Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

STOP the illegal/undocumented/stupid crap NOW--like Trump says
and cut legal immigration
remember--not hate, but common sense

We could cut illegal immigration by opening up legal immigration because we need more immigration. See the links I posted above.
No, I would protect my family. But many of these so called asylum seekers are liars and abuse the system.


How would you protect them if you didn't have the means to?

Their situation is not mine, nor Americas problem


Not the question I asked you. You stated these are bad parents, I gave you a scenario and you're running away from it. I can only imagine that you probably would give up in El Salvador, I don/t think you'd have it in you to protect a family, to include finding a better place for them.
Why should I care about El Salvador? I'm American


Because we helped to create their problems, from interfering in their country's government to training and exporting their criminals.

Plus, it's our side of the globe and we're safer when it's safer.

Also, we're fucking Americans, we can afford to help.
Not anymore we can't

STOP the illegal/undocumented/stupid crap NOW--like Trump says
and cut legal immigration
remember--not hate, but common sense

We could cut illegal immigration by opening up legal immigration because we need more immigration. See the links I posted above.
we need to cut legal immigration
1. more workers/people mean higher prices- lower wages
2. schools are overcrowded in the top immigrant state of CA
--they have to hire translators in many states--waste of tax $$$
3. governmental services are over burdened-costing more tax $$
4. this is not 1850 or 1950--with open prairies and people building houses out of sod
5. foreigners want to come here and KILL us--9-11 where they murdered more people than at Pearl Harbor
...Ft Hood, San Bernadino, Boston Bombers, Shoe Bomber, etc etc --all ''recent'' ''immigrants''/muslims/islamics/--murdering Americans
6. they suck BILLIONS $$$ out of the US to send [ hahahahah ] '''home''
The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.

As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.
I see the left pointing fingers and the right reacting to it/defending themselves.
And I dont recall anyone pointing fingers at Obama when he did the same thing.

Nice try but ultimately a fail.
Gramps, the two ends are never exactly the same in every situation. Every situation is different.

But, the two sides sure as hell share many behaviors overall. One of those similar behaviors is doing everything they can to avoid accepting any responsibility for a problem, choosing instead to shift all the blame to the other side.

That's my point.
There is no problem. No blame to place. What is happening is not an issue. The finger pointing is based on fake emotional bullshit that THE LEFT is manufacturing.
YOU fail to recognize or admit that.

Fuck these illegals. Don't want to be separated from your kids? Stay the hell out of our country.

The more the left squeals the more angry I get about it and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

You are delusional. Republicans are showing desperation to wash this shit stain off of them but it is not working. No one wants to see little kids crying and being tortured because they have been ripped away from their Mom's. Those pictures can not be lied about and hidden away.
Exhibit A

STOP the illegal/undocumented/stupid crap NOW--like Trump says
and cut legal immigration
remember--not hate, but common sense

We could cut illegal immigration by opening up legal immigration because we need more immigration. See the links I posted above.
continued from post # 325:
7. it cost US taxes for immigration--processing/''paperwork''/etc
Here is an example from this thread of the over the top asinine hyperbole masquerading as emotional hysteria...

kidnapping and torture of these babies
I see the left pointing fingers and the right reacting to it/defending themselves.
And I dont recall anyone pointing fingers at Obama when he did the same thing.

Nice try but ultimately a fail.
Gramps, the two ends are never exactly the same in every situation. Every situation is different.

But, the two sides sure as hell share many behaviors overall. One of those similar behaviors is doing everything they can to avoid accepting any responsibility for a problem, choosing instead to shift all the blame to the other side.

That's my point.
There is no problem. No blame to place. What is happening is not an issue. The finger pointing is based on fake emotional bullshit that THE LEFT is manufacturing.
YOU fail to recognize or admit that.

Fuck these illegals. Don't want to be separated from your kids? Stay the hell out of our country.

The more the left squeals the more angry I get about it and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

You are delusional. Republicans are showing desperation to wash this shit stain off of them but it is not working. No one wants to see little kids crying and being tortured because they have been ripped away from their Mom's. Those pictures can not be lied about and hidden away.

Like this one, taken in 2014 ?

