Did Blinken just announce WWIII?

If NATO actually does take an active role, (which I doubt) The asshole Russians would probably be moved back to January 2022, prior to the kickoff of the Russian invasion.

That still would not give Ukraine what it wants, the Crimea back.

Plus NATO would first have to garrison the Baltic States, and the Polish Border.
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If NATO actually does take an active role, (which I doubt) The asshole Russians would probably be moved back to January 2022, prior to the kickoff of the Russian invasion.
If you really had a job doing all you say its no wonder the world is in such a sorry state
82% of their territory.
If there is an even just a tactical nuclear war the percentage of Ukraine that will be livable will be reduced considerably. In an all out nuclear war our civilization will return to the Stone Age.

Putin doesn't buff or make idle threats.
Ukraine becoming a member of NATO is stepping over Putin's red line.
Nuclear war is inevitable if the NATO nitwits refuse to take him seriously and go ahead with their idiotic plan.

Good. Let’s do it. Launch them Vlad the Impotent.
This will end badly.......~S~
Diddly Dud

It'll fizzle out. Trump will get us out of NYETO. Before then, Bye,done will back down from giving away enough to the Ukraine to force the Russians to withdraw. He's playing a war of attrition, like in Vietnam, which practically the whole ruling class chickened out of. Not having lost anything in that quicksand, they're repeating the mistakes of past degenerate generations.
That still would not give Ukraine what it wants, the Crimea back.

Plus NATO would first have to garrison the Baltic States, and the Polish Border.
I think that ship sailed back in 2014 while Obama was in office. I do not see that happening.
There is a pretty good build up, and has been, watching those borders. That will continue, and I do not believe that line will be crossed.
If you really had a job doing all you say its no wonder the world is in such a sorry state
I was just a bit player, a pawn (though well trained) brought up to fill in, not a shot caller, and left after the assignment, but was contacted and invited back.
You’ve unknowingly admitted you know nothing about the history of Ukraine and US involvement there.

No. I admitted that America is not a bully because Russia invaded Ukraine.

Look up the name Victoria Nuland. You might also try to educate yourself on the war in the Donbas, Minsk Accords, and peace agreement in Turkey.
Why do you defend Russia?

What would Reagan think?

In 10 years the Republican party has gone from better dead then red to Putin is a genius.

What the fuck?

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