Did Democrats benefit from Covid? How much did they benefit? Should that make us wonder about who’s behind the formulation of covid and its origin?

Do you work with any Democrats?

None of your business, you anti-American criminal supporting POS. //
I'm pretty well qualified for my position...more so then most of the trumpers...but they are good workers and people for the most part. I won't knock them.

I have even heard a couple go from from fuck Biden to fuck Biden and fuck Trump so there is hope at least.

They are pro union though so that might not fly with the hard core cultists on these boards.

Do you work with any Democrats?

SHUP and stuff it. I don't play games with LW lunatics. Hope to see you in the upcoming street wars.
None of your business, you anti-American criminal supporting POS. //

Lol. That came out of nowhere.

SHUP and stuff it. I don't play games with LW lunatics. Hope to see you in the upcoming street wars.
I'm an independent. Not a lefty.

Are you sure you're not to sensitive for these boards? You seem a bit triggered...over what I'm not sure.

Just a heads up. This is not a safe place. You may wish to head to less confrontational sites lest you have a complete snowflake meltdown.

Good luck with that and have a great day!
bitches who bust their asses trying to look and act tough...pussies get tattoo sleeves / neck tattoos to mask their nutlessness.

Reminds me of this guy...

I have even heard a couple go from from fuck Biden to fuck Biden and fuck Trump so there is hope at least.
You sounded half credible for a minute…and then you said this^^^^^^^^^
Not a single “Trumper” has ever moved to “fuck Trump”…not one.
You sounded half credible for a minute…and then you said this^^^^^^^^^
Not a single “Trumper” has ever moved to “fuck Trump”…not one.
Sorry. I didn't realize you knew what all Trump supporters say always and everywhere.

Can't debate that logic.

Good grief.
There is no doubt the Democrat filth benefited from Covid.

Covid presented the Democrat turds with the golden opportunity in 2020 to use the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, allowing the theft of the Electoral College from Trump and the American people.

The only question is were the Democrats in collusion with the Chinese to release the virus or did the Democrats simply take advantage of the Pandemic to steal the election?

We know that the Chinese made the Potatohead family filthy rich and own his ass. We know the Chinese hated Trump. We know the Chinese released the virus. We know the Democrats used the Pandemic to steal the election.

Those dots are very easy to connect.
A man-made Chinese virus created with DEM funding?Launched 10 months prior to an election? Spread by DEM states first. Nothing to see here.

Kill the economy with shutdowns, kill tens of thousands elderly in NY, MI nursing homes (but get their ballots). Create no fault mail-in ballots flooded out to any name on an out of control LW list in many states? Take over power, set the rules going forward to keep power forever?

China economy soars again (Trump policies were detrimental to China).

Nothing to see here sayeth the USMB brain-dead LW shills.
The ONE time I agree with Jon Stewart

The ONE time I agree with Jon Stewart

He lost. Because his presidency was tested for the first time and he falls FLAT on his fucking face. If he just looks a bit like he gives a shit and does the job he was elected to do, the lockdowns, the ballooning deaths, the damage to the economy wouldn't have been nearly as bad as it turned out to be...because he was INCOMPETENT. So the voters showed him the door.

Why can't you accept that? He was a terrible President and he got voted out.
In light of all that has transpired over the last eight years and ‘Trump Trials’, the timing in which charges were brought, the manner in which they’ve been adjudicated shouldn’t we really start to think that formulating a virus with China to unseat Trump is plausible as all hell?

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