Did Political Correctness Cause 9/ll?

Because it's so obvious....but some just can't grasp the concept.

We didn't deserve this like you think.

The issue isn't whether we deserve to be attacked anyway.

Now the issue is what do we do now that we know we are going to be attacked....Act like we aren't???

Do you have any idea how many innocent civilians we have killed in iraq over the last 20 fucking years? Do you have any idea how many in afghanistan we have killed? Do you have any fucking clue about how much we help finance terrorism by our close alliance with Saudi Arabia? This issue is way way way way the fuck over the heads of people who think they can listen to soundbites or read a blurb and think they can speak with any type of knowledge on the topic. Look at this OP. It's just a stupid partisan rant that looks at the most ridiculous fucking things and actually pretends to put forth an explanation. I don't care if you (or anyone) thinks I'm a prick because that won't change the obvious fact you're fucking clueless about foreign policies and the results. Try educating yourself instead of the constant whining of America the Innocent.

The op is blaming obushama for making us an easy target. That's as fucking dumb as being on the titanic after it hit the iceberg and demanding someone get a mop.
Do you have any idea how many innocent civilians we have killed in iraq over the last 20 fucking years? Do you have any idea how many in afghanistan we have killed? Do you have any fucking clue about how much we help finance terrorism by our close alliance with Saudi Arabia? This issue is way way way way the fuck over the heads of people who think they can listen to soundbites or read a blurb and think they can speak with any type of knowledge on the topic. Look at this OP. It's just a stupid partisan rant that looks at the most ridiculous fucking things and actually pretends to put forth an explanation. I don't care if you (or anyone) thinks I'm a prick because that won't change the obvious fact you're fucking clueless about foreign policies and the results. Try educating yourself instead of the constant whining of America the Innocent.

The op is blaming obushama for making us an easy target. That's as fucking dumb as being on the titanic after it hit the iceberg and demanding someone get a mop.

Sorry...talking about being dumb as a stump.

I didn't say that Obama was the only one but Political Correctness which is used by his administration and from the left in general was the main culprit.

Seems we need to announce all of our National Security plans to the world. Today they announced that passengers from 14 countries are going to have to put up with a higher level of security.

This is an example of the insanity of the left. They think this will stop terrorism if they identify the countries that will be involved forgetting that all one has to do is go to a country that isn't on the list use a fake visa and enter the USA that way.

On a side note....we still haven't sealed the borders....but of course if we did the lawsuits would start flying.
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The op is blaming obushama for making us an easy target. That's as fucking dumb as being on the titanic after it hit the iceberg and demanding someone get a mop.

Sorry...talking about being dumb as a stump.

I didn't say that Obama was the only one but Political Correctness which is used by his administration and from the left in general was the main culprit.

Seems we need to announce all of our National Security plans to the world. Today they announced that passengers from 14 countries are going to have to put up with a higher level of security.

This is an example of the insanity of the left. They think this will stop terrorism if they identify the countries that will be involved forgetting that all one has to do is go to a country that isn't on the list use a fake visa and enter the USA that way.

On a side note....we still haven't sealed the borders....but of course if we did the lawsuits would start flying.

From the op:

"Nobody in the current administration wants to admit that their new "kinder..friendlier" attitude has not made us safer but instead has returned us to a pre-9/11 footing."

"All of the kind words and bowing of the President hasn't changed the minds of those who want to kill Americans. All it has done is return us back to being an easy target."

Got any other bullshit you want to backpedal on?
The op is blaming obushama for making us an easy target. That's as fucking dumb as being on the titanic after it hit the iceberg and demanding someone get a mop.

Sorry...talking about being dumb as a stump.

I didn't say that Obama was the only one but Political Correctness which is used by his administration and from the left in general was the main culprit.

Seems we need to announce all of our National Security plans to the world. Today they announced that passengers from 14 countries are going to have to put up with a higher level of security.

This is an example of the insanity of the left. They think this will stop terrorism if they identify the countries that will be involved forgetting that all one has to do is go to a country that isn't on the list use a fake visa and enter the USA that way.

On a side note....we still haven't sealed the borders....but of course if we did the lawsuits would start flying.

