Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Jesus Christ!!!!
George Step works for Hillary.

Where the fuck have you been living, under a fucking rock????
So are we saying that Hillary somehow made Trump give that answer?

Holy shit, back to the alternate universe we go.

Poor Trump, always being forced to say stupid stuff!

There was nothing wrong with his answer.
You're just buying this setup as if everything Step said was the truth.

Again.....you leftists only listen to what you want to.
Once again you jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.

Here's the deal......Hillary knows she's in trouble.
The DoJ is about to crack open the case against her and she's trying to use Trump to inoculate herself from any prosecution.
By getting Trump to agree to a false scenario, she and her media friends feel they can shape public opinion in advance of any findings by the AG and the IG.
The hypothetical George Step posed to Trump isn't the what Hillary did. Hillary paid Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump. She didn't just hear about it and alert the FBI. They used false information produced from foreign nationals to begin investigations on her political opponent. They used the excuse that it was an example of a US citizen colluding with a foreign government.....which was total BS.

Another angle they may attack is by criminalizing what Donald Trump jr was accused of....meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Even though nothing of substance came from that meeting. There is no law that says a private citizen cannot meet with people from a foreign country for any purpose. It doesn't matter if it's to gather dirt on Hillary, which it turned out not to be, but instead turned out to be a total setup BY HILLARY AND OBAMA and Donald jr ended the meeting within minutes once he realized what was going on.
Let's review, chronologically.
  1. Steph sets up Trump with a question to which he probably expected an ignorant and stupid response, a screamingly obvious question that you appear to think he couldn't have come up with by himself and without Hillary's dastardly help.
  2. Trump, characteristically, and right on cue, provides an ignorant and stupid response.
  3. Hannity, characteristically, spins and claims victory, saying Trump "played media like a fiddle".
  4. I point it out.
  5. You respond with a boilerplate talk radio dissertation that somehow brings in Hillary, Obama, Donald Jr and freaking Fusion GPS.
This is why I just can't take any of this seriously. Maybe try it on someone else.
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So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.

If you read the Steel Dossier it says Putin tried to get Trump to make business deals in Russia for 5 years and Trump turned down every one.
You mean Trump tried to make business deals. Think Trump Tower in Moscow.
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.
No one hired a firm to CREATE dirt. They hired a firm to investigate a candidate, which is used by all politicians, every single one of them... and they even hire people to do opposition research on themselves, to find out what their competition is going to find out about themselves. GPS was hired by the Washington Free Beacon, to do opposition research on Candidate Trump, who is a Conservative news source...

They did as much research as they could on Donald Trump, with his dealings in the USA, but kept hitting dead ends in the USA, all roads on Trump and his Business doings, lead to Russia.... the Free Beacon then stopped this oppo research because Candidate Trump, had won the Primary... The Wash Free Beacon was doing this opposition research on behalf of another Republican Candidate.

GPS was then hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, through the Law Firm that handled ALL OF THE DNC and Clinton campaign Legal issues.... if anyone running as a Democratic candidate in any race, including local, and federal senators, legislators, congress critters... if they had a campaign legal question, they went to this law firm handling their account for an answer or to see if it was legal... like if Russians approached them to give them help in their election run, all of the candidates would have run it by the law firm, to see if it was legal.... (UNLIKE what Donny Junior did....he sought no legal advice at all....when the Russian gvt approached him with dirt on Hillary.)

this firm was paid millions to handle the DNC and Clinton campaign accounts.... Clinton Campaign was a NEW account, but this firm had been the DNC's law firm for YEARS prior to this election in 2016.

In Congressional hearings, with Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson, it came out that Christopher Steele was paid around $150,000 by them, for the investigation in to Trump's Russian ties... they hired Steele because he had previous expertise in Russia.

Steele gathered information from his research and compiled some field notes of what he was being told or found out.

