Did evolution happen ?

Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

So YOUR source says "All available evidence supports the central conclusions of evolutionary theory, that life on Earth has evolved and that species share common ancestors"

And that debunks evolution??? Lol.

No, they both ignore the fine tuning facts found by the secular (atheist) scientists including Stephen Hawking when studying the big bang. Afterward, it was not a popular theory so they ignored it and came up with multiverses in order to show Earth's habitability isn't special. Yet, it IS special in our universe since we are the only life here. That's what the evolution website from Berkeley concluded, too, but this just went over your head :aug08_031:.

So what you are trying to do is distract from your own source saying evolution is real.

Lol. Nice try kiddo. But when your own source debunks you, that's game over. Have a fun night
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.
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Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

Elon Musk has said he believes intelligent ET's have the ability to contact us but are only observing us from afar and choosing not to (His feb 2017 interview with the chairman of the WGS).

So you saying too that you believe like Musk that "If there are superintelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. We just are not smart enough to realize it."

Another theory many put out there is they are so so different they may not even recognize us as sentient.

So next time you want to lie for an uninformed retort that doesn't even correlate to my statement (I said nothing about ET's desire to communicate with us, just our ability and desire to communicate with them being so small), please, educate yourself first, then decide if typing something untrue is worth it or not for you.

Now that's the advanced race theory. There's lots of theories that most never got to our point. I mean we are the only species of millions on Earth to ever be able to even send out a tiny signal. There's theories that sentient beings destroy themselves with war before being able to master intergalactic travel and communication. There's ones that resources fail before interstellar travel is discovered.

Anyways this is so far off Evolution now. Sure the start of life has many competing theories, some showing better scientific chance than others. But Evolution itself, is not a conflicting theory.
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Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

Elon Musk has said he believes intelligent ET's have the ability to contact us but are only observing us from afar and choosing not to (His feb 2017 interview with the chairman of the WGS).

So you saying too that you believe like Musk that "If there are superintelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. We just are not smart enough to realize it."

Another theory many put out there is they are so so different they may not even recognize us as sentient.

So next time you want to lie for an uninformed retort that doesn't even correlate to my statement (I said nothing about ET's desire to communicate with us, just our ability and desire to communicate with them being so small), please, educate yourself first, then decide if typing something untrue is worth it or not for you.

Now that's the advanced race theory. There's lots of theories that most never got to our point. I mean we are the only species of millions on Earth to ever be able to even send out a tiny signal. There's theories that sentient beings destroy themselves with war before being able to master intergalactic travel and communication. There's ones that resources fail before interstellar travel is discovered.

Anyways this is so far off Evolution now. Sure the start of life has many competing theories, some showing better scientific chance than others. But Evolution itself, is not a conflicting theory.

Haha. You said it was game over and clearly it isn't. Clearly you are riffing off my comments, but at least are learning something.

The ball is in your court. NASA is definitely going to Mars by 2025 with a manned mission. I think it will be extremely dangerous because they will not have fuel to get back. Hope they do not die from solar wind. They will have to live there and make their own fuel. Perhaps the backup plan is to send an unmanned ship with fuel, but that will be costly.

However, they aren't going to find any aliens. Not even a microbe and I've already explained why. They are basing it on superior technology and ice on Mars. They believe there may have been past life (Evidence for this is fine, too. Anything to debunk the creation scientists and I.). Can I help it if these NASA meatheads continue to follow the evolutionary thinking and aliens will be discovered? It's ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

I rather visit a luxurious space station, do some space experiments and adventures (except free fall) and take a grand picture of the big blue marble. Right now, it appears that God did not make it easy for us to be multi-planetary.
How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

Elon Musk has said he believes intelligent ET's have the ability to contact us but are only observing us from afar and choosing not to (His feb 2017 interview with the chairman of the WGS).

So you saying too that you believe like Musk that "If there are superintelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. We just are not smart enough to realize it."

Another theory many put out there is they are so so different they may not even recognize us as sentient.

So next time you want to lie for an uninformed retort that doesn't even correlate to my statement (I said nothing about ET's desire to communicate with us, just our ability and desire to communicate with them being so small), please, educate yourself first, then decide if typing something untrue is worth it or not for you.

