Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

...this is just like the ''unarmed blackman''--the MSM/news make a story out of nothing but lies and crap
I don't recall President Obama doing any of this.

I listened to that earlier, difficult.

difficult?--tough shit to them--it's the parents' fault
cry me a river/a lake/an ocean

I know, as far as you're concerned line up and shoot them.

yes--to stop all this stupid shit

A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.
I don't recall President Obama doing any of this.

I listened to that earlier, difficult.

difficult?--tough shit to them--it's the parents' fault
cry me a river/a lake/an ocean

I know, as far as you're concerned line up and shoot them.

yes--to stop all this stupid shit

A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.

I'm so scared.....hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa
I listened to that earlier, difficult.
difficult?--tough shit to them--it's the parents' fault
cry me a river/a lake/an ocean

I know, as far as you're concerned line up and shoot them.
yes--to stop all this stupid shit

A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm so scared.....hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

Yes, you are. You're afraid you're little white world is disappearing. I'm sure you're angry too and it makes you say things like murdering innocent people is OK.

You're just not someone to take seriously.
difficult?--tough shit to them--it's the parents' fault
cry me a river/a lake/an ocean

I know, as far as you're concerned line up and shoot them.
yes--to stop all this stupid shit

A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm so scared.....hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

Yes, you are. You're afraid you're little white world is disappearing. I'm sure you're angry too and it makes you say things like murdering innocent people is OK.

You're just not someone to take seriously.
How you figure? Post up the percentage of whites vs every other race. Go
I know, as far as you're concerned line up and shoot them.
yes--to stop all this stupid shit

A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm so scared.....hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

Yes, you are. You're afraid you're little white world is disappearing. I'm sure you're angry too and it makes you say things like murdering innocent people is OK.

You're just not someone to take seriously.
How you figure? Post up the percentage of whites vs every other race. Go

Post up percentages of which whites and why? I think you misunderstood my post, not surprised.

By the way, not shocking at all that you completely ignored the fact that your fellow wingnut advocates state sponsored murder.
yes--to stop all this stupid shit

A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm so scared.....hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

Yes, you are. You're afraid you're little white world is disappearing. I'm sure you're angry too and it makes you say things like murdering innocent people is OK.

You're just not someone to take seriously.
How you figure? Post up the percentage of whites vs every other race. Go

Post up percentages of which whites and why? I think you misunderstood my post, not surprised.

By the way, not shocking at all that you completely ignored the fact that your fellow wingnut advocates state sponsored murder.
You said he was afraid of losing his white status. So show us how
A conservative wants to line up men, women and children and shoot them, because said conservative is afraid.

Thank you for your honesty.
I'm so scared.....hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

Yes, you are. You're afraid you're little white world is disappearing. I'm sure you're angry too and it makes you say things like murdering innocent people is OK.

You're just not someone to take seriously.
How you figure? Post up the percentage of whites vs every other race. Go

Post up percentages of which whites and why? I think you misunderstood my post, not surprised.

By the way, not shocking at all that you completely ignored the fact that your fellow wingnut advocates state sponsored murder.
You said he was afraid of losing his white status. So show us how

Yep, you didn't get it.
bbooo hoooo hoooo!!!
the US is trying to protect it's borders and you people make it out to be NAZIS!!!!!!!!
really stupid
bbooo hoooo hoooo!!!
the US is trying to protect it's borders and you people make it out to be NAZIS!!!!!!!!
really stupid

For starters I didn't call anyone a Nazi in this thread however with you proclaiming that refugees should be shot I think you lost the validity of your protest. :21:
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
Obama and Bush both tried it briefly, there was an uproar and they determined:
The zero tolerance practice of immediately imprisoning, prosecuting, and deporting immigrants who illegally enter the United States has been around since 2005, but the George W. Bush and Obama administrations were morally and pragmatically opposed to separating immigrant children from their families, even if some adult immigrants were clearly taking advantage of that compassion.