He never said they were true or factual, they were simply what he was finding out, or that was being said.... and that these field notes, later labeled by the press, The Dossier, needed to be investigated to find out the facts/evidence in support of, or deniable evidence... he said the job was too big, for him alone to do...

some of the information he came across was very disturbing and fishy, so he turned it over to the FBI....and then to McCain because he felt the FBI was not doing anything or taking it seriously, as any human being with a sense of ethics would.


When Steele was hired by Fusion GPS/ DNC/Clinton Campaign for opposition research, Trump had just won the primary a couple of weeks earlier...

All polling said Clinton had a LOCK on winning the presidency against him.... something like a 90% chance of her winning against candidate Trump.

NO ONE NEEDED to fabricate some opposition research against Trump in order to win or as a safety net... Steele's investigation began months before we even knew the Russians had stolen the DNC emails and released them, via wikileaks on July 22, 2016, a couple of days before the DNC convention.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.
No, actually it is your logic and your judgement, that is conspiracy and insensible.... it makes no sense, at all! :)

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.
The media, got Donald Trump elected, giving him coverage 24/7 during the campaign, while giving none to Hillary, other than email email emails private server private server private server, FBI Comey announcement, FBI comey reopening the investigation. Even Bernie got more coverage from the Media, than Hillary.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.
What I think is that you believe everything Trump and FOX News tells you about their made up accusations and made up out of thin air conspiracy theories that absolutely make no sense.... a rewriting of history and actually facts.

Is it possible that Carter Page, after he left the campaign, FISA warrant could have been done unfairly on him...? Sure it is possible.... and the IG is investigating it, and we will find out.

But this has NOTHING at all to do with the FBI beginning their investigation of the Trump campaign for witting or unwitting workings with the Russians who were illegally trying to influence our presidential election. The Mueller report shows 140 contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign, during the period.

Trump lied, and said there were NONE, Trump also lied and said their were no business deals in the workings.... when he was working a Trump Moscow deal, up until the moment he won.

He also lied about the Trump tower meeting with his son, Kushner, and Manafort to get dirt on Hillary

Lying is a consciousness of guilt...
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.

Trump exposed himself as a criminal. George just asked a question.
Georgie is a Democrat operative posing as a journalist. You and I both know that. Don't act so innocent.
So you’re saying Trump is so stupid he got tricked into telling the truth by a reporter with a weird name?
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.

If you read the Steel Dossier it says Putin tried to get Trump to make business deals in Russia for 5 years and Trump turned down every one.
You mean Trump tried to make business deals. Think Trump Tower in Moscow.

Read the Steel dossier.
Trump tower was canceled, did not happen.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.

Trump exposed himself as a criminal. George just asked a question.
Georgie is a Democrat operative posing as a journalist. You and I both know that. Don't act so innocent.
So you’re saying Trump is so stupid he got tricked into telling the truth by a reporter with a weird name?
You believe Trump got "tricked"?
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Jesus Christ!!!!
George Step works for Hillary.

Where the fuck have you been living, under a fucking rock????
So are we saying that Hillary somehow made Trump give that answer?

Holy shit, back to the alternate universe we go.

Poor Trump, always being forced to say stupid stuff!

There was nothing wrong with his answer.
You're just buying this setup as if everything Step said was the truth.

Again.....you leftists only listen to what you want to.
Once again you jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.

Here's the deal......Hillary knows she's in trouble.
The DoJ is about to crack open the case against her and she's trying to use Trump to inoculate herself from any prosecution.
By getting Trump to agree to a false scenario, she and her media friends feel they can shape public opinion in advance of any findings by the AG and the IG.
The hypothetical George Step posed to Trump isn't the what Hillary did. Hillary paid Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump. She didn't just hear about it and alert the FBI. They used false information produced from foreign nationals to begin investigations on her political opponent. They used the excuse that it was an example of a US citizen colluding with a foreign government.....which was total BS.