Now that's the advanced race theory. There's lots of theories that most never got to our point. I mean we are the only species of millions on Earth to ever be able to even send out a tiny signal. There's theories that sentient beings destroy themselves with war before being able to master intergalactic travel and communication. There's ones that resources fail before interstellar travel is discovered.

Anyways this is so far off Evolution now. Sure the start of life has many competing theories, some showing better scientific chance than others. But Evolution itself, is not a conflicting theory.

Haha. You said it was game over and clearly it isn't. Clearly you are riffing off my comments, but at least are learning something.

The ball is in your court. NASA is definitely going to Mars by 2025 with a manned mission. I think it will be extremely dangerous because they will not have fuel to get back. Hope they do not die from solar wind. They will have to live there and make their own fuel. Perhaps the backup plan is to send an unmanned ship with fuel, but that will be costly.

However, they aren't going to find any aliens. Not even a microbe and I've already explained why. They are basing it on superior technology and ice on Mars. They believe there may have been past life (Evidence for this is fine, too. Anything to debunk the creation scientists and I.). Can I help it if these NASA meatheads continue to follow the evolutionary thinking and aliens will be discovered? It's ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

I rather visit a luxurious space station, do some space experiments and adventures (except free fall) and take a grand picture of the big blue marble. Right now, it appears that God did not make it easy for us to be multi-planetary.

Talk about going on a ledge. 30 billion stars in our Galaxy is a realistic assumption that could have planets. 100 billion visible galaxies. And you're basing this that the planet closest to us might not have life so none of them do.


Thanks. Just needed to see your logic there.

Wow. That's just amazing. You went right back to the argument of "since I looked in my cupboard kitchen and didn't find anybody Chinese in there, Chinese people don't exist"

And this has nothing to do with biblical creation. Just like the Earth being the center of the universe had nothing to do with biblical creation.
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

This is all illogical gibberish,
Take our galaxy alone. Plus our ability to send or detect radiowaves or other signatures, which started only about a ridiculous 100 years ago.
Any ET civilisation more than about 100 lightyears away would know nothing of our existence. Our galaxy has a diameter of roughly 150.000 lightyears.
If there is any civilisation in a segment of our galaxy we can observe, so about 180 to 210 degrees, the rest is behind the black hole in the center, they could be pretty far away. If they are presently on the same technology level as we are, their signals could reach us in 1.000 or 10.000 or 20.000 years.
If they would be a million years ahead of us, they could have been wiped out by a supernova in the meantime, we would never know. Their signals would have passed by before we were able to operate a radio.
So what SETI is looking for, is a civilisation that was on our level the time ago their signals would need to reach us.
The hopes are not very high though, but we would at least know there is or was somebody.
We will definetely not be able to answer in real time or communicate.
But it would fuck up any religion on earth, which makes it worth any effort.
It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

Elon Musk has said he believes intelligent ET's have the ability to contact us but are only observing us from afar and choosing not to (His feb 2017 interview with the chairman of the WGS).

So you saying too that you believe like Musk that "If there are superintelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. We just are not smart enough to realize it."

Another theory many put out there is they are so so different they may not even recognize us as sentient.

So next time you want to lie for an uninformed retort that doesn't even correlate to my statement (I said nothing about ET's desire to communicate with us, just our ability and desire to communicate with them being so small), please, educate yourself first, then decide if typing something untrue is worth it or not for you.

Now that's the advanced race theory. There's lots of theories that most never got to our point. I mean we are the only species of millions on Earth to ever be able to even send out a tiny signal. There's theories that sentient beings destroy themselves with war before being able to master intergalactic travel and communication. There's ones that resources fail before interstellar travel is discovered.

Anyways this is so far off Evolution now. Sure the start of life has many competing theories, some showing better scientific chance than others. But Evolution itself, is not a conflicting theory.

Haha. You said it was game over and clearly it isn't. Clearly you are riffing off my comments, but at least are learning something.

The ball is in your court. NASA is definitely going to Mars by 2025 with a manned mission. I think it will be extremely dangerous because they will not have fuel to get back. Hope they do not die from solar wind. They will have to live there and make their own fuel. Perhaps the backup plan is to send an unmanned ship with fuel, but that will be costly.

