Did Blinken just announce WWIII?

The poster you quoted is only interested in disparaging and attacking Trump supporters with nonsensical bullshit as proven by its response to this post. It probably doesn't even know that you're not a Trump supporter. :dunno:
Blind man with an ax
Like selling a guy fire insurance when his house is burning down.

To which Blinkin would reply: "Sure, that's when he needs it!"

Fucking morons.
Good Grazy you think Putin is a God.
Many of us know he is an autocratic tyrant.

With that said, we don't see him as any more of a threat to US national security than say. . . . N. Korea, or China.

Well, less so than even China.

A lot of us frankly don't see what the obsession is with some of you, why you see him like this. . .


I mean, seriously, you folks think that rest of us are dumb or something. . . after that shitshow in Iraq, and Libya, and hell, now you don't even disguise it. . keeping troops in Syria?! :rolleyes:

What the ever loving fuck? That shit isn't even legal!

This isn't about governments, and this ain't about, "Putin," well, not outwardly at least. . . he just won't play ball, he can't be controlled. ..


This is about money, and the petrodollar. . . so yeah, gipper was spot on. . .
America is the bully.
. . . and it is up to its same old games, trying to keep the denarius dollar afloat, just a little bit longer, so the empire doesn't collapse and the oligarchs find themselves homeless w/o a throne to rule from.
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Ok then teach feel free to explain what makes you think it'll go down easy for NATO

The ruling elites are at their last whits end. They really do bleev, Russia will just go quietly into their last good night, rather than use one of their nukes.

But no, Putin saw what happened to Saddam. He saw what happened to Gaddafi. And the Russia oligarchs know what will happen to Russia if they let the western globalist vulture capitalist corporations have their way with Russian society again.

The US, UK, and GERMANY. . . are going to get behind France.

It didn't take a genius to see this one in the offing.

We are the bad guys. We have been the bad guys. We create and support both sides of wars around the world to enrich the military industrial complex to justify endless printing of money that ends up in the accounts of asshole puppets like Zelensky and US politicians. The death toll is not even a consideration.
Many of us known he is an autocratic tyrant.

With that said, we don't see him as any more of a threat to US national security than say. . . . N. Korea, or China.

Well, less so than even China.

A lot of us frankly don't see what the obsession is with some of you, why you see him like this. . .


I mean, seriously, you folks think that rest of us are dumb or something. . . after that shitshow in Iraq, and Libya, and hell, now you don't even disguise it. . keeping troops in Syria?! :rolleyes:

What the ever loving fuck? That shit isn't even legal!

This isn't about governments, and this ain't about, "Putin," well, not outwardly at least. . . he just won't play ball, he can't be controlled. ..


This is about money, and the petrodollar. . . so yeah, gipper was spot on. . .

. . . and it is up to its same old games, trying to keep the denarius dollar afloat, just a little bit longer, so the empire doesn't collapse and the oligarchs find themselves homeless w/o a throne to rule from.
I disagree. Russia designs on moving toward and threatening Europe are not new. The cold war was not won, because we said it was won. The enemy was not asked. The enemy always gets a vote. The enemy of the free world's goals, never changed, only pushed down the road to now.
I am amazed at how stupid Americans are. This administration is walking us into a nuclear war with Russia. I remember that was the great fear of a Trump presidency. Now it's embraced.
I am amazed at how stupid Americans are. This administration is walking us into a nuclear war with Russia. I remember that was the great fear of a Trump presidency. Now it's embraced.
So I guess you should start saying your good-byes now then since this is the end of the world coming up.

Bon voyage bitch.
I disagree. Russia designs on moving toward and threatening Europe are not new. The cold war was not won, because we said it was won. The enemy was not asked. The enemy always gets a vote. The enemy of the free world's goals, never changed, only pushed down the road to now.
O.K.. ..

I have heard this rhetoric from the military industrial complex.

. . . And I have heard this rhetoric from neocons and neo-liberals. . . but I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not one bit. I base my impressions upon EVIDENCE, and reports from the field, from known reporters that are unbiased with proven track records.