Another angle they may attack is by criminalizing what Donald Trump jr was accused of....meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Even though nothing of substance came from that meeting. There is no law that says a private citizen cannot meet with people from a foreign country for any purpose. It doesn't matter if it's to gather dirt on Hillary, which it turned out not to be, but instead turned out to be a total setup BY HILLARY AND OBAMA and Donald jr ended the meeting within minutes once he realized what was going on.
Let's review, chronologically.
  1. Steph sets up Trump with a question to which he probably expected an ignorant and stupid response.
  2. Trump, characteristically, and right on cue, provides an ignorant and stupid response.
  3. Hannity, characteristically, spins and claims victory, saying Trump "played media like a fiddle".
  4. I point it out.
  5. You respond with a boilerplate talk radio dissertation that somehow brings in Hillary, Obama, Donald Jr and freaking Fusion GPS.
This is why I just can't take any of this seriously. Maybe try it on someone else.
First of all you see no problem with members of the media conducting sting operations on the president.
Second of all, it doesn't matter what Trump said, because you would automatically take it the wrong way or simply accuse him of either lying or committing a crime regardless of his statements.
Thirdly anyone who has been paying attention the since 1992 knows who George Step is and who he carries water for.

Personally I think you're a fucking idiot if you actually believe half of the lies you post here.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.
... and still no Russian connection
Please inform yourself!

200 pages of the Mueller report volume 1, FILLED WITH TRUMP campaign and Russian Connections, 140 instances.
What in the world does this have to do with Hillary?

Jesus Christ!!!!
George Step works for Hillary.

Where the fuck have you been living, under a fucking rock????
So are we saying that Hillary somehow made Trump give that answer?

Holy shit, back to the alternate universe we go.

Poor Trump, always being forced to say stupid stuff!

There was nothing wrong with his answer.
You're just buying this setup as if everything Step said was the truth.

Again.....you leftists only listen to what you want to.
Once again you jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.

Here's the deal......Hillary knows she's in trouble.
The DoJ is about to crack open the case against her and she's trying to use Trump to inoculate herself from any prosecution.
By getting Trump to agree to a false scenario, she and her media friends feel they can shape public opinion in advance of any findings by the AG and the IG.
The hypothetical George Step posed to Trump isn't the what Hillary did. Hillary paid Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump. She didn't just hear about it and alert the FBI. They used false information produced from foreign nationals to begin investigations on her political opponent. They used the excuse that it was an example of a US citizen colluding with a foreign government.....which was total BS.

Another angle they may attack is by criminalizing what Donald Trump jr was accused of....meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Even though nothing of substance came from that meeting. There is no law that says a private citizen cannot meet with people from a foreign country for any purpose. It doesn't matter if it's to gather dirt on Hillary, which it turned out not to be, but instead turned out to be a total setup BY HILLARY AND OBAMA and Donald jr ended the meeting within minutes once he realized what was going on.
Let's review, chronologically.
  1. Steph sets up Trump with a question to which he probably expected an ignorant and stupid response.
  2. Trump, characteristically, and right on cue, provides an ignorant and stupid response.
  3. Hannity, characteristically, spins and claims victory, saying Trump "played media like a fiddle".
  4. I point it out.
  5. You respond with a boilerplate talk radio dissertation that somehow brings in Hillary, Obama, Donald Jr and freaking Fusion GPS.
This is why I just can't take any of this seriously. Maybe try it on someone else.
First of all you see no problem with members of the media conducting sting operations on the president.
Second of all, it doesn't matter what Trump said, because you would automatically take it the wrong way or simply accuse him of either lying or committing a crime regardless of his statements.
And anyone who has been paying attention the since 1992 knows who George Step is and who he carries water for.

And thirdly i think you're a fucking idiot if you actually believe half of the lies you post here.
Well, you're always welcome to point my "lies" out, specifically.

Or you can just keep going drama queen, whichever suits your fancy.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.

