Did creepy joe kill the #MeToo movement?

Sure seems he did!

Even FOX News isn't desperate and depraved to push the line you're pushing. Nobody except the most vile Stalinist apparatchik is still clinging to the debunked Tara Reid fables.

That's you. There's no lie for the cult that you won't tell. You get a perverted thrill from lying. You'll even say you don't like Trump, beause that lie gives you a thrill.

Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.

Again, we're not talking about Trump. Stay on topic.

Thanks for all the voters you've sent to the Democrats through your depraved actions. We appreciate it.
Believe All Women!
Believe All Women!

But we don't say that. We say take all women seriously. And we did. Her accusations were investiged thoroughly, and found to be laughable. That's unlike the whitewash that accusations against conservative men get, so once more, moral high ground to the liberals.

And to you, I also say thank you for sending so many votes to the Democrats. It seems no decent people want to be associated with people as disgusting as you.
Believe All Women!

But we don't say that. We say take all women seriously. And we did. Her accusations were investiged thoroughly, and found to be laughable. That's unlike the whitewash that accusations against conservative men get, so once more, moral high ground to the liberals.

And to you, I also say thank you for sending so many votes to the Democrats. It seems no decent people want to be associated with people as disgusting as you.
Now that is funny.
Trump can‘t raise a glass of water without difficulty, walks down a ramp like a senile old man, slurs his words, and you have idiots keep saying Biden has dementia. No one shows more signs of senility than Trump. No one has more accusations of rape and assault than Trump. It just strikes as so laughable when Trumpers keep brining this topic up. Apparent you all nothing bout people living in glass houses.
Biden has dementia.
What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types, and Diagnosis
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.
So in other words, put a corpse into the White House who is totally clueless, and have him in control of our Nuclear Program...GREAT IDEA......Dumbass...
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.

Wow, you guys are getting pretty desperate as Trump flails.

The problem is, if you are going to try a bullshit MeToo attack, get a better accuser than Serial Grifter Tara/Alexandra Reade/McCabe/Moulton.

You know, someone who doesn't go by five different names to keep well ahead of lawsuits and repo men.
Trump can‘t raise a glass of water without difficulty, walks down a ramp like a senile old man, slurs his words, and you have idiots keep saying Biden has dementia. No one shows more signs of senility than Trump. No one has more accusations of rape and assault than Trump. It just strikes as so laughable when Trumpers keep brining this topic up. Apparent you all nothing bout people living in glass houses.
Biden has dementia.
What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types, and Diagnosis
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.
So in other words, put a corpse into the White House who is totally clueless, and have him in control of our Nuclear Program...GREAT IDEA......Dumbass...
No..My point is remove the senile moron in the office and put someone sane and capable in the White House. It is not that difficult.
Trump can‘t raise a glass of water without difficulty, walks down a ramp like a senile old man, slurs his words, and you have idiots keep saying Biden has dementia. No one shows more signs of senility than Trump. No one has more accusations of rape and assault than Trump. It just strikes as so laughable when Trumpers keep brining this topic up. Apparent you all nothing bout people living in glass houses.
Biden has dementia.
What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types, and Diagnosis
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.
So in other words, put a corpse into the White House who is totally clueless, and have him in control of our Nuclear Program...GREAT IDEA......Dumbass...
No..My point is remove the senile moron in the office and put someone sane and capable in the White House. It is not that difficult.
But the senile moron hasnt been elected yet to office. You guys need to get out the vote to put the crypt keeper into the White House.
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.
He's a decent guy, and none of the things you said. It's a good thing Covid happened, though, cuz the campaigning from state to state would have killed him. He's too old for this, but he'll hang in there, just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
You have no idea whether he is a "decent guy" or not.
It is impossible.... impossible... to watch the ful video of him and the congressional daughters and NOT be creeped out. You can clearly see his wife admonishes him twice. Every. Single. Time. - a young pre-teen girl entered the room Joe absolutely bee lined for that child., and simply would not let go of them the whole time they were in the room. "Decent men" - don't do that.
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.

Wow, you guys are getting pretty desperate as Trump flails.

The problem is, if you are going to try a bullshit MeToo attack, get a better accuser than Serial Grifter Tara/Alexandra Reade/McCabe/Moulton.

You know, someone who doesn't go by five different names to keep well ahead of lawsuits and repo men.
Joe, you racist prick, we arent flailing around burning cities and harming innocents, you guys are and if you say police, that is the liberal Joe's 1994 bill and Clintons super predator speech. Why are you liberals so drooling over your liberal slanted Polls. Didnt you learn in 2016 that while the sick, loud mouthed bitch Hillary was the winner, by the polls, it just didnt happen in this Representative Republic(not Democracy). Do you think that those cities that have felt the "burn" of Communism their ex liberal constituents who have lost their loved ones and property are going to vote for VACANT, sleepy, creepy Joe the groper Biden? If you think so, then you definately have a few chromosomes short of normal...
Believe All Women!

