Did Biden add 13 million jobs or were the 13 million RE-HIRED employees that were let go due COVID ?

thats not what i asked was it?....now dipshit answer the question, how does people getting jobs lower the prices of the stuff people have to pay for?.....

It doesn’t
But a strong job market means higher wages to attract good workers.
Higher salaries negates the impact of inflation
Biden added 15 million jobs
It doesn’t
But a strong job market means higher wages to attract good workers.
Higher salaries negates the impact of inflation
RW you can create all kinds of jobs thats great....but if the price of groceries and utilities keep going up how is that helping?.....and not all those jobs have have high wages....

Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic​

But Biden misleadingly contrasts that with a loss of jobs under former President Donald Trump — a loss that occurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employment under Trump was positive until the economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, as efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus led to business closures and layoffs.
By the time Trump left office in January 2021, employment had partly rebounded, but was still 9.4 million jobs below the February 2020 peak, according to the official figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Employment under Trump was positive until the economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, as efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus led to business closures and layoffs.

By the time Trump left office in January 2021, employment had partly rebounded, but was still 9.4 million jobs below the February 2020 peak, according to the official figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But the comparison with Trump is missing some glaringly obvious context. The average monthly job growth under Trump was 180,000 per month before the pandemic hit.
Biden’s chart, titled “Jobs Created by President,” also leaves the misleading impression that presidents are responsible for all the job creation, or loss, during their time in office.
But there are many economic factors outside the control of a president (see: COVID-19).

The jobs lost due to Trump's mishandling of COVID were all made up by June of 2022.

From July of 2022 till May of 2024 the average number of jobs added is 269,000.

So, Trump before COVID according to your post had an average of 180,000 per month.

Seems to me that 269,000 is better than 180,000....would you not agree?
RW you can create all kinds of jobs thats great....but if the price of groceries and utilities keep going up how is that helping?.....and not all those jobs have have high wages....

Is it easier for people with a job or without a job to pay for those groceries?
RW you can create all kinds of jobs thats great....but if the price of groceries and utilities keep going up how is that helping?.....and not all those jobs have have high wages....

Wages are way up.
I am a retiree and have seen my pension and social security increase at unprecedented rates.
My children who were locked into jobs they didn’t like were able to choose between several jobs with higher pay and benefits

Increased wages have always been the way we address inflation. Prices rarely go down to previous levels
I wonder how many of these new jobs are people having to take on a second job to afford the necessities Biden has drove the price of up. More people needing two jobs to make ends meet isn’t the brag Biden and his supporters think it is
You dont have to wonder. That data is out there. It’s fewer multi-job holders than Trump had. What now?

you avoided my question too....which you always do.....you are to much of a biden cheer leader to be in this conversation....

You did not ask me a question.

And I did not say a thing about Biden, I merely presented the facts...why do you hate facts?
You dont have to wonder. That data is out there. It’s fewer multi-job holders than Trump had. What now?

Not fewer, a lower percent. Those are not the same thing
Wages are way up.
I am a retiree and have seen my pension and social security increase at unprecedented rates.
My children who were locked into jobs they didn’t like were able to choose between several jobs with higher pay and benefits

Increased wages have always been the way we address inflation. Prices rarely go down to previous levels
i am a retiree too RW.....our pensions have gone up but not as great as you are saying......
I swear it is no wonder Trump makes fools of maga. They are utterly ignorant:

  • There are more full time jobs under Biden than Trump
  • Unemployment is at historic lows
  • Full time jobs are higher than they have ever been
  • Multiple job holders are fewer than Trump had as a percent to total
  • Wages are up - the only way they look down is if you take a point during Covid when low wage people were out of work with double digit unemployment and stimulus hit. If you look at a graph 2020 obviously looks silly,
  • Wages are up more than prices if you compare to 2019. The only way they look down is if you take a point at the end of 2020 when wages looked high as i explained above and prices actually dropped from the recession. Silly to compare to any other year except 2019 where we are doing well against.
You did not ask me a question.

And I did not say a thing about Biden, I merely presented the facts...why do you hate facts?
you replied to that question i asked,did you not?.....and your facts are just what you are told by biden....in previous threads you have told many here that people are just exaggerating their problems.....when i reminded you that you said you were well off,then you said that many lower income people are having problems....make up your mind....

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