Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
"The law according to liberals: Accepting oppo research from foreigners during a presidential campaign is fine ... PROVIDED the dirt is about a Republican."
Graham: Why Aren’t Democrats Outraged Over Hillary Hiring A Foreign Agent To Dig Up Dirt?

Good question, and Lindsey Graham makes sure to frame it as a value applicable to all parties.

“No party should be hiring foreign agents to look at their opponents,” Graham told reporters this morning, “and we shouldn’t be taking meetings” with them, either.​

For Democrats setting their hair on fire over Donald Trump’s comments this morning, the Senate Judiciary chair advises, they should first remember that Hillary Clinton and the DNC did exactly that in 2016 too.

“I’m hoping that some of my Democratic colleagues will take more seriously,” Graham argued, “that Christopher Steele was a foreign agent paid for by the Democratic Party to gather dirt on Trump.”​

These "outraged" Democrats have no self-awareness.

We had a major American political party hire a foreign national, Christopher Steele, to dig up dirt on an American presidential candidate.​

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) June 13, 2019

………..and that information, unverified, was apparently used by the FBI to obtain a warrant against an American citizen.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) June 13, 2019
Clinton didn't hire a foreign government. She paid a firm for oppo-research. Two key points, she paid and not a foreign government. Trump and his fellow cohorts accepted an offer from the Russian government and for free, they didn't have to pay for it which is a campaign finance violation since it's supposed to be reported.

Glad we could settle that.
Clinton didn't hire a foreign government. She paid a firm for oppo-research. Two key points, she paid and not a foreign government. Trump and his fellow cohorts accepted an offer from the Russian government and for free, they didn't have to pay for it which is a campaign finance violation.

Glad we could settle that.

Oh....you can accept foreign help, just not foreign government help.

Can you post the portion of the law that agrees with your distinction?
Clinton didn't hire a foreign government. She paid a firm for oppo-research. Two key points, she paid and not a foreign government. Trump and his fellow cohorts accepted an offer from the Russian government and for free, they didn't have to pay for it which is a campaign finance violation.

Glad we could settle that.

Oh....you can accept foreign help, just not foreign government help.

Can you post the portion of the law that agrees with your distinction?

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Trump is dead-wrong on this.

And all of you TrumpBots trying to blow smoke to cover his ass are guilty of enabling him - again.

What's worse - unlike him - you know that it's wrong, and you're backing it anyway.

Shame on you.

It doesn't matter one good goddamn if each and every Democrat on the face of the planet did the same thing.

We are talking about a
sitting President of the United States saying this.

Think long and hard about what you're supporting in this instance.

Pull your heads out of your a$$e$, people, and start thinking like Americans again, rather than drooling cult-zombie-slaves.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, people... what the hell is wrong with you?!!!

There's nothing wrong with anyone who wants to see goose and gander get the same treatment. This isn't a matter of two wrongs it's a matter of one wrong being corrected buy an equal action. now that Trump has opened the door there's no doubt in my mind the bushels of information will start filtering into Washington DC from all over the world which is a good thing. Visiting American diplomats of all stripes have up till now felt as though they had carte blanche visiting other countries whether actions and choices will probably thought to be totally secret.
Unloading the me-too-istic Luridnesd in all of its creepy detail is just exactly what the doctor ordered for the arrogant elite political class of Washington DC.

George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
Republicans are the party of voter suppression & now evidently they support recruiting foreign help to win elections.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression

Suppressing the shit out of the illegal alien, dead and fraudulent base of the Dem party.

Oh please. Show me where the dead are voting.

Photo Voter ID is voter suppression. There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

Who are the Dem morons too stupid to have a photo ID in this day and age?
One localion in a county that has no public transportation.

10-12% of eligible voters do not have an accepted photo ID> If you assfucks really wanted them to vote, you would have made it more convenient to get a photo ID
Furrthermore, what is one thing you can get without a photo ID? A phorto ID>

One localion in a county that has no public transportation.

Yeah, some of those Dem counties really suck.
Makes you wonder how the Dem voters manage to sign up for welfare and food stamps.

My county is 70% Republican.

How do I apply for food stamps in Franklin County?
  1. Apply online Click here.
  2. Request cash, medical or food assistance Click here.
  3. Apply in person at your local county agency or to request an application be mailed to you Click here.
  4. **Fax all verifications directly to your County Department of Job & Family Services**
Makes you wonder why dumbasses like you like to embarrass themselves here.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.
No, castrate him technically by taking his phone access to FB and Twitter by throwing his crooked ass in prison, you ass-kissing Trump flunky! Some of us still believe in the Rule of Law in this Nation and wish to preserve the Union so many have fought to defend and preserve for the Americans coming behind us for those behind them!!!!
Really? Was it your steadfast loyalty to Trump's propaganda or your base ignorance and lack of fundamental knowledge which prompted you to write that bit of ignorance? Here...edify yourself by reading from the United States Code which puts the damning truth to your lie/ignorance!

