Did one of the left wing judges leak Roe versus Wade? Was the leak made to affect the midterms?


Hey brother you have a good day. As Americans we have disagreements but we can stand united.

If person A Is against christian and person b is atheist they have to get along with each other. And they must defend each others freedom of religion… that is according to the constitution that is according to any moral system you can think of. Well it’s according to the democratic party principles and the principle of any liberal in the world.

I may disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it. -Voltaire

Fine. Stop trying to impose your religion on the rest of us, I won't have an issue.

don't like abortion? Don't have one.
Don't like gay sex? Don't engage in it. (I know that's a tough one for a lot of you, because you keep ending up with Boy-hookers.)
Was is it one of the non-Christian judges that leaked the decision to overturn roe versus wade? If it was I can’t imagine how those judges or the judge can sleep at night.

So what was it ? it was either a judge or one of the clerks ….those were the only people in the room right?

I’m not happy with the Supreme Court right now. It feels like it was one of the non-Christian judges the far left judges who must’ve done this. They think that they’re God or something….? these people who claim to be authority figures who claim to be judges and who think that they have a right to uphold abortions are only judges a name. Certainly not in the eyes of any good moral system …they’re not a judge that’s for sure.

The second part of the post is about the American public. Did the Republicans lose the Senate because of the leak about roe versus wade? Because if that’s the case that means our countries population has a problem and it means that our country‘s population or at least too much of them have been brainwashed by the capitalistic materialistic media that tells us don’t even care about Christianity stop caring about Christmas…. just go and do drugs all the time. we’re legalizing marijuana all over America… That’s what happens when people lose Christian values they turn to drugs, they turn to degradation, they turn to pornography, they turn to just sitting at home all the time. They turn to not being a man not going out meeting women. Look at the divorce rate in America it’s very high. Young people are not going out and meeting other people these are serious problems and we have a government we even have Democrats and Republicans who oppose family values and who support abortion.

What kind of life is that ?is that what the far left wants for young Americans…. that’s the far left want young people to be pro abortion, anti-American, pro reparations, anti-police….. Well it ain’t gonna happen because more and more Americans are beginning to see the light we’re going back to traditional values and we’re gonna make this country something to be proud of once again.

It was released by someone in the camp of Alito or Thomas. Roberts was trying to peel off one of the justices to uphold Roe vs Wade. Clearly the leak was done to stop this.
Standing united has been gone for years. The left keeps leaning towards Communism and the right towards constitutionalism. Where is the middle ground between Communism and constitutionalism? There is none.

We have been separating for years. As that happens, more hatred grows. Hate is a reactionary emotion to threat. Threat to ones income, threat to ones family, threats to you. But a threat(s) of some kind. We feel our freedoms threatened and they feel their push to Socialism threatened.

That means the only real peace we will ever have is to agree to have two countries instead of one. A country for ourselves and a country for them.

I hear what you’re saying brother and I appreciate your posts. What’s interesting is I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. And Trump in 2020 because I thought that the Democratic Party had gone too far left by then …. I was once a big-time critic of Trump back in 2016 all the way up until probably 2019.

We should always stand by the values of the founding fathers of this country.

I don’t want communism or socialism for America. I have always respected the Soviet union for their contribution to World War II specifically….and recognizing that we had the Cold War after World War II.

I do understand people like Bernie Sanders seems to be openly socialist. That’s not my thing but also My issue with much of the democratic party today is with their race politics how they are seemingly dividing the country or trying to by race. They’re not out there doing the traditional democratic things like talking about national healthcare, minimum wage, bringing back union jobs and things like this. And I also do not like the anti-police push by Democrats going back to 2020 .
I hear what you’re saying brother and I appreciate your posts. What’s interesting is I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. And Trump in 2020 because I thought that the Democratic Party had gone too far left by then …. I was once a big-time critic of Trump back in 2016 all the way up until probably 2019.

We should always stand by the values of the founding fathers of this country.

I don’t want communism or socialism for America. I have always respected the Soviet union for their contribution to World War II specifically….and recognizing that we had the Cold War after World War II.

