Did California prove they don’t vote on issues that should matter?

Because your nation is floundering and failing economically after 40 years of Republican tax codes, changes to labor, healthcare, and environment laws:
  • greatest wealth and income disparity in the First World
  • only country in the First World with a declining life expectancy
  • highest rate of infant mortality in the First World
  • highest rate of maternal death in childbirth in the First World
  • only country in the First World seeking to limit or ban women's access to abortion
  • only country in the First World seeking to make it more difficult for citizens to vote
  • only country in the First World without universal, government funded health care
  • worst covid outbreak and death rate in the First World
  • only First World country to experience 3 economic collapses in 40 years​
The 2008 Crash nearly took down the world economy, but we've disentangled ourselves from the American economy and poorly regulated banking systems to keep that from ever happening again.

The rest of the First World is watching the Decline of the American Empire. All of which has been brought about by Republican tax, labor and economic policies which have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10% and left the rest of the people in the lurch.

Your nation is in a downward spiral of preventable sickness and death, leading to violent assaults at school board meetings over public health concerns. This is insanity, and it's happening nowhere else in the first world.
all you are telling me is you are a die hard liberal...everything is the republicans fault.......well you dont have me convinced...i lived in california for the last 50 years.....democrats have some pretty shitty leaders too......both parties have outlived their usefulness....
all you are telling me is you are a die hard liberal...everything is the republicans fault.......well you dont have me convinced...i lived in california for the last 50 years.....democrats have some pretty shitty leaders too......both parties have outlived their usefulness....

Once again you prove yourself incapable of critical thinking. I'm a Canadian, not an American, and all of the things I posted about your economy are not happening in the Best Country in the World to Live In - a position we reclaimed once we threw the Conservative Party out of power.

You've lived in California for the last 50 years and the nation has been run under Republican tax, labor and environmental policies for last 40 of those years. Those tax policies saw an ever increasing slice of American wealth and prosperity flow to the top 10% of wealthy individuals and corporation. Each Republican tax cut has accelerated the transfer of that wealth. Under the Trump Presidency, the gap between rich and poor is accerating at its fastest rate in history.

No Democratic administration has had to Senate votes to overturn the supply side freemarket system engineered by Republicans to the detriment of working and middle class Americans everywhere. The USA is the wealthiest nation in the world, but 40% of working Americans are barred from participating in the wealth their hard work generates. 80% of the wealth and income now flows to the top.

An economically vibrant and healthy middle class is a necessity for a successful and prosperous economy. The American middle class is shrinking, with more people falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth. That's not happening in any other First World nation.

Nope...I'm saying good, real core Americans vote to advance the nation as a whole, they vote to keep the American Way in tact.
Remember when there were legitimate Democrats...What do you think they meant by this?
That sure worked out well!
Once again you prove yourself incapable of critical thinking. I'm a Canadian, not an American, and all of the things I posted about your economy are not happening in the Best Country in the World to Live In - a position we reclaimed once we threw the Conservative Party out of power.

You've lived in California for the last 50 years and the nation has been run under Republican tax, labor and environmental policies for last 40 of those years. Those tax policies saw an ever increasing slice of American wealth and prosperity flow to the top 10% of wealthy individuals and corporation. Each Republican tax cut has accelerated the transfer of that wealth. Under the Trump Presidency, the gap between rich and poor is accerating at its fastest rate in history.

No Democratic administration has had to Senate votes to overturn the supply side freemarket system engineered by Republicans to the detriment of working and middle class Americans everywhere. The USA is the wealthiest nation in the world, but 40% of working Americans are barred from participating in the wealth their hard work generates. 80% of the wealth and income now flows to the top.

An economically vibrant and healthy middle class is a necessity for a successful and prosperous economy. The American middle class is shrinking, with more people falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth. That's not happening in any other First World nation.

what has happened to california over the last 30 years has very little to do with republicans...
You've lived in California for the last 50 years and the nation has been run under Republican tax, labor and environmental policies for last 40 of those years. Those tax policies saw an ever increasing slice of American wealth and prosperity flow to the top 10% of wealthy individuals and corporation. Each Republican tax cut has accelerated the transfer of that wealth. Under the Trump Presidency, the gap between rich and poor is accerating at its fastest rate in history.
Hold on a minute...explain this "TRANSFER" of wealth that you speak of? How is this wealth being "TRANSFERRED" from the poor to the wealthy?
How is wealthy John's tax cut affecting poor Juan?
No decent productive person I've ever known gave two fucks about others who were wealthier...is that a piece of shit beggar thing?
Democrats are accelerating the "wealth gap" by forever expanding the American underclass with human cockroaches from Mexico.

An economically vibrant and healthy middle class is a necessity for a successful and prosperous economy. The American middle class is shrinking, with more people falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth. That's not happening in any other First World nation.
There can be no middle class with 40 million illegal beaners destroying wages all across the employment spectrum. Good job Mexicrats!
Because your nation is floundering and failing economically after 40 years of Republican tax codes, changes to labor, healthcare, and environment laws:
  • greatest wealth and income disparity in the First World
  • only country in the First World with a declining life expectancy
  • highest rate of infant mortality in the First World
  • highest rate of maternal death in childbirth in the First World
  • only country in the First World seeking to limit or ban women's access to abortion
  • only country in the First World seeking to make it more difficult for citizens to vote
  • only country in the First World without universal, government funded health care
  • worst covid outbreak and death rate in the First World
  • only First World country to experience 3 economic collapses in 40 years​
The 2008 Crash nearly took down the world economy, but we've disentangled ourselves from the American economy and poorly regulated banking systems to keep that from ever happening again.

The rest of the First World is watching the Decline of the American Empire. All of which has been brought about by Republican tax, labor and economic policies which have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10% and left the rest of the people in the lurch.

Your nation is in a downward spiral of preventable sickness and death, leading to violent assaults at school board meetings over public health concerns. This is insanity, and it's happening nowhere else in the first world.

Your nation suckles of the teet of mine. Without the US your nation, that means nothing on the world stage, would crumble. So instead of bashing the hand that feeds you a simple thank you will do.
and only an absolute fucking fool would not want anything to change over time to deal with changes in society.....and when i was still in the PO Amazon came to see how we moved the mail and liked it so much they awarded them a billion dollar contract,,,,they changed ...so they changed or at least adjusted to fit with the PO ....things are going to change whether you like it or not.....
Your post doesn't reflect what bad change is, and only a knuckle head would think that people don't understand the differences between good change and bad change.
i get what you are saying....but over time there are things that have to change......
Yep, but only if those changes are good, are American leaning, and something proud to pass down to our grandkids etc. The opposite seems to be in play in a lot of ways, but it is being lied about, and then pushed anyways.

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