However, they aren't going to find any aliens. Not even a microbe and I've already explained why. They are basing it on superior technology and ice on Mars. They believe there may have been past life (Evidence for this is fine, too. Anything to debunk the creation scientists and I.). Can I help it if these NASA meatheads continue to follow the evolutionary thinking and aliens will be discovered? It's ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

I rather visit a luxurious space station, do some space experiments and adventures (except free fall) and take a grand picture of the big blue marble. Right now, it appears that God did not make it easy for us to be multi-planetary.

Talk about going on a ledge. 30 billion stars in our Galaxy is a realistic assumption that could have planets. 100 billion visible galaxies. And you're basing this that the planet closest to us might not have life so none of them do.


Thanks. Just needed to see your logic there.

Wow. That's just amazing. You went right back to the argument of "since I looked in my cupboard kitchen and didn't find anybody Chinese in there, Chinese people don't exist"

And this has nothing to do with biblical creation. Just like the Earth being the center of the universe had nothing to do with biblical creation.
You might find some rice and tea! One doesn't usually find people in their kitchen cupboards...
It's based on statistics. We have searched and enough time has passed so that if any intelligent ETs existed, then they would have contacted us already.

Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

Elon Musk has said he believes intelligent ET's have the ability to contact us but are only observing us from afar and choosing not to (His feb 2017 interview with the chairman of the WGS).

So you saying too that you believe like Musk that "If there are superintelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. We just are not smart enough to realize it."

Another theory many put out there is they are so so different they may not even recognize us as sentient.

So next time you want to lie for an uninformed retort that doesn't even correlate to my statement (I said nothing about ET's desire to communicate with us, just our ability and desire to communicate with them being so small), please, educate yourself first, then decide if typing something untrue is worth it or not for you.

Now that's the advanced race theory. There's lots of theories that most never got to our point. I mean we are the only species of millions on Earth to ever be able to even send out a tiny signal. There's theories that sentient beings destroy themselves with war before being able to master intergalactic travel and communication. There's ones that resources fail before interstellar travel is discovered.

Anyways this is so far off Evolution now. Sure the start of life has many competing theories, some showing better scientific chance than others. But Evolution itself, is not a conflicting theory.

Haha. You said it was game over and clearly it isn't. Clearly you are riffing off my comments, but at least are learning something.

The ball is in your court. NASA is definitely going to Mars by 2025 with a manned mission. I think it will be extremely dangerous because they will not have fuel to get back. Hope they do not die from solar wind. They will have to live there and make their own fuel. Perhaps the backup plan is to send an unmanned ship with fuel, but that will be costly.

However, they aren't going to find any aliens. Not even a microbe and I've already explained why. They are basing it on superior technology and ice on Mars. They believe there may have been past life (Evidence for this is fine, too. Anything to debunk the creation scientists and I.). Can I help it if these NASA meatheads continue to follow the evolutionary thinking and aliens will be discovered? It's ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

I rather visit a luxurious space station, do some space experiments and adventures (except free fall) and take a grand picture of the big blue marble. Right now, it appears that God did not make it easy for us to be multi-planetary.

Talk about going on a ledge. 30 billion stars in our Galaxy is a realistic assumption that could have planets. 100 billion visible galaxies. And you're basing this that the planet closest to us might not have life so none of them do.


Thanks. Just needed to see your logic there.

Wow. That's just amazing. You went right back to the argument of "since I looked in my cupboard kitchen and didn't find anybody Chinese in there, Chinese people don't exist"

And this has nothing to do with biblical creation. Just like the Earth being the center of the universe had nothing to do with biblical creation.

You do not understand probabilities and this is what we use to determine whether an event such as finding aliens will happen in the future. There is greater probability that we won't because it is based on a planet's habitability. What a planet has to have is based on fine tuning parameters that the secular scientists found when they were investigating the Big Bang theory. However, they do not mention it anymore because it goes against evolutionary thinking. The chances of finding life, even one microbe, is so remote that evolutionists admit that life is rare now. Not only that, the solar wind is so bad that even the heartiest cell creatures cannot survive out in space. Thus, your probabilities of countless suns, moons and planets is still no match for fine tuning. The atheist scientists went to multiverses because of this and there is no evidence for those either. Thus, you are wrong.
Hmmm seti statistics say "SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space"

It's like checking your kitchen cabinet and based on that saying Africa doesn't exist.

