Did Blinken just announce WWIII?

You’ve unknowingly admitted you know nothing about the history of Ukraine and US involvement there. Look up the name Victoria Nuland. You might also try to educate yourself on the war in the Donbas, Minsk Accords, and peace agreement in Turkey.
The poster you quoted is only interested in disparaging and attacking Trump supporters with nonsensical bullshit as proven by its response to this post. It probably doesn't even know that you're not a Trump supporter. :dunno:
No. I admitted that America is not a bully because Russia invaded Ukraine.

Why do you defend Russia?

What would Reagan think?

In 10 years the Republican party has gone from better dead then red to Putin is a genius.

What the fuck?
Where did I defend Russia?

I think that ship sailed back in 2014 while Obama was in office. I do not see that happening.
There is a pretty good build up, and has been, watching those borders. That will continue, and I do not believe that line will be crossed.

If NATO crosses into Ukraine, Russia will cross in the Baltics.
Yes and how unbelievably ignorant is that?

The political class did all it could to avoid war with the far more heinous USSR. They’ve lost their minds or maybe they’re psychopaths.

Times change. Later generations are horrified at what happened before. The abuses. The deprivation.

When they hear about Japanese, and German’s committing atrocities in World War II they also learn that the Russians did pretty much the same thing as the Nazi enemies.

If the Holocaust was wrong, and a crime against humanity. Then the various Soviet Purges with millions dying at Stalin’s orders is just as wrong.

The generations that follow say they will not do so again. They will not stand by and watch it happen. Not again.

Some long for those days. When abuses were no big deal. When the powerful could get away with whatever they wanted to. But most are resolute in saying. No more.

Stalin famously ignored the threat of the Bomb. Continuing to negotiate from a position of power despite not having any power comparable to the Bomb. So the fear of Nuclear War isn’t scary like it was in the 1950’s. Maybe we aren’t smart enough to see the danger. Maybe we are too smart to take it seriously. Maybe we believe that the risk of dying doing the right thing is preferable to the alternative.

We have also learned that Nukes just aren’t that effective. First. It is a suicide attack. Like the Not so Smart bombs of the terrorists. The morons who walk up with a bomb strapped to them and blow themselves up to kill a couple of us.

It is also that we have learned. We know that giving in to bullies is always the wrong answer. He will just take more from you until you have nothing left to fight for, or with. If we let Putin take Ukraine, then we will certainly be fighting sometime in the future anyway. And we know that fight will be worse because we will have even more territory to cover and even more fighting and death and treasure expended than if we fight now.

Let’s make it more personal. Let’s say you and I are neighbors. You have a sign up supporting Trump. I say take it down or else. I have no authority but my own self inflated ego. Do you take it down? If I have more people and guns. Do you take it down?

You tell me to fuck myself. You call the cops. You arm your own people. You don’t give in. It’s your land. Your property. And your freedoms that are being trampled. You stand up. And you call on people to help you against the more numerous and powerful group. You don’t give in.

Or do you?
Allowing the Ukraine into Nato would immediately negate and compromise its Article 5.

Blinken is aware of thaat and so it's unlikely he would propose it at this time, other than the Ukraine being a member without protection of Article 5 and other privileges of being a member.


Grant the Ukraine full membership and be ready for all agreements on the war's limitations becoming null and void.

Beat me to it.... BLINKIN is no doubt being pressured by our money grubbing DC solons of no particular party affiliation.

At this point Ukraine cannot join NATO.... Aside from the political impossibilities.... Their record on human rights is horrendous.

After His Cowardice at the Bay of Pigs, He Went to the Other Extreme

Loose-cannon fratbrat JFK went over the brink, which is why the CIA and KGB joined together to assassinate him and Bobby.
JFK may well have been a pacifist Sage , yet the paradigm of local threat then is not far from that of this millennia's Uke debacle


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