Did Mueller KNOW One of His Key Witnesses Had 'Illegal child Art/Photo' Issues Dating Back to 1980s?

I'm not accusing Trump of being a pedophile or a rapist, I'm simply pointing out your hypocrisy.
WHAT HYPOCRISY? Did Trump ever pressure a repeat child porn convict to testify against a President to create a false obstruction narrative? Ummm, no.

What you are really doing is trying to hijack the thread and avoid answering the question.

You never can get the truth / a straight answer from snowflakes....
And you and happy are both too stupid to know that Mueller lied about evidence, withheld evidence and used a bunch of known liars as his "star witnesses". Yeah, too bad it's all blowing up in your faces as Mueller runs away like the coward he is as the ship sinks.

You are barking up the wrong tree skippy. I have said from day one that Trump did not do anything illegal.

By the way moron, this guy also has ties to Clinton and Obama, guess they're dirty too.

Hell yeah they are dirty. But thanks for proving the point that I make all the time...that Trump is not the "outsider" you sheep think he is.
So, back to the thread topic....

Did Mueller know his 'key' witness was a repeat child porn convict BEFORE or AFTER he pressured him into becoming a witness?

They didn't need to pressure him, he was pissed off at Trump&Co. when they didn't comp his lunch at the Trump Tower, when he and Jared Kushner had their meeting.
So that's the answer you're going with...a lie?

I'm not accusing Trump of being a pedophile or a rapist, I'm simply pointing out your hypocrisy.
WHAT HYPOCRISY? Did Trump ever pressure a repeat child porn convict to testify against a President to create a false obstruction narrative? Ummm, no.

What you are really doing is trying to hijack the thread and avoid answering the question.

You never can get the truth / a straight answer from snowflakes....

Mueller doesn't get to decide who Trump works with. I don't know why you don't get that. Do you blame prosecutors when they lean on lower level members of the mafia to get the boss?
Using Nader ( granted he wasn't the only questionable character involved here) as a star witness just makes me think of the saying "When you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas". One has to think Mueller or somebody on that team would have realized this was not a good idea.
Using Nader ( granted he wasn't the only questionable character involved here) as a star witness just makes me think of the saying "When you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas". One has to think Mueller or somebody on that team would have realized this was not a good idea.

Was it a good idea to work with Flynn or Cohen?
Well, we've answered the UN-ASKED question - how to completely trigger a 'room' full of snowflakes, causing them to lie, distract, and attempt to hijack a thread to avoid answering an uncomfortable question about Mueller's exposed witch hunt...


Just ask them if Mueller knew his key witness was a repeat child porn convict....

Yes he knew, just like he knew The Dossier was fake and knew there was no collusion 18 months ago.

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?

Anyone surprised at the type of people in the Trump orbit?

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?
I do not have to defend the President for doing anything that was not illegal, as opposed to Mueller whose 'key' witness in his witch hunt turns out to be a repeat child porn convict....

If we criticized the President for hanging out with proven criminals and sex offenders we would probably have to start with the fact that at one time he hung around another punished sex offender - Bill Clinton, who was Impeached after having his law license stripped as a result of being found Guilty of deceit and attempt to mislead the court / judge during his sexual harassment law suit.

Funny, back in the day the Clintons did not only NOT have a problem with Trump but they also used to beg and kiss his ass for campaign and 'charity' 'contributions'.


"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...

LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)
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Well, we've answered the UN-ASKED question - how to completely trigger a 'room' full of snowflakes, causing them to lie, distract, and attempt to hijack a thread to avoid answering an uncomfortable question about Mueller's exposed witch hunt...


Just ask them if Mueller knew his key witness was a repeat child porn convict....


What is the "uncomfortable" question again?
What is the question?
Holy crap....you and Hillary have something in common -- you're both too stupid to know what you're doing.


If you can't read it yourself, lil" triggered snowflake, have someone read the thread title to you....
What is 'uncomfortable' is your incredible display of stupidity, your inability to read, and your limitless partisanship....

