Did one of the left wing judges leak Roe versus Wade? Was the leak made to affect the midterms?

it’s like with the Civil War. During the American Civil War some American Christians said the Bible supports slavery others said the Bible does not support slavery hard

Slavery was supported by God because people had no way to pay for their wrongdoings. People didn't have money and Jewish trial lawyers in which to sue for. So if a man wronged a daughter of a family and brought them shame, he offered himself or was ruled by the court to be a slave for repayment.
Well if that was the case it would be a terrible thing. Some are saying that the decision to leak Roe versus Wade caused the Republicans to lose the Senate. That would be b/c would be Republican voters voted against the Republicans because they thought they would lose access to abortion. But that goes to show us there’s a problem with some of the American population perhaps. I mean how could it be that one of the wealthiest countries in the world with the strongest military has a substantial part of our population that supports abortion? It is unimaginable. But we have to ask how much of this country actually supports abortion. ? What is it 5- 30%? And how do we rely on polls anymore after the 2016 election.?

Or perhaps to be fair the gop could have ran better candidates. I suppose it’s possible that anti-abortion people still voted for pro abortion candidates because they thought they had better track records or they could do better on other topics.

So we really have two issues going on here. How much of the American public supports abortion?

Who led the decision to overturn roe versus way. Because this is a crime it is a crime against humanity. And we have to get to the bottom of this…. The American public is owed an answer here

You will never get a straight answer on how many support abortion because support is with limitations. It could be within 3 months, it could be within 5 months, most don't support late term abortion though, and some support laws against abortion no matter what the time frame or circumstance of the mother.
After 1/6 they were able to identify most of the intruders in the Capitol out of our population of 340 million people,

It helps when they are taking videos of themselves committing the crime. Add to that the selfies they took and even Barny Fife could have IDed them. Those people were fucking idiots.
Was is it one of the non-Christian judges that leaked the decision to overturn roe versus wade? If it was I can’t imagine how those judges or the judge can sleep at night.
What makes you think it was a Justice rather than a clerk? Evidence? Link?
Was is it one of the non-Christian judges that leaked the decision to overturn roe versus wade? If it was I can’t imagine how those judges or the judge can sleep at night.

So what was it ? it was either a judge or one of the clerks ….those were the only people in the room right?

I’m not happy with the Supreme Court right now. It feels like it was one of the non-Christian judges the far left judges who must’ve done this. They think that they’re God or something….? these people who claim to be authority figures who claim to be judges and who think that they have a right to uphold abortions are only judges a name. Certainly not in the eyes of any good moral system …they’re not a judge that’s for sure.

Actually, it was probably Alito who leaked it, which is why this investigation went dead so quickly.

The second part of the post is about the American public. Did the Republicans lose the Senate because of the leak about roe versus wade?
No, stupid they lost because of the ACTUAL DECISION, that came out well before the election. That's when young women with uteruses realized that the government controlling their lady bits was a bit more serious than the rare trans-kid who wants to use the girl's bathroom.

Because if that’s the case that means our countries population has a problem and it means that our country‘s population or at least too much of them have been brainwashed by the capitalistic materialistic media that tells us don’t even care about Christianity stop caring about Christmas…. just go and do drugs all the time. we’re legalizing marijuana all over America… That’s what happens when people lose Christian values they turn to drugs, they turn to degradation, they turn to pornography, they turn to just sitting at home all the time. They turn to not being a man not going out meeting women. Look at the divorce rate in America it’s very high. Young people are not going out and meeting other people these are serious problems and we have a government we even have Democrats and Republicans who oppose family values and who support abortion.

Hey, Bible Boy, keep your bronze age superstitions to yourself.

As for Porn, why is it porn consumption is bigger in the Red states than the Blue states?


What kind of life is that ?is that what the far left wants for young Americans…. that’s the far left want young people to be pro abortion, anti-American, pro reparations, anti-police….. Well it ain’t gonna happen because more and more Americans are beginning to see the light we’re going back to traditional values and we’re gonna make this country something to be proud of once again.
No, not really.

You see, the problem is that even the rich realize that using your religious fears to get stupid white people to vote against your economic interests is going too far.
The clerks all had to sign legal statements. The Justices didn't. That's why I believe it was a Justice.

If a judge risked it he or she would face the same penalties as a clerk. They would go down in history as having to resign in disgrace and probably be disbarred.

It seems to me whoever it was is being protected by the court. I can't believe they have no way of finding out who did it. I'm sure if the leak was they were not going to overturn Roe, the DOJ would be all over it and figure it out.
The clerks all had to sign legal statements. The Justices didn't. That's why I believe it was a Justice.
And, of course, nobody has ever perjured themselves in such a context, in an attempt to cover their a$$e$... :badgrin:
Must be a brutal feeling to be that person who made the leak … i’m guessing it’s possible they were paid a bunch of money and now they are deeply regretting their decision…like a Judas type of story.

Atheists like JoeB131 You are literally no different than a Christian who tells a Muslim to go back to his Islamic country. You are a hate filled atheist bigot. You sound like a slime bag because I’ve never said anything wrong to you and you’re like every single lowlife atheist in this country you do nothing for this country !! My goodness you sound so disgusting how do you even wake up. Come on man do better I’m really trying to help you you’ve got to do a lot better Joe. Joe pick up a Bible go back to your parents religion. Seriously man you’re out-of-control you have no right to personally attack people who have said nothing to you. Well you do do you have freedom of speech because this website respects you unlike you you have far left use and you want to shut people down. You need to change for the better You look like garbage when you launch unprovoked personal attacks against people

Most atheist Americans are good but then you got these guys like “know it all Joe “Who is an extremist atheist no different than extremist Christians or extremist Muslims.

