Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
The faithful few, who are 'growing' fewer, are there as usual to defend Trump's stupidity to the end!

Bottom line is Trump's admission to accept "dirt" from a foreign government is a violation of his Oath of Office to faithfully execute all laws. Given any acceptance of campaign assistance whatsoever from any foreign government or any agency of that government is unlawful, Trump's admission is reason to add two more Articles to his Bill of Impeachment and another criminal charge to add to his indictments upon leaving office!

Fuck Trump and his criminal spawn!

What a crock of light brown putrid shit! Trump says he will accept dirt from foreign sources and it's grounds to castrate him. But the Progressive Socialist Democreep party can spend 2 1/2 years, 24 million pesos on phony foreign information, find nothing and then set off more investigations of crimes that were never committed. If Trump was really smart,(which he is) he would file individual lawsuits for slander and defamation and let those criminal bastards pay through the nose for lawyers. First of all, it is not illegal to accept information from foreign sources. Government agencies do it countless times every day. It depends on how the information is used. More barking and braying by the brain dead snowflake left.
Trump says he will accept dirt from foreign sources and it's grounds to castrate him.
No, castrate him technically by taking his phone access to FB and Twitter by throwing his crooked ass in prison, you ass-kissing Trump flunky! Some of us still believe in the Rule of Law in this Nation and wish to preserve the Union so many have fought to defend and preserve for the Americans coming behind us for those behind them!!!!
First of all, it is not illegal to accept information from foreign sources.
Really? Was it your steadfast loyalty to Trump's propaganda or your base ignorance and lack of fundamental knowledge which prompted you to write that bit of ignorance? Here...edify yourself by reading from the United States Code which puts the damning truth to your lie/ignorance!

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication(within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

(b) “Foreign national” definedAs used in this section, the term “foreign national” means—
(1) a foreign principal, as such term is defined by section 611(b) of title 22, except that the term “foreign national” shall not include any individual who is a citizen of the United States; or
(2) an individual who is not a citizen of the United States or a national of the United States (as defined in section 1101(a)(22) of title 8) and who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined by section 1101(a)(20) of title 8

Be sure you read the definitions in 22 USC § 611 so your pea brain doesn't get too confused by the TRUTH!

Now eat shit and die Hossfly! Edify thyself and stop listening to Trumpian lies and misdirections and you'll start to repair some of the damage you've done to your reputation as a Trump lackey!

Information is not monetary. I wish someone would list the crimes Trump was supposed to commit.
Mueller had 3 years to find something. He came up with a wet noodle.
Trump is a typical Republican, win any way possible, no matter how wrong and reprehensible.

Dems don't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression & now evidently they support recruiting foreign help to win elections.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression

Suppressing the shit out of the illegal alien, dead and fraudulent base of the Dem party.

Oh please. Show me where the dead are voting.

Photo Voter ID is voter suppression. There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.
Trump is a typical Republican, win any way possible, no matter how wrong and reprehensible.

Dems don't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression & now evidently they support recruiting foreign help to win elections.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression

Suppressing the shit out of the illegal alien, dead and fraudulent base of the Dem party.

Oh please. Show me where the dead are voting.

Photo Voter ID is voter suppression. There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.
Don't hold your breath.
Who? What candidate besides you know who is going to accept help from Putin? Considering if you do accept it there is the expectation of payback. No, I think most Americans get this to include our politicians. It's also a crime.

Nope it's oppo research and the Dems made it righteous.


Don't put this on the Dems they didn't accept any help from the Russian Government.

Don't put this on the Dems they didn't accept any help from the Russian Government.

The info in the Steele dossier didn't come from the Russian government?
Exactly which Russians did Steele talk to?

The dossier that the Russian government claims is full of lies?
Exactly which Russians did Steele talk to?

Steele investigated Trump activities in Russia.

Trump got the Russian government to help him win an election.

You can't see the difference?
I'm not saying they should. I'm saying they would.

Phony, self righteous, hypersensitive outrage by the opposing party notwithstanding.

Who? What candidate besides you know who is going to accept help from Putin? Considering if you do accept it there is the expectation of payback. No, I think most Americans get this to include our politicians. It's also a crime.

Nope it's oppo research and the Dems made it righteous.


Don't put this on the Dems they didn't accept any help from the Russian Government.

Don't put this on the Dems they didn't accept any help from the Russian Government.

The info in the Steele dossier didn't come from the Russian government?
Exactly which Russians did Steele talk to?

The dossier that the Russian government claims is full of lies?
And like the good little Russian loving Trumpette, you believe the Russians over our intel agencies & everyone else.
"Hillary didn't wait for foreigners to come to her with dirt on a political opponent. She PAID U.K. citizen Christopher Steele to gather dirt on Trump from current and former Russian officials."
Trump had dealings in Russia. Are you saying those actions can not be investigated?
Trump is a typical Republican, win any way possible, no matter how wrong and reprehensible.

Dems don't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression & now evidently they support recruiting foreign help to win elections.

Republicans are the party of voter suppression

Suppressing the shit out of the illegal alien, dead and fraudulent base of the Dem party.

Oh please. Show me where the dead are voting.

Photo Voter ID is voter suppression. There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

Who are the Dem morons too stupid to have a photo ID in this day and age?
Nope it's oppo research and the Dems made it righteous.


Don't put this on the Dems they didn't accept any help from the Russian Government.

Don't put this on the Dems they didn't accept any help from the Russian Government.

