Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

So the angle on this rationalization of the policy of brutality is that Trump is no better than Obama. You sure you want to go with that?
So what's your answer - no borders? No country? The Deunited States of Blaaahhh?
So the angle on this rationalization of the policy of brutality is that Trump is no better than Obama. You sure you want to go with that?
So what your saying is we should all ignore what was done during the Obama administration because TRUUUUUUUP !!!!!!!!

No. Please continue. But keep in mind, Obama hasn't been in office for over a year or so...you're stating Trump cannot solve problems whenever you play the "what about" game.
But why then did Obama blame everything on Bush?

How well did it work for Obama and the Democrats? PS: He discontinued many of the policies that Bush had enacted. He kept some.
At this point the trump defenders are just reposting the same debunked and deflective links and comments over and over. Republicans can't get away from trump fast enough on this shameful policy he instigated and then tried to lie about. Even his wife is attempting to distance herself away from his despicable program of kidnapping, holding babies, toddlers and small children hostage for his stupid wall that he is so obsessed with.

That and the wholesale mischaracterization of the counter-argument. Both sides do it…though. The difference is that when the left does it; it is usually because of the Trumpians so poorly make their argument. When trumpians do it, it is because like their messiah, they don’t recognize the texture of the argument and the nuances.
To bad the parents put their kids through this. CPS would likely take them anyway with such poor parenting


So, if your son was threatened with death or your daughter rape and there was no help around you then you'd just let it happen?

Talk about bad parenting.
No, I would protect my family.

Then they kill you, your son and rape your daughter before killing her. I hope it was worth it not to scare the poor white boys up north who are afraid of a disappearing culture.
Not Americas problem



Back in 1988 we were a “shining city on a hill”….
Now it’s “fuck off, we’re full”

Interesting how this coincides with the little read beanies that these idiots wear. What does it say, “Make America Great Again?” When was it “great”….probably under Reagan if you ask most of the idiots. Yet, here we are…running away from one of Reagan’s themes.

Makes no sense.
The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.

As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.
Name one jail that puts children in with adults.

The only real crime going on here is illegal invaders bringing their kids with them as they cross into the USA with the obvious intention of working with the Left to create an "event" to complain about! OH, THAT TERRIBLE TRUMP! :CryingCow: Proof once again that the Left has hit ROCK BOTTOM and has run out of real issues to campaign about for the American citizen going into the midterms!

"How did you vote Marge?" "Oh, I voted for better living conditions for all of the illegal foreigner kids being dragged to this country and dropped off to exploit them by the Democrats for political leverage!"

Send the bill for their care to their parents and make them work to pay it back.

There's one easy solution for these people---- go back across the border the way you came.

The Democrats will NOT reap any political capital out of this heinous act, and no, the democrats won't get a new infusion of new democratic voters out of this.

Democrats SUCK.
Does anyone remember any of the boards libs starting any threads and being outraged, years ago about the issue of separating families during Obama's presidency ?

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

In 2011, the Alien Transfer Exit Program affected an estimated one-fifth of migrants detained by Border Patrol along the southwest border. That’s because ATEP ramped up under the Obama administration as a way to handle the spike in Mexican migrants attempting to enter the United States.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News

Libs are just easy targets is all, because generally speaking, they run on emotions. So the libs feed them what they like and it's easily adopted.

They need something to divide us, so they project their division on their opponents.
To bad the parents put their kids through this. CPS would likely take them anyway with such poor parenting


So, if your son was threatened with death or your daughter rape and there was no help around you then you'd just let it happen?

Talk about bad parenting.
No, I would protect my family.

Then they kill you, your son and rape your daughter before killing her. I hope it was worth it not to scare the poor white boys up north who are afraid of a disappearing culture.
Not Americas problem



We're not full, we need more immigration, not less.
No, we don't. We need less. Significantly less. We need to adopt a 'replacement only' immigration policy.
To bad the parents put their kids through this. CPS would likely take them anyway with such poor parenting


So, if your son was threatened with death or your daughter rape and there was no help around you then you'd just let it happen?

Talk about bad parenting.
No, I would protect my family.

Then they kill you, your son and rape your daughter before killing her. I hope it was worth it not to scare the poor white boys up north who are afraid of a disappearing culture.
Not Americas problem



Back in 1988 we were a “shining city on a hill”….
Now it’s “fuck off, we’re full”

Interesting how this coincides with the little read beanies that these idiots wear. What does it say, “Make America Great Again?” When was it “great”….probably under Reagan if you ask most of the idiots. Yet, here we are…running away from one of Reagan’s themes.

Makes no sense.
You make no sense at all.

We need to get a handle on immigration or we're going to be screwed.

We already cannot keep up with infrastructure and welfare. How much worse do you clowns intend to make it?
“I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” then-Sen. Clinton said on the John Grambling radio show in Feb. 2003.

“Certainly we’ve got to do more at our borders,” she said, adding that, “people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”

The interview was unearthed and released by the Republican National Committee on Thursday.

Hillary Clinton: I’m “adamantly against illegal immigrants.”

“Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties,” Clinton continued. “Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to get yard work, and construction work, and domestic work.”
Delusional gibberish. Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. :cuckoo:

Trumps people have carefully planned this policy
They are doing it to intimidate immigrants and use children as a bargaining chip

Why don’t you celebrate it?

