Did Obama DESERVE to become president??

Still looking for someone who deserved to be president in 2008

Anybody for Rudy G?

If anything you all should be looking for someone to run against the Obama...but you are STUCK with him...must suck
with over half the people doesn't think he DESERVE to be reelected.

Bush/Cheney 2000 - talk about people thinking somebody (like half or more of America and the world) didn't deserve and election

He deserved to be elected president for the same reason he deserved to win the Nobel Prize. Nothing. And, he is black. Even SAYING that he was and is unqualified makes someone a racist.

Now that he's done such a horrible job, reducing the nation to glowing embers, he is still black and should be reelected or it's racism.

Oh, look!!! Stephanie thanks you for your comment. How very appropriate!!! She is an ignorant fool, just like you.
Don't care If you liked his policies or not.

Do you really think someone with that shallow a resumee derserved to be elected president????????????????

Anyone who is 35, a citizen, and who wins the majority of the electoral college deserves to be President, according to the Constitution.
He deserved to be elected president for the same reason he deserved to win the Nobel Prize. Nothing. And, he is black. Even SAYING that he was and is unqualified makes someone a racist.

The Constitution sets the qualifications for President. Other than the big one - getting elected - the bar is pretty low. 35 years old. And a citizen. And not previously elected twice or once and having served more than 2 years of another's term.

Now that he's done such a horrible job, reducing the nation to glowing embers, he is still black and should be reelected or it's racism.
LOL! So now Obama is responsible for the economic collapse that occurred before he even took office. Got it.
Don't care If you liked his policies or not.

Do you really think someone with that shallow a resumee derserved to be elected president????????????????

Just what came after

So Obama is responsible for unemployment dropping from 10.2% in October of 2009 to 8.6% last November?

But, but it wasn't supposed to go above 8% if we gave him the $ he wanted. Oh and I guess the left wing media forgets to tell everyone, unemployment numbers are falling because people are taking part time jobs and their 99 weeks of benefits have expired. They really haven't gone back to work, they just have to do what ever they can to try and make ends meet.

I'm waiting for the Feb/Mar numbers. :D
Just what came after

So Obama is responsible for unemployment dropping from 10.2% in October of 2009 to 8.6% last November?

But, but it wasn't supposed to go above 8% if we gave him the $ he wanted. Oh and I guess the left wing media forgets to tell everyone, unemployment numbers are falling because people are taking part time jobs and their 99 weeks of benefits have expired. They really haven't gone back to work, they just have to do what ever they can to try and make ends meet.

I'm waiting for the Feb/Mar numbers. :D

It doesn't make a lot of difference. That crew of clowns running for the Republican nomination stand about as much chance of becoming president of the U S as a one legged man does to win an ass kicking contest.
Did bama deserve to be POTUS?

More likely, we deserved him.

Stupid people deserve a stupid president.
After George W. Bush anything would be a step up. Cut taxes two times for the wealthy, started two wars, one totally unnecessary, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy. It doesn't get much worse than that. All Republicans have done since Reagan started is screw things up. Notice why all rich people vote Republican. The rest are bible thumpers.

Notice what happened to the top 1% after George W. Bush and the Republican congress cut taxes in 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition. Remember that Bush inheirited a balnced budget with surpluses projected all the way to the outyears...the entire debt on track to be paid off by 2012.



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Just what came after

So Obama is responsible for unemployment dropping from 10.2% in October of 2009 to 8.6% last November?

after promises that it would never go above 8

For wasting money on failed pork bill

Papa Obama
the Bond downgrade President

You didn't answer my question. Try again. Its a yes/no question.

Is Obama responsible for unemployment dropping from 10.2% in October of 2009 to 8.6% last November?
So Obama is responsible for unemployment dropping from 10.2% in October of 2009 to 8.6% last November?

after promises that it would never go above 8

For wasting money on failed pork bill

Papa Obama
the Bond downgrade President

You didn't answer my question. Try again. Its a yes/no question.

Is Obama responsible for unemployment dropping from 10.2% in October of 2009 to 8.6% last November?

It makes no difference. The Right controls all these blogs and the best they can do is the best they can do. Come next November they're out of there...the majority in the house of representatives is history. Americans are smarter than that.
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Yes indeed

if the election was held today

Papa Obama would lose

It's your opinion. Mine is that the 99% have reali ed that Trickle down doesn't work and that's exactly what the Republicans are continuing to fight for....borrowing money from Communist Chinese banks to fund low tax rates for the wealthiest Americans.


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I'm still looking for one of you progressives to step up to the plate and show me something "exceptional" that Barack Obama produced either as President of the Law Review, as a lawyer, as a college lecturer, as a State Senator or as a US Senator. My contention is that he's nothing more than a hollow facade...promoted repeatedly because of his "stature" of being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review but really never demonstrating anything exceptional since then. So prove me wrong! Show me some great piece of legislation that "he" crafted. Show me a scholarly work on constitutional law that he wrote while teaching the subject at the University of Chicago. Show me some brilliant legal case he won while he was a lawyer. Show me a thoughtful article he wrote while he was the President of the Law Review. Surely he's done SOMETHING?


That's a laugh. Thanks!

But I sorta get it. Distinguished for a conservative would be killing a mess of brown people in a foreign land..or gutting a viable company and firing all it's employees.

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