That's based on us being the advanced race. Currently, we just are able to get to Mars and not back according to Elon Musk. You just DISMISSED the advanced ETs ability to contact us. All the intelligent people believe this including Musk, Fermi, creation scientists and I. Not you tho. Don't mean to insult. Just an observation.

Elon Musk has said he believes intelligent ET's have the ability to contact us but are only observing us from afar and choosing not to (His feb 2017 interview with the chairman of the WGS).

So you saying too that you believe like Musk that "If there are superintelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. We just are not smart enough to realize it."

Another theory many put out there is they are so so different they may not even recognize us as sentient.

So next time you want to lie for an uninformed retort that doesn't even correlate to my statement (I said nothing about ET's desire to communicate with us, just our ability and desire to communicate with them being so small), please, educate yourself first, then decide if typing something untrue is worth it or not for you.

Now that's the advanced race theory. There's lots of theories that most never got to our point. I mean we are the only species of millions on Earth to ever be able to even send out a tiny signal. There's theories that sentient beings destroy themselves with war before being able to master intergalactic travel and communication. There's ones that resources fail before interstellar travel is discovered.

Anyways this is so far off Evolution now. Sure the start of life has many competing theories, some showing better scientific chance than others. But Evolution itself, is not a conflicting theory.

Haha. You said it was game over and clearly it isn't. Clearly you are riffing off my comments, but at least are learning something.

The ball is in your court. NASA is definitely going to Mars by 2025 with a manned mission. I think it will be extremely dangerous because they will not have fuel to get back. Hope they do not die from solar wind. They will have to live there and make their own fuel. Perhaps the backup plan is to send an unmanned ship with fuel, but that will be costly.

However, they aren't going to find any aliens. Not even a microbe and I've already explained why. They are basing it on superior technology and ice on Mars. They believe there may have been past life (Evidence for this is fine, too. Anything to debunk the creation scientists and I.). Can I help it if these NASA meatheads continue to follow the evolutionary thinking and aliens will be discovered? It's ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

I rather visit a luxurious space station, do some space experiments and adventures (except free fall) and take a grand picture of the big blue marble. Right now, it appears that God did not make it easy for us to be multi-planetary.

Talk about going on a ledge. 30 billion stars in our Galaxy is a realistic assumption that could have planets. 100 billion visible galaxies. And you're basing this that the planet closest to us might not have life so none of them do.


Thanks. Just needed to see your logic there.

Wow. That's just amazing. You went right back to the argument of "since I looked in my cupboard kitchen and didn't find anybody Chinese in there, Chinese people don't exist"

And this has nothing to do with biblical creation. Just like the Earth being the center of the universe had nothing to do with biblical creation.

You do not understand probabilities and this is what we use to determine whether an event such as finding aliens will happen in the future. There is greater probability that we won't because it is based on a planet's habitability. What a planet has to have is based on fine tuning parameters that the secular scientists found when they were investigating the Big Bang theory. However, they do not mention it anymore because it goes against evolutionary thinking. The chances of finding life, even one microbe, is so remote that evolutionists admit that life is rare now. Not only that, the solar wind is so bad that even the heartiest cell creatures cannot survive out in space. Thus, your probabilities of countless suns, moons and planets is still no match for fine tuning. The atheist scientists went to multiverses because of this and there is no evidence for those either. Thus, you are wrong.

Actually, the nonsense you read at fundamentalist ministries has nothing to do with science. Your statements about the nonsensical “fine tuning” canard, “evolutionary thinking” and “Big Bang theory”, are just laughably incoherent and factually incorrect,

It’s truly astonishing how the hyper-religious are so morally bankrupt that they have no problem with lies and falsehoods to protect their dogma.
You do not understand probabilities
No, it is you who doesn't understand probabilities. Nor do the YEC bloggers you plagiarize, when they reiterate hoyle's fallacy ad nauseum.

You double that error when you accidentally conflate the madeup "probability" (that isn't) of the existence of humans exactly as they are today with the probability of abiogenesis occuring elsewhere in the universe. It's useless, specious nonsense, and you guys embarrass yourselves with it every time.
You do not understand probabilities
No, it is you who doesn't understand probabilities. Nor do the YEC bloggers you plagiarize, when they reiterate hoyle's fallacy ad nauseum.