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication(within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

(b) “Foreign national” definedAs used in this section, the term “foreign national” means—
(1) a foreign principal, as such term is defined by section 611(b) of title 22, except that the term “foreign national” shall not include any individual who is a citizen of the United States; or
(2) an individual who is not a citizen of the United States or a national of the United States (as defined in section 1101(a)(22) of title 8) and who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined by section 1101(a)(20) of title 8

Be sure you read the definitions in 22 USC § 611 so your pea brain doesn't get too confused by the TRUTH!

Now eat shit and die Hossfly! Edify thyself and stop listening to Trumpian lies and misdirections and you'll start to repair some of the damage you've done to your reputation as a Trump lackey!

Information is not monetary. I wish someone would list the crimes Trump was supposed to commit.
Mueller had 3 years to find something. He came up with a wet noodle.
Information is not monetary. I wish someone would list the crimes Trump was supposed to commit.
Mueller had 3 years to find something. He came up with a wet noodle.
Christ on a Mountain!I gave you the citation that covers that stupidity of yours; "Information is not monetary." But you chose to remain ignorant. here it is again with just that single point isolated so even you can find it with the help of a dull witted third grader:
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

Damn...you're dumber than a rock or really making yourself the fool playing at stupid for plausible deniability!

Where is the contribution or donation by foreign nationals, you chinless wonder?
A contribution can be anything of value. Like operating a campaign to dupe people like you.

A contribution can be anything of value.

Like a dossier.
It was not a contribution, dickhead, it was a paid expense.
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.
Clinton didn't hire a foreign government. She paid a firm for oppo-research. Two key points, she paid and not a foreign government. Trump and his fellow cohorts accepted an offer from the Russian government and for free, they didn't have to pay for it which is a campaign finance violation since it's supposed to be reported.

Glad we could settle that.
WTF is Hillary's oppo-research doing in any investigation.
And when did Trump do this?
My understanding is George Step was posing a hypothetical.....George Step is Hillary's boy by the way.
Can't you see that this is just another Clinton trick?????????
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.

No one invented anything. The Clinton campaign hired a opposition research firm. They sent a guy to Russia to see what Trump was doing in Russia. This dossier was not used to get the FISA warrant to find out why a Trump campaign advisor was speaking to the Russians.

Investigate your asses off. While you are at it, investigate why Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts, why he lied about his business dealings in Russia, and lied about the Trump Tower meeting.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling date, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:

which is what keeps the divide alive.

so - all trump has to do is call it opposition research and we're good. got it.

you can't make up fictional characters this fucking stupid.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
The 'What About Ukraine?' Defense of Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
Media, Dems Ignore Hillary Ukraine Collusion

so in short, no one is buying you're WE'RE INNOCENT BUT YOU ARE GUILTY bullshit anymore.
What did Adam Schiff call it when two Russians were making a fool of him?
But that's totally different.
Democrats can do whatever they want.
Everything Trump says or does is a crime.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Almost all Democrats today can qualify as Antifa radicals. They knew what Stephanopoulos was going to ask and they had their attacks all ready for whatever Trump said. Democrats are embarrassing, unfit to rule.
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling date, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:

which is what keeps the divide alive.

so - all trump has to do is call it opposition research and we're good. got it.

you can't make up fictional characters this fucking stupid.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
The 'What About Ukraine?' Defense of Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
Media, Dems Ignore Hillary Ukraine Collusion

so in short, no one is buying you're WE'RE INNOCENT BUT YOU ARE GUILTY bullshit anymore.
What did Adam Schiff call it when two Russians were making a fool of him?
But that's totally different.
Democrats can do whatever they want.
Everything Trump says or does is a crime.
hell shit he doesn't do is a crime. that's why i can't take the left seriously.

the right went after hillary for benghazi and he actions around that. while they kept investigating her, they didn't change what they were going after her for now did they?
the left is going after trump for anything they think they can make stick. when 1 accusation falls they pick up something they found along the way. NO CONSPIRACY??? COLLUSION THEN!!!! NOT ILLEGAL??? OBSTRUCTION THEN!!!!
did it to kavanaugh also - RAPE!!! NO??? WELL HE LIED DURING THE TESTIMONY!!!!!
they are not focused and going after someone for a crime, they're going after someone to CREATE a crime for them. any freaking port in a storm and that is bullshit.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Jesus Christ!!!!
George Step works for Hillary.

Where the fuck have you been living, under a fucking rock????

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