I do understand people like Bernie Sanders seems to be openly socialist. That’s not my thing but also My issue with much of the democratic party today is with their race politics how they are seemingly dividing the country or trying to by race. They’re not out there doing the traditional democratic things like talking about national healthcare, minimum wage, bringing back union jobs and things like this. And I also do not like the anti-police push by Democrats going back to 2020 .

And they keep going further and further left. The new kids on the block (like AOC) make Piglosi now look like a moderate in the party. With the talk of forcing us to drive golf carts instead of real cars, and suggesting making laws against having gas stoves, it's clear they will keep going in that direction. Then consider what Dementia tried to do by forcing all industry with over 100 employees to mandate experimental vaccines for their employees, have them tested every two weeks, or fire them.

They've become at the least, authoritarian, and at the worst, Communists. We never thought we'd live under a government that would force people to have healthcare plans or get fined if they don't. They want the minority to control the majority like pushing cross dressers on children, and in some schools even promote transition without the parents knowing a thing about it just because their child is going through some strange phase of their lives like many of us have growing up.

What closed minded people on the left don't realize is that politicians particularly on the left have been trying to take more and more control over the people. To some degree they have been very successful. The two vestiges stopping them from total control are energy and healthcare. Once the take control over those two things, they will have total control over all the people.
Was is it one of the non-Christian judges that leaked the decision to overturn roe versus wade? If it was I can’t imagine how those judges or the judge can sleep at night.

So what was it ? it was either a judge or one of the clerks ….those were the only people in the room right?

I’m not happy with the Supreme Court right now. It feels like it was one of the non-Christian judges the far left judges who must’ve done this. They think that they’re God or something….? these people who claim to be authority figures who claim to be judges and who think that they have a right to uphold abortions are only judges a name. Certainly not in the eyes of any good moral system …they’re not a judge that’s for sure.

The second part of the post is about the American public. Did the Republicans lose the Senate because of the leak about roe versus wade? Because if that’s the case that means our countries population has a problem and it means that our country‘s population or at least too much of them have been brainwashed by the capitalistic materialistic media that tells us don’t even care about Christianity stop caring about Christmas…. just go and do drugs all the time. we’re legalizing marijuana all over America… That’s what happens when people lose Christian values they turn to drugs, they turn to degradation, they turn to pornography, they turn to just sitting at home all the time. They turn to not being a man not going out meeting women. Look at the divorce rate in America it’s very high. Young people are not going out and meeting other people these are serious problems and we have a government we even have Democrats and Republicans who oppose family values and who support abortion.

What kind of life is that ?is that what the far left wants for young Americans…. that’s the far left want young people to be pro abortion, anti-American, pro reparations, anti-police….. Well it ain’t gonna happen because more and more Americans are beginning to see the light we’re going back to traditional values and we’re gonna make this country something to be proud of once again.
How is health care anti-American?
Fine. Stop trying to impose your religion on the rest of us, I won't have an issue.

don't like abortion? Don't have one.
Don't like gay sex? Don't engage in it. (I know that's a tough one for a lot of you, because you keep ending up with Boy-hookers.)
Don’t like robbery? Don’t rob anyone.
Don’t like rape? Don’t rape anyone.

Herpaderp, moron…
Fine. Stop trying to impose your religion on the rest of us, I won't have an issue.

don't like abortion? Don't have one.
Don't like gay sex? Don't engage in it. (I know that's a tough one for a lot of you, because you keep ending up with Boy-hookers.)
Fuck off with YOUR religion of BIG gov as God and Global warming, you pathetic HYPOCRITE!!! :eusa_hand:
“Sky Fairy?”

God, (pun intended) but you’re such a fucking cliche.

Pretty much what I see. "Oh, Sky Fairy, please have mercy on us and have bad things happen to people we don't like."

Sky Fairy.

Don’t like robbery? Don’t rob anyone.
Don’t like rape? Don’t rape anyone.
We've agreed those are crimes because someone else is hurt.. unlike gay marriage or abortion. (Sorry, fetuses ain't people.)

Fuck off with YOUR religion of BIG gov as God and Global warming, you pathetic HYPOCRITE!!!

Hardly. You see, if I don't like what the government does, I have the option of voting it out.
I can't vote out Jehovah and replace him with Zeus, as much as I'd like to.

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