Did evolution happen ?

one of those theories make apoeals to magic and supernaturalism.

I like to watch the Fool Us show with Penn & Teller. Above is a good sample. That's some good magic if you can fool them and get the FU award.

You are in line for a FU award, too, but it's not like the "Fool Us" award. It's you who has been fooled and will get the spiritually dead treatment.

Anyway, the only supernatural that I know of is God and Genesis. Since life is precious, why can't you or life itself be a spirit or soul? The only thing you have is your body, but after you die, then you only have your spirit left (which gets swiftly taken away to the land of the dead).

So no. Evolution didn't happen.

Your nonsense claim that evolution didn't happen is common for ID'iot / creationists but it is contrary to the clearly defined science community.

You're free to reject all of it - you and those forward thinkers like you in the Pakistani tribal areas.
Abiogenesis is a fact and is a foregone conclusion.

If abiogenesis is a fact, then there would be no need for you to post it unless you comment on the obvious such as the sky is blue. Usually, people end up avoiding these kinds of people at parties.

To the contrary, abiogenesis has not been demonstrated in the laboratory. No proteins have been formed outside the cell. What has been demonstrated is only life begats life in the lab and that science has backed up the Bible once more. More evidence for God. You can crawl back under your rock now.
Or any number of other places in the solar system where life had a head start in reaching habitable conditions compared to Earth.

There are rocks on Earth that come from Mars. The process is called Panspermia.

Mars had a chance to be a habitable world before Earth.

There's likely living creatures on/within a number of moons orbiting the gas giants.

Any life we find in this solar system will likely have matching DNA sequences to here.

You're making a lot of assumptions like other places had a head start and that they are habitable. Our probes that we sent out to check for habitability has mostly returned negative habitability. The fine tuning facts show that Earth is a rare exception. For example, Mars may have had water, but does not have a magnetic field to protect against solar wind. That kills everything. Even evolutionists admit that life is rare now. So you have nothing to base your thinking on, but NASA's hyperbole.
Or any number of other places in the solar system where life had a head start in reaching habitable conditions compared to Earth.

There are rocks on Earth that come from Mars. The process is called Panspermia.

Mars had a chance to be a habitable world before Earth.

There's likely living creatures on/within a number of moons orbiting the gas giants.

Any life we find in this solar system will likely have matching DNA sequences to here.

You're making a lot of assumptions like other places had a head start and that they are habitable. Our probes that we sent out to check for habitability has mostly returned negative habitability. The fine tuning facts show that Earth is a rare exception. For example, Mars may have had water, but does not have a magnetic field to protect against solar wind. That kills everything. Even evolutionists admit that life is rare now. So you have nothing to base your thinking on, but NASA's hyperbole.

The religious claim to “fine tuning” is a hoax,
Fine tuning parameters is not a hoax. It's one of the truths secular (atheist) scientists found when investigating the big bang. Since it goes against evolution, it has been discarded (covered up by multiverses). Can you not see how "science" works today? Science has always been about the search for the truth. It has always been about arguments between the top scientists. It isn't the truth or proof like mathematics. Today's science has been cannibalized to fit the theory of evolution, evolutionary thinking and history. Why? So few people can make money.

One has to be independent thinkers and think for themselves to find the "best" theory in today's science. One has to "disbelieve" what is placed in museums and what is taught in schools/universities today. I know people like this are in this thread. If you want uniformitarianism, then look to the science before the 1850s to and compare. Today's uniformitarianism is easily contradicted with Pangaea. You know we were a supercontinent and due to large earthquakes below the sea became seven continents. Mountains which stand today such as the Himalayas rose to prominence.

Be watchful, my friends. Think for yourselves. Don't let others do the thinking for you. This has become what is part of science and technology today. One doesn't need evolution to have joy and honor in their lives.
Fine tuning parameters is not a hoax. It's one of the truths secular (atheist) scientists found when investigating the big bang. Since it goes against evolution, it has been discarded (covered up by multiverses). Can you not see how "science" works today? Science has always been about the search for the truth. It has always been about arguments between the top scientists. It isn't the truth or proof like mathematics. Today's science has been cannibalized to fit the theory of evolution, evolutionary thinking and history. Why? So few people can make money.