Trump exposed himself as a criminal. George just asked a question.
Georgie is a Democrat operative posing as a journalist. You and I both know that. Don't act so innocent.
So you’re saying Trump is so stupid he got tricked into telling the truth by a reporter with a weird name?
You believe Trump got "tricked"?
I think Trump was foolish to agree to the interview.
The response by the media was pre-ordained.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.
please do NOT be a fool... Trump CHOSE to do an interview with George Stephanopolis, purposely, so in case he f-d up, he could say exactly what his minions are mouthing...Stephanopolis is a Clinton guy...bla bla bla bla blah!

Ya'll really do not know your picked president very well, do ya?
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.
... and still no Russian connection
Please inform yourself!

200 pages of the Mueller report volume 1, FILLED WITH TRUMP campaign and Russian Connections, 140 instances.
Na, not really

The deep state has an agenda... And certainly not on behalf of the American people
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.
No one hired a firm to CREATE dirt. They hired a firm to investigate a candidate, which is used by all politicians, every single one of them... and they even hire people to do opposition research on themselves, to find out what their competition is going to find out about themselves. GPS was hired by the Washington Free Beacon, to do opposition research on Candidate Trump, who is a Conservative news source...

They did as much research as they could on Donald Trump, with his dealings in the USA, but kept hitting dead ends in the USA, all roads on Trump and his Business doings, lead to Russia.... the Free Beacon then stopped this oppo research because Candidate Trump, had won the Primary... The Wash Free Beacon was doing this opposition research on behalf of another Republican Candidate.

GPS was then hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, through the Law Firm that handled ALL OF THE DNC and Clinton campaign Legal issues.... if anyone running as a Democratic candidate in any race, including local, and federal senators, legislators, congress critters... if they had a campaign legal question, they went to this law firm handling their account for an answer or to see if it was legal... like if Russians approached them to give them help in their election run, all of the candidates would have run it by the law firm, to see if it was legal.... (UNLIKE what Donny Junior did....he sought no legal advice at all....when the Russian gvt approached him with dirt on Hillary.)

this firm was paid millions to handle the DNC and Clinton campaign accounts.... Clinton Campaign was a NEW account, but this firm had been the DNC's law firm for YEARS prior to this election in 2016.

In Congressional hearings, with Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson, it came out that Christopher Steele was paid around $150,000 by them, for the investigation in to Trump's Russian ties... they hired Steele because he had previous expertise in Russia.

Steele gathered information from his research and compiled some field notes of what he was being told or found out.

He never said they were true or factual, they were simply what he was finding out, or that was being said.... and that these field notes, later labeled by the press, The Dossier, needed to be investigated to find out the facts/evidence in support of, or deniable evidence... he said the job was too big, for him alone to do...

some of the information he came across was very disturbing and fishy, so he turned it over to the FBI....and then to McCain because he felt the FBI was not doing anything or taking it seriously, as any human being with a sense of ethics would.


When Steele was hired by Fusion GPS/ DNC/Clinton Campaign for opposition research, Trump had just won the primary a couple of weeks earlier...

All polling said Clinton had a LOCK on winning the presidency against him.... something like a 90% chance of her winning against candidate Trump.

NO ONE NEEDED to fabricate some opposition research against Trump in order to win or as a safety net... Steele's investigation began months before we even knew the Russians had stolen the DNC emails and released them, via wikileaks on July 22, 2016, a couple of days before the DNC convention.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.
No, actually it is your logic and your judgement, that is conspiracy and insensible.... it makes no sense, at all! :)

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.
The media, got Donald Trump elected, giving him coverage 24/7 during the campaign, while giving none to Hillary, other than email email emails private server private server private server, FBI Comey announcement, FBI comey reopening the investigation. Even Bernie got more coverage from the Media, than Hillary.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.
What I think is that you believe everything Trump and FOX News tells you about their made up accusations and made up out of thin air conspiracy theories that absolutely make no sense.... a rewriting of history and actually facts.

Is it possible that Carter Page, after he left the campaign, FISA warrant could have been done unfairly on him...? Sure it is possible.... and the IG is investigating it, and we will find out.

