Dictator wannabe

Dictators don't let elections interfere with their power and position.

That is why I am 100% sure Biden will run again even though he is just another Fetterman/Feinstein and everyone knows it, and the DNC will cheat once again at the polls.
They like having an empty suit in charge. They can pass their anti American agenda with no accountability.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 13, 2018

Too many JOBS in CHINA lost?

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.

Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Drop sanctions and get $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks?
That's why Trump additionally received the "Fuming Dragon Order 1st class" whilst Biden only get's checks from Beijing.
Yes, FakeBook, Tweeker, and PooTube have been total cancers with their ongoing censorship. But the current Twitter has made a few steps in the right direction. For that, we can all be grateful.
I see no value in any of it. :dunno: Then again, I'm not a person that craves constant validation from strangers.

Yea, its the Big Guy.

What is amazing summer we’re having man freedom is prevailing. Freedom of speech is prevailing. Another incredible episode by Tucker Carlson.

Fox News also really looks awful. Once again nice job by Tucker in bringing up Fox News in the lead off and his program. Fox fired a producer with 10 years on the job for providing his view that Biden is a “dictator wanna be “ when you got people on the far left on CNN saying Trump is a Nazi. Does CNN fire producers when they run a headline that “Trump is a Nazi”, “Trump is a white supremacist. Trump voters are white supremacists.”

Man is legacy media all working together do CNN and Fox News work together on these things?

There’s a strong American right there in Tucker Carlson. He ain’t gonna let some corrupt corporation like the fox news corporation Take him down.

Meanwhile the far left continues to mock people like Tucker and they praise people like van Jones of cnn who says “all white people have a virus.”

President Biden has done a poor job so far of course I always hope he changes for the better. But he is a race baiter. He gives into the far left it is possible he has dementia, and he just doesn’t know what he’s doing ...

Biden owes it to the American people to give interviews and to answer questions from the press.
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Sure he does.
I hear accusations, for years...........STILL ...........NO PROOF.
You honestly believe that when Biden trolled behind Obama on his visits to China (very good relationship) that he left empty handed?
You don't seem to know much about Asian/Chinese culture and greedy Westerners.
You honestly believe that when Biden trolled behind Obama on his visits to China (very good relationship) that he left empty handed?
I will, until PROVEN otherwise.
IF it is, THEN................Biden should be held accountable, trial, fine, jail......whatever.
You don't seem to know much about Asian/Chinese culture and greedy Westerners.\
You don't either.
Seems CHINA has the US, by the BALLS, and Trump facilitated that, WHILE president.
Teabaggers are focused on the molehill, rather than the mountain.

What are teabaggers focused on?
MAYBE a $5,000,000 bribe for his SON?
WHO, was NEVER part of any administration.

Meanwhile Trump' SIL took home $2,000,000,000 from Saudi?

Both are wrong but proof is needed on Hunter.
I will, until PROVEN otherwise.
IF it is, THEN................Biden should be held accountable, trial, fine, jail......whatever.
Fine with me - but fact is, you got no idea as to how China or any other country operates in regards to obtaining favors. There is also no proof whatsoever about Trump having taken money from China.
That his company was/still is, involved in business with China - well your constitution does not forbid a president to do so.
Seems CHINA has the US, by the BALLS, and Trump facilitated that, WHILE president.
Another nonsensical claim by you - if at all, both have each other on their balls, since economically both need each other. And Biden is a full-sized idiot by trying to provoke a military confrontation, whilst keeping the US dependent onto China.
Even though he is a human scumbag - he clearly managed to push China to amend and respect IP rights and to commit towards a trade balance. Trump could't simply change the US consumer mentality in 2-4 years. It would take at least 10-15 years to achieve that.
Tucker proved

A. He’s a lying hypocrite

B. He’s a liability

The second is why Fox canned his sorry ass. The first is what was discovered During the law suit that cost Fox so many millions
Lol. He’s not part of corporate media anymore, so no need to lie. Rachel and the rest in corporate media lie everyday, to serve their bosses and get paid millions.

