Did Blinken just announce WWIII?

If Ukraine joined NATO today, the U.S. would be at war with Russia by tomorrow.

They join, article V will be enacted, and it's on!

The ruling elites in the west, do not wish to let the enclaves in Ukraine, speaking ethnically Russia Ukrainians, that have had their language suppressed/banned by Kyiv, have control of their own destiny. That is what this is essentially all about.

You do not want them to be free. Why? :eusa_think:

Pro-Moscow rebel leaders in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk called on Monday to become part of Russia, a day after staging a referendum that overwhelmingly supported self-rule.

The area in dispute, are ethnic Russians, on the border to Russia, which have been discriminated, and oppressed by the bureaucracy in Kyiv.


KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine's parliament approved a law on Thursday that grants special status to the Ukrainian language and makes it mandatory for public sector workers, despite opposition from the country's large Russian-speaking minority who feel it is discriminatory.

The move, which obliges all citizens to know the Ukrainian language and makes it a mandatory requirement for civil servants, soldiers, doctors, and teachers, was championed by outgoing President Petro Poroshenko who needs to sign it into law before it takes effect, something he is expected to do.. . "

". . . The 2012 law was supported by the governing Party of Regions and opposed by the opposition parties, who argued that the law undermined the role of the Ukrainian language, violated Article 10 of the Constitution,[2][3][4] and was adopted with an irregular procedure.[5][6] Immediately after the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, on 23 February 2014, the Ukrainian Parliament voted to repeal the law. This decision was vetoed by the acting President Turchynov.[7][8] In October 2014, the Constitutional Court started reviewing the constitutionality of the 2012 law[9] and declared it unconstitutional on 28 February 2018.[10]

In April 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted a new law, the law "On supporting the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the State language". The law made the use of Ukrainian compulsory (totally or within quotas) in more than 30 spheres of public life, including public administration, electoral process, education, science, culture, media, economic and social life, health and care institutions, and activities of political parties. The law did not regulate private communication. Some exemptions were provided for the official languages of the European Union and for minority languages, with the exclusion of Russian, Belarusian and Yiddish.[11][12] The Venice Commission and Human Rights Watch expressed concern about the 2019 law's failure to protect the language rights of Ukrainian minorities.[12][13] On 8 December 2023, the Ukrainian parliament passed a bill that claimed to have fixed this issues and was adopted in order to meet one of the European Commission’s criteria for the opening of Ukrainian European Union membership negotiations.[14]

Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, on 19 June the Ukrainian parliament passed two laws which placed restrictions on Russian books and music. The new laws ban Russian citizens from printing books unless they take Ukrainian citizenship, prohibit the import of books printed in Russia, Belarus and the occupied Ukrainian territories, and prohibit the reproduction in the media and public transport of music performed or created by post-1991 Russian citizens, unless the musicians are included in a "white list" of artists who have publicly condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine.[15][16][17] . . "

All I can tell you? Is if Christian/white nationalists in our own nation, treated folks that spoke Spanish in the southwest, the same way as Kyiv treats Russian speakers? Your rhetoric about a "free people," would see folks in the southwest, revolting just like ethnic Russians revolted against Kyiv as soon as the president signed such discriminatory fascism into law. :rolleyes:
That is not what it is about.
Why not be honest?

The conflict in Ukraine, is essentially a civil war, and has been since 2014. The government in Kyiv has had the support of NATO since then. In early 2022, it was about to move troops into the Donbas and Crimea, and the folks in eastern Ukraine, only appealed to Russian for support, in the way that the ruling elites in Kyiv were using western support.

It is hardly a civil war. A vast majority of the people fighting for “independence” in the Donbas were Russian Soldiers. They were not making any gains and Moscow decided to go wider in their effort to conquer.

But let’s be honest for a moment. Ukraine has been a recognized independent nation since 1991. When 60+ nations recognized them as independent. Including Russia.

As long as Ukraine remained aligned with Russia that was fine. But as time went by the Ukrainian people started to see the advantages of aligning with the West, especially with the Euro Zone.

In fact, Ukraine was the subject of the Budapest Memorandum in 1994. Signed by Russia it pledged to respect Ukrainian independence and Sovereignty.