You think you can stick to the thread topic now, or are you going to continue to obfuscate and attempt to hijack the threat / divert attention from the thread topic?
What is 'uncomfortable' is your incredible display of stupidity, your inability to read, and your limitless partisanship....

You think you can stick to the thread topic now, or are you going to continue to obfuscate and attempt to hijack the threat / divert attention from the thread topic?

I was hoping for an uncomfortable question and I didn't see one.

So, did Mueller know? I would presume at some point he'd look at his record.

Did Trump know?

In an investigation you don't get to choose the witnesses and as pointed out to you before, they usually aren't angels.
Using Nader ( granted he wasn't the only questionable character involved here) as a star witness just makes me think of the saying "When you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas". One has to think Mueller or somebody on that team would have realized this was not a good idea.

Mueller did not make the Trump campaign deal with Nader, that was their choice
What is the question?
Holy crap....you and Hillary have something in common -- you're both too stupid to know what you're doing.


If you can't read it yourself, lil" triggered snowflake, have someone read the thread title to you....

What is the question?
Holy crap....you and Hillary have something in common -- you're both too stupid to know what you're doing.


If you can't read it yourself, lil" triggered snowflake, have someone read the thread title to you....

I saw a question, is it supposed to be uncomfortable?

Easy, being HAPPY to be dumb as a box of rocks, is a normal attribute of the Leftists, lol! Whenever you hose them, they play DUMB; DUMBER than they already are-) Best thing to do is move along. The people who are on the fence watching you debate someone who is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial, know you won, and are deciding which side of the fence to jump on.

Why would they jump on the side of someone who has no clue, or can't even debate, along with acting as dumb as a box of rocks?

They wouldn't!

Give it awhile Easy. Soon HAPPY will be SAD, and the Leftists will be heading for the hills, and changing their socks-) Never fear-) We shall question their OLD SOCKS, and if they do not answer, I WILL MAKE UP ANSWERS THAT I BELIEVE THEY WOULD HAVE SAID, for them...…...with a bunch of sarcasm injected, hehehehehehehehehehe!
What is the question?
Holy crap....you and Hillary have something in common -- you're both too stupid to know what you're doing.


If you can't read it yourself, lil" triggered snowflake, have someone read the thread title to you....

What is the question?
Holy crap....you and Hillary have something in common -- you're both too stupid to know what you're doing.


If you can't read it yourself, lil" triggered snowflake, have someone read the thread title to you....

I saw a question, is it supposed to be uncomfortable?

Easy, being HAPPY to be dumb as a box of rocks, is a normal attribute of the Leftists, lol! Whenever you hose them, they play DUMB; DUMBER than they already are-) Best thing to do is move along. The people who are on the fence watching you debate someone who is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial, know you won, and are deciding which side of the fence to jump on.

Why would they jump on the side of someone who has no clue, or can't even debate, along with acting as dumb as a box of rocks?

They wouldn't!

Give it awhile Easy. Soon HAPPY will be SAD, and the Leftists will be heading for the hills, and changing their socks-) Never fear-) We shall question their OLD SOCKS, and if they do not answer, I WILL MAKE UP ANSWERS THAT I BELIEVE THEY WOULD HAVE SAID, for them...…...with a bunch of sarcasm injected, hehehehehehehehehehe!

I'm sorry, what is the uncomfortable question? Cuz the one in the title is kind of a breeze.
Yes he knew, just like he knew The Dossier was fake and knew there was no collusion 18 months ago.

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?

Anyone surprised at the type of people in the Trump orbit?

So that is your defense for Mueller using a repeat convicted child porn offender as one of his main Witnesses in his investigation?


Is it your defense that it's OK when Trump hangs out with these scumbags?
I do not have to defend the President for doing anything that was not illegal, as opposed to Mueller whose 'key' witness in his witch hunt turns out to be a repeat child porn convict....