But we don't say that. We say take all women seriously. And we did. Her accusations were investiged thoroughly, and found to be laughable. That's unlike the whitewash that accusations against conservative men get, so once more, moral high ground to the liberals.

And to you, I also say thank you for sending so many votes to the Democrats. It seems no decent people want to be associated with people as disgusting as you.
Like kavanaugh? Lol
Get a life loser
Trump can‘t raise a glass of water without difficulty, walks down a ramp like a senile old man, slurs his words, and you have idiots keep saying Biden has dementia. No one shows more signs of senility than Trump. No one has more accusations of rape and assault than Trump. It just strikes as so laughable when Trumpers keep brining this topic up. Apparent you all nothing bout people living in glass houses.
Biden has dementia.
What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types, and Diagnosis
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.
So in other words, put a corpse into the White House who is totally clueless, and have him in control of our Nuclear Program...GREAT IDEA......Dumbass...
No..My point is remove the senile moron in the office and put someone sane and capable in the White House. It is not that difficult.
I agree with that. But all you dipshits was nominate someone even worse.
Good job!
Since Biden's sexual assault of a Dem staffer surfaced its been a liberal news blackout on sexual assault. The left turn the narrative on/off/change on a regular basis because everything they say is phony.
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.
Tara Reade killed it for lying about rape.
Multiple people back up Tara.
That chick that accused kavanaugh couldnt remember shit about it and everyone said it never happened. And you hacks socially crucified him.
You people are fucked up.
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.
Tara Reade killed it for lying about rape.
She lied?...says who?....the finger?...
Joe, you racist prick, we arent flailing around burning cities and harming innocents, you guys are and if you say police, that is the liberal Joe's 1994 bill and Clintons super predator speech.

Guy, back in the 1990's, Republicans weren't whining about locking people up and giving the police more money. You were whining about programs like Midnight Basketball.

Why are you liberals so drooling over your liberal slanted Polls. Didnt you learn in 2016 that while the sick, loud mouthed bitch Hillary was the winner, by the polls, it just didnt happen in this Representative Republic(not Democracy).

Again, I'm not sure why you are happy you won on a technicality. It's kind of like fucking a girl after you got her drunk. Oh, wait, that's probably the only way you get laid.

Do you think that those cities that have felt the "burn" of Communism their ex liberal constituents who have lost their loved ones and property are going to vote for VACANT, sleepy, creepy Joe the groper Biden? If you think so, then you definately have a few chromosomes short of normal...

I suspect most of those people will realize how Trump made this all worse.
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.
He's a decent guy, and none of the things you said. It's a good thing Covid happened, though, cuz the campaigning from state to state would have killed him. He's too old for this, but he'll hang in there, just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
You have no idea whether he is a "decent guy" or not.
It is impossible.... impossible... to watch the ful video of him and the congressional daughters and NOT be creeped out. You can clearly see his wife admonishes him twice. Every. Single. Time. - a young pre-teen girl entered the room Joe absolutely bee lined for that child., and simply would not let go of them the whole time they were in the room. "Decent men" - don't do that.

Did Senator Joe Biden ever walk into a room of custom changing ms. teen beauty contestants or party with an actual pedophile?
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.

Tara the repo woman just slowed it to a crawl.
Sure seems he did!
Now you got these leftists that "care" throwing complete support to a dementia ridden(remember when mental health mattered?) Pedophile accused of sexual assault to be the fucking president.
You cant make this shit up folks.
He's a decent guy, and none of the things you said. It's a good thing Covid happened, though, cuz the campaigning from state to state would have killed him. He's too old for this, but he'll hang in there, just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
You have no idea whether he is a "decent guy" or not.
It is impossible.... impossible... to watch the ful video of him and the congressional daughters and NOT be creeped out. You can clearly see his wife admonishes him twice. Every. Single. Time. - a young pre-teen girl entered the room Joe absolutely bee lined for that child., and simply would not let go of them the whole time they were in the room. "Decent men" - don't do that.

Did Senator Joe Biden ever walk into a room of custom changing ms. teen beauty contestants or party with an actual pedophile?
Yeah except nearly all of those girls said it never happened, or they don't remember it. And I am pretty sure they would remember it. Not one of the judges/adult said they remember anything like that, although it was common for him to be backstage. There were no complaints on record of this "event".
All you have is three past contestants say it happen.
That doesn't make it true. Well... unless you believe all women, and in that case, Joe has sexually assualted at least three.

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