Did Democrats Alienate the Black Vote? Black Pastors Discuss 2 Justices Recusal

Do you agree with black pastors that Kagan and Ginsburg should recuse themselves?

  • No, they don't know what they're talking about. There was no bias evident.

  • Yes, they do know what they're talking about. A brain damaged fruit fly couldn't miss the bias.

  • I don't know enough about recusal and the US Supreme Court to know if they should step down.

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NAACP had a 15 year boycott of the flag in SC. It wasn't just an overnight action...
It's one thing to lower the flag at the public building. It's another to persecute anyone who has a confederate flag t shirt or bumper sticker. You hard lefters are pretty slow to pick up on the visceral reaction to the removal of free speech. No matter. I think you're going to get quite a lesson on that in 2017. And you thought 2014 turned out bad for the dems. By association, they're going to get a whoopin' in 2017 that makes 2014 look like a slap on the back of the wrist.

You can't just steal a legitimate civil rights movement, offensively associate it with ass-sex and gay marriage and then win the hearts of Christian southern blacks by taking a little flag down.
Of course not. Democrats count on ignorant dichotomous stupidity. It's what gets them elected.
Catholics oppose abortion and homos and elect democrats.
Obama eulogized in an anti-homo black church while he defaced the White House with homonazi colors.
Democrats are dumb and their leaders know this.
Gruber, anyone?

And ascribing "ignorant dichotomous stupidity" to an entire group of people is one of the primary reasons why you are not going to see a shift. For while the democratic party may not have been wholly honest or made the best decisions, they are not overtly courting people who are openly hostile to anyone who is not white. Once the republican party finally gets its collective head out of its ass and tosses the idiots out, then I think there will be a major shift.
Talk about backwards. The dems pander to everything in the name of skin color, etc. Not pandering to segregationists is not the same as pandering to white people. Show one group in the name of whiteness that non-dems pander to. Now name the infinite number of groups that dems pander to in the name of skin color, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.

Can't think of a one. That is one thing in their favor.
NAACP had a 15 year boycott of the flag in SC. It wasn't just an overnight action...
It's one thing to lower the flag at the public building. It's another to persecute anyone who has a confederate flag t shirt or bumper sticker. You hard lefters are pretty slow to pick up on the visceral reaction to the removal of free speech. No matter. I think you're going to get quite a lesson on that in 2017. And you thought 2014 turned out bad for the dems. By association, they're going to get a whoopin' in 2017 that makes 2014 look like a slap on the back of the wrist.

You can't just steal a legitimate civil rights movement, offensively associate it with ass-sex and gay marriage and then win the hearts of Christian southern blacks by taking a little flag down.
NAACP had a 15 year boycott of the flag in SC. It wasn't just an overnight action...
It's one thing to lower the flag at the public building. It's another to persecute anyone who has a confederate flag t shirt or bumper sticker. You hard lefters are pretty slow to pick up on the visceral reaction to the removal of free speech. No matter. I think you're going to get quite a lesson on that in 2017. And you thought 2014 turned out bad for the dems. By association, they're going to get a whoopin' in 2017 that makes 2014 look like a slap on the back of the wrist.

You can't just steal a legitimate civil rights movement, offensively associate it with ass-sex and gay marriage and then win the hearts of Christian southern blacks by taking a little flag down.

I don't think I've seen anyone persecuted because they had a flag.
Right, the far left media hasn't been making a huge circus out of bashing the crap out of the confederate flag every single place it pops up. Sure. You folks do a lot of asking of folks to completely suspend reality as they know it to adopt your smoke and mirrors propaganda. At some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. I think you're about as close as physically possible to that rupture.
You folks do a lot of asking of folks to completely suspend reality as they know it to adopt your smoke and mirrors propaganda..

That describes every single one of your posts.

Asking everyone else to suspend reality and believe your batshit craziness.
Oh and just pointing out

Silhouette's signature is both wrong- and a lie.

A petty stupid lie.
Right, the far left media hasn't been making a huge circus out of bashing the crap out of the confederate flag every single place it pops up. Sure. You folks do a lot of asking of folks to completely suspend reality as they know it to adopt your smoke and mirrors propaganda. At some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. I think you're about as close as physically possible to that rupture.

So you think that people expressing their opinion is persecution. You have the right to express yourself. But that carries with it the right of other people to express themselves. And yes, at some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. It just did.
Stand up and do something other than whine then, Sil; do something. And don't lead with your siggie, because it is a lie.
Right, the far left media hasn't been making a huge circus out of bashing the crap out of the confederate flag every single place it pops up. Sure. You folks do a lot of asking of folks to completely suspend reality as they know it to adopt your smoke and mirrors propaganda. At some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. I think you're about as close as physically possible to that rupture.

