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Did anyone interfere with your investigation? Mueller...No.

yes because you are innocent till proven guilty
he would then have said we weren't allowed to make that determination but he didn't say that now did he his words was did not

give us the quote from Muller or anywhere in the report that says Mueller wasn't allowed to make a determination if Trump committed a crime
Can someone put this person in his or vegetative state out of his or her misery? Can you believe what he or she just typed? No wonder this country is in such a mess. We have too many Trump vegetables with no brains and no concept of the English language walking around. HE ALREADY SAID HE COULD NOT MAKE THAT DETERMINATION BECAUSE OF THE OLC RULE. Someone needs to take this person to the nearest brain treatment center.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

Motorola moto g7 SUPRA

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

Oh my friggin God. Lesko couldn't even ask a clear question. She never asked a coherently understandable question. In fact, Mueller never answered Lesko, because like everyone else, no one could understand her. How can Mueller be contradictory if he never gave her an answer to her muddied up question? She was looking for something to blame him for. "Let's move on" was her game after that. She couldn't even pronounce Mueller's name. Lesko doesn't make any sense.

being innocent is default so Mueller didn't have to say Trump was
Trump started out as innocent and remains so because Mueller did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime

you haven't a clue pertaining to the principals of our justice system do you

you want people to be guilty and have to be proven innocent the opposite of how the justice system works
Mueller doesn’t declare innocence, it’s the byproduct of not having committed a crime.

Yet another dipstick dumbass Trumpette.

To say there was not sufficient evidence on collusion is not the same as saying they found proof of innocence.

Say you are picked up as a suspect for murder. an ironcloud alibi is proof of innocence. The police not being to prove you did it is something else.
yes because you are innocent till proven guilty
Can someone put this person in his or vegetative state out of his or her misery? Can you believe what he or she just typed? No wonder this country is in such a mess. We have too many Trump vegetables with no brains and no concept of the English language walking around. HE ALREADY SAID HE COULD NOT MAKE THAT DETERMINATION BECAUSE OF THE OLC RULE. Someone needs to take this person to the nearest brain treatment center.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

Motorola moto g7 SUPRA

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

Oh my friggin God. Lesko couldn't even ask a clear question. She never asked a coherently understandable question. In fact, Mueller never answered Lesko, because like everyone else, no one could understand her. How can Mueller be contradictory if he never gave her an answer to her muddied up question? She was looking for something to blame him for. "Let's move on" was her game after that. She couldn't even pronounce Mueller's name. Lesko doesn't make any sense.

being innocent is default so Mueller didn't have to say Trump was
Trump started out as innocent and remains so because Mueller did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime

you haven't a clue pertaining to the principals of our justice system do you

you want people to be guilty and have to be proven innocent the opposite of how the justice system works

Yet another dipstick dumbass Trumpette.

To say there was not sufficient evidence on collusion is not the same as saying they found proof of innocence.

Say you are picked up as a suspect for murder. an ironcloud alibi is proof of innocence. The police not being to prove you did it is something else.
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Can someone put this person in his or vegetative state out of his or her misery? Can you believe what he or she just typed? No wonder this country is in such a mess. We have too many Trump vegetables with no brains and no concept of the English language walking around. HE ALREADY SAID HE COULD NOT MAKE THAT DETERMINATION BECAUSE OF THE OLC RULE. Someone needs to take this person to the nearest brain treatment center.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

I have never seen the likes of such willful stupidity.

Do you have a mirror?
What an idiotic comparison. The FISA application was based on the dossier, moron. If it's fake, there is no basis for the warrant. There was no other evidence presented that would have justified a warrant. If there had been, they would not have had to use the FAKE dossier. IOW, stupid, the entire case for collusion was based on a fucking LIE.
The Dossier is not fake. The FBI corroborated its accuracy.
Um, yeah it is, moron. That's not even in dispute (except by idiots like you).
If you thought you had an argument, you don't. Because you didn't provide a rebuttal. So your cry baby "um, yeah it is moron", is an answer coming from a losing ignoramus, which is you. If you can't prove me wrong, then get lost.

