did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

So this is what the right has been reduced to eh? as they say where im from, you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.

Gregory is no liberal. Dude is a smug ass hat, no matter how you try and sell it. Cant stand the guy.
You don't seem to want to enforce the gun control laws we have in place. I wonder if you would like more gun control laws, too?
You know, I saw some guys running some stop signs.

The police aren't enforcing the laws we already have on the books!!!!!
Not really. Lapierre looked like a giant asshole gun nut all over again.

I loved he is now on recording saying "You can't legislate morality".

And why is that funny? Wanting to legislate morality is about as authoritarian as it gets.

It's funny to authoritarians, I guess, because I fail to see the humor.

You can't be serious, Si. Laws against gambling, prostitution, drugs, etc., are all for the most part attempts to legislate morality.
And why is that funny? Wanting to legislate morality is about as authoritarian as it gets.

It's funny to authoritarians, I guess, because I fail to see the humor.

Because Lapierre is a rabid right winger.

And Legislate Morality is just about all they do.
I love generalizations because it's so easy to show the person what an idiot they are for making them. This boad calls me a rabid rightwinger

You're not a right-winger?

and I am anti-legislation of morality.
Then you are Libertarian. The Paulbots welcome you!


Thus my distaste with Obama and Obamacare and his authoritarian bents....like summary executions of US citizens without any judicial review.
The bolded is really what it comes down to.

If Dubya was doing it, you, and those on the Right would be saying "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpPABLW6F_A"]Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists - YouTube[/ame]
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:lol: No doubt the network has a legal team who handles these things beforehand. I'm sure the law considers David Gregory to be acting as an agent of the DC News.

§ 7-2506.01. Persons permitted to possess ammunition.

(a) No person shall possess ammunition in the District of Columbia unless:
(1) He is a licensed dealer pursuant to subchapter IV of this unit;
(2) He is an officer, agent, or employee of the District of Columbia or the United States of America, on duty and acting within the scope of his duties when possessing such ammunition;
(3) He is the holder of the valid registration certificate for a firearm of the same gauge or caliber as the ammunition he possesses; except, that no such person shall possess restricted pistol bullets; or
(4) He holds an ammunition collector’s certificate on September 24, 1976.
(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term “large capacity ammunition feeding device” means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term “large capacity ammunition feeding device” shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.

Is that your position the government runs meet the press a media source?

I would bet money that:

  • NBC contacted the DC PD and/or the local Federal Agency
  • NBC asked them to please supply a magazine for a segment on 'Meet The Press'
  • LE, as a public agency, was happy to help
  • Officer delivers, supervises, and controls possession of the magazine.
:lol: Oh cuz whatever someone posts on the internet changes the facts of the matter? NBC doesn't have to be "run by the government" for it to be an official news AGENCY which operates under FCC regulations as such. Do you really think the NBC legal team is worried about this serious blogosphere issue..?

The blogosphere did not pass a law, DC did. Its a violation and a pretty serious one as it was viewed by millions. Yes, NBC's legal team is probably very worried about it and so is the news division, as it paints Gregory in a bad light by his own hand.

He should issue an apology and if the problems persist, step doen from his position. The left would expect nothing less of someone at FOX.
I swear you're delusional.
That makes the Chief Executive the boss of the Attorney General -- who is, once more, the top law enforcement officer of the country. Being POTUS doesn't make him a law enforcement officer.


Yes it does. Faithfully enforcing the law is even in the oath of office he takes.

No, it does not. POTUS is an executive -- not a law enforcement officer. The AG is the chief law enforcement officer. The POTUS' oath says nothing whatsoever about "enforcing the law". Any law.

Eric Holder is also an "executive," according to your definition of the term. He's also a law enforcement officer, and so is the President. You're trying to tell us that Eric Holder or the head of the FBI can hold up a bag of coke entered as evidence, but the President can't?

You're serious?
The blogosphere did not pass a law, DC did. Its a violation and a pretty serious one as it was viewed by millions. Yes, NBC's legal team is probably very worried about it and so is the news division, as it paints Gregory in a bad light by his own hand.

He should issue an apology and if the problems persist, step doen from his position. The left would expect nothing less of someone at FOX.
I swear you're delusional.

Yes, he is delusional if he expects liberals to live according to their own stated principles.
I would bet money that:

  • NBC contacted the DC PD and/or the local Federal Agency
  • NBC asked them to please supply a magazine for a segment on 'Meet The Press'
  • LE, as a public agency, was happy to help
  • Officer delivers, supervises, and controls possession of the magazine.