“That’s not who we are,” a team of Obama officials concluded after briefly considering the separations, according to former domestic policy adviser Cecilia Muñoz. Another Obama administration veteran, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh C. Johnson, told the Times that efforts to deter undocumented immigrants from entering the U.S. are ineffective. “Whether it’s family detention, messaging about dangers of the journey, or messaging about separating families and zero tolerance, it’s always going to have at best a short-term reaction,” he explained.

Separating Families at the Border Was Always Part of the Plan

Do not come to this country illegally if you do not want your child seperated from you!

Go to the proper ports of entry and file for asylum and if not, well guess what?

Yes, the law will be enforced now.

If you dislike the law then write to your member of Congress and plea with them to pass a new bill that Trump will sign but outside that there is nothing that can be done!

Now as you get ready to write about the inhumane factor and how we as Americans should never do this, well let me remind you Obama had two damn years to get something done that could have diverted this crisis but as usual did nothing until his political party lost the House!

Yes, Obama is to blame and before his partisan hack of voters scream it is not true just remember from 2009 - 2011 Nancy Pelosi was House Speaker while Harry Reid was Senate Majority Leader and nothing was done to help the illegal migrants that came here and for the future illegal migrant!

So as all of you on the left pass the buck to Trump, well maybe Trump is wrong but it is about time Congress does it damn job and if not then Trump is showing the law the way it is and no the President should not order his Justice Department to ignore the law but instead you should demand your Congress to change it and if not then you as a citizen are also guilty!

Yes, I am putting the blame at the voter feet for this because for once Trump is showing the true ugly sides of many issues that needed to be fixed and no one from either political party wanted to do!

As you sit there ready to tell me I hate non-white children like so many Progressives on this board attempt to do, well remember you voted for Obama and yet he did nothing, so you as a voter hate those kids more because you keep on voting for the same political party that uses those kids as wedge issues and never fix the damn system!!!

Again 2009 - 2011 Democrats had a damn chance to fix it and now you want Trump to do what your own Political Leader failed to do and demand the opposition party to do what your political party failed to do!

So quote all those fools but what they fail to say is they did not do their damn job when they had a chance!
what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.

They are not refugees and are illegal immigrants!

Also the violence they claim to be fleeing and the gangs they fear will be in the same neighborhoods they are heading to, so stop with the spin!
You don't get to make that decision based on your uneducated partisan opinion. If they approached an agent of the US Government the way they have and asked for asylum they are officially refugees as specified in international agreement which the USA has officially agreed to. That makes them legal immigrants as refugees until a court determines otherwise and they fail to follow the courts orders if they are ordered to leave. Until then they have legal status.


First off if they enter the country illegally without going to a port of entry then they are illegal aliens and not Refugees!

You can not call them refugees after they enter the country illegally!

It is you twisting the words and meaning so you can support your partisan nutter view and scream racist like the race baiting tool you are!

Also if you are so upset about the illegal alien and fear for their life then why on Earth are you on this message board and not in Mexico or El Salvador trying to fix those countries so that people will not leave?

Simple, you do not care about them except when it can be used as a wedge issue!

Individuals like you make me sick because all you do is nothing!

I never see those like you on the East End or Southeast Side of Houston trying to help and educate the illegal alien and in fact those like you prefer to ignore them while Gangs like MS-13, The Cartels and dirty Employers abuse them!

The only reason why you care now is because your political party tell you to write your slanted view but when you have the chance to fix the problem, well you forget about them just like you forgot about Gloria Allred " Latina Rosa Parks "!

So when you lecture me about something and call me uneducated, well at least I do not deny reality about what really goes on in the Hispanic\Latino community unlike partisan whores like you!

Now get off your ass and do something and if not then sit there and be useless like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid were from 2009 - 2011 when they had the chance to fix this damn issue!
The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.

As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.
I see the left pointing fingers and the right reacting to it/defending themselves.
And I dont recall anyone pointing fingers at Obama when he did the same thing.

Nice try but ultimately a fail.
Gramps, the two ends are never exactly the same in every situation. Every situation is different.

But, the two sides sure as hell share many behaviors overall. One of those similar behaviors is doing everything they can to avoid accepting any responsibility for a problem, choosing instead to shift all the blame to the other side.

