Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Jesus Christ!!!!
George Step works for Hillary.

Where the fuck have you been living, under a fucking rock????
So are we saying that Hillary somehow made Trump give that answer?

Holy shit, back to the alternate universe we go.

Poor Trump, always being forced to say stupid stuff!

And like the good little Russian loving Trumpette, you believe the Russians over our intel agencies & everyone else.

WOW, LOL, you got it bad, you better go back in the basement and search for the TDS cure.
Clinton didn't hire a foreign government. She paid a firm for oppo-research. Two key points, she paid and not a foreign government. Trump and his fellow cohorts accepted an offer from the Russian government and for free, they didn't have to pay for it which is a campaign finance violation since it's supposed to be reported.

Glad we could settle that.

A meaningless difference.
so far the only thing that you have settled is that you are a delusioal partisan hack.

Ultimately the money came from Clinton and was used to hire foreign agents.

in any case Trump isn't offering to pay for the information he is simply inviting people who know things to make them known. Nobody is stupid enough to think that staronce information starts at coming in it's only going to be on one political party. All of Washington DC is a filthy cesspool of perverted human beings who once they believe they are outside the scope of observation and of legality are capable of every vile act imaginable. There has to be volumes of good dirt available on every member of Congress who has visited foreign countries. I want all of it. I'm sure Graham doesn't like it because he among others has a tremendous amount to hide.

Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.

No one invented anything. The Clinton campaign hired a opposition research firm. They sent a guy to Russia to see what Trump was doing in Russia. This dossier was not used to get the FISA warrant to find out why a Trump campaign advisor was speaking to the Russians.

Investigate your asses off. While you are at it, investigate why Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts, why he lied about his business dealings in Russia, and lied about the Trump Tower meeting.

1. Yes the unverified dossier was used to get a FISA warrant against Carter Page, who was NOT charged with anything. Stay tuned, FBI indictments coming
2. Trump's activities were investigated by Mueller and NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION was the outcome.
3. It's Barr's turn at bat, he and Durham, Huber, and Horowitz should have a few more indictments than the Mueller Investigation.
Stephanopoulos and Reich were Clinton appointees who gave midgets a bad name. Thank God Tereon Lannister came along.
Snuffolofugus did neither. He asked Trump questions and Trump answered them.

Unfortunately for Trump his answers were revealing
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Jesus Christ!!!!
George Step works for Hillary.

Where the fuck have you been living, under a fucking rock????
So are we saying that Hillary somehow made Trump give that answer?

Holy shit, back to the alternate universe we go.

Poor Trump, always being forced to say stupid stuff!

There was nothing wrong with his answer.
You're just buying this setup as if everything Step said was the truth.

Again.....you leftists only listen to what you want to.
Once again you jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.

Here's the deal......Hillary knows she's in trouble.
The DoJ is about to crack open the case against her and she's trying to use Trump to inoculate herself from any prosecution.
By getting Trump to agree to a false scenario, she and her media friends feel they can shape public opinion in advance of any findings by the AG and the IG.
The hypothetical George Step posed to Trump isn't the what Hillary did. Hillary paid Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump. She didn't just hear about it and alert the FBI. They used false information produced from foreign nationals to begin investigations on her political opponent. They used the excuse that it was an example of a US citizen colluding with a foreign government.....which was total BS.

Another angle they may attack is by criminalizing what Donald Trump jr was accused of....meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Even though nothing of substance came from that meeting. There is no law that says a private citizen cannot meet with people from a foreign country for any purpose. It doesn't matter if it's to gather dirt on Hillary, which it turned out not to be, but instead turned out to be a total setup BY HILLARY AND OBAMA and Donald jr ended the meeting within minutes once he realized what was going on.
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George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.

There was nothing illegal about it and there's nothing illegal about the president of the United States sending investigators out to other countries turn choir about activities of United States officials there. Certainly that should be the case with John Kerry a former official and now national traitor.

As with everything the left does they fail to realize that other people can pick up the playbook and use it also.

Snuffolofugus did neither. He asked Trump questions and Trump answered them.

Unfortunately for Trump his answers were revealing
Revealing only to someone who can only see the negative side of everything.

I knew what George Step was up to.
If I was Trump I wouldn't have allowed that guy in the WH.
I doubt Al Capone or Whitey Bulger ever called the FBI, either. I'm still interested in "oppo" research coming from "Norway". Trump knows the difference between right and wrong - he just doesn't give a shit.

Actually, our President gave the exact correct answer, if you listened to it.

He said he'd hear what the caller had to say, and IF there was anything illegal he'd look to give his underlings at the FBI a heads up.

Remember the FBI reports to him, not vice versa.

Just because someone calls doesn't mean a crime has been committed. And until the President hears what they have to say, what's there to deal with? Might be nothing
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
Both Hillary and the Republicans hired fusion GPS.

One, they had no idea that fusion hired a foreign agent to do the investigation.

And two, as soon as they found what they found, they contacted the FBI.

Exactly what they were supposed to do.

The way Republicans protect criminals and an unindicted co-conspirator for multiple felonies

Donald Trump spin spin spin.
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
Both Hillary and the Republicans hired fusion GPS.

One, they had no idea that fusion hired a foreign agent to do the investigation.

And two, as soon as they found what they found, they contacted the FBI.

Exactly what they were supposed to do.

The way Republicans protect criminals and an unindicted co-conspirator for multiple felonies

Donald Trump spin spin spin.

and you're the king spin-dicktor.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.
... and still no Russian connection
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.

No one invented anything. The Clinton campaign hired a opposition research firm. They sent a guy to Russia to see what Trump was doing in Russia. This dossier was not used to get the FISA warrant to find out why a Trump campaign advisor was speaking to the Russians.

Investigate your asses off. While you are at it, investigate why Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts, why he lied about his business dealings in Russia, and lied about the Trump Tower meeting.

1. Yes the unverified dossier was used to get a FISA warrant against Carter Page, who was NOT charged with anything. Stay tuned, FBI indictments coming
2. Trump's activities were investigated by Mueller and NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION was the outcome.
3. It's Barr's turn at bat, he and Durham, Huber, and Horowitz should have a few more indictments than the Mueller Investigation.
Wow. Just fucking Wow. Mueller did not say no obstruction. How fucking stupid are you.
The dossier was not used to get awarrant. Carter got piclked up on a wire tap on a suspected Russian operative.

Like I say, investigate all you want. Can't wait until they turn up collusion evidence.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.

If you read the Steel Dossier it says Putin tried to get Trump to make business deals in Russia for 5 years and Trump turned down every one.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.

Trump exposed himself as a criminal. George just asked a question.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.

Trump exposed himself as a criminal. George just asked a question.
Georgie is a Democrat operative posing as a journalist. You and I both know that. Don't act so innocent.

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