The far left has brainwashed some Americans so much that they’ll insult or even disown their own family members for being against abortion.

The far left is out of control. They claim to stand up for minorities but they speak viciously toward fellow Americans. the far left does not support freedom of speech.

Elon musk might not provide union jobs for his electric car company. That’s another thing the far left are some of the worst hypocrites around …. they never talk about how rich elite far left Democrats don’t care about union jobs or national healthcare anymore. It’s all about race politics.


Sit down you got owned …

with the far left Democrats it’s all about being negative. They’re constantly rude to people. And the true American patriotic Democrat is all about being happy and positive, being a strong Christian in the face of these really bad people.
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Was is it one of the non-Christian judges that leaked the decision to overturn roe versus wade? If it was I can’t imagine how those judges or the judge can sleep at night.

So what was it ? it was either a judge or one of the clerks ….those were the only people in the room right?

I’m not happy with the Supreme Court right now. It feels like it was one of the non-Christian judges the far left judges who must’ve done this. They think that they’re God or something….? these people who claim to be authority figures who claim to be judges and who think that they have a right to uphold abortions are only judges a name. Certainly not in the eyes of any good moral system …they’re not a judge that’s for sure.

The second part of the post is about the American public. Did the Republicans lose the Senate because of the leak about roe versus wade? Because if that’s the case that means our countries population has a problem and it means that our country‘s population or at least too much of them have been brainwashed by the capitalistic materialistic media that tells us don’t even care about Christianity stop caring about Christmas…. just go and do drugs all the time. we’re legalizing marijuana all over America… That’s what happens when people lose Christian values they turn to drugs, they turn to degradation, they turn to pornography, they turn to just sitting at home all the time. They turn to not being a man not going out meeting women. Look at the divorce rate in America it’s very high. Young people are not going out and meeting other people these are serious problems and we have a government we even have Democrats and Republicans who oppose family values and who support abortion.

What kind of life is that ?is that what the far left wants for young Americans…. that’s the far left want young people to be pro abortion, anti-American, pro reparations, anti-police….. Well it ain’t gonna happen because more and more Americans are beginning to see the light we’re going back to traditional values and we’re gonna make this country something to be proud of once again.
Of course it was.

Hey brother you have a good day. As Americans we have disagreements but we can stand united.

If person A Is against christian and person b is atheist they have to get along with each other. And they must defend each others freedom of religion… that is according to the constitution that is according to any moral system you can think of. Well it’s according to the democratic party principles and the principle of any liberal in the world.

I may disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it. -Voltaire
Was is it one of the non-Christian judges that leaked the decision to overturn roe versus wade? If it was I can’t imagine how those judges or the judge can sleep at night.

So what was it ? it was either a judge or one of the clerks ….those were the only people in the room right?

I’m not happy with the Supreme Court right now. It feels like it was one of the non-Christian judges the far left judges who must’ve done this. They think that they’re God or something….? these people who claim to be authority figures who claim to be judges and who think that they have a right to uphold abortions are only judges a name. Certainly not in the eyes of any good moral system …they’re not a judge that’s for sure.

The second part of the post is about the American public. Did the Republicans lose the Senate because of the leak about roe versus wade? Because if that’s the case that means our countries population has a problem and it means that our country‘s population or at least too much of them have been brainwashed by the capitalistic materialistic media that tells us don’t even care about Christianity stop caring about Christmas…. just go and do drugs all the time. we’re legalizing marijuana all over America… That’s what happens when people lose Christian values they turn to drugs, they turn to degradation, they turn to pornography, they turn to just sitting at home all the time. They turn to not being a man not going out meeting women. Look at the divorce rate in America it’s very high. Young people are not going out and meeting other people these are serious problems and we have a government we even have Democrats and Republicans who oppose family values and who support abortion.

What kind of life is that ?is that what the far left wants for young Americans…. that’s the far left want young people to be pro abortion, anti-American, pro reparations, anti-police….. Well it ain’t gonna happen because more and more Americans are beginning to see the light we’re going back to traditional values and we’re gonna make this country something to be proud of once again.

They know who leaked.
I believe that the are running cover for Sotomyer's fat ass.

Hey brother you have a good day. As Americans we have disagreements but we can stand united.

If person A Is against christian and person b is atheist they have to get along with each other. And they must defend each others freedom of religion… that is according to the constitution that is according to any moral system you can think of. Well it’s according to the democratic party principles and the principle of any liberal in the world.

I may disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it. -Voltaire

Standing united has been gone for years. The left keeps leaning towards Communism and the right towards constitutionalism. Where is the middle ground between Communism and constitutionalism? There is none.

We have been separating for years. As that happens, more hatred grows. Hate is a reactionary emotion to threat. Threat to ones income, threat to ones family, threats to you. But a threat(s) of some kind. We feel our freedoms threatened and they feel their push to Socialism threatened.

That means the only real peace we will ever have is to agree to have two countries instead of one. A country for ourselves and a country for them.


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