Did Bernie just win the election?

I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.

Oh God no.
If you are to vote at all, have any hopes at all, Jacob Hornberger is the way to go. As for me, whatever brings the whole rotten mess crashing down is cool.

I will say now, that Bernie would have been a much better choice than Donnie. This will be even more true if Donnie goes to war with Iran and Iraq.
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.

Oh God no.
If you are to vote at all, have any hopes at all, Jacob Hornberger is the way to go. As for me, whatever brings the whole rotten mess crashing down is cool.

I will say now, that Bernie would have been a much better choice than Donnie. This will be even more true if Donnie goes to war with Iran and Iraq.

I seriously doubt that. The economy wouldn't be what it is today under Bernie, our border would be a mess with people walking in like they owned the place, getting on our welfare programs, and popping anchor babies out like champaign corks on New Years Eve, and our fuel prices would be unaffordable.
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.

Oh God no.
If you are to vote at all, have any hopes at all, Jacob Hornberger is the way to go. As for me, whatever brings the whole rotten mess crashing down is cool.

I will say now, that Bernie would have been a much better choice than Donnie. This will be even more true if Donnie goes to war with Iran and Iraq.

I seriously doubt that. The economy wouldn't be what it is today under Bernie, our border would be a mess with people walking in like they owned the place, getting on our welfare programs, and popping anchor babies out like champaign corks on New Years Eve, and our fuel prices would be unaffordable.
One thing is sure, with Bernie we wouldn’t be on the precipice of WWIII. That is good enough for me.
I am. I'm not a Bernie guy either, but fact is he already won a primary once and it was stolen from him, and now it's already starting to happen again. I don't even know why the DNC even has a primary.

The same reason the Soviet Union held elections...to confer legitimacy.
How interesting it is that Bernie's platform mentions nothing about having a strong military or dealing with terrorists who attack our embassies and kill Americans. The only.
  • Rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement and talk to Iran on a range of other issues.
You know, I had forgotten how pissed off the globalist elites were when Trump scuttled those endless discussion with Iran. I mean it drove them nuts when he cancelled...I think its because they represent Iran more than America.
Do Democrats spend ALL their time defending foreigners against American interests?
I am. I'm not a Bernie guy either, but fact is he already won a primary once and it was stolen from him, and now it's already starting to happen again. I don't even know why the DNC even has a primary.

The same reason the Soviet Union held elections...to confer legitimacy.

Did Hillary have legitimacy? I can't remember. 2016,was my dads first election. He supported Hillary for one reason only, and thats because she wasn't Trump. He was a Bernie bro and still is. Poor guy.
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.

Oh God no.
If you are to vote at all, have any hopes at all, Jacob Hornberger is the way to go. As for me, whatever brings the whole rotten mess crashing down is cool.

I will say now, that Bernie would have been a much better choice than Donnie. This will be even more true if Donnie goes to war with Iran and Iraq.

I seriously doubt that. The economy wouldn't be what it is today under Bernie, our border would be a mess with people walking in like they owned the place, getting on our welfare programs, and popping anchor babies out like champaign corks on New Years Eve, and our fuel prices would be unaffordable.
One thing is sure, with Bernie we wouldn’t be on the precipice of WWIII. That is good enough for me.

It's not good enough for me. I support what's better for the country with everything involved. The economy we have is the envy of all other nations. Our freedom even more. The promotion of government dependency is what destroys a good country and the people within, just like it did during the DumBama years, where we hit our highest amount of food stamp recipients, and it didn't come down until Republican Governors started to institute mandates to receive food stamps.

I don't worry about war with other nations. I worry more about the war within the country itself.
Did Hillary have legitimacy? I can't remember. 2016,was my dads first election. He supported Hillary for one reason only, and thats because she wasn't Trump. He was a Bernie bro and still is. Poor guy.

No...but it was "her turn" you see. The Democrat Party uses Superdelegates to select whoever the leadership wants. Bernie Sanders won several primaries only to see the loser, Hillary Clinton, gain more delegates. Wasserman Schultz, the DNC Chair, stated that the system saves the leaders from " running against grass-roots activists."...in other words in case the common people get uppity.
Democrats, by nature, do what they are told so they dont object.
But Bernie bowed down to it. I guess he wasn't so pissed that they screwed him so much as just aggravated that he didn't have the power to screw over Hillary.
Better luck in the power rigging games next time Bernie
Did Hillary have legitimacy? I can't remember. 2016,was my dads first election. He supported Hillary for one reason only, and thats because she wasn't Trump. He was a Bernie bro and still is. Poor guy.

