Did Democrats Alienate the Black Vote? Black Pastors Discuss 2 Justices Recusal

Do you agree with black pastors that Kagan and Ginsburg should recuse themselves?

  • No, they don't know what they're talking about. There was no bias evident.

  • Yes, they do know what they're talking about. A brain damaged fruit fly couldn't miss the bias.

  • I don't know enough about recusal and the US Supreme Court to know if they should step down.

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Did Democrats Alienate the Black Vote?

For years Washington Democrats have been way out of touch with the majority of American thought, and now they're proving the same
mentality about minority thought. More and more blacks don't like Obama, don't identify with him; most don't support gay marriage, definitely resent illegal aliens taking American jobs, and dislike and don't trust Islam. Washington Democrats (not democrats, mind you) are stupid and blind. More and more American democrats are wising up, too.

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