But this has NOTHING at all to do with the FBI beginning their investigation of the Trump campaign for witting or unwitting workings with the Russians who were illegally trying to influence our presidential election. The Mueller report shows 140 contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign, during the period.

Trump lied, and said there were NONE, Trump also lied and said their were no business deals in the workings.... when he was working a Trump Moscow deal, up until the moment he won.

He also lied about the Trump tower meeting with his son, Kushner, and Manafort to get dirt on Hillary

Lying is a consciousness of guilt...
They hired Fusion GPS to find dirt. Fusion GPS provided faked information they couldn't varify. Hillary gave this fake information to supporters in the DOJ and they used it to commit perjury in court to begin a spying operation against a political opponent.

A deal isn't a deal unless you sign a contract. Just looking into building in Russia isn't a deal. Exploring options isn't a deal. Even if Trump had decided to build, which laws was he breaking????

Everything you believe is coming from media sources that are skilled at manipulation and deception. Half-truths designed to mislead people who are gullible.
So I watched about three minutes of Hannity last night. Just in time to hear him crow, "Trump is playing the media like a fiddle on this".

Anyway, that's when I switched the station This alternate universe stuff can only be ingested in small, carefully-measured amounts.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.

If you read the Steel Dossier it says Putin tried to get Trump to make business deals in Russia for 5 years and Trump turned down every one.
You mean Trump tried to make business deals. Think Trump Tower in Moscow.

Read the Steel dossier.
Trump tower was canceled, did not happen.
Canceled by the Russians. Once they realized Donald Trump could be president. Duh!
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.
No one hired a firm to CREATE dirt. They hired a firm to investigate a candidate, which is used by all politicians, every single one of them... and they even hire people to do opposition research on themselves, to find out what their competition is going to find out about themselves. GPS was hired by the Washington Free Beacon, to do opposition research on Candidate Trump, who is a Conservative news source...

They did as much research as they could on Donald Trump, with his dealings in the USA, but kept hitting dead ends in the USA, all roads on Trump and his Business doings, lead to Russia.... the Free Beacon then stopped this oppo research because Candidate Trump, had won the Primary... The Wash Free Beacon was doing this opposition research on behalf of another Republican Candidate.

GPS was then hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, through the Law Firm that handled ALL OF THE DNC and Clinton campaign Legal issues.... if anyone running as a Democratic candidate in any race, including local, and federal senators, legislators, congress critters... if they had a campaign legal question, they went to this law firm handling their account for an answer or to see if it was legal... like if Russians approached them to give them help in their election run, all of the candidates would have run it by the law firm, to see if it was legal.... (UNLIKE what Donny Junior did....he sought no legal advice at all....when the Russian gvt approached him with dirt on Hillary.)

this firm was paid millions to handle the DNC and Clinton campaign accounts.... Clinton Campaign was a NEW account, but this firm had been the DNC's law firm for YEARS prior to this election in 2016.

In Congressional hearings, with Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson, it came out that Christopher Steele was paid around $150,000 by them, for the investigation in to Trump's Russian ties... they hired Steele because he had previous expertise in Russia.

Steele gathered information from his research and compiled some field notes of what he was being told or found out.

He never said they were true or factual, they were simply what he was finding out, or that was being said.... and that these field notes, later labeled by the press, The Dossier, needed to be investigated to find out the facts/evidence in support of, or deniable evidence... he said the job was too big, for him alone to do...

some of the information he came across was very disturbing and fishy, so he turned it over to the FBI....and then to McCain because he felt the FBI was not doing anything or taking it seriously, as any human being with a sense of ethics would.


When Steele was hired by Fusion GPS/ DNC/Clinton Campaign for opposition research, Trump had just won the primary a couple of weeks earlier...

All polling said Clinton had a LOCK on winning the presidency against him.... something like a 90% chance of her winning against candidate Trump.