The info in the Steele dossier didn't come from the Russian government?
Exactly which Russians did Steele talk to?

The dossier that the Russian government claims is full of lies?
Exactly which Russians did Steele talk to?

Steele investigated Trump activities in Russia.

Trump got the Russian government to help him win an election.

You can't see the difference?

Steele investigated Trump activities in Russia.

I know!

It's awesome when foreigners, like Steele, interfere in our elections.

Trump got the Russian government to help him win an election.

You mean all those Dems who were tricked by Facebook memes into voting for Trump?
Trump: Nothing wrong with accepting dirt from foreign governments on opponents


Oh boy is this going to start a firestorm.

Trump compared damaging information on an opponent supplied by a foreign government to opposition research conducted by all political campaigns.

It’s not an interference, they have information – I think I’d take it,” Trump said. “If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI – if I thought there was something wrong.”

You can bet they’ll ignore the notifying the FBI part.

More @ https://www.oann.com/trump-nothing-wrong-with-accepting-dirt-from-foreign-governments-on-opponents/
So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Trump is dead-wrong on this.

And all of you TrumpBots trying to blow smoke to cover his ass are guilty of enabling him - again.

What's worse - unlike him - you know that it's wrong, and you're backing it anyway.

Shame on you.

It doesn't matter one good goddamn if each and every Democrat on the face of the planet did the same thing.

We are talking about a
sitting President of the United States saying this.

Think long and hard about what you're supporting in this instance.

Pull your heads out of your a$$e$, people, and start thinking like Americans again, rather than drooling cult-zombie-slaves.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, people... what the hell is wrong with you?!!!
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Trump: Nothing wrong with accepting dirt from foreign governments on opponents


Oh boy is this going to start a firestorm.

Trump compared damaging information on an opponent supplied by a foreign government to opposition research conducted by all political campaigns.

It’s not an interference, they have information – I think I’d take it,” Trump said. “If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI – if I thought there was something wrong.”

You can bet they’ll ignore the notifying the FBI part.

More @ https://www.oann.com/trump-nothing-wrong-with-accepting-dirt-from-foreign-governments-on-opponents/
If he thought there was somwthing wrong? Like...what? Like they were breaking the law to get the info? I.E....precisely what Russia did?
Trump is happy to get information on political opponents from hostile foreign governments.

Trump thinks of himself more as a reality T.V. host than a President, and he loves drama, particularly if he is at the center of it.

For that reason Trump wants to be impeached. It would be an exciting melodrama, and he would be the star attraction. Moreover, he is assured of a happy ending. The lapdogs in the Senate, otherwise known as Trump Republicans, will exonerate him of any wrongdoing.

Allow me to digress. Regarding the recent crisis with Mexico, I wrote, "So, all of this was just another bogus threat from Trump. This is typical Trump. First, he creates a controversy out of thin air. Then later he backs down from his threats and claims he solved the controversy he created."

Then, I added, "So, the only question now is, on what day of next week will he create another controversy and what will it be about?" That was written Sunday.

Turns out, that day was Wednesday as Trump made another bold attempt to get the House Democrats to impeach him. Trump is remarkably predictable, and his desire to obfuscate one dire controversy by creating a more dire controversy is well known. That is how our President works. Never a dull moment, and he doesn't mind at all looking stupid. After all, he is the one who said:

“No, it’s not what I meant. It’s what I said."

So, what do we have this week? We have a President who said he was willing to get dirt on a political opponent from Russia, China, or some other hostile foreign government. He sees nothing wrong with that, and, no, he would not contact the FBI. In fact when his own appointee, FBI Director Chris Wray, said that is what campaigns should do, Trump said, “The F.B.I. director is wrong.”

“It’s not an interference,” Trump said in an interview with ABC News, describing it as “opposition research.” “They have information — I think I’d take it.”

"I think you might want to listen," Trump said in the interview on Wednesday. "There isn't anything wrong with listening."

"I think I'd want to hear it," Trump said, downplaying the idea such a move by Russia or China would amount to election interference.

After all this country has been through, and it is far from over, our President said that. Words fail me.

Sarah Sanders quit today.
So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Trump is dead-wrong on this.

And all of you TrumpBots trying to blow smoke to cover his ass are guilty of enabling him - again.

What's worse - unlike him - you know that it's wrong, and you're backing it anyway.

Shame on you.

It doesn't matter one good goddamn if each and every Democrat on the face of the planet did the same thing.

We are talking about a
sitting President of the United States saying this.

Think long and hard about what you're supporting in this instance.

Pull your heads out of your a$$e$, people, and start thinking like Americans again, rather than drooling cult-zombie-slaves.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, people... what the hell is wrong with you?!!!

Trump is dead-wrong on this.


Wasn't the Obama administration getting information from foreign intelligence services about the Trump campaign?
well considering hillary got dirt from the urkraine AND former british intelligence, i fail to see how it was any different than what trump was accused of or this.

stop the double standards and you'll have more people take you seriously.
No you won't. Nor will you take this seriously. That post was literally your excuse for saying there is nothing wrong with it. Suddenly, if another poster thinks a certain way, you will care? Nope. Stop the dog and pony show.
Actually it was brilliant because we are about to see how deep the pile of stink goes with Obama and Clinton being puppets of Putin when they solicited his help to defeat Donald Trump.

The President has the party of baby killing, lying and slavery on the defensive, defending their double standards, and their hypocrisy.
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