From the op:

"Nobody in the current administration wants to admit that their new "kinder..friendlier" attitude has not made us safer but instead has returned us to a pre-9/11 footing."

"All of the kind words and bowing of the President hasn't changed the minds of those who want to kill Americans. All it has done is return us back to being an easy target."

Got any other bullshit you want to backpedal on?

Nothing to backpedal on.

I said that Political Correctness is the culprit....even used it in the title.

Go back and re-read it and try to understand instead of react.....boy.:cool:
Sorry...talking about being dumb as a stump.

I didn't say that Obama was the only one but Political Correctness which is used by his administration and from the left in general was the main culprit.

Seems we need to announce all of our National Security plans to the world. Today they announced that passengers from 14 countries are going to have to put up with a higher level of security.

This is an example of the insanity of the left. They think this will stop terrorism if they identify the countries that will be involved forgetting that all one has to do is go to a country that isn't on the list use a fake visa and enter the USA that way.

On a side note....we still haven't sealed the borders....but of course if we did the lawsuits would start flying.

From the op:

"Nobody in the current administration wants to admit that their new "kinder..friendlier" attitude has not made us safer but instead has returned us to a pre-9/11 footing."

"All of the kind words and bowing of the President hasn't changed the minds of those who want to kill Americans. All it has done is return us back to being an easy target."

Got any other bullshit you want to backpedal on?

Nothing to backpedal on.

I said that Political Correctness is the culprit....even used it in the title.

Go back and re-read it and try to understand instead of react.....boy.:cool:

Maybe you should re-write the op? You clearly blamed obama for taking us to a "pre 9/11 footing."
From the op:

"Nobody in the current administration wants to admit that their new "kinder..friendlier" attitude has not made us safer but instead has returned us to a pre-9/11 footing."

"All of the kind words and bowing of the President hasn't changed the minds of those who want to kill Americans. All it has done is return us back to being an easy target."

Got any other bullshit you want to backpedal on?

Nothing to backpedal on.

I said that Political Correctness is the culprit....even used it in the title.

Go back and re-read it and try to understand instead of react.....boy.:cool:

Maybe you should re-write the op? You clearly blamed obama for taking us to a "pre 9/11 footing."

I used the current administration's policies as an illustration of how we've gone back to the policies that caused past failures.

I don't think Obama was President during 9/11.
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Yep it was Bush and he ignored the counter terrorisms head guy at the time and told him not to speak of it again.

The people who tried to bring it up in meetings were not invited back to the next meeting.
...Is Political Correctness making it easy to take a risk by returning GITMO prisoners to their home countries even when their home countries are the source of many of the terrorist threats?

Oh, I'm sorry...."Man-made disasters."

Is the War On Terror....oh I'm sorry...."Overseas Contingency Operation".....is all of this an exercise in futility because we currently have a President and an administration that can't see the threat for what it is because of Political Correctness?

Anyone who doesn't get the absurdity of asinine euphemisms such as man-made disasters and overseas contingency operation is too far gone for rational debate.
Did Political Correctness Cause 9/ll?

Yes I agree, but not because of any reluctance about profiling.

When I saw the title, I assumed you meant "Political Correctness" in the sense that the only Correct Political framework that the USA tolerates is one that embrases their own, including all the pretext of individual civil liberties.

9/11 was a result of this ignorance: Islam had no interest in OUR political correctness, and, in fact, had done quite well without it. It wasn't until Western Educated Arabs became aware of Western PC, and the possible influances it may have on their culture that they began flying planes into buildings. I'm not excusing this horrific reaction, but it was rooted in our own ideals of PC.
Yes, they profile mannerisms, not looks.

Nothing to do with political correctness.

So only specific factors can be taken into consideration.

Not ethnicity, not religion, not age, not the fact that he doesn't have any baggage.....just if he looks scared.

So first-time fliers are in for it.....even if they're 12.

The problem with your argument is that it ignores the obvious. It's an easy mark.

DID the USA screen this man and all others at the Nigerian airport? DOES the USA employ all workers in ALL airports throughout the world?
Did Political Correctness Cause 9/ll?

Yes I agree, but not because of any reluctance about profiling.