Ya know, just cuz Democrat Fake News told ya that's so, doesn't mean it is. Like i said, take a break from Dem Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
What is sad here is when you are given facts and you call it fake news, therefore remaining ignorant of what is actually going on. I feel sad for anyone who says "Fake News" when the actual facts are given to them and they are ignored as inconvenient to their opinion. It is also a waste of time trying to discus the issue with them, since they have no grasp of what is actually happening.

What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.
It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!


They did it too is not a defense. Neither Obama nor Bush made it an official policy to separate families upon detention. While it may have happened, it was nowhere near the magnitude of Trumps policy.

Come on Trump supporters.....why don’t you just say you are proud of what Trump is doing to Hispanics

Delusional gibberish. Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. :cuckoo:

Trumps people have carefully planned this policy
They are doing it to intimidate immigrants and use children as a bargaining chip

Why don’t you celebrate it?

Ya know, just cuz Democrat Fake News told ya that's so, doesn't mean it is. Like i said, take a break from Dem Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
You know...

Just because you don’t like the news doesn’t make it fake
You guys gotta get your stories straight. Showing a video is not fake

Just more Anti-Trump propaganda. It isn't 'News.' It's Democrat Fake News. Movin on...
The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.

As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.

You and the others are so full of shit it is nauseating. Obama is no longer President, the buck stops now on the golf course; the hate and fear rhetoric did not come with the job when Obama left, Trump brought it with him and it first appeared on stage a year before he was nominated for the job.

Trump infected enough people with fear and hate to win a small margin of votes to become President, there was no mandate for his current agenda of alienating our allies, mongering hate and fear, kissing the ass of despots in Russian and N. Korea and terrorizing children.

This is a political message board, notwithstanding the different forums, and sitting on the fence has no place here. The issues we speak of have life and death consequences, and someone sitting in a chair, safe and sound, has no concept of the dangers faced by those seeking a better life in America.
So, if your son was threatened with death or your daughter rape and there was no help around you then you'd just let it happen?

Talk about bad parenting.
No, I would protect my family.

Then they kill you, your son and rape your daughter before killing her. I hope it was worth it not to scare the poor white boys up north who are afraid of a disappearing culture.
Not Americas problem



We're not full, we need more immigration, not less.
No, we don't. We need less. Significantly less. We need to adopt a 'replacement only' immigration policy.

I've already provided links that demonstrate we need more immigration. You're just afraid of 6 year old brown girls, snowflake.
“I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” then-Sen. Clinton said on the John Grambling radio show in Feb. 2003.

“Certainly we’ve got to do more at our borders,” she said, adding that, “people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”

The interview was unearthed and released by the Republican National Committee on Thursday.

Hillary Clinton: I’m “adamantly against illegal immigrants.”

“Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties,” Clinton continued. “Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to get yard work, and construction work, and domestic work.”

Trumps people have carefully planned this policy
They are doing it to intimidate immigrants and use children as a bargaining chip

Why don’t you celebrate it?

Ya know, just cuz Democrat Fake News told ya that's so, doesn't mean it is. Like i said, take a break from Dem Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
What is sad here is when you are given facts and you call it fake news, therefore remaining ignorant of what is actually going on. I feel sad for anyone who says "Fake News" when the actual facts are given to them and they are ignored as inconvenient to their opinion. It is also a waste of time trying to discus the issue with them, since they have no grasp of what is actually happening.

What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.
Ya know, just cuz Democrat Fake News told ya that's so, doesn't mean it is. Like i said, take a break from Dem Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
What is sad here is when you are given facts and you call it fake news, therefore remaining ignorant of what is actually going on. I feel sad for anyone who says "Fake News" when the actual facts are given to them and they are ignored as inconvenient to their opinion. It is also a waste of time trying to discus the issue with them, since they have no grasp of what is actually happening.

What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.

LOL.....Sounds so beautiful, turnips for everyone. Libs. are full of shit. Such easy targets with free-flowing narratives.
Ya know, just cuz Democrat Fake News told ya that's so, doesn't mean it is. Like i said, take a break from Dem Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
What is sad here is when you are given facts and you call it fake news, therefore remaining ignorant of what is actually going on. I feel sad for anyone who says "Fake News" when the actual facts are given to them and they are ignored as inconvenient to their opinion. It is also a waste of time trying to discus the issue with them, since they have no grasp of what is actually happening.

What facts? The fact our Border Patrol is trying its best to enforce the law and stop Illegal Immigration? Those kinds of facts? Children cannot be housed with adults. It's Law Enforcement procedure. Hundreds, if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily. It wouldn't be wise to house children and adults together. It's common sense logic.
You're avoiding the issue. You're also making up bullshit with "hundreds if not thousands of brutal adult criminals cross our Border daily." How would you know that? YES we know about the cartels and the MS13 gangs due to the negative propaganda we are fed over and over by our President. There aren't thousands coming across daily, little pot stirrer.

That is beside the point that we have never had to separate the kids from their parents before; if the Administration had thought this through and actually gotten ready for a Zero Tolerance policy, okay. But they didn't, and it has become as much of a cluster f*ck as the first travel ban was.

Bullshite. You don't house children with adults. That's Law Enforcement procedure. It would be very dangerous. But regardless, secure the border, end Illegal Immigration, and no children will be separated from parents.

You house them with their families or you let them go. Put an ankle bracelet on them, whatever, the last thing you do is rip apart the families and then have a half assed approach on how to take care of them and reunite them with their families.
The parents are the ones who have decided to give up their children, once they decided to break the law. I don't get this grief over criminals being separated from their offspring


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