Tucker was fired by Murdock for going off script and telling the truth. The establishment can’t have that and apparently you can’t either.

Apparently you don’t know big pharma pays the salaries of most talking heads on cable news.
What is amazing summer we’re having man freedom is prevailing. Freedom of speech is prevailing. Another incredible episode by Tucker Carlson.

Fox News also really looks awful. Once again nice job by Tucker in bringing up Fox News in the lead off and his program. Fox fired a producer with 10 years on the job for providing his view that Biden is a “dictator wanna be “ when you got people on the far left on CNN saying Trump is a Nazi. Does CNN fire producers when they run a headline that “Trump is a Nazi”, “Trump is a white supremacist. Trump voters are white supremacists.”

Man is legacy media all working together do CNN and Fox News work together on these things?

There’s a strong American right there in Tucker Carlson. He ain’t gonna let some corrupt corporation like the fox news corporation Take him down.

Meanwhile the far left continues to mock people like Tucker and they praise people like van Jones of cnn who says “all white people have a virus.”

President Biden has done a poor job so far of course I always hope he changes for the better. But he is a race baiter. He gives into the far left it is possible he has dementia, and he just doesn’t know what he’s doing ...

Biden owes it to the American people to give interviews and to answer questions from the press.
I would not say freedom is winning. Tucker got fired from his job in order to silence him, and luckily has Twitter to run to so he still has a voice, but only because one man bought out the censor loving Leftists at Twitter. Elon is just one man and won't be around forever and he may capitulate to the censor Nazis on a whim if he so wishes.

I would say freedom is waning as a whole.
Tucker proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden is a wannabe dictator. But we really didn't need Tucker's exposé because we already knew it!

FAUX knows it too, but doesn't want to appear to have any gonads.

Tucker has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he sold his soul to continue being rich and famous. He will tell you anything you want to hear if you’ll keep clicking on his links.
Tucker has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he sold his soul to continue being rich and famous. He will tell you anything you want to hear if you’ll keep clicking on his links.
If Tucker was interested in "selling his soul" he would have remained with the American Pravda (just like the whores of CNN and MSNBC have done). Instead, he was and is more interested in telling the truth that the mainstream cucks won't.
Lol. He’s not part of corporate media anymore, so no need to lie. Rachel and the rest in corporate media lie everyday, to serve their bosses and get paid millions.

Tucker was fired by Murdock for going off script and telling the truth. The establishment can’t have that and apparently you can’t either.

Apparently you don’t know big pharma pays the salaries of most talking heads on cable news.

Murdoch had 875 million reasons to fire Tucker Carlson. Murdoch is now facing a lawsuit from his minority shareholders for ignoring his fiduciary duty to protect their interests and company profits.

The reason that corporate media is more reliable for truth, telling then the billionaire own right wing media, is the duty that the directors have to the shareholders not to open up the company to libel suits.

The media has to be able to publicly defend anything they publish, as true. Billionaire owned media has no such obligation. Fox does have other shareholders than the Murdochs, which makes them vulnerable to actions by minority shareholders, whose rights are affected.
If Tucker was interested in "selling his soul" he would have remained with the American Pravda (just like the whores of CNN and MSNBC have done). Instead, he was and is more interested in telling the truth that the mainstream cucks won't.

Tucker sold his soul along time ago. He wants to be president and this is his set up. If Trump can do it, anybody can do it. If he can just gin up enough hate.
Tucker sold his soul along time ago. He wants to be president and this is his set up. If Trump can do it, anybody can do it. If he can just gin up enough hate.
He's certainly make a better Prez than the current Pedophile In Chief.
Tucker proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden is a wannabe dictator. But we really didn't need Tucker's exposé because we already knew it!

FAUX knows it too, but doesn't want to appear to have any gonads.

In Bidens case what would he need to do to remove the "wannabe"?

He was installed via a coup
He jailed anyone who objected to the coup.
He is using the DOJ to try and remove his Political rival.
He is using the DOJ to exempt his family from any penalties from lawlessness.

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