Did Blinken just announce WWIII?

Operation Steadfast “Defender”

load up all the politicians aiding the Illegal Invasion of America in the first ships
NATO's Article 5 says any attack on a NATO member is an attack on all. To admit the Ukraine to NATO in the middle of a war would put every NATO member immediately at war with Russia. I don't think a single NATO member wants that. Most especially with the high probability that China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and possibly Vietnam would side with Russia and might even decide it was time to go to war.
While charging Trump with espionage

And invading America

We are at war
in violation of art 5......

Yeah, according to article 5, If Ukraine joined in the midst of a war with Russia, all other NATO nations would be bound to intervene on Ukraine’s behalf

So one must assume him saying Ukraine will join NATO means that they will join in the future, ie after the war is over
As your blob tried and got impeached for.

Thousands crossed during your blob's administration.

It would be worth it to hear you never whine like a little bitch about non-existent voter fraud again.
It’s all fun and games until America citizens realize the owners of the democrat Party are at war with America

My fear has always that been that it’s just a relatively small handful of agitators shaking the jar of ants, but the ants will kill each other and not the agitators
It’s all fun and games until America citizens realize the owners of the democrat Party are at war with America
My fear has always that been that it’s just a relatively small handful of agitators shaking the jar of ants, but the ants will kill each other and not the agitators

And these hate rallies your blob hosts...what do you call that if not "shaking the jar"? Hmmm?

How many times do you hear "_______ is your enemy"?

Nevermind, you're too far gone; swimming in a pool of kool aid.
Many of us know he is an autocratic tyrant.

With that said, we don't see him as any more of a threat to US national security than say. . . . N. Korea, or China.

Well, less so than even China.

A lot of us frankly don't see what the obsession is with some of you, why you see him like this. . .


I mean, seriously, you folks think that rest of us are dumb or something. . . after that shitshow in Iraq, and Libya, and hell, now you don't even disguise it. . keeping troops in Syria?! :rolleyes:

What the ever loving fuck? That shit isn't even legal!

This isn't about governments, and this ain't about, "Putin," well, not outwardly at least. . . he just won't play ball, he can't be controlled. ..


This is about money, and the petrodollar. . . so yeah, gipper was spot on. . .

. . . and it is up to its same old games, trying to keep the denarius dollar afloat, just a little bit longer, so the empire doesn't collapse and the oligarchs find themselves homeless w/o a throne to rule from.

I think we have a lot of posters here and many Americans who STILL consume way too much MSM propaganda and believe it. It’s hard for some us to understand because we know the MSM is state run propaganda.

The MSM and our corrupt government has conditioned them to hate Russia and Putin. They can’t overcome the conditioning even though we easily can. I suspect they never will overcome it no matter the facts presented to them.
As your blob tried and got impeached for.

Thousands crossed during your blob's administration.

It would be worth it to hear you never whine like a little bitch about non-existent voter fraud again.
Why must everything revert to Trump? He really has fucked up the minds of many, including yourself.

I suspect you and your kind would gladly support nuclear war with Russia because…TRUMP. That’s some kind of crazy mind fuck.
Why must everything revert to Trump? He really has fucked up the minds of many, including yourself.
LOL...given your posting history here...I'm comfortable being "fucked up" compared to you.
I suspect you and your kind would gladly support nuclear war with Russia because…TRUMP. That’s some kind of crazy mind fuck.
He's running for President and this is the Politics forum. Sorry that bothers you.
LOL...given your posting history here...I'm comfortable being "fucked up" compared to you.

He's running for President and this is the Politics forum. Sorry that bothers you.
Please explain why you think my posting history is crazy.

You see Trump as an existential threat, just as the establishment has conditioned you to believe. Hence, you will support anything the establishment does because…Trump.
. . . and all of these folks really, actually think, if he and the oligarchs he represents, if backed into a corner, won't use nukes?

Explain to me their logic sparky?

actually , that IS the biggest threat on the table Mr B

the only possible logic being MAD

Consider the dilemma: the Machine needs to prepare the public for the eventual world wide fuckup they want so badly, and yet it has to be delicately packaged so we will accept it as in our best interest, and make us thank them for doing it and not hang them for it. It's been done before successfully, but the media doesn't have the pavlov sway they are used to these days. It is still effective but not absolute as it once was.

What’s left of Ukraine to even join NATO?

This is just begging for WWIII!

Please send every democrat politician to Kiev

Think about this. Search on YouTube for the latest videos (less than a year old), for "artificial heart" or "pulseless artificial heart Australia". Also, search for "artificial kidneys" and "growing human organs" and also "CRISPR cancer cure" or "CRISPR gene editing". The scientists and engineers doing the R&D for these life-saving technologies can hardly get a 10 or 20-million-dollar grant from the US government to help them. Most of the grants they get are less than 5 million dollars.

However, our government has a blank check for the military-industrial complex. To fill the coffers of their billionaire donors and handlers, they will in one way or another get our US Congress to fund whatever they want, even if it costs tens of billions of dollars. If it is money for the war in Ukraine, for the bankers, if it is subsidies for the fossil fuel companies..etc, if it is bailout money, our government will spend hundreds of billions, even trillions to further enrich their wealthy donors and capitalist bosses, but as far as funding science and technology that will save the lives of millions of Americans and people around the world. Nope. Not even five million dollars.
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Congress (and the fed res) is controlled by people above their pay grades, people that are not generally known to the public and certainly are not elected. The carrot and stick, silver or lead, financial reward for compliance or "leaked" information to the press that takes them out of play. This is why everyone is frustrated, but we still cling to the old "how a bill becomes a law" and political jingles to hopefully get us back on track. That ain't going to happen.I don't care who your political action hero figure is, it ain't going to happen.
Yes and how unbelievably ignorant is that?

The political class did all it could to avoid war with the far more heinous USSR. They’ve lost their minds or maybe they’re psychopaths.
Those Who Failed Us in Manufacturing Can Still Manufacture an Enemy for the M-I C

The Republicrats benefited enormously from the Cold War and sacrificed nothing. They've been trying to re-start that money pie from Day One of the fall of the Soviet Union. The enormous trade benefits from normalizing relations with Russia don't appeal to them, because it would also enrich the American middle class, putting a brake on its drive to eliminate Middle America.
Because nothing says “I love America” like trying to eliminate your political opponents while simultaneously invading America with Illegal Aliens

This is our last election
If the Democrats win again you could be right that this is our last real election. And given their incompetence in everything including the administration of the war between Ukraine and Russia and the fact that Biden has now turned his back on Israel, I doubt we will ever again see the America we know and love in our lifetime.

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