Both Russia and Ukraine became part of the NATO partners for peace. A grouping of former Soviet nations which got additional support and cross training. You remember when Russia wanted to be a partner in the world, instead of the ruler?

Between Russia acknowledging the independence of Ukraine, and signing the memorandum, and today something happens. Putin gets elected and attitudes change.

No longer does Russia want to join with the west, Putin wants the West to be an enemy. Again.

Ukraine really wants to join the West and the Capitalist advantages. They want unrestricted access to the Euro. Russia wants them to remain in their sphere of influence.

2004 Putin says Ukraine isn’t a real country. Kind of late to take back recognition isn’t it?

Every year the relations get worse as Ukrainians want more independence from Russia. The people actually believe that since they are independent with international recognition, that they should decide their own futures.

Russia keeps putting on more pressure to coerce Ukraine into keeping with their program. Stay East, denounce the west. Pick a Dictator to run things.

Russia is determined to rebuild their empire. Call it the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire from the Czarist Days. Or the modern Russian Federation. The name is irrelevant. Putin wants his empire and so does the top tier of Russian Leadership.

I don’t like liars. I don’t like bullies. And I don’t like thugs. Russia is all three. And I don’t feel like we should stand aside and let the bad old days get started like that again. If Russia wants to be isolated internationally. Don’t let them drag others who don’t want to be into that cesspool with them.

History shows what happens. History shows how it is always a bad thing to appease such bullies. Stand up and oppose them.
Many of us know he is an autocratic tyrant.

With that said, we don't see him as any more of a threat to US national security than say. . . . N. Korea, or China.

Well, less so than even China.

A lot of us frankly don't see what the obsession is with some of you, why you see him like this. . .


I mean, seriously, you folks think that rest of us are dumb or something. . . after that shitshow in Iraq, and Libya, and hell, now you don't even disguise it. . keeping troops in Syria?! :rolleyes:

What the ever loving fuck? That shit isn't even legal!

This isn't about governments, and this ain't about, "Putin," well, not outwardly at least. . . he just won't play ball, he can't be controlled. ..


This is about money, and the petrodollar. . . so yeah, gipper was spot on. . .

. . . and it is up to its same old games, trying to keep the denarius dollar afloat, just a little bit longer, so the empire doesn't collapse and the oligarchs find themselves homeless w/o a throne to rule from.

For a "smart" person you sure ignore a lot of very obvious factors.
For a "smart" person you sure ignore a lot of very obvious factors.
I’d never refer to you as smart, but I have missed your inane warmongering statists posts. They’re always good for a laugh. Thank you.
2004 Putin says Ukraine isn’t a real country.

I think someone might have mentioned this. . . before. We had a disagreement about it, and I had a hard time believing the leader of a major power would make such a bold and inflammatory statement.

I asked for a link to such a statement, and all they could give me, were western propaganda sources, making the claim. They could not, actually, give me the link to the transcribed speech where he did so.

But. . . if you could, please do so.

Till then, we will chalk that up to a matter of how his remarks have been misinterpreted to push an agenda by the west.
For a "smart" person you sure ignore a lot of very obvious factors.
Feel free to link me to empirical facts, like data, speeches made, treaties signed, whistle blowers coming forward, leaked documents, etc. Anything that shines non-aligned factual truth upon the situation.
I think someone might have mentioned this. . . before. We had a disagreement about it, and I had a hard time believing the leader of a major power would make such a bold and inflammatory statement.

I asked for a link to such a statement, and all they could give me, were western propaganda sources, making the claim. They could not, actually, give me the link to the transcribed speech where he did so.

But. . . if you could, please do so.

Till then, we will chalk that up to a matter of how his remarks have been misinterpreted to push an agenda by the west.
Have you thought about googling it, so you don't embarrass yourself?
I don’t like liars. I don’t like bullies. And I don’t like thugs. Russia is all three.
And in that? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference between Moscow and Washington at this point.


SO? It would be best if we just stayed the hell out of their sphere of influence, and if they? Just stayed out of what our oligarchs consider theirs.

Ukraine should remain a neutral buffer state. . . and to those who live there? OH WELL.

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