I would bet money that someone at NBC simply drove to Virginia and purchased the magazine there and then brought it to the NBC studio in DC.
Yes it does. Faithfully enforcing the law is even in the oath of office he takes.

No, it does not. POTUS is an executive -- not a law enforcement officer. The AG is the chief law enforcement officer. The POTUS' oath says nothing whatsoever about "enforcing the law". Any law.

Eric Holder is also an "executive," according to your definition of the term. He's also a law enforcement officer, and so is the President. You're trying to tell us that Eric Holder or the head of the FBI can hold up a bag of coke entered as evidence, but the President can't?

You're serious?

That's right. Eric Holder is a law enforcement officer - the top one. There is no LEO above that level, including the POTUS. If POTUS wants some law enforced, he goes to the AG to do it -- he doesn't do it himself.

There is nothing in the world making the POTUS a "law enforcement officer". Including his oath, which is, as stated in the Constitution Article II, Section 1:

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

That's it. You see anything there about "law enforcement"??
What do you do, throw darts at a dartboard to come up with this crapola?

Burden of proof is on you, Fingerboy. I'm still not seeing any.
Much like the "Founders", in the same Constitution, disenfranchising the voters of a federal district that hadn't even been created yet. That worked out well, didn't it? :cuckoo:

So again, bottom line, if David Gregory broke the law through possession of a clip (if it was even real), then George Bush broke the law through possession of crack. They both flashed contraband on TV, so it's the same thing. Unless Bush was lying about what he was holding in his hand.
Excuses and more excuses. If he and his show producers are going to debate The Gun laws in America, then they should be expected to know the laws Theyre attempting to debate, even more so the laws in the city Theyre broadcasting from. This too much to ask for from Meet The Press?

Apparently in your opinión it is. Why mention its not a real magazine? So Gregory doesnt get himself into the trouble he is in now, thats why.

Gregory isn't "in trouble".
He's under investigation, thats pretty much being in trouble with the law, hes not charged yet , but he could be any minute now if it turns out it was real.

Honestly, I think its a bad law and I dont think anyone should be arrested for this. You guys want to Ban these things, yet Youre crying about it being enforced because the person that may be punished for possessing
Is one of your fellow travelers.

You guys need help.

I don't believe that I've expressed any opinions as to whether or not high capacity magazines should be legal or not.
David Gregory lost that debate by a mile today. He was spotlighted on NBC news the night before. NBC really expect Gregory to mop the floor with the NRA. Total fail.

Not really. Lapierre looked like a giant asshole gun nut all over again.

LaPierre used facts and reason. Gregory looked like an out of control liberal.

You're trying to talk to an out of control liberal about facts and reason. I doubt she's ever going to see it.
Lapierre wouldn't agree once that guns just might be a part of the problem. He is a complete moron.

No you are a moron. Lunatics are the problem, not the tool they choose to kill with.
How many kids would he have been able to kill had he had a musket instead?

Good question. Considering that the people in the Revolutionary War had muskets, and that the best riflemen were called "Minutemen" because they could fire, reload, fire again in less than a minute, well..............................it took about 5-10 min for the cops to respond.

In answer to your question, less than half the amount he killed with a semi automatic.
This board is like gun nut Groundhog Day...
This thread, like all the other threads about Gun control in the Forum... Is a beautiful display of leftist failure and stupidity on understanding the 2nd amendment and reality in general.

You can call us Gun nuts all you like, Kemosabe.

Atleast we aren't CONTROL FREAKS!

Everytime I see you idjits refering to liberty loving, patriotic 2nd amendment supporters who comprehend and respect our rights to be armed and defend ourselves from all enemies, foreign AND domestic - When you losers call ús "gun nuts"... Youre getting called out for what you truely are- Spineless, cowardly, traitors to the cause of the liberty for a false sense of security, government dependent , sissy assed, good for nothing CONTROL FREAKS.
It was presented as real.

Oh. My. God. A prop on TV presented as real?? Surely that's never happened before.

What about George H.W. Bush and his bag of crack?

This is the silliest thread going on right now bar none. Desperation meter pegged.

:lol: OMFG He broke the LAW!!!


Apples and oranges dumbass. One is a public official holding bagged evidence, the other is a private citizen in possession of an illegal item.
:lol: I don't know which I laughed about more yesterday... This story or the ridonkulous deport Piers Morgan petition... OMG you guys are too funny!

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