So you think that people expressing their opinion is persecution. You have the right to express yourself. But that carries with it the right of other people to express themselves. And yes, at some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. It just did.
Is that why the Pope is coming for the first time in world history to address Congress? To reaffirm "the sanctity of gay marriage"?

You folks don't even seem to care how the black movement regards your theft of their civil rights movement in such a degrading dingleberry. Wow, I'm sure when Dr. King was marching along he was thinking "gee, I hope all this leads ultimately to motherless or fatherless marriages where kids will never know either a mother or father...as a "blessed institution"..
Right, the far left media hasn't been making a huge circus out of bashing the crap out of the confederate flag every single place it pops up. Sure. You folks do a lot of asking of folks to completely suspend reality as they know it to adopt your smoke and mirrors propaganda. At some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. I think you're about as close as physically possible to that rupture.

So you think that people expressing their opinion is persecution. You have the right to express yourself. But that carries with it the right of other people to express themselves. And yes, at some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. It just did.
Is that why the Pope is coming for the first time in world history to address Congress? To reaffirm "the sanctity of gay marriage"?
If you want an idea of why the Pope is coming to address Congress- feel free to read up

6 Things To Expect From Pope Francis Address To Congress
Right, the far left media hasn't been making a huge circus out of bashing the crap out of the confederate flag every single place it pops up. Sure. You folks do a lot of asking of folks to completely suspend reality as they know it to adopt your smoke and mirrors propaganda. At some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. I think you're about as close as physically possible to that rupture.

So you think that people expressing their opinion is persecution. You have the right to express yourself. But that carries with it the right of other people to express themselves. And yes, at some point that thin membrane of lies has to give. It just did.
Is that why the Pope is coming for the first time in world history to address Congress? To reaffirm "the sanctity of gay marriage"?

You folks don't even seem to care how the black movement regards your theft of their civil rights movement in such a degrading dingleberry. Wow, I'm sure when Dr. King was marching along he was thinking "gee, I hope all this leads ultimately to motherless or fatherless marriages where kids will never know either a mother or father...as a "blessed institution"..

I could not care less why the Pope is coming, nor what the "black movement" (whatever the hell that means) thinks.
I could not care less why the Pope is coming, nor what the "black movement" (whatever the hell that means) thinks.

Until it is convenient for your to cite "the struggles of blacks as akin to gays in their civil rights movement!" As if ass-sex is some great struggle on par with finding your Aunt Tessie hanging by her neck from the oak tree on the plantation because she didn't scrub out the fireplace that morning good enough.
I could not care less why the Pope is coming, nor what the "black movement" (whatever the hell that means) thinks.

Until it is convenient for your to cite "the struggles of blacks as akin to gays in their civil rights movement!" As if ass-sex is some great struggle on par with finding your Aunt Tessie hanging by her neck from the oak tree on the plantation because she didn't scrub out the fireplace that morning good enough.

I'm sorry. I'm getting old and forgetful. When did I do that?
I could not care less why the Pope is coming, nor what the "black movement" (whatever the hell that means) thinks.

Until it is convenient for your to cite "the struggles of blacks as akin to gays in their civil rights movement!" As if ass-sex is some great struggle on par with finding your Aunt Tessie hanging by her neck from the oak tree on the plantation because she didn't scrub out the fireplace that morning good enough.

I'm sorry. I'm getting old and forgetful. When did I do that?
You know the points raised by black pastors is that it's completely offensive to compare their struggles with gays wanting to make an institution with tax-deductions out of motherless/fatherless marriages.
I could not care less why the Pope is coming, nor what the "black movement" (whatever the hell that means) thinks.

Until it is convenient for your to cite "the struggles of blacks as akin to gays in their civil rights movement!" As if ass-sex is some great struggle on par with finding your Aunt Tessie hanging by her neck from the oak tree on the plantation because she didn't scrub out the fireplace that morning good enough.

I'm sorry. I'm getting old and forgetful. When did I do that?
You know the points raised by black pastors is that it's completely offensive to compare their struggles with gays wanting to make an institution with tax-deductions out of motherless/fatherless marriages.

Gays want their constitutional right to marry. Nothing more and nothing less.
I could not care less why the Pope is coming, nor what the "black movement" (whatever the hell that means) thinks.

Until it is convenient for your to cite "the struggles of blacks as akin to gays in their civil rights movement!" As if ass-sex is some great struggle on par with finding your Aunt Tessie hanging by her neck from the oak tree on the plantation because she didn't scrub out the fireplace that morning good enough.

I'm sorry. I'm getting old and forgetful. When did I do that?
You know the points raised by black pastors is that it's completely offensive to compare their struggles with gays wanting to make an institution with tax-deductions out of motherless/fatherless marriages.

No. You've still lost me. When did I make that comparison?

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