That's my point.
There is no problem. No blame to place. What is happening is not an issue. The finger pointing is based on fake emotional bullshit that THE LEFT is manufacturing.
YOU fail to recognize or admit that.

Fuck these illegals. Don't want to be separated from your kids? Stay the hell out of our country.

The more the left squeals the more angry I get about it and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

You are delusional. Republicans are showing desperation to wash this shit stain off of them but it is not working. No one wants to see little kids crying and being tortured because they have been ripped away from their Mom's. Those pictures can not be lied about and hidden away.

Instead you prefer the illegal alien be allow in so they can be abused by criminal elements like Gangs, Cartels and dirty Employers.

You prefer underage children to be sold as sex slaves instead of being held in camps.

It is easier for you at night to sleep not caring about the illegal alien and their kids as long as the criminal element enslave them and yoi can use them as your wedge issue in election years but forget about them in non-election years!
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.

They are not refugees and are illegal immigrants!

Also the violence they claim to be fleeing and the gangs they fear will be in the same neighborhoods they are heading to, so stop with the spin!
You don't get to make that decision based on your uneducated partisan opinion. If they approached an agent of the US Government the way they have and asked for asylum they are officially refugees as specified in international agreement which the USA has officially agreed to. That makes them legal immigrants as refugees until a court determines otherwise and they fail to follow the courts orders if they are ordered to leave. Until then they have legal status.


First off if they enter the country illegally without going to a port of entry then they are illegal aliens and not Refugees!

You can not call them refugees after they enter the country illegally!

It is you twisting the words and meaning so you can support your partisan nutter view and scream racist like the race baiting tool you are!

Also if you are so upset about the illegal alien and fear for their life then why on Earth are you on this message board and not in Mexico or El Salvador trying to fix those countries so that people will not leave?

Simple, you do not care about them except when it can be used as a wedge issue!

Individuals like you make me sick because all you do is nothing!

I never see those like you on the East End or Southeast Side of Houston trying to help and educate the illegal alien and in fact those like you prefer to ignore them while Gangs like MS-13, The Cartels and dirty Employers abuse them!

The only reason why you care now is because your political party tell you to write your slanted view but when you have the chance to fix the problem, well you forget about them just like you forgot about Gloria Allred " Latina Rosa Parks "!

So when you lecture me about something and call me uneducated, well at least I do not deny reality about what really goes on in the Hispanic\Latino community unlike partisan whores like you!

Now get off your ass and do something and if not then sit there and be useless like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid were from 2009 - 2011 when they had the chance to fix this damn issue!
I stand behind my post and reject your rambling misinformed uneducated insult post.
Ya know, just cuz Democrat Fake News told ya that's so, doesn't mean it is. Like i said, take a break from Dem Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
What is sad here is when you are given facts and you call it fake news, therefore remaining ignorant of what is actually going on. I feel sad for anyone who says "Fake News" when the actual facts are given to them and they are ignored as inconvenient to their opinion. It is also a waste of time trying to discus the issue with them, since they have no grasp of what is actually happening.

What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.

Nah, secure the Border and end Illegal Immigration. That's the solution to this problem.
What is sad here is when you are given facts and you call it fake news, therefore remaining ignorant of what is actually going on. I feel sad for anyone who says "Fake News" when the actual facts are given to them and they are ignored as inconvenient to their opinion. It is also a waste of time trying to discus the issue with them, since they have no grasp of what is actually happening.

What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.

Nah, secure the Border and end Illegal Immigration. That's the solution to this problem.

"ending illegal immigration" does not end a refugee problem.
What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.

Nah, secure the Border and end Illegal Immigration. That's the solution to this problem.

"ending illegal immigration" does not end a refugee problem.

No folks crossing our Border Illegally, no children separated from their parents. Time to get it done. Problem solved.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.

Nah, secure the Border and end Illegal Immigration. That's the solution to this problem.

"ending illegal immigration" does not end a refugee problem.

No folks crossing our Border Illegally, no children separated from their parents. Time to get it done. Problem solved.

They are refugees, many being turned away from ports of entry before they can legally claim refugee status. They should have their day in court.
Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!


Next question.

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