You double that error when you accidentally conflate the madeup "probability" (that isn't) of the existence of humans exactly as they are today with the probability of abiogenesis occuring elsewhere in the universe. It's useless, specious nonsense, and you guys embarrass yourselves with it every time.

I understand probabilities just fine. Took a course at my alma mater. It is you who doesn't understand probabilities and how it is used. Moreover, you are wrong about it being related to YEC bloggers. I just told you that I learned it during college and am using it now. Thus, the probability of finding aliens in the future is practically zero. Now, NASA is looking for evidence of past life, as well. Do we use probabilities in this case?

What about abiogenesis occurring? This is zero because Louis Pasteur showed only life begats life in his famous experiment. The probability is worse than aliens. Thus, you better hope aliens populated this planet.

Finally, the creation scientists got admission from secular ones that "life is rare." Why don't you just admit no aliens and no abiogenesis?
I understand probabilities just fine. Took a course at my alma mater.
You clearly do not. And so what if you "once took a course"? You also probably once took a science course, but you clearly know fuck all about that subject, either.

This is the kind of moronic shit that plays in your goofy voodoo religion circles, but not in the educated community. In your goofy voodoo, one just has to out "reverend," in front of his name, and suddenly he can say any stupid fucking shit he wants. In science, you can out as many letters behond your name as you like...and, if you don't agree evolution is a fact, you're wrong. And that is decided on the evidence, not on how many kids you have brainwashed in Africa, or how many times you stomp your feet and insist evolution is false.
You do not understand probabilities
No, it is you who doesn't understand probabilities. Nor do the YEC bloggers you plagiarize, when they reiterate hoyle's fallacy ad nauseum.

You double that error when you accidentally conflate the madeup "probability" (that isn't) of the existence of humans exactly as they are today with the probability of abiogenesis occuring elsewhere in the universe. It's useless, specious nonsense, and you guys embarrass yourselves with it every time.

I understand probabilities just fine. Took a course at my alma mater. It is you who doesn't understand probabilities and how it is used. Moreover, you are wrong about it being related to YEC bloggers. I just told you that I learned it during college and am using it now. Thus, the probability of finding aliens in the future is practically zero. Now, NASA is looking for evidence of past life, as well. Do we use probabilities in this case?

What about abiogenesis occurring? This is zero because Louis Pasteur showed only life begats life in his famous experiment. The probability is worse than aliens. Thus, you better hope aliens populated this planet.

Finally, the creation scientists got admission from secular ones that "life is rare." Why don't you just admit no aliens and no abiogenesis?

Actually, you don't understand probabilities. You also don't understand that the nonsense you cut and paste from bible ministries makes you an accomplice to fraud.

Here's a lesson in probabilities for you: "Mum gives birth to SIX babies in just nine minutes defying one in 4.7 billion odds". You can find the article by doing your own search. With your belief in a 6,000 year old earth, That's presents you with a real problem. For a 4.7 billion +/- year old earth, evolutionary process and "chance" have real options.

What's funny is that your alma mater is nothing more than the silly Watchtower Bible Society. Regarding your false claim in connection with Pasteur, you wrote:

Louis Pasteur showed only life begats life in his famous experiment

Here's where that fraud came from:

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, p. 38.

What your fraud fails to identify is that the spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism - how cool is that?. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

Take some time to learn the consequences of being an accomplice to fraud.

Pasteur, fermentation, contagion, and proving a negative

Let's address your other fraud, shall we?
You wrote;
Finally, the creation scientists got admission from secular ones that "life is rare".

Religious fundamentalists have no information about life beyond our planet or solar system. Religious fundamentalists are not doing research or publishing in peer reviewed papers. Your nonsense claims are utterly unsupported and lack corroboration.
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I understand probabilities just fine. Took a course at my alma mater.
You clearly do not. And so what if you "once took a course"? You also probably once took a science course, but you clearly know fuck all about that subject, either.

This is the kind of moronic shit that plays in your goofy voodoo religion circles, but not in the educated community. In your goofy voodoo, one just has to out "reverend," in front of his name, and suddenly he can say any stupid fucking shit he wants. In science, you can out as many letters behond your name as you like...and, if you don't agree evolution is a fact, you're wrong. And that is decided on the evidence, not on how many kids you have brainwashed in Africa, or how many times you stomp your feet and insist evolution is false.

