Did evolution happen ?

Attenborough is probably the greatest living Englishman and his brother ran Jurassic Park. I think he pretty much nailed the intelligent design nut.

Did evolution produce 27 genders?

Or just an X and Y chromosome?

I believe it was Carl Sagan who popularized the term “sentience”, am ability to perceive one’s environment and their place in it. Our sentience is a product of more complex brains as opposed to other animals. Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in all of nature, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from. That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would god create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities—just at a lower “wattage”?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a god do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts? What is more likely, that god purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the story was set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

That fine tuning by the gods worked out well on this planet 65 million years ago.
So, are there transgendered monkeys?
Almost certainly, yes. But thing is, we can't ask them. But we definitely see gender fluidity in nature, and especially fluidity of sexual preferences.

But, even if there were not ANYTHING resembling "transgender" in other monkeys, or even in our closest ape relatives, that would not be an argument that it is not a product of human psychology. So you are just chasing down a red herring, anyway.

Do you often beg strangers on the internet to spoonfeed you information regarding complex, scientific ideas? Do you think that, oh just maybe, there is a better way to learn about these topics?
So, are there transgendered monkeys?
Almost certainly, yes. But thing is, we can't ask them. But we definitely see gender fluidity in nature, and especially fluidity of sexual preferences.

But, even if there were not ANYTHING resembling "transgender" in other monkeys, or even in our closest ape relatives, that would not be an argument that it is not a product of human psychology. So you are just chasing down a red herring, anyway.

Do you often beg strangers on the internet to spoonfeed you information regarding complex, scientific ideas? Do you think that, oh just maybe, there is a better way to learn about these topics?

There certainly is, but you have no evidence...but you believe it. Gosh, sounds like the same arguement creationists use.
So, are there transgendered monkeys?
Almost certainly, yes. But thing is, we can't ask them. But we definitely see gender fluidity in nature, and especially fluidity of sexual preferences.

But, even if there were not ANYTHING resembling "transgender" in other monkeys, or even in our closest ape relatives, that would not be an argument that it is not a product of human psychology. So you are just chasing down a red herring, anyway.

Do you often beg strangers on the internet to spoonfeed you information regarding complex, scientific ideas? Do you think that, oh just maybe, there is a better way to learn about these topics?

There certainly is, but you have no evidence...but you believe it. Gosh, sounds like the same arguement creationists use.

So like male colobus monkeys who change their appearance to mimic female colobus monkeys in heat in order to keep from getting kicked out of their pod?

You know. Gender expression different from their sex.
Did evolution produce 27 genders?
Yes, as evolution produced the human brain, the human ability for self-aware introspection, and the complex human psychology.

So, are there transgendered monkeys?

You probably know where this is going.

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality
You're going off the rails if you start bringing that gender fluid nonsense into this.
Did evolution produce 27 genders?
Yes, as evolution produced the human brain, the human ability for self-aware introspection, and the complex human psychology.
There are only two genders.
Well, strictly speaking, there are, chromosomally, some gray areas, due to polyploidy.

But, in terms of psychology, the gray area is much bigger.
Gender isn't a function of psychology. It's a function of your chromosomes.
and we have no aliens.

This moron actually believes that he fact that we have no alien specimens is a good argument that no life exists anywhere else in the universe.

Of course, this is just a pile of embarrassing, dishonest horseshit, and just part of the daily dog and pony show this fraud puts on for us. The fact is, he believes 100%, regardless of any new information found since the iron age, that the universe is only about 10,000 years old and was made perfectly to spec just for the human race. Anything he says that is not just a restatement of this is just an embarrassing little instance of prancing and preening. He's so far gone, he forgot how to be honest.

It's not just no aliens, doomed one. We have atheist scientists claiming multiverses to argue against the fine tuning facts. Stephen Hawking explained the fine tuning facts, but he never advertised that since it went against evolutionary thinking and history. He bought into the multiverse theory and believing that explains how Earth isn't special due to more universes. That's more expanding space yet there has been no evidence for it at LHC. He ended up studying multiverse theories before he died. BTW he's another doomed one that will be screaming 24/7, i.e. throughout time, because of his fate or is it his "faith-based" science.

Furthermore, how can panspermia happen when there is solar wind, extreme cold and not enough oxygen. None of the evolutionary thinking holds up. You may as well be floating out there as you are gone.
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

So YOUR source says "All available evidence supports the central conclusions of evolutionary theory, that life on Earth has evolved and that species share common ancestors"

And that debunks evolution??? Lol.

No, they both ignore the fine tuning facts found by the secular (atheist) scientists including Stephen Hawking when studying the big bang. Afterward, it was not a popular theory so they ignored it and came up with multiverses in order to show Earth's habitability isn't special. Yet, it IS special in our universe since we are the only life here. That's what the evolution website from Berkeley concluded, too, but this just went over your head :aug08_031:.
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

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