One has to be independent thinkers and think for themselves to find the "best" theory in today's science. One has to "disbelieve" what is placed in museums and what is taught in schools/universities today. I know people like this are in this thread. If you want uniformitarianism, then look to the science before the 1850s to and compare. Today's uniformitarianism is easily contradicted with Pangaea. You know we were a supercontinent and due to large earthquakes below the sea became seven continents. Mountains which stand today such as the Himalayas rose to prominence.

Be watchful, my friends. Think for yourselves. Don't let others do the thinking for you. This has become what is part of science and technology today. One doesn't need evolution to have joy and honor in their lives.

The ID’iot / creationist “fine tuning” claim certainly is a fraud.

Nothing about the universe shows fine tuning, unless you want to represent cometary bombardment of planets, meteor strikes (have you heard of that little dalliance on this planet that occured 65 million years age), cosmic radiation, galaxy collisions, etc., fine tuning. The fact is, space is a hostile environment to life.

It is simply laughable to press the finely tuned universe, nonsense The illusion of order is primarily an artifact of scale. We live in a profoundly violent and chaotic universe, but are spared direct experience with most of that chaos because it occurs on cosmic and geologic time scales, while we exist on a human time scale. This (luckily for us) means most of us expend our lifetimes in the brief moments of calm between supernovae, asteroid impact, and cometary bombardment.

We have already established that “complexity” is more a function of your limited imagination than a barrier to possibility.
If abiogenesis is a fact, then there would be no need for you to post it unless you comment on the obvious such as the sky is blue.
Unless, of course, i was in a discussion about the earth's atmosphere , and some nutball insisted the sky wasn't blue.
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.
and we have no aliens.

This moron actually believes that he fact that we have no alien specimens is a good argument that no life exists anywhere else in the universe.

Of course, this is just a pile of embarrassing, dishonest horseshit, and just part of the daily dog and pony show this fraud puts on for us. The fact is, he believes 100%, regardless of any new information found since the iron age, that the universe is only about 10,000 years old and was made perfectly to spec just for the human race. Anything he says that is not just a restatement of this is just an embarrassing little instance of prancing and preening. He's so far gone, he forgot how to be honest.
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

How much of the universe has been searched for alien life for you to make your claim?
Yet, the fine tuning facts show no aliens and we have no aliens. Even my website evolution.berkeley.edu has admitted life is rare. How can that be if our habitability index for Earth is mediocre? It means the atheist scientists are wrong again. Earth's habitability is the best in the universe. We can't live on Mars nor the moon even though there are those like NASA, Elon Musk, China, Russia and so on trying to prove different.

I've asked this of atheists and their scientists several times and it's DEFLECT, DENY, DISMISS or DESPAIR that I get in response. If life happens via abiogenesis where is it? We should have seen it by now.

So YOUR source says "All available evidence supports the central conclusions of evolutionary theory, that life on Earth has evolved and that species share common ancestors"

And that debunks evolution??? Lol.
Can’t have it both ways.
Nor at any time did I make any attempt to do so. evolution is responsible for the human brain and for human psychology. I answered your question very directly and succinctly. And you, naturally, ignored my answer, because you thought you had posed a real "STUMPER!!"

But, as it turns out, you didn't, and didn't think it through very well, and your question got stomped out very easily by someone willing to think it through.
Can’t have it both ways.
Nor at any time did I make any attempt to do so. evolution is responsible for the human brain and for human psychology. I answered your question very directly and succinctly. And you, naturally, ignored my answer, because you thought you had posed a real "STUMPER!!"

But, as it turns out, you didn't, and didn't think it through very well, and your question got stomped out very easily by someone willing to think it through.
Ouch. Game. Set. Match.

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