn't What You Call It" game is getting old. Everyone knows what we're talking about. I agree we need a word that describes it more accurately than "weapons of mass destruction," but until that happens, you might do better addressing the actual issue rather than playing semantics games that won't get you anywhere.
Except that it is you, and the left, who are playing the semantics game.

What makes an assault weapon an assault weapon has not changed,
In a capitalistic system, sellers respond to buyers. I don't see the big deal. But then, I am not a huge fan of the AR. They are not being taken off the market. Just won't be sold in big retailers.

I would be curious to see which departments in Dick's make how much money.
LOL it's all coming to an end for the nra and their rank and file loons

Dick's Sporting Goods, the nation's largest sporting goods retailer, will stop selling assault-style weapons like the one used in the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting.
The company said it will also raise the minimum age for all gun sales to 21. Dick's (DKS) will not sell high-capacity magazines that allow shooters to fire far more rounds than traditional weapons without reloading, as well as other accessories used with weapons similar to the AR-15.

Dick's Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles

So what ... Dick's Sporting Goods is a private company and was never required to sell firearms nor accessories ... :dunno:

I stopped going to Dick's Sporting Goods years ago.
It was obvious they were more interested in politics than providing what I needed in sporting goods.

Not to mention their data mining operations at the cash register were a little less than appealing.

PS: Pic of article author:

(Lives in NY)


Looks Downs-ish.

MUST you Trumpsters be so deplorable?

What the fuck does what she looks like have to do with anything?

Merely an observation. :dunno:
Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

Someone under 21 should sue their ass right away.
For what? Not selling something they no longer want to sell? Oh....is this what the RW wants? To force businesses to sell certain stuff?

Dick's is actually a PA, a walk in store selling goods. If they deny a sale to a 20 year old, and their are age discrimination laws in place, they can be fined or sued.

The reason stores don't get in trouble not selling alcohol or tobacco (where the law applies) to under 21 people is because the law tells them not to.

And before you go to the cakes, I have always stated there should be no discrimination in actual Public Accommodations, involving point of sale transactions.
More likely they will see it as opportunity to bring in new customers.

Bass Pro Shop's stance on firearm availability based on my last conversation with them.

"I am looking for a [certain make and model of firearm] ... Do you have one ?"
Sales clerk ... "Not in stock ... But let me order you one."

In essence, businesses don't have moral authority. They do by their own efforts of course, but as long as they are following the law, that's their basic obligation. Most businesses get by with minimum "social contribution"

Now, I can't imagine any business will make a decision like this without considering the consequences for the bottom line. So, they are deciding either the laws are going to change and they are getting ahead of the law, or, that the Goodwill they "earn" with the anti-gun crowd will make a difference to their long term revenue. If this is purely a moral decision, it won't mean anything if the business folds.

I can tell you this, unlike other social gestures, such as businesses giving bonuses to their employees, and the like after the tax cut, if the NRA starts to feel the heat, they will be sending out letters and details to members "do not shop here, or there", "spend the extra $5 and go to this Place A rather than Place B" then indeed, this could really hurt these companies.

Sorry, but I don't believe some High School kids are going to be committed to their cause over a 10 year period. They might like the attention the alt-left media are giving them, going on shows like Ellen and talking a great game, but they will go on with their lives, apply to college, pursue their dreams. Some will even join the NRA.

For many in the NRA, this is a lifetime commitment. It was a case of them going about their business, now they will feel threatened, and this means businesses who turn their back on them will get hit.

If they do, as the NFL learned; there can be consequences. It's any businesses right to make a decision, and I applaud those doing it for reasons they believe in, but they had better make sure their Boards and shareholders are in line with this, or it could be a short term for the CEO.

NOTE: I can tell you why this decision happened so quickly, I looked it up and Edward Stack is Chairman AND CEO. So, this is totally on his head now, if they fail. It might work out for him, if not...
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LOL it's all coming to an end for the nra and their rank and file loons

Dick's Sporting Goods, the nation's largest sporting goods retailer, will stop selling assault-style weapons like the one used in the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting.
The company said it will also raise the minimum age for all gun sales to 21. Dick's (DKS) will not sell high-capacity magazines that allow shooters to fire far more rounds than traditional weapons without reloading, as well as other accessories used with weapons similar to the AR-15.

Dick's Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles
lol... Nobody buys from that overpriced seller anyway.

And my NRA rank and file is growing by the day

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LOL it's all coming to an end for the nra and their rank and file loons

Dick's Sporting Goods, the nation's largest sporting goods retailer, will stop selling assault-style weapons like the one used in the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting.
The company said it will also raise the minimum age for all gun sales to 21. Dick's (DKS) will not sell high-capacity magazines that allow shooters to fire far more rounds than traditional weapons without reloading, as well as other accessories used with weapons similar to the AR-15.

Dick's Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles

Maybe the Gov of Penn can follow the example of the statist in Ga and try and force them to sell those weapons. That is what all the good little statist on this board would want to happen.
If they do, as the NFL learned; there can be consequences. It's any businesses right to make a decision, and I applaud those doing it for reasons they believe in, but they had better make sure their Boards and shareholders are in line with this, or it could be a short term for the CEO.

In business ... Consequences for some means windfalls for another ... Guns - Guns - Tactical - Page 1 - Simmons Sporting Goods ... :thup:
Note it states "Page 1" ... They have more than a page of firearm models to offer in that category.

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