Why do you resort to the lowest common denominator after you've lost? Don't you think you should modify your thinking and start to realize what real science is? All of this has made you confused and angry. You are the angry LCD atheist.
Why do you resort to the lowest common denominator after you've lost?
Lost? Oops, looks like it's time to check the scoreboard again:

Evolution remains an accepted fact. It is a fact endorsed and taught by every scientific society on the planet. It still enjoys the support of all of academia and all of thw mutually supportive evidence.

Young earth creationism is still a laughingstock and has been for 150 years.

Hmm,no, looks like I haven't lost anything.
You do not understand probabilities
No, it is you who doesn't understand probabilities. Nor do the YEC bloggers you plagiarize, when they reiterate hoyle's fallacy ad nauseum.

You double that error when you accidentally conflate the madeup "probability" (that isn't) of the existence of humans exactly as they are today with the probability of abiogenesis occuring elsewhere in the universe. It's useless, specious nonsense, and you guys embarrass yourselves with it every time.

I understand probabilities just fine. Took a course at my alma mater. It is you who doesn't understand probabilities and how it is used. Moreover, you are wrong about it being related to YEC bloggers. I just told you that I learned it during college and am using it now. Thus, the probability of finding aliens in the future is practically zero. Now, NASA is looking for evidence of past life, as well. Do we use probabilities in this case?

What about abiogenesis occurring? This is zero because Louis Pasteur showed only life begats life in his famous experiment. The probability is worse than aliens. Thus, you better hope aliens populated this planet.

Finally, the creation scientists got admission from secular ones that "life is rare." Why don't you just admit no aliens and no abiogenesis?

Actually, you don't understand probabilities. You also don't understand that the nonsense you cut and paste from bible ministries makes you an accomplice to fraud.

Here's a lesson in probabilities for you: "Mum gives birth to SIX babies in just nine minutes defying one in 4.7 billion odds". You can find the article by doing your own search. With your belief in a 6,000 year old earth, That's presents you with a real problem. For a 4.7 billion +/- year old earth, evolutionary process and "chance" have real options.

What's funny is that your alma mater is nothing more than the silly Watchtower Bible Society. Regarding your false claim in connection with Pasteur, you wrote:

Louis Pasteur showed only life begats life in his famous experiment

Here's where that fraud came from:

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, p. 38.

What your fraud fails to identify is that the spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism - how cool is that?. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

Take some time to learn the consequences of being an accomplice to fraud.

Pasteur, fermentation, contagion, and proving a negative

Let's address your other fraud, shall we?
You wrote;
Finally, the creation scientists got admission from secular ones that "life is rare".

Religious fundamentalists have no information about life beyond our planet or solar system. Religious fundamentalists are not doing research or publishing in peer reviewed papers. Your nonsense claims are utterly unsupported and lack corroboration.

Your basic arguments are ad hominem attacks that I am a fraud and my arguments are fraudulent. And then you take my words and start adding whatever stereotypes and looney tunes dark fantasies that you have for religion. This is science that we are talking about.

And what good is probability if the event already happened? You cannot comprehend this and give ridiculous explanations for probability.

Anyway, with some professional treatment, perhaps you can recover. Maybe believing in God and praying to him for help with your mental condition will change your life.
Why do you resort to the lowest common denominator after you've lost?
Lost? Oops, looks like it's time to check the scoreboard again:

Evolution remains an accepted fact. It is a fact endorsed and taught by every scientific society on the planet. It still enjoys the support of all of academia and all of thw mutually supportive evidence.

Young earth creationism is still a laughingstock and has been for 150 years.

Hmm,no, looks like I haven't lost anything.

Buh, buh, buh what if you have a spirit and it is what is real and lasting and the physical world is the illusion? We know the physical world does not last. No matter how rich you are, how famous you are, you can't take the physical world with you. You have to leave everything behind. Don't you agree with that? It doesn't take science to know it.

Thus, if we all began with singularity and abiogenesis, then why is that all there is? It seems like we work all our lives to accomplish something and leave a legacy and when one dies then they can't take anything with them.

The Bible tells us that we are spiritually alive or spiritually dead. That seems to make more sense to me about *life* than remaining with the dead.

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