When I saw the title, I assumed you meant "Political Correctness" in the sense that the only Correct Political framework that the USA tolerates is one that embrases their own, including all the pretext of individual civil liberties.

9/11 was a result of this ignorance: Islam had no interest in OUR political correctness, and, in fact, had done quite well without it. It wasn't until Western Educated Arabs became aware of Western PC, and the possible influances it may have on their culture that they began flying planes into buildings. I'm not excusing this horrific reaction, but it was rooted in our own ideals of PC.

This is true.

I think we're setting ourselves up for another even worse 9/11 the way we're going.

I'm pretty certain that many Americans are beginning to feel the same way.
Nope...political correctness was not even a part of 911...the CIA, NSA, FBI and Military intelligence and perhaps the administration and previous administration, FAILED us on 9/11.
Finger-pointing seems to be the primary pastime in Washington. Nobody in the current administration wants to admit that their new "kinder..friendlier" attitude has not made us safer but instead has returned us to a pre-9/11 footing. They're still trying kill us...this time with an explosive diaper. All of the kind words and bowing of the President hasn't changed the minds of those who want to kill Americans. All it has done is return us back to being an easy target.

They changed the names to put on a friendly less confrontational front, redefined what we were to call attacks and attackers and now we've had one security breach after another since Christmas. This weekend administration spokesmen still had that *Deer in the headlights* look on their faces because they just can't seem to grasp that their methods aren't working and will not work for one reason......they can't seem to identify threats for fear of offending someone..

So is Political Correctness a tool Al Qaeda uses to attack us? It wasn't so much who was to blame but what philosophy led to successful attacks.

Is Political Correctness making it easy to take a risk by returning GITMO prisoners to their home countries even when their home countries are the source of many of the terrorist threats?

Oh, I'm sorry...."Man-made disasters."

Is the War On Terror....oh I'm sorry...."Overseas Contingency Operation".....is all of this an exercise in futility because we currently have a President and an administration that can't see the threat for what it is because of Political Correctness?
You've got to be kidding me today muddy.

Not you, not you...tell me you're not engaging in such senseless, baseless, partisan bluster.

Kindlier/Friendlier? Really? How? How did you arrive at this? I imagine all the cowboy talk and bluster wrapped in the American flag proved succesful. I imagine it caused the US to invade the right country, for the right reasons and capture the right man...yes?

Where is Bin Laden muddy?

So the current administration changed the name huh? Dude...you CAN'T have a war on an emotion. Terror...is an emotion. Why not have a war on depression then? Or wage war on euphoria?

Listen, the Obama administration is doing what BushCo didn't...which is go after the CORRECT people, in the CORRECT place, with the CORRECT amount of men and amunition, using the CORRECT tactics.

All that cowboy bs, bluster and fear-mongering was for naught in the past 7 years. What did it accomplish? Dipkuss.

Terrorism is a tactic. Nothing more nothing less. Its not perpetrated by an entire nation, but by a sorry, sad sac of miscreants that are but a mere segment of certain populations. Some argue with good reasons they resort to such deplorable tactics.

With that said, one doesn't accomplish success over terrorism with "tough talk" and empty threats like "we gon' smoke 'em out" and other such nonsense. One arrives at success in defeating terrorism by getting to the root of the matter and by diplomacy...not bombing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in other nations to Kingdom Come. That is what got us here in the first place...sticking our noses in the people's business and fighting over their oil.

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Yes, they profile mannerisms, not looks.

Nothing to do with political correctness.

So only specific factors can be taken into consideration.

Not ethnicity, not religion, not age, not the fact that he doesn't have any baggage.....just if he looks scared.

So first-time fliers are in for it.....even if they're 12.

The problem with your argument is that it ignores the obvious. It's an easy mark.

DID the USA screen this man and all others at the Nigerian airport? DOES the USA employ all workers in ALL airports throughout the world?

No....but it looks like he had been under surveillance for quite some time and for the most part other countries get a list of no-flies into the United States in any International Airport.

The problem is...it seems...the FBI didn't alert Interpol about this kid being a threat. That's as far was we can go. The rest is up to the airport to screen these guys. Several red-flags should have gone up. He never should have made it past security.

Also any airport in any country would be banned from flights coming to the US if they don't comply to our requirements.
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