Did Obama lie about health care for illegals?

From the Congressional Research Service

"Under H.R. 3200, a ‘Health Insurance Exchange’ would begin operation in 2013 and would offer private plans alongside a public option…H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.”

CRS also notes that “undocumented aliens” who have a “substantial presence” in the US would be required to buy health insurance (page 4) through the exchanges in HR3200. They would also become eligible for “emergency Medicaid,” although not normal Medicaid (page 6) for up to five years.
Vice President Biden, said in a news article, their would be no health care for undocumented aliens. Can someone explain the difference between an undocumented alien as compared to a documented alien?
Vice President Biden, said in a news article, their would be no health care for undocumented aliens. Can someone explain the difference between an undocumented alien as compared to a documented alien?

Undocumented alien is pc speak for illegal alien.

Documented aliens would then be . . . . ?
Vice President Biden, said in a news article, their would be no health care for undocumented aliens. Can someone explain the difference between an undocumented alien as compared to a documented alien?

Undocumented alien is pc speak for illegal alien.

Documented aliens would then be . . . . ?

See above post.
Libs are so gullible... "Obama said it so it must be true!"

Maybe our new National Healthcare Plan will include instilling some common sense in Dems.

Nahhhhh, that'd be asking for too much.


Again, Obama is a liar -- and the left eats it up like it's candy.

LOL you buy into rightwing propaganda and call libs gullible. LOL
1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

Why would you assume that, without that specific guidance, illegal immigrants would qualify for healthcare? Do illegals qualify for any other government program?

It's the lack of specific guidelines that opens the door:

Sure, he was a rude jerk. But Rep. Joe Wilson has a point. -- America's Finest Blog -- SignOnSanDiego.com

Sure, he was a rude jerk. But Rep. Joe Wilson has a point.

I can feel not just the Daily Kos crowd but the mainstream media gearing up for a searing display of righteous anger and fury at Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, for his rude and insolent decision to scream "You lie!" when Obama said during his big speech that it was a myth that his health "reform" scheme would provide coverage to illegal immigrants.

The president is right that his proposal specifically says the plan does not extend to illegal immigrants. But one of the most undercovered stories in national politics is the fact that congressional Democrats have gutted the plan's enforcement provisions. This is from a recent column by Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee:

The Democrats' bill in the House, H.R. 3200, contains gaping loopholes that will allow illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded benefits. And these loopholes are no accident.

The legislation contains no verification mechanism to ensure that illegal immigrants do not apply for benefits. Republicans offered an amendment to close this loophole -- it would have required verification using the existing methods that are already in place to verify eligibility for other federal benefits programs. But, when they were asked to put the language of the bill where their words were, in a party-line vote, House Democrats rejected the amendment to require verification and close this loophole.​

This column appeared in The Hill, not World Net Daily. The Hill is the respected, influential publication of Capitol Hill. It fact-checks claims. And Smith is exactly right -- enforcement provisions were gutted.

So, yes, Joe Wilson was rude. And, yes, the president has a fig leaf to hide behind in his claim that his plan doesn't cover illegal immigrants.

But Wilson has a point. Without enforcement provisions, claims the plan excludes illegal immigrants fall apart. This is an awfully important point. But it is one that the media are sure to ignore in coming days in favor of demonizing Wilson for being rude and echoing Obama's claim that all his critics are just making stuff up.

Posted by Chris Reed at September 9, 2009 07:14 PM

LOL now that is hilarious, you present an OPINION in a lame attempt to substantiate your own OPINION and all of the righty lemmings thank you for the post. LOL
1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

I just adressed this with a local conservative radio host who was claiming it was a lie.

This is the deal with that statement.

1) There is no language in the bill in regards to giving or denying coverage to Illegal Immigrants.

2) The Repbulicans have tried to insert said language (denying care to illegals) several times but have been blocked by the democrats each time.

So you can read into it what you want but those are the facts.
Libs are so gullible... "Obama said it so it must be true!"

Maybe our new National Healthcare Plan will include instilling some common sense in Dems.

Nahhhhh, that'd be asking for too much.


Again, Obama is a liar -- and the left eats it up like it's candy.

Umm, how would they be covered if they don't have the insurance?

In order to GET the insurance they would need to be citizens.

That's why there's no such "provision" needed.

Since you've nicely found this in the bill, please also find the bill's method of determining legal status. We have millions walking around this nation using bogus social security numbers or numbers that belong to others. Please show us the verification method in H.R. 3200 to make certain that a social is valid.

This is a problem the Social Security Administration needs to deal with. But it's always been my experience that just producing a Social Security Card as a form of ID is never enough, even for some mundane purpose. Most states require photo IDs for drivers licenses or a separate photo ID for non-drivers. The latter isn't a requirement, but most folks know they need more than just one piece of identification.

Whatta crock. Tell me, Mags... do you envision piles of dead Mexicans in the streets of America? Here's the demographics for my zip code:

Hispanic/Latino: 45.8%
White*: 13.5%
Black*: 39.5%
Native American*: 0%
Asian*: 0.2%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander*: 0%
Other*: 0.1%
Multiracial*: 0.7%

Gonna be a pretty good sized pile in my neighborhood, huh? Wonder if Obamacare will include a giant dumptruck to clean up the streets outside hospitals?


So are you trying to claim that ALL of the hispanic/latinos living in your zip code are ALL illegals?? What proof do you have to back that up with??
Umm, how would they be covered if they don't have the insurance?