No...but it was "her turn" you see. The Democrat Party uses Superdelegates to select whoever the leadership wants. Bernie Sanders won several primnaries only to see the loser, Hillary Clinton, gain more delegates. Wasserman Schultz, the DNC Chair, stated that thye system saves the leaders from " running against grass-roots activists."...in other words in case the common people get uppity.
Democrats, by nature, do what they are told so they dont object.
But Bernie bowed down to it. I guess he wasn't so pissed that they screwed him so much as just aggravated that he didnt have the power to screw over Hillary.
Better luck in the power rigging games next time Bernie

Bernie was pissed and he let his supporters down big time. He just sat there while the loser of the primary was given the job and failed. If Bernie does the same this time with Biden then his movement dies.
Pre-2016 Presidential election:

Trump, "Make America Great Again! I will pull all the troops out of the Middle East where we should not be involved in endless wars. I will cut funding for other countries when we need it here at home. I also have nothing to do with Russia, all my decisions are to put the U.S. first!"

Trump supporters: "Yes! We need to quit wasting money for other countries and losing American lives fighting in countries that are not immediate threats. Let those other countries take care of their own business!"


Trump, "This was a real bad guy and this was a move that should have been done a long time ago. Iran better not do anything or we will destroy them." (U.S. sending 3,000 troops to Iraq)

Pompeo: "We discussed what we were going to do with the Russian Ambassador Lavrov and Russia to make sure they knew about our decision."

(President did not tell ANY Democratic leaders in Congress about this decision.)

Trump supporters: "Hell yeah! Show Iran who is boss! Fuck the Democrats in Congress and the Constitution that says the President has to get congressional approval to start a war and send troops to battle. Go Trump!"

Seriously, this country and the blind tribalism has us fucked.
He is most definitely not a hypocrite.

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hmmmmm how much does he own, and make?

How much does Trump make and own?

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What difference would that make? Trump doesn't preach against the rich. He supports capitalism.

Bernie has always supported the people as opposed to Trump who supports corporations and himself.

Bernie has NEVER changed his position on any issue.

The amount of money Bernie makes is irrelevant.

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It's irrelevant to bring up the guy who hates the rich is rich himself, especially in the context of hypocrisy? Got cha.

You really think only poor people can object to corporatism?

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and he is a hypocrite......

He is most definitely not a hypocrite.

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hmmmmm how much does he own, and make?

How much does Trump make and own?

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What difference would that make? Trump doesn't preach against the rich. He supports capitalism.

Bernie has always supported the people as opposed to Trump who supports corporations and himself.

Bernie has NEVER changed his position on any issue.

The amount of money Bernie makes is irrelevant.

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Bernie has NEVER changed his position on any issue.
except when he spent a year telling us how bad hillary is and you should not trust her, and even after he gets fucked by her and their party ....he backs her....thats called being a hypocrite....
It's become more likely in the extreme that the Democrats will be soundly defeated in November, perhaps fatally.

You can take that as a prediction.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.
Why is he running for the Democrat nomination?
Can’t win running third party.
as long as many have that attitude and just lets the 2 parties trample over us ....i guess so...

I'm an issue voter. Don't care about party.
Some Democrats here would argue that, but the Democrats have offered me nothing for decades. That is not my fault. :auiqs.jpg:
It's become more likely in the extreme that the Democrats will be soundly defeated in November, perhaps fatally.

You can take that as a prediction.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.
Why is he running for the Democrat nomination?
Can’t win running third party.
as long as many have that attitude and just lets the 2 parties trample over us ....i guess so...

I'm an issue voter. Don't care about party.
Some Democrats here would argue that, but the Democrats have offered me nothing for decades. That is not my fault. :auiqs.jpg:
yea so are many others,as long as they have a D or an R by their names...
Bernie is a surrender monkey. He'd surrender to Putin right after being sworn in.
and he is a hypocrite......

He is most definitely not a hypocrite.

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yea he most definitely is....

Please tell me more about your direct conversations with Bernie.

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read post 154 bernie jr....
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.
Why is he running for the Democrat nomination?
Can’t win running third party.
as long as many have that attitude and just lets the 2 parties trample over us ....i guess so...

I'm an issue voter. Don't care about party.
Some Democrats here would argue that, but the Democrats have offered me nothing for decades. That is not my fault. :auiqs.jpg:
yea so are many others,as long as they have a D or an R by their names...

I see no logical reason to vote for a not-possible simply to make a statement about the lesser of two evils, and possibly elect the greater of the two.

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