Making Russia ‘The Enemy’

December 15, 2016
". . . But the truth appears to be that the neocons have much less influence across the U.S. electoral map than the Clintons think. Arguably, their pandering to a clique of Washington insiders who are viewed as warmongers by many peace-oriented Democrats may even represent a net negative when it comes to winning votes.

I’ve communicated with a number of traditional Democrats who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because they feared she would pursue a dangerous neocon foreign policy. Obviously, that’s not a scientific survey, but the anecdotal evidence suggests that Clinton’s neocon connections could have been another drag on her campaign.

Assessing Russia
"I also undertook a limited personal test regarding whether Russia is the police state that U.S. propaganda depicts, a country yearning to break free from the harsh grip of Vladimir Putin (although he registers 80 or so percent approval in polls).

Couple walking along the Kremlin, Dec. 7, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)
Couple walking along the Kremlin wall, Dec. 7, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

"During my trip last week to Europe, which included stops in Brussels and Copenhagen, I decided to take a side trip to Moscow, which I had never visited before. What I encountered was an impressive, surprisingly (to me at least) Westernized city with plenty of American and European franchises, including the ubiquitous McDonald’s and Starbucks. (Russians serve the Starbucks gingerbread latte with a small ginger cookie.)

Though senior Russian officials proved unwilling to meet with me, an American reporter, at this time of tensions, Russia had little appearance of a harshly repressive society. In my years covering U.S. policies in El Salvador in the 1980s and Haiti in the 1990s, I have experienced what police states look and feel like, where death squads dump bodies in the streets. That was not what I sensed in Moscow, just a modern city with people bustling about their business under early December snowfalls.

The police presence in Red Square near the Kremlin was not even as heavy-handed as it is near the government buildings of Washington. Instead, there was a pre-Christmas festive air to the brightly lit Red Square, featuring a large skating rink surrounded by small stands selling hot chocolate, toys, warm clothing and other goods.

Granted, my time and contact with Russians were limited – since I don’t speak Russian and most of them don’t speak English – but I was struck by the contrast between the grim images created by Western media and the Russia that I saw.

It reminded me of how President Ronald Reagan depicted Sandinista-ruled Nicaragua as a “totalitarian dungeon” with a militarized state ready to march on Texas, but what I found when I traveled to Managua was a third-world country still recovering from an earthquake and with a weak security structure despite the Contra war that Reagan had unleashed against Nicaragua.

In other words, “perception management” remains the guiding principle of how the U.S. government deals with the American people, scaring us with exaggerated tales of foreign threats and then manipulating our fears and our misperceptions.

As dangerous as that can be when we’re talking about Nicaragua or Iraq or Libya, the risks are exponentially higher regarding Russia. If the American people are stampeded into a New Cold War based more on myths than reality, the minimal cost could be the trillions of dollars diverted from domestic needs into the Military Industrial Complex. The far-greater cost could be some miscalculation by either side that could end life on the planet.

So, as the Democrats chart their future, they need to decide if they want to leapfrog the Republicans as America’s “war party” or whether they want to pull back from the escalation of tensions with Russia and start addressing the pressing needs of the American people."

What I do see? Is the EU and NATO encircling Russia.

If Russia were courting other nations, and opening up military bases all over the world, like the Soviets used to do, in attempt to "take over the world?" I suppose, I might see your point. . . but this is empty rhetoric, what proof do you have of this rhetoric?

From where I am sitting, the empirical evidence shows the west to be the aggressors.

I can write a tale about aliens landing on Earth and wanting to body snatch too. . but that doesn't mean such silly propaganda is true, or that we should throw away tax-payer money trying to prevent it. :(

What’s left of Ukraine to even join NATO?

This is just begging for WWIII!

Please send every democrat politician to Kiev

NATO's Article 5 says any attack on a NATO member is an attack on all. To admit the Ukraine to NATO in the middle of a war would put every NATO member immediately at war with Russia. I don't think a single NATO member wants that. Most especially with the high probability that China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and possibly Vietnam would side with Russia and might even decide it was time to go to war.

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