If we criticized the President for hanging out with proven criminals and sex offenders we would probably have to start with the fact that at one time he hung around another punished sex offender - Bill Clinton, who was Impeached after having his law license stripped as a result of being found Guilty of deceit and attempt to mislead the court / judge during his sexual harassment law suit.

Funny, back in the day the Clintons did not only NOT have a problem with Trump but they also used to beg and kiss his ass for campaign and 'charity' 'contributions'.


"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Makes one wonder why the Trump campaign was meeting with him...

LOLOLOLOLOL, this guy is tied much CLOSER to the Clintons, you buffoons, lol, or didn't you know that! (of course you didn't)

Not only are his ties much closer with the Clintons, his legal representation is...…...wait for it...…..you aren't going to believe it...……….. KATHERINE RHUMLER!

Who is she, you ask?

Why, she is Obama's White House counsel, lololol. In fact, these charges against Nader are quite old, 18 months I believe.

Wait, wait, you don't think for an instant, that they pushed this stuff back because Nader was telling LIES to Mueller do you, to get himself off the hook?!?!?!?!

But wait, how could this deal be cut you say?

Probably through Jeanie Rea, the Clinton Foundation lawyer whoooooooooooooo, wasssssssssssss, on the Special Counsels task force, lol!

And oh yeah, Katherine Rhumler, and heir WISEMAN, have business dealing together, did you know that.........that are still ongoing!!!!!!!!!!

Say it isn't so Whosure, you have to be lying to us to save the Donald!

Nope, nope, and double NOPE! I have not mis stated one, single, thing! I am willing to bet on it, (as every Leftist on this board attempts to prove my facts el-wrongo, but fails) and the Lefties won't!

Let me tell EVERYONE what is becoming obvious----------->if you believe coincidences are just coincidences, that is fine. If you UNDERSTAND that massive amounts of coincidences are really NOT coincidences, then you finally have a clue! Once you understand these rules, you now know, the TRUTH is gonna screw the DNC. It is as plain as the nose on your face, what the hell was going on.

Now the Left is gonna tell you their favorite, "any day now, lol," along with, "you haven't proven anything." But what they fail to understand is--------------------> other countries need/want the United States trade, and protection. They know the role they played in this, even though you Leftists don't want to believe it!

Think they want America and regular Americans to know what they did?

Of course not, but they will, WHEN BARR releases the documents-) So they needed a way out! How do we do this, and make Trump happy so as we all get our way?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Steele, Steele-) Have you seen he is going to spill the beans-) Downer is next-)

See Leftists, you aren't going to escape, and what is soooooooo damn rewarding, is watching you crow over something you think is hurting us, only to your chagrin, find out is killing you, lol. To do this, you have to watch MSNBC, and FOX, (which I do)to find out who was/is telling the truth, and we are coming up aces folks, hehehehehehehehe.

Your water boy, MOTHER Zucker, can't save you now, lol. Steele is gonna talk, Priestep is talking, Paige is talking, and the lot of your heroes are gonna be out of office. I wouldn't want to be you, knowing what is coming, but you are to damn blind to see the forest, through the trees. I almost feel sorry for you.......notice I said ALMOST-)

It is fascinating how all these people are all tied together...Bill...Trump....Obama...all peas in a pod
"George Nader was caught before in the 1980s peddling child pornography but got a reduced sentence because…he said he played a key role in 'national security matters'."

"George Nader, a key Mueller witness who was just arrested on child porn charges, was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama's top White House lawyer for three years. Mueller failed in his report to mention Nader's child porn rap sheet going back to 1985."

How does a notorious Child Porn repeat offender get busted for child pornography, get Obama's top White House Lawyer as his defense attorney, suddenly receive a reduced sentence, and become a 'key' Mueller witness?


Oh My: Key Witness For Robert Mueller's Trump Witch-Hunt Had Child Porn Issues Dating Back To 1980s


Of course he knew. I mean, people who keep kiddie porn collections for nearly 40 years are more than likely advertising the fact to everyone they meet. That's why it takes nearly 40 years to get caught.

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