You have absolutely no evidence that those are kids that were separated from their parents and not kids who showed up unaccompanied. You also have no evidence that those kids were not being photographed in a short term holding cell.
Your photo offers no evidence of anything.
It is evidence of your ignorance and hypocrisy
Here is an example from this thread of the over the top asinine hyperbole masquerading as emotional hysteria...

kidnapping and torture of these babies

I heard that some of these kids are actually kidnapped and the purpose is to traffic them to the pedophiles of the democrat party. If so, they were saved from a terrible fate by the Trump government.
Here is an example from this thread of the over the top asinine hyperbole masquerading as emotional hysteria...

kidnapping and torture of these babies

I heard that some of these kids are actually kidnapped and the purpose is to traffic them to the pedophiles of the democrat party. If so, they were saved from a terrible fate by Trump government.
Equally stupid. I can only assume you are joking.
Here is an example from this thread of the over the top asinine hyperbole masquerading as emotional hysteria...

kidnapping and torture of these babies

I heard that some of these kids are actually kidnapped and the purpose is to traffic them to the pedophiles of the democrat party. If so, they were saved from a terrible fate by Trump government.
Equally stupid. I can only assume you are joking.

Nope, the kids were put in cages because it could not be verified that the adult person was actually their parent, and could have been a trafficker.

On the other hand, the rape statistics on the border crossings exceed even Sweden's. Should think before taking a child to that trip.
Here is an example from this thread of the over the top asinine hyperbole masquerading as emotional hysteria...

kidnapping and torture of these babies

I heard that some of these kids are actually kidnapped and the purpose is to traffic them to the pedophiles of the democrat party. If so, they were saved from a terrible fate by Trump government.
Equally stupid. I can only assume you are joking.

Nope, the kids were put in cages because it could not be verified that the adult person was actually their parent, and could have been a trafficker.

On the other hand, the rape statistics on the border crossings exceed even Sweden's. Should think before taking a child to that trip.
Pedophiles and PERVERTS are not exclusive to the left. Just look at Roy Moore, a pervert who could have easily crossed to pedophilia
Here is an example from this thread of the over the top asinine hyperbole masquerading as emotional hysteria...

kidnapping and torture of these babies

I heard that some of these kids are actually kidnapped and the purpose is to traffic them to the pedophiles of the democrat party. If so, they were saved from a terrible fate by Trump government.
Equally stupid. I can only assume you are joking.

Nope, the kids were put in cages because it could not be verified that the adult person was actually their parent, and could have been a trafficker.

On the other hand, the rape statistics on the border crossings exceed even Sweden's. Should think before taking a child to that trip.
Pedophiles and PERVERTS are not exclusive to the left. Just look at Roy Moore, a pervert who could have easily crossed to pedophilia

Not exclusive, but they sure have their fair share. Pedophilia is the disease of the
1) elite classes
2) extreme pervers

Democrats would check both boxes.

For them, one benefit of having an open border is securing a steady supply of children indeed.
As you can see by the posts here, Dimocrats would tear our borders down if they could, and completely destroy what it means to be a citizen.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.
How do you feel about felony child endangerment? Seems to Me that dragging children across a desert in the company of criminals certainly qualifies.
Their parents? In caravans with plenty of food and water and shade? On highways to entry points?

it is much abused

Prove that "it is much abused"

This is how



Most of that rise was due to increases in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, three countries that, during this period, saw a spike in violent crime, leading to a sharp increase in asylum claims. Mexico, a much larger country, didn’t see a similar spike, and the number of people receiving asylum didn’t increase, either.

At the same time, these four countries were among the five nations with the highest rates of declined asylum requests for those with more than 1,000 requests per year, according to TRAC’s 2016 data. Nearly 9 in 10 requests from Mexico were rejected between 2011 and 2016. About 83 percent of requests from El Salvador were rejected over that period, as were 80 percent from Honduras and 77 percent from Guatemala. Combined, there were about 40,000 requests from those four countries over a five-year period.

Analysis | Sessions didn’t show how curtailing asylum requests for domestic violence is worth the cost
Thank you for proving Happy Joy's point.

And you realize you are supporting Obama, by your standards for immigration, as a good president. :)

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