NO ONE NEEDED to fabricate some opposition research against Trump in order to win or as a safety net... Steele's investigation began months before we even knew the Russians had stolen the DNC emails and released them, via wikileaks on July 22, 2016, a couple of days before the DNC convention.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.
No, actually it is your logic and your judgement, that is conspiracy and insensible.... it makes no sense, at all! :)

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.
The media, got Donald Trump elected, giving him coverage 24/7 during the campaign, while giving none to Hillary, other than email email emails private server private server private server, FBI Comey announcement, FBI comey reopening the investigation. Even Bernie got more coverage from the Media, than Hillary.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.
What I think is that you believe everything Trump and FOX News tells you about their made up accusations and made up out of thin air conspiracy theories that absolutely make no sense.... a rewriting of history and actually facts.

Is it possible that Carter Page, after he left the campaign, FISA warrant could have been done unfairly on him...? Sure it is possible.... and the IG is investigating it, and we will find out.

But this has NOTHING at all to do with the FBI beginning their investigation of the Trump campaign for witting or unwitting workings with the Russians who were illegally trying to influence our presidential election. The Mueller report shows 140 contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign, during the period.

Trump lied, and said there were NONE, Trump also lied and said their were no business deals in the workings.... when he was working a Trump Moscow deal, up until the moment he won.

He also lied about the Trump tower meeting with his son, Kushner, and Manafort to get dirt on Hillary

Lying is a consciousness of guilt...
They hired Fusion GPS to find dirt. Fusion GPS provided faked information they couldn't varify. Hillary gave this fake information to supporters in the DOJ and they used it to commit perjury in court to begin a spying operation against a political opponent.

A deal isn't a deal unless you sign a contract. Just looking into building in Russia isn't a deal.

Everything you believe is coming from media sources that are skilled at manipulation and deception. Half-truths designed to mislead people who are gullible.
That’s not what happened at all. Fusion never gave their information to Hillary Clinton, because they gave it to the FBI. Do catch up.
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.
No one hired a firm to CREATE dirt. They hired a firm to investigate a candidate, which is used by all politicians, every single one of them... and they even hire people to do opposition research on themselves, to find out what their competition is going to find out about themselves. GPS was hired by the Washington Free Beacon, to do opposition research on Candidate Trump, who is a Conservative news source...

They did as much research as they could on Donald Trump, with his dealings in the USA, but kept hitting dead ends in the USA, all roads on Trump and his Business doings, lead to Russia.... the Free Beacon then stopped this oppo research because Candidate Trump, had won the Primary... The Wash Free Beacon was doing this opposition research on behalf of another Republican Candidate.

GPS was then hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, through the Law Firm that handled ALL OF THE DNC and Clinton campaign Legal issues.... if anyone running as a Democratic candidate in any race, including local, and federal senators, legislators, congress critters... if they had a campaign legal question, they went to this law firm handling their account for an answer or to see if it was legal... like if Russians approached them to give them help in their election run, all of the candidates would have run it by the law firm, to see if it was legal.... (UNLIKE what Donny Junior did....he sought no legal advice at all....when the Russian gvt approached him with dirt on Hillary.)

this firm was paid millions to handle the DNC and Clinton campaign accounts.... Clinton Campaign was a NEW account, but this firm had been the DNC's law firm for YEARS prior to this election in 2016.

In Congressional hearings, with Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson, it came out that Christopher Steele was paid around $150,000 by them, for the investigation in to Trump's Russian ties... they hired Steele because he had previous expertise in Russia.

Steele gathered information from his research and compiled some field notes of what he was being told or found out.

He never said they were true or factual, they were simply what he was finding out, or that was being said.... and that these field notes, later labeled by the press, The Dossier, needed to be investigated to find out the facts/evidence in support of, or deniable evidence... he said the job was too big, for him alone to do...

some of the information he came across was very disturbing and fishy, so he turned it over to the FBI....and then to McCain because he felt the FBI was not doing anything or taking it seriously, as any human being with a sense of ethics would.


