Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

Biden was easily the worst of my lifetime. One reason for that is because he followed one of the best. He is the second dumbest politician alive today but since the dumbest is his VP, there is still hope that the sniffer will lose his title.
I can't speak about him personally.

But with a large amount of certainty that America and Americans have had the worst first year of any president before. I have never seen a single administration do as much as Biden and his administration have done to screw America and Americans in a single year.
Biden puppetmasters.jpg
George Bush Jr and Senior both had rough first years.
Jr just made his second term a career of bad mistakes. He got off on the wrong foot and stayed there.

But also with today's modern video software I'm wondering if Joe is actually giving speeches anymore. I can get a shareware version that if I have enough of myself recorded that the ai software can put together a video, complete with sound, that I never made but only typed up.
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No. Far from it.

Afghanistan...closed out and finished.
Stimulus... done.
Infrastructure bill...done
Defense bill with pay raise for military...done
Normalcy being returned more and more.
Insurrectionists...being hunted down like dogs.

Republican impotent outrage...off the charts~!!!!!!

Lets Go Brandon!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
The Republicans have gone insane, blocking all legislation; this isn't how democracy works. We'll have to vote them all out.

I will never understand why leftists think "democracy" is defined as "We get whatever we want, whenever we want, without opposition!" But then, I have an IQ with three digits, so I'm not really equipped to understand how leftists "think".

In actual fact, two-digit boy, people disagreeing with you and having the ability to push back against you is EXACTLY how democracy works.
No. Far from it.

Afghanistan...closed out and finished.
Stimulus... done.
Infrastructure bill...done
Defense bill with pay raise for military...done
Normalcy being returned more and more.
Insurrectionists...being hunted down like dogs.

Republican impotent outrage...off the charts~!!!!!!

I just heard, "He's a Democrat, so it's been WONDERFUL!"
Democracy depends on cooperation and good faith, that has been discontinued by the Republican party.

Once again, you confuse "Gimme! Gimme! I want it!" with democracy.

While we're on things you don't know the definition of, "cooperation and good faith" are not defined as "Just shut up and go along with our agenda!"
www. theglobeandmail.com/ Quote:
"It’s the best start all right -if you believe that more government and less freedom is the answer to our problems. Large governments encroach on individual liberty and should be opposed by anyone who can stand on their own two feet. The government that governs best, governs least. But Biden is trotting out the tired and failed approach of tax-and-spend governments. Bigger government inevitably chokes off economic growth and results in stagnation and malaise. And then voters return to office Reagan/Trump leaders who fix the mess the Left created. Imagine who much further ahead we would be if we didn’t get bogged down by having to endure periods of Carter/Biden in the political/economic cycle".
Talk Radio Icon ... Dennis Prager has a motto.And it's as simple,direct and Truthful
as one will live to learn.There is not one inkling of trickery involved with this Motto :
The Bigger the Government ... the Smaller the Citizen
I will never understand why leftists think "democracy" is defined as "We get whatever we want, whenever we want, without opposition!" But then, I have an IQ with three digits, so I'm not really equipped to understand how leftists "think".

In actual fact, two-digit boy, people disagreeing with you and having the ability to push back against you is EXACTLY how democracy works.
Democracy isn't where one party's only goal is to make [fill in the name] a one term president. And oppose everything that is good for America, in order to do so.
Thanks, Karen, but I have no interest in being neutral.

If you do, great.
Anomalism :

Since Trump came down the escalator ole mac has emerged from his neutrality shell and become a full-blown partisan lib democrat apologist

so he’s hardly a tweener anymore
Democracy isn't where one party's only goal is to make [fill in the name] a one term president. And oppose everything that is good for America, in order to do so.

Perhaps you should have thought of that when Trump was elected. Because you're certainly not going to hypocritically lecture ME about it now.

Maybe you should break this cycle of leftists declaring everything they want to be "Democracy!" and actually go look it up. You'll find that the definition doesn't speak to whose agenda is at stake, or what anyone's motivations are. And it definitely doesn't speak to having YOUR pus-ridden approval.

And finally, see if you can take two seconds to be a clear-thinking human being, instead of a brainwashed narcissist, and contemplate the possibility that "I think this is best, because I WANT IT!" doesn't make it objective truth that everyone automatically sees as you do. Maybe you aren't some beleaguered champion of purity and righteousness being assaulted by the minions of knowing evil; maybe you're just an asshole with an opinion, being opposed by other people with equally-sincere opinions that don't agree with you.

I realize this will complicate your existence by forcing you to actually make reasoned arguments, but that's another side effect of the democracy that you keep misinterpreting.

So, did you have any other laughable ideas about what "democracy" is that you wanted to embarrass yourself with?
I just heard, "He's a Democrat, so it's been WONDERFUL!"
Must be the 3,000 chemicals you ingest with each vape, smoky.

Joe has screwed some things up. But the idea that this is some wholesale disaster is flat out a lie...so naturally you believe it.
Must be the 3,000 chemicals you ingest with each vape, smoky.

Joe has screwed some things up. But the idea that this is some wholesale disaster is flat out a lie...so naturally you believe it.

Typically, your only rebuttal is, "Well . . . well, look at this thing you do that I don't approve of!"

It really bugs you that I laugh at everything about you and your pus-ridden agenda, and manage to be everything you wish you were, doesn't it?

Dementia Joe has screwed up everything he has touched. If he were deliberately trying to fuck this nation and his own administration up, he could not being doing it more.

But the idea that this is not a wholesale disaster is a flat-out lie, based on your desperate need to worship your political masters. Worse, it's a disaster precisely because he's doing all the things you love and want and passionately defend. So really, it's like YOU are the disaster. That must sting.

Say hi to your cats for me.

Joe signed a $1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill into law.

trump gave the rich tax cuts and gutted the IRS so that the IRS couldn't collect taxes from the rich. And trump built 40 miles of fence on a 2,000 mile long border.

And it took trump 4 years to do that.

Joe is way ahead.
Typically, your only rebuttal is, "Well . . . well, look at this thing you do that I don't approve of!"

It really bugs you that I laugh at everything about you and your pus-ridden agenda, and manage to be everything you wish you were, doesn't it?

Dementia Joe has screwed up everything he has touched. If he were deliberately trying to fuck this nation and his own administration up, he could not being doing it more.

But the idea that this is not a wholesale disaster is a flat-out lie, based on your desperate need to worship your political masters. Worse, it's a disaster precisely because he's doing all the things you love and want and passionately defend. So really, it's like YOU are the disaster. That must sting.

Say hi to your cats for me.

The only thing that would bug me is having to pay for your therapy bills.

Did you enjoy your solitude over the holidays--again?

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