In order to GET the insurance they would need to be citizens.

That's why there's no such "provision" needed.


Actually people are suspicious because of congress' behavior.

1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

I just adressed this with a local conservative radio host who was claiming it was a lie.

This is the deal with that statement.

1) There is no language in the bill in regards to giving or denying coverage to Illegal Immigrants.

2) The Repbulicans have tried to insert said language (denying care to illegals) several times but have been blocked by the democrats each time.

So you can read into it what you want but those are the facts.
1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

I just adressed this with a local conservative radio host who was claiming it was a lie.

This is the deal with that statement.

1) There is no language in the bill in regards to giving or denying coverage to Illegal Immigrants.

2) The Repbulicans have tried to insert said language (denying care to illegals) several times but have been blocked by the democrats each time.

So you can read into it what you want but those are the facts.

Are you saying that you're upset because Illegal Immigrants will not be barred from PURCHASING health insurance?

Is that what this is about?

Because they are quite definitely barred from benefitting from any taxpayer funding in regards to health insurance benefits or credits.

Of course they aren't barred from PURCHASING health insurance... That would just be counterproductive.
1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

Why would you assume that, without that specific guidance, illegal immigrants would qualify for healthcare? Do illegals qualify for any other government program?

Of course they do. Ask anyone who lives in California. Right now their state is sending out IOU paychecks to state employees because of all the "free-bee's" illegals obtain in California. California is basically bankrupt because of this & they are one of the highest taxed states in the nation.

My daughter is a nurse practitioner working in a hospital. Her main customers are illegals giving birth to babies in this country--that are swallowing up the Medicade system.

So yes--Illegals do obtain benefits in this country. To add--Obama is ALL FOR giving illegals valid drivers license's. He has repeatedly stated that. If you look at an illegals drivers license it looks EXACTLY like yours. There is no statement on that license that says this person is in this country illegally.

Therefore, Obama DID IN FACT LIE--when he stated that no illegals would be covered. The problem--we can't tell if someone is illegal or not--with the lax requirements on getting I.D.'s in this country of which OBAMA has supported whole-heartedly.

View attachment 8076

LOL. So you are actually trying to claim that what is taking place in california, which has NOTHING to do with obama or his plan, proves that obama lied?? Please tell me that you aren't serious?? LOL
1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

I just adressed this with a local conservative radio host who was claiming it was a lie.

This is the deal with that statement.

1) There is no language in the bill in regards to giving or denying coverage to Illegal Immigrants.

2) The Repbulicans have tried to insert said language (denying care to illegals) several times but have been blocked by the democrats each time.

So you can read into it what you want but those are the facts.

Are you saying that you're upset because Illegal Immigrants will not be barred from PURCHASING health insurance?

Is that what this is about?

Because they are quite definitely barred from benefitting from any taxpayer funding in regards to health insurance benefits or credits.

Of course they aren't barred from PURCHASING health insurance... That would just be counterproductive.

No not at all. I was just presenting the facts of the matter.....like i said feel free to read into it what you want.

I want all people in the world to be able to have the same coverage and health care I do....however if your not an american citizen I dont want to pay for said coverage and care, that is your home country's responsibility.
Out of the 12 MILLION illegals that are in this country--OBAMA wants to give them a path-way to citizenship--therefore--they would be covered under any public option plan.


LEAVING NORMAL: Obama Won’t Give Federal Insurance Benefits to Illegal Aliens, He’ll Make Them Legal First

"Putting illegal immigrants on a pathway to citizenship" does not equate with keeping people who are STILL illegal from obtaining health care insurance coverage--the current topic at hand. What the hell does that video have to do with anything? Once they are citizens, OF COURSE they would be eligible.
I just adressed this with a local conservative radio host who was claiming it was a lie.

This is the deal with that statement.

1) There is no language in the bill in regards to giving or denying coverage to Illegal Immigrants.

2) The Repbulicans have tried to insert said language (denying care to illegals) several times but have been blocked by the democrats each time.

So you can read into it what you want but those are the facts.

Are you saying that you're upset because Illegal Immigrants will not be barred from PURCHASING health insurance?

Is that what this is about?

Because they are quite definitely barred from benefitting from any taxpayer funding in regards to health insurance benefits or credits.

Of course they aren't barred from PURCHASING health insurance... That would just be counterproductive.

No not at all. I was just presenting the facts of the matter.....like i said feel free to read into it what you want.

I want all people in the world to be able to have the same coverage and health care I do....however if your not an american citizen I dont want to pay for said coverage and care, that is your home country's responsibility.

Well yeah, and we all agree here. I don't want to pay for health insurance for illegals either.

But if the bill says that they cannot receive taxpayer benefits, which it does, then that's covered.

If we were to deny them the ability to PURCHASE health insurance, then they would be MORE of a drain on the taxpayers, not LESS.
Libs are so gullible... "Obama said it so it must be true!"

Maybe our new National Healthcare Plan will include instilling some common sense in Dems.

Nahhhhh, that'd be asking for too much.


Again, Obama is a liar -- and the left eats it up like it's candy.

Umm, how would they be covered if they don't have the insurance?

In order to GET the insurance they would need to be citizens.

That's why there's no such "provision" needed.

too bad non of the bills proposed require applicants to prove citizenship

they are going to cover illegal aliens

it is also unconstitutional for the US government to discriminate on the basis of national origin so if citizens are covered then they must cover illegal aliens

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