Did Jews Steal Palestinian Land?

Jews have lived on that land for thousands of years

History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia

Jews bought much of the land in Palestine

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia

Did Israel Evict The Palestinians? Arab sources say NO

Europe was looking for a place to dump the Jews and this was the place.
As opposed to here:

"Those barbaric Poles should return the land they stole from Russians"...:rolleyes:

"Those barbaric Poles should return the land they stole from Russians"...:rolleyes:

Thank you!! Those Pollacks are Uncivilized Savages and what his own Culture is he’s trying to throw those traits on to others

Poland's killed basically no one in recent years, unlike barbaric Israel who's killed thousands.

LOL, some of the most brutal gangs were founded by Jews, like the Russian Mafia by Jew Semion Mogilvich, or Murder INC founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter.

Does Poland have an Army? Russia would take it quicker than Crimea if it wanted to.

Why does Bear, who claims to be half Polish thumbs up this anti-Polish mockery by a Jew?

Is it because Bear's in fact Jewish?

A Roman Catholic half Pollock / half German American born at northwestern hospital, Chicago at 11:05 pm May 4th 1965.

I hate sand monkeys who ran back to Israel after the Jews made prosperity out of it.

Those Poles should return the land they stole from Russians!

Off topic, what does this have to do with Israel's brutality, and land theft against Palestine?

How many maimed, and killed there?

Russia comes from the Vladimir Suzdal, which became the Duchy of Moscow, they actually expanded significantly into Ukrainian, Belarussian, Lithuanian, and Polish lands, with the help of their German Prussian, and German Austrian"Friends"

The same way Poland shoots into crowds of peaceful farmers and steals Russian land.

When Poland returns Russian Land, Poles can have a say.
Look at all the territory the Polish brutal regime occupies!

:04: See how easy it is to play Your silly games?

Poland always had a majority Polish core, one which Russia stole from Poland.

Israel on the other hand, had only 1.7% of the population as Jewish in 1517, after centuries of Jewish immigration, the Jews went onto to steal the lands of Palestine from the Arabs who owned more land than Jews, and had a majority there over the Jewish minority there.

No way! The Poles are colonial invaders, all land belonged to Moscow and the native Russian inhabitants.

Poles stole Russian majority! Poles stole Russian land!

So when you lose the argument you whine? I explained to you that we are on topic. Do you not understand English?

jesteśmy na temacie

Is that better?

You've lost the argument, you're desperately going off topic, and mocking Polish people in response, because you simply can't argue the facts.

Such arrogant, and ignorant twits, I have little regard for ZioNAZIS, and their imperial oppressive brutality against Palestine.

You are the one who lost the argument ; moron, You claim Israel stole” Palestinian land” during 1967 which I disproved. You say Israel used “ aggressive force” against the Palestinians which I have also disproved. You are the one who initially brought up the subject of the Polish people, not me. Of course, you do not remember because you are too stupid

Israel has stole land since it's foundation, they still continue to encroach on Palestinian West Bank lands, building settlements on land that they think they deserve just because they're Jewish Israelis.

Moron, the W. Bank was part of Jordan who initiated War with Israel

So, Israel still stole those lands, and continue to oppress them none the less.

Apparently the Pollack can’t read. The Arabs initiated the War to destroy them and Israel won. Somehow he can’t understand that the Arabs initiated the aggression
Conquest is not theft.
Oh. Robbery, then. Fair enough. Best to be precise about these things.

Anyway, it fell off the back of a truck didn't it?

If I sneak into your house and take your watch it is theft. If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.

See the difference?
If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.
Theft with violence is robbery, breaking and entering too, I'd think, in your scenario. But anyway, it fell off the back of a truck, right, no one owned it, it was just lying in the street.
So when you lose the argument you whine? I explained to you that we are on topic. Do you not understand English?

jesteśmy na temacie

Is that better?

You've lost the argument, you're desperately going off topic, and mocking Polish people in response, because you simply can't argue the facts.

Such arrogant, and ignorant twits, I have little regard for ZioNAZIS, and their imperial oppressive brutality against Palestine.

You are the one who lost the argument ; moron, You claim Israel stole” Palestinian land” during 1967 which I disproved. You say Israel used “ aggressive force” against the Palestinians which I have also disproved. You are the one who initially brought up the subject of the Polish people, not me. Of course, you do not remember because you are too stupid

Israel has stole land since it's foundation, they still continue to encroach on Palestinian West Bank lands, building settlements on land that they think they deserve just because they're Jewish Israelis.

To bad, and what are you going to do about it?


Well, Jews shouldn't dare cry about Nazis, or about Islamist's, when they behave in a similar brutal fashion.

Oh, might is right when Jews are winning, otherwise it's poor Jew, the poor picked on Jew.

Here we go again; The Pollack comparing the Palestinians and Israelis to the Nazis who literally went from House to House, killed those who tried to hide them, experiimentef on them while still alive ; with Mengel twins were his specialty, literally have them dig their own Graves, Gas them , then burn them .
If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.
Theft with violence is robbery, breaking and entering too, I'd think, in your scenario. But anyway, it fell off the back of a truck, right, no one owned it, it was just lying in the street.

In war there are no rules. Israel fought and won two wars. If you attack me and I come to your house and thrash you then you have no right to whine about it. Might makes right. You don't like it. I don't care. You don't like what this mouth is saying then shut it. You don't like what Israel is doing then conquer it or STFU. Simple. Right?
If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.
Theft with violence is robbery, breaking and entering too, I'd think, in your scenario. But anyway, it fell off the back of a truck, right, no one owned it, it was just lying in the street.