Just when we think idiots like you can't get any dumber. Mueller's job was to investigate "Russian interference". He then FAILED to do so when finding evidence of Hillary's involvement with Russians. Claiming "outside his purview". Perjury. There was NOTHING preventing him from coming to a conclusion of whether a crime was committed. He could not, then cowardly tried to say he found no evidence to exonerate. Not his job. He has no evidence, thus no charge. Per his own words, he was not obstructed. There goes that charge too. Period. End of book. Game over. You lose.
Are you physically brain dead? Give me the quotes from Mueller proving Hillary was involved with the Russians. You can't. You're a liar who made that up. Hillary was not involved, therefore there can be no charge. "Could not" means "cannot. " How unbelievably stupid does one have to be not to understand that. Meghan McCain tried the same stupid stunt; Trump turds, stop being stupid.

Gee you brain dead idiot, HILLARY paid Steele for the dossier. Proven time and time again. Posted time and time again. Try looking it up lazy. Russian involvement in the election means on BOTH sides. Not one side as Mueller admitted he only went after Trump's team. Now try getting that obstruction charge when the senilie Mueller admitted under oath he was not obstructed. Now STFU. One would think you'd get the hint since every one of your idiotic posts has been debunked.
Well you started out good but in the middle

"It was determined no crime was committed is not what he said"

Innocent until proven guilty is correct

Your logic is too put the two together and assume there was no crime.

Just because there has been no trial does not mean that there was no crime

Mueller clearly said that trump was exonerated in the collusion
but he could NOT exonerate him in obstruction

This does not prove Trump innocent in obstruction but he is afford this luxury until a trial can be had .

I know you all still believe OJ is guilty but in fact the criminal suit he was found not guilty and there for innocent.
OJ was found to be not guilty. Not quite the same thing as innocent.

In a court of law not guilty is innocent as is innocent until proven guilty

still at the higher level on judgment day there may be another verdict

but that is above my pay grade
There wasn't going to be a court of law unless the OLC rule is challenged. How can people be this damn ignorant?
"we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime”

key word we not the DoJ not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team of lawyers and investigators made that determination
One more time; BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO REACH A DETERMINATION TO A TRUMP SHEEP. Is there something in the English language that makes this too confusing for you? Are Trump voters really this damn stupid?

WRONG YET AGAIN ASSHOLE! Already determined by legal experts that NOTHiNG prevented the senile Mueller from coming to a conclusion about whether a crime was committed. See moron, you really are THAT DAMN STUPID. As well as illiterate.
he would then have said we weren't allowed to make that determination but he didn't say that now did he his words was did not

give us the quote from Muller or anywhere in the report that says Mueller wasn't allowed to make a determination if Trump committed a crime
Can someone put this person in his or vegetative state out of his or her misery? Can you believe what he or she just typed? No wonder this country is in such a mess. We have too many Trump vegetables with no brains and no concept of the English language walking around. HE ALREADY SAID HE COULD NOT MAKE THAT DETERMINATION BECAUSE OF THE OLC RULE. Someone needs to take this person to the nearest brain treatment center.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.
yes because you are innocent till proven guilty
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

Motorola moto g7 SUPRA

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

Oh my friggin God. Lesko couldn't even ask a clear question. She never asked a coherently understandable question. In fact, Mueller never answered Lesko, because like everyone else, no one could understand her. How can Mueller be contradictory if he never gave her an answer to her muddied up question? She was looking for something to blame him for. "Let's move on" was her game after that. She couldn't even pronounce Mueller's name. Lesko doesn't make any sense.

being innocent is default so Mueller didn't have to say Trump was
Trump started out as innocent and remains so because Mueller did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime

you haven't a clue pertaining to the principals of our justice system do you

you want people to be guilty and have to be proven innocent the opposite of how the justice system works

Yet another dipstick dumbass Trumpette.

To say there was not sufficient evidence on collusion is not the same as saying they found proof of innocence.

Say you are picked up as a suspect for murder. an ironcloud alibi is proof of innocence. The police not being to prove you did it is something else.

Again dumbass, nobody need prove themselves innocent. That is the assumption at the start. Burden of proof is on the accuser. Now STFU until you pass that third grade civics class.
yes because you are innocent till proven guilty
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

Motorola moto g7 SUPRA

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

Oh my friggin God. Lesko couldn't even ask a clear question. She never asked a coherently understandable question. In fact, Mueller never answered Lesko, because like everyone else, no one could understand her. How can Mueller be contradictory if he never gave her an answer to her muddied up question? She was looking for something to blame him for. "Let's move on" was her game after that. She couldn't even pronounce Mueller's name. Lesko doesn't make any sense.

being innocent is default so Mueller didn't have to say Trump was
Trump started out as innocent and remains so because Mueller did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime

you haven't a clue pertaining to the principals of our justice system do you

you want people to be guilty and have to be proven innocent the opposite of how the justice system works

Yet another dipstick dumbass Trumpette.