When Steele was hired by Fusion GPS/ DNC/Clinton Campaign for opposition research, Trump had just won the primary a couple of weeks earlier...

All polling said Clinton had a LOCK on winning the presidency against him.... something like a 90% chance of her winning against candidate Trump.

NO ONE NEEDED to fabricate some opposition research against Trump in order to win or as a safety net... Steele's investigation began months before we even knew the Russians had stolen the DNC emails and released them, via wikileaks on July 22, 2016, a couple of days before the DNC convention.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.
No, actually it is your logic and your judgement, that is conspiracy and insensible.... it makes no sense, at all! :)

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.
The media, got Donald Trump elected, giving him coverage 24/7 during the campaign, while giving none to Hillary, other than email email emails private server private server private server, FBI Comey announcement, FBI comey reopening the investigation. Even Bernie got more coverage from the Media, than Hillary.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.
What I think is that you believe everything Trump and FOX News tells you about their made up accusations and made up out of thin air conspiracy theories that absolutely make no sense.... a rewriting of history and actually facts.

Is it possible that Carter Page, after he left the campaign, FISA warrant could have been done unfairly on him...? Sure it is possible.... and the IG is investigating it, and we will find out.

But this has NOTHING at all to do with the FBI beginning their investigation of the Trump campaign for witting or unwitting workings with the Russians who were illegally trying to influence our presidential election. The Mueller report shows 140 contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign, during the period.

Trump lied, and said there were NONE, Trump also lied and said their were no business deals in the workings.... when he was working a Trump Moscow deal, up until the moment he won.

He also lied about the Trump tower meeting with his son, Kushner, and Manafort to get dirt on Hillary

Lying is a consciousness of guilt...
When HRC paid about 3 million to GPS it was in order "to receive a thing of value".
No spinning. No bullshit. No brainer!
Had HRC won the election no one would have ever heard about GPS.
So yet another Hillary Clinton trick rears it's ugly head.
Partisans take it whichever way they want.
And you ignore it because you can't face the facts.
Hillary is a criminal trying to destroy Trump through media manipulation.
You think it's all good fun.

As Trump used Russian help & just put out the word that he is open to more foreign help, Trumpetttes run in circles, waving their arms about & screaming "OMG OMG OMG Hillary!!! Hillary!!! OMG OMG OMG"

Because that evil bitch Hillary forced Trump to lie about his Russian business, lie about hos campaign's contacts with the Russians and then she manipulated Trump to say he would accept help from anyone from anywhere.

If you read the Steel Dossier it says Putin tried to get Trump to make business deals in Russia for 5 years and Trump turned down every one.
You mean Trump tried to make business deals. Think Trump Tower in Moscow.

Read the Steel dossier.
Trump tower was canceled, did not happen.
Canceled by the Russians. Once they realized Donald Trump could be president. Duh!

Canceled by Trump not the Russians.
Putin was puzzled as to why Trump continually would not accept any businesses deals.
George (Democrat, Clinton Operative) Stephanopoulos gave Trump a gift. As usual Trump gets the better of these Democrat Propaganda outlets dishonestly disguised as "news" organizations.

Trump exposed himself as a criminal. George just asked a question.
Georgie is a Democrat operative posing as a journalist. You and I both know that. Don't act so innocent.
So you’re saying Trump is so stupid he got tricked into telling the truth by a reporter with a weird name?
You believe Trump got "tricked"?
I think Trump was foolish to agree to the interview.
The response by the media was pre-ordained.
Trump knows Georgie setupadopalous. He knows his game. We'll see how it plays out.
There's nothing perfectly legal about hiring a firm to invent dirt and then use it to illegally spy on political opponents.......and then use it to try to overthrow a presidency just because you lost.
No one hired a firm to CREATE dirt. They hired a firm to investigate a candidate, which is used by all politicians, every single one of them... and they even hire people to do opposition research on themselves, to find out what their competition is going to find out about themselves. GPS was hired by the Washington Free Beacon, to do opposition research on Candidate Trump, who is a Conservative news source...