In war there are no rules. Israel fought and won two wars. If you attack me and I come to your house and thrash you then you have no right to whine about it. Might makes right. You don't like it. I don't care. You don't like what this mouth is saying then shut it. You don't like what Israel is doing then conquer it or STFU. Simple. Right?

Exactly, the Mexicans fought us and we took California, Arizona añd New Mexico away from them, tough shit

It's the same with Israel

If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.
Theft with violence is robbery, breaking and entering too, I'd think, in your scenario. But anyway, it fell off the back of a truck, right, no one owned it, it was just lying in the street.

In war there are no rules. Israel fought and won two wars. If you attack me and I come to your house and thrash you then you have no right to whine about it. Might makes right. You don't like it. I don't care. You don't like what this mouth is saying then shut it. You don't like what Israel is doing then conquer it or STFU. Simple. Right?

Exactly, the Mexicans fought us and we took California, Arizona añd New Mexico away from them, tough shit

It's the same with Israel


And Texas

No one cries that Islamists took Constantinople from the Byzantines.
If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.
Theft with violence is robbery, breaking and entering too, I'd think, in your scenario. But anyway, it fell off the back of a truck, right, no one owned it, it was just lying in the street.

In war there are no rules. Israel fought and won two wars. If you attack me and I come to your house and thrash you then you have no right to whine about it. Might makes right. You don't like it. I don't care. You don't like what this mouth is saying then shut it. You don't like what Israel is doing then conquer it or STFU. Simple. Right?

Exactly, the Mexicans fought us and we took California, Arizona añd New Mexico away from them, tough shit

It's the same with Israel


And Texas

No one cries that Islamists took Constantinople from the Byzantines.

Now, THAT was different!
There wasn’t “ International Law” back then
They weren’t Jewish !!!!!
I get what you're saying. That the Israelis stole land fair and square.
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But I get what you're saying. The Israelis did steal land fair and square.

Another Moronic Post. That was land Israel aquired after the Arabs initiated the 67 War to steal Israel’s land and destroy the Country.
If I break your door down, toss you out and take over the house and then put your watch on, that is conquest.
Theft with violence is robbery, breaking and entering too, I'd think, in your scenario. But anyway, it fell off the back of a truck, right, no one owned it, it was just lying in the street.

In war there are no rules. Israel fought and won two wars. If you attack me and I come to your house and thrash you then you have no right to whine about it. Might makes right. You don't like it. I don't care. You don't like what this mouth is saying then shut it. You don't like what Israel is doing then conquer it or STFU. Simple. Right?

Exactly, the Mexicans fought us and we took California, Arizona añd New Mexico away from them, tough shit

It's the same with Israel


Zionists believe only in the power of looting, and shooting, when Zionists do it.

If not, prove to me why many others get called out for doing similar?

Oh, then why do they dare complain about Russia annexing a Russian majority of Crimea, or the Serbian actions in attempting to hold onto Kosovo, and Bosnia as part of Yugoslavia, or the actions of Iraq invading Kuwait, or the actions of Nazi Germany invading Poland, and others.
and yada, yada,
Jews, and Anglos think they're above the law, they're brutal thugs as well.

It seems Zionists, make up any excuse to save face for the fact that Israel is an imperialist, oppressive, and land thief nation, who have brutalized the Palestinians.
"Those barbaric Poles should return the land they stole from Russians"...:rolleyes:

"Those barbaric Poles should return the land they stole from Russians"...:rolleyes:

Thank you!! Those Pollacks are Uncivilized Savages and what his own Culture is he’s trying to throw those traits on to others

Poland's killed basically no one in recent years, unlike barbaric Israel who's killed thousands.

LOL, some of the most brutal gangs were founded by Jews, like the Russian Mafia by Jew Semion Mogilvich, or Murder INC founded by Jew Louis Bulchalter.

Does Poland have an Army? Russia would take it quicker than Crimea if it wanted to.

Why does Bear, who claims to be half Polish thumbs up this anti-Polish mockery by a Jew?

Is it because Bear's in fact Jewish?

A Roman Catholic half Pollock / half German American born at northwestern hospital, Chicago at 11:05 pm May 4th 1965.

I hate sand monkeys who ran back to Israel after the Jews made prosperity out of it.


The Nakba is a historic fact, Israel scared, and or expelled Palestinian (Arabs) in mass out of their homes in the region.

Oh, the poor Jews are kicked out of nation, after nation, cry about that, but then immediately do the same to Palestinians when they get the chance.

No wonder why people don't like Jews.
You've lost the argument, you're desperately going off topic, and mocking Polish people in response, because you simply can't argue the facts.

Such arrogant, and ignorant twits, I have little regard for ZioNAZIS, and their imperial oppressive brutality against Palestine.

You are the one who lost the argument ; moron, You claim Israel stole” Palestinian land” during 1967 which I disproved. You say Israel used “ aggressive force” against the Palestinians which I have also disproved. You are the one who initially brought up the subject of the Polish people, not me. Of course, you do not remember because you are too stupid

Israel has stole land since it's foundation, they still continue to encroach on Palestinian West Bank lands, building settlements on land that they think they deserve just because they're Jewish Israelis.

Moron, the W. Bank was part of Jordan who initiated War with Israel

So, Israel still stole those lands, and continue to oppress them none the less.

Apparently the Pollack can’t read. The Arabs initiated the War to destroy them and Israel won. Somehow he can’t understand that the Arabs initiated the aggression

Balfour Declaration is a declaration of war, anything that happened to Jews after that, was justified as self defense.

Jews shouldn't get the right to be a modern Colonialist Imperialist nightmare, just because they're Jews.

The Israeli war crime genocides like the Nakba, resemble American war crime genocides like the Trail of Tears against Natives.

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