To say there was not sufficient evidence on collusion is not the same as saying they found proof of innocence.

Say you are picked up as a suspect for murder. an ironcloud alibi is proof of innocence. The police not being to prove you did it is something else.

Again dumbass, nobody need prove themselves innocent. That is the assumption at the start. Burden of proof is on the accuser. Now STFU until you pass that third grade civics class.

He was proven guilty; www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520
Can someone put this person in his or vegetative state out of his or her misery? Can you believe what he or she just typed? No wonder this country is in such a mess. We have too many Trump vegetables with no brains and no concept of the English language walking around. HE ALREADY SAID HE COULD NOT MAKE THAT DETERMINATION BECAUSE OF THE OLC RULE. Someone needs to take this person to the nearest brain treatment center.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.

Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520
The Dossier is not fake. The FBI corroborated its accuracy.
Um, yeah it is, moron. That's not even in dispute (except by idiots like you).
If you thought you had an argument, you don't. Because you didn't provide a rebuttal. So your cry baby "um, yeah it is moron", is an answer coming from a losing ignoramus, which is you. If you can't prove me wrong, then get lost.

Just when we think idiots like you can't get any dumber. Mueller's job was to investigate "Russian interference". He then FAILED to do so when finding evidence of Hillary's involvement with Russians. Claiming "outside his purview". Perjury. There was NOTHING preventing him from coming to a conclusion of whether a crime was committed. He could not, then cowardly tried to say he found no evidence to exonerate. Not his job. He has no evidence, thus no charge. Per his own words, he was not obstructed. There goes that charge too. Period. End of book. Game over. You lose.
Are you physically brain dead? Give me the quotes from Mueller proving Hillary was involved with the Russians. You can't. You're a liar who made that up. Hillary was not involved, therefore there can be no charge. "Could not" means "cannot. " How unbelievably stupid does one have to be not to understand that. Meghan McCain tried the same stupid stunt; Trump turds, stop being stupid.

Gee you brain dead idiot, HILLARY paid Steele for the dossier. Proven time and time again. Posted time and time again. Try looking it up lazy. Russian involvement in the election means on BOTH sides. Not one side as Mueller admitted he only went after Trump's team. Now try getting that obstruction charge when the senilie Mueller admitted under oath he was not obstructed. Now STFU. One would think you'd get the hint since every one of your idiotic posts has been debunked.

Hillary paid Fusion GPS. Steele knew nothing about clinton getting her hands on it. Everything you post is false or a lie. Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

I have never seen the likes of such willful stupidity.

Do you have a mirror?

Do you have an argument?
Um, yeah it is, moron. That's not even in dispute (except by idiots like you).
If you thought you had an argument, you don't. Because you didn't provide a rebuttal. So your cry baby "um, yeah it is moron", is an answer coming from a losing ignoramus, which is you. If you can't prove me wrong, then get lost.

Just when we think idiots like you can't get any dumber. Mueller's job was to investigate "Russian interference". He then FAILED to do so when finding evidence of Hillary's involvement with Russians. Claiming "outside his purview". Perjury. There was NOTHING preventing him from coming to a conclusion of whether a crime was committed. He could not, then cowardly tried to say he found no evidence to exonerate. Not his job. He has no evidence, thus no charge. Per his own words, he was not obstructed. There goes that charge too. Period. End of book. Game over. You lose.
Are you physically brain dead? Give me the quotes from Mueller proving Hillary was involved with the Russians. You can't. You're a liar who made that up. Hillary was not involved, therefore there can be no charge. "Could not" means "cannot. " How unbelievably stupid does one have to be not to understand that. Meghan McCain tried the same stupid stunt; Trump turds, stop being stupid.

Gee you brain dead idiot, HILLARY paid Steele for the dossier. Proven time and time again. Posted time and time again. Try looking it up lazy. Russian involvement in the election means on BOTH sides. Not one side as Mueller admitted he only went after Trump's team. Now try getting that obstruction charge when the senilie Mueller admitted under oath he was not obstructed. Now STFU. One would think you'd get the hint since every one of your idiotic posts has been debunked.

Hillary paid Fusion GPS. Steele knew nothing about clinton getting her hands on it. Everything you post is false or a lie. Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hahahah! Oh wait, you actually believe that garbage. So Steele makes a PROVEN FAKE dossier paid for by Hillary but he doesn't know she has it. Damn you really are dumber than a rock.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Rep. Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller added.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

the OLC opinion had nothing to do with Mueller not charging Trump
why Mueller did charge Trump is because repeat

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

and I will keep repeating it as long as you keep ignoring it
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.

Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

Poor baby. Mueller stated he was NEVER obstructed. Game over. You lose. Mueller GOT shredded. He was pathetic. Just like you.
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:Now the vegetables are coming out of it ever so slowly. "That is not the correct way to say it." Now stay with me here, because the waters might get a little choppy for you. Mueller was correcting Lieu as to "HOW HE SAID IT", not that he was wrong in what he said. Mueller said, the way to say it is, "we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime." In other words, the determination Mueller made was not a result of the OLC opinion, because he could never use the OLC opinion for or against Trump, therefore, his one and only conclusion from start to finish, was one that would never make that determination. Mueller basically told Lieu that was not the way he would word it. I know that is a lot for a vegetable, but maybe you will get it?

So, to recap, Mueller's determination was not a result of the OLC opinion. It was in spite of the OLC opinion itself, that a determination could not be made.

"NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO SAY IT". That is the take away.

Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.

Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

Poor baby. Mueller stated he was NEVER obstructed. Game over. You lose. Mueller GOT shredded. He was pathetic. Just like you.

And Mueller said it's still obstruction of just even though trump was unsuccessful at obstructing him.
Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.

Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

Poor baby. Mueller stated he was NEVER obstructed. Game over. You lose. Mueller GOT shredded. He was pathetic. Just like you.

And Mueller said it's still obstruction of just even though trump was unsuccessful at obstructing him.

Actually, no. He got shredded on that too. His own words. He was NEVER obstructed.
Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.

Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

Poor baby. Mueller stated he was NEVER obstructed. Game over. You lose. Mueller GOT shredded. He was pathetic. Just like you.

And Mueller said it's still obstruction of just even though trump was unsuccessful at obstructing him.

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”
yes because you are innocent till proven guilty
Because your reading comprehension is that of a first grader maybe if you watch a vid you might just then understand

once again I will repeat the OLC had not a dam thing to do with Mueller decision to not charge Trump Mueller didn't charge Trump because

Motorola moto g7 SUPRA

not the DoJ not Barr not the OLC but we as in Mueller and his team because they (Mueller and his team) did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.

Oh my friggin God. Lesko couldn't even ask a clear question. She never asked a coherently understandable question. In fact, Mueller never answered Lesko, because like everyone else, no one could understand her. How can Mueller be contradictory if he never gave her an answer to her muddied up question? She was looking for something to blame him for. "Let's move on" was her game after that. She couldn't even pronounce Mueller's name. Lesko doesn't make any sense.

being innocent is default so Mueller didn't have to say Trump was
Trump started out as innocent and remains so because Mueller did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime

you haven't a clue pertaining to the principals of our justice system do you

you want people to be guilty and have to be proven innocent the opposite of how the justice system works

Yet another dipstick dumbass Trumpette.

To say there was not sufficient evidence on collusion is not the same as saying they found proof of innocence.

Say you are picked up as a suspect for murder. an ironcloud alibi is proof of innocence. The police not being to prove you did it is something else.

Again dumbass, nobody need prove themselves innocent. That is the assumption at the start. Burden of proof is on the accuser. Now STFU until you pass that third grade civics class.

He was proven guilty; www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.
Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

Poor baby. Mueller stated he was NEVER obstructed. Game over. You lose. Mueller GOT shredded. He was pathetic. Just like you.
And Mueller said it's still obstruction of just even though trump was unsuccessful at obstructing him.

Actually, no. He got shredded on that too. His own words. He was NEVER obstructed.

Sorry, Spunky, he was not shredded on that. He affirmed even just attempting obstruction, whether or not successful, is still a crime.
So you think he said Trump was innocent???
He clearly said that was NOT TRUE.

Jesus fuck people

Hey stupid, in the legal world, if there's no evidence, YOU DIDN'T DO IT. Mueller got shredded on that. Presumption of innocence applies to Trump too. No matter how much you swear and make yourself look stupid.
Mueller shredded Trump on obstruction. You're an idiot.www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/watch-bob-mueller-shred-trump-s-claim-of-no-obstruction-64477253520

Poor baby. Mueller stated he was NEVER obstructed. Game over. You lose. Mueller GOT shredded. He was pathetic. Just like you.
And Mueller said it's still obstruction of just even though trump was unsuccessful at obstructing him.
“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”
Which he said was a conscience decision because s sitting a president can't be indicted.

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