They did as much research as they could on Donald Trump, with his dealings in the USA, but kept hitting dead ends in the USA, all roads on Trump and his Business doings, lead to Russia.... the Free Beacon then stopped this oppo research because Candidate Trump, had won the Primary... The Wash Free Beacon was doing this opposition research on behalf of another Republican Candidate.

GPS was then hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, through the Law Firm that handled ALL OF THE DNC and Clinton campaign Legal issues.... if anyone running as a Democratic candidate in any race, including local, and federal senators, legislators, congress critters... if they had a campaign legal question, they went to this law firm handling their account for an answer or to see if it was legal... like if Russians approached them to give them help in their election run, all of the candidates would have run it by the law firm, to see if it was legal.... (UNLIKE what Donny Junior did....he sought no legal advice at all....when the Russian gvt approached him with dirt on Hillary.)

this firm was paid millions to handle the DNC and Clinton campaign accounts.... Clinton Campaign was a NEW account, but this firm had been the DNC's law firm for YEARS prior to this election in 2016.

In Congressional hearings, with Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson, it came out that Christopher Steele was paid around $150,000 by them, for the investigation in to Trump's Russian ties... they hired Steele because he had previous expertise in Russia.

Steele gathered information from his research and compiled some field notes of what he was being told or found out.

He never said they were true or factual, they were simply what he was finding out, or that was being said.... and that these field notes, later labeled by the press, The Dossier, needed to be investigated to find out the facts/evidence in support of, or deniable evidence... he said the job was too big, for him alone to do...

some of the information he came across was very disturbing and fishy, so he turned it over to the FBI....and then to McCain because he felt the FBI was not doing anything or taking it seriously, as any human being with a sense of ethics would.


When Steele was hired by Fusion GPS/ DNC/Clinton Campaign for opposition research, Trump had just won the primary a couple of weeks earlier...

All polling said Clinton had a LOCK on winning the presidency against him.... something like a 90% chance of her winning against candidate Trump.

NO ONE NEEDED to fabricate some opposition research against Trump in order to win or as a safety net... Steele's investigation began months before we even knew the Russians had stolen the DNC emails and released them, via wikileaks on July 22, 2016, a couple of days before the DNC convention.

Personally I think your logic and your judgement is highly questionable.
No, actually it is your logic and your judgement, that is conspiracy and insensible.... it makes no sense, at all! :)

And when it comes to interference in elections....it's clear that the media is the guilty of this.
The media, got Donald Trump elected, giving him coverage 24/7 during the campaign, while giving none to Hillary, other than email email emails private server private server private server, FBI Comey announcement, FBI comey reopening the investigation. Even Bernie got more coverage from the Media, than Hillary.

What I think is you believe everything the media tells you and you assume that everything Trump does is illegal.
You're just not levelheaded.
What I think is that you believe everything Trump and FOX News tells you about their made up accusations and made up out of thin air conspiracy theories that absolutely make no sense.... a rewriting of history and actually facts.

Is it possible that Carter Page, after he left the campaign, FISA warrant could have been done unfairly on him...? Sure it is possible.... and the IG is investigating it, and we will find out.

But this has NOTHING at all to do with the FBI beginning their investigation of the Trump campaign for witting or unwitting workings with the Russians who were illegally trying to influence our presidential election. The Mueller report shows 140 contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign, during the period.

Trump lied, and said there were NONE, Trump also lied and said their were no business deals in the workings.... when he was working a Trump Moscow deal, up until the moment he won.

He also lied about the Trump tower meeting with his son, Kushner, and Manafort to get dirt on Hillary

Lying is a consciousness of guilt...
When HRC paid about 3 million to GPS it was in order "to receive a thing of value".
No spinning. No bullshit. No brainer!
Had HRC won the election no one would